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Messages - J0E

some info about the proposed Kinder Morgen pipeline expansion & where the oil would/will go:"> ... n-with-na/">

QuoteThe majority of the new pipeline will run along the existing Trans Mountain line. About 17% of the expansion will be re-routed.

In a conference call on December 16, Kinder Morgan president Ian Anderson told reporters he expects most of the oil transported along the new pipeline to be shipped to Asia, but said the final destination of the oil is up to refineries and marketers, not Kinder Morgan.

"The majority will go to Asia," said Anderson.

"But more volume will go to California as well. On a day-to-day basis it will be dependent on market conditions."
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "easter bunny"
Quote from: "J0E"1. Where does Kinder Morgan oil flow to? Is it just for local consumption? To the States? Asia?

2. Does Oil from Alaska get shipped to Seattle & then to Asia or direct from Alaska to Asia?

don't know the answers that's why I'm asking you

I have no idea. However, I can tell you that Kinder Morgen translates to Children Tomorrow.

And if that doesn't make you laugh, nothing will.   :roll:

Since that pipeline is 63 years old it should be grandchildren tomorrow. what is the final destination of the oil which flows through Kinder Morgen?

Does it stop at Port Moody? Is it all meant for local consumption, or does it get exported elsewhere, such as the United States or Asia?

Do you know?
Quote from: "Shen Li"There's no such job in railways engineering services. There is signals and communications maintainer.

...well, even if there isn't, the word 'lineman' sure made for some nice, pretty music...

Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "J0E"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "J0E"1. Where does Kinder Morgan oil flow to? Is it just for local consumption? To the States? Asia?

2. Does Oil from Alaska get shipped to Seattle & then to Asia or direct from Alaska to Asia?

don't know the answers that's why I'm asking you

Kinder Morgan ships a lot of different products besides crude. Most Alaska oil ends up at the port of Valdez.

Why do you ask?

Oh, I was just trying to make a risk assessment of Kinder Morgan to see whether I support it or not.

At this point, I'm not sure.

I might be inclined to be for the project.

But there are too many questions which remain unanswered.

I'm for the Keystone pipeline, though not the Northern Gateway.

Support whatever, that's up to you.

Well, if oil is already being shipped by an existing Kinder Morgan pipeline, and they've been doing so for years with a good safety record, then maybe a pipeline expansion might not be so bad. Though I'm still undecided.

However, I'm less kind in my assessment towards Trans Canada. They didn't do a very good job of selling their Keystone idea to the Obama administration. Plus, unlike Kinder Morgan, their safety record isn't very good. Very spotty They've had some bad spills, like the one in Michigan. That's why I don't think the Northern Gateway is a very good idea.
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "J0E"1. Where does Kinder Morgan oil flow to? Is it just for local consumption? To the States? Asia?

2. Does Oil from Alaska get shipped to Seattle & then to Asia or direct from Alaska to Asia?

don't know the answers that's why I'm asking you

Kinder Morgan ships a lot of different products besides crude. Most Alaska oil ends up at the port of Valdez.

Why do you ask?

Oh, I was just trying to make a risk assessment of Kinder Morgan to see whether I support it or not.

At this point, I'm not sure.

I might be inclined to be for the project.

But there are too many questions which remain unanswered.

I'm for the Keystone pipeline, though not the Northern Gateway.
1. Where does Kinder Morgan oil flow to? Is it just for local consumption? To the States? Asia?

2. Does Oil from Alaska get shipped to Seattle & then to Asia or direct from Alaska to Asia?

don't know the answers that's why I'm asking you
I don't resent a society for having rich people. It really depends on how well the wealth is distributed and who benefits from it.

For example, Norway has numerous billionaires:"> ... llionaires">

Quote[/The highest ever number of billionaires in Norway's history was revealed in Kapital's list of the country's 400 richest people who all had wealth in excess of half a billion kroner.

At the same time, it enjoys one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, one of the highest minimum wages ($16-20 per hour), a great education system, one of the best social healthcare systems in the world and one of the lowest poverty rates of any nation (as low as 1% according to some sources).

In addition, Norway also has over $1 trillion in its Sovereign (Oil Heritage) fund. Alberta by contrast, has saved just $19 billion and has over 10 times the amount of oil reserves. The rich there also pay a considerable amount of tax to fund its generous social benefits. At least 50%.

However, another nation, high in oil reserves and billionaires is different story. Mexico has the world's richest man, Carlos Slim Helu.

Yet reports indicate that he and his fellow billionaires there pay hardly any or relatively little tax. Meanwhile, much of the country lives in poverty, its infrastructure is falling apart, its water undrinkable due to proper sewage facilities.

The Norwegian people are prospering and Norway is considered one of the best countries to live. ON the other hand, the Mexican people are suffering, the nation is in the midst of what is essentially a civil war based largely on social disparity (The Drug War).

So, it's possible that wealth can impart good as is the case with Norway. But it's also possible that it can be used to oppress much of the population as is the case with Mexico.

A nation can choose the former, as in the case of Norway, or the latter as is the case with Mexico.

So it's a matter of choice.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "RW"I hate to drag this into Bible terroritory but I'm a bit surprised by your attitude given what the Bible, including Jesus, says about greed and excessive wealth. I understand the envy piece but the greed bit still gets me.

I am so tired of secular people twisting what Jesus said to suit their own tastes..

Wealth is not evil by itself..

I don't think wealth/money is evil in itself either. for example if a charity raises a million dollars to build a facility to help the homeless (such as the Christchurch Cathedral in Vancouver), then the money is being used for the benefit of the people, especially the poorest and the homeless. The money will be used from various donors (including the rich) to help them. So how is that evil?">

QuoteBudget & Timeline

The projected cost for this final phase of Cathedral Restoration and Renewal is $7.5 million:">">
I work(ed) with a guy who use to work for the railway companies as a lineman, Fash.

He was with us until Christmas.

But last I heard, he just had triple bypass surgery.

It must be a job that's hàrd on the body.

Anyways, he's not comin' back anytime soon.

I think if they had a buyout package and I was working for them, I'd take it.

Might even live longer.
Well Fash, I think there is a parallel between overpaid underperforming athletes and giving perks to a business class which doesn't provide a net benefit to the economy.

this was a topic of concern during the 2008 recession, where their excesses were highlighted in the media in the US and Europe.

Subsequently, this led to the defeat of several business friendly governments and tax hikes in many of these countries afterwards.

In other words, if we give someone perks that no other get/have, we should get something back in return.

It's just like a professional hockey player who makes $2million, and more than a Hall of Famer 20 year veteran who made only fraction of that and yet his record was stellar.

If someone makes a lot of money and they are not regarded as exemplary, right or wrong, people take notice.

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "J0E"
Quote from: "Herman" Millionaire entertainers and athletes do not have much use either.

...I don't necessarily agree. As long as they earn their keep, this class of millionaires can generate revenue for the economy and provide others with a job. ie - whenever an athlete sells some athletic wear with their name on it, be it a female figure skater, or a 300 lb. flootball player, they're generating revenue for the economy. Somebody else made money off them. And that's not necessarily bad.

I just don't like the kind of athletes who aren't worth the money they get paid. ie - the NHL has so many mediocre players who are getting millions of dollars per year, and they don't produce and aren't especially talented. Have you noticed that? It used to be that only the best players in the league got a million dollars per year. Like Bobby Orr, Bobby Hull. Now it seems like everybody, even the bench warmer who's just a step up from the team's waterboy or janitor is getting paid a million. Worse yet, many of them are on losing teams who don't even make it to the playoffs. In other words, they don't earn it. They're just cardboard - filler. Many of those journeymen are nobodies whom no one is willing to pay to see.

If most professional sports operated on the same model as the NHL, they'd surely go broke. ie - In Tennis or Golf, the athlete doesn't get paid unless they win. If Tiger Woods or Rafael Nadal, former the #1 players in their respective sports don't win this year, they don't get paid. Actually, didn't the Atlanta Thrashers have to move to Winnipeg because they couldn't afford the salaries of their players?

The NHL should put a cap on the salaries, say at $5 million max for regular season, then pay the player extra for the playoffs, depending on how far they go. And only then if they make it to the final or win the Cup, then pay them the $10 or $20 million they feel they're owed.

Are we still talking about what other people have?

Fash, if they wanna save some big money, postmedia oughta consider closing down the Vancouver Sun and the Province for good.

Among the papers you've mentioned, they are probably the worst. So I say, close 'em down!

Poor layout, crappy writing, no substance, yellow journalism, a paper which caters to corrupt money laundering via the Real Estate Industry in Vancouver.

They're steadily losing readership, hardly anyone buys them anymore and they're frequently given out for free on the street.

Let the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star or the National Post print a 'Vancouver Edition', and give us a real newspaper that we deserve in this town!

Quote from: "Fashionista""> ... -1.3410497">

Postmedia cuts 90 jobs, merges newsrooms in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Ottawa

Newspaper chain Postmedia today announced sweeping changes to its operations, cutting 90 jobs across the country and merging newsrooms from multiple newspapers into one each in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa.

"We will continue to operate separate brands in each of these markets," Postmedia CEO and president Paul Godfrey said in a memo to staff Tuesday afternoon. "What is changing is how we produce these products."

The chain says two papers in those markets — the Sun and Province in Vancouver, the Herald and Sun in Calgary, the Journal and Sun in Edmonton, and the Citizen and Sun in Ottawa — will share newsroom resources, but continue to operate.

"Each city will have one newsroom," Godfrey said, and the two papers will be run by one editorial team.

At least 90 editorial jobs are being cut as a result of the process.

They partially break down as follows:

■35 in Edmonton.

■25 in Calgary.

■12 in Ottawa.

■5 at the National Post.

"We will also be introducing a buyout program in the Vancouver and Ottawa newsrooms as part of this one newsroom initiative," the memo said.

The chain's two Toronto-based newspapers — the Toronto Sun and National Post — will remain separate.

But the chain is centralizing its entire sports coverage through one desk based in Toronto, which will lead to some sports-related layoffs at the Toronto-based National Post.

Many of those affected took to Twitter to confirm they had lost their  jobs.

Quote from: "Herman" Millionaire entertainers and athletes do not have much use either.

...I don't necessarily agree. As long as they earn their keep, this class of millionaires can generate revenue for the economy and provide others with a job. ie - whenever an athlete sells some athletic wear with their name on it, be it a female figure skater, or a 300 lb. flootball player, they're generating revenue for the economy. Somebody else made money off them. And that's not necessarily bad.

I just don't like the kind of athletes who aren't worth the money they get paid. ie - the NHL has so many mediocre players who are getting millions of dollars per year, and they don't produce and aren't especially talented. Have you noticed that? It used to be that only the best players in the league got a million dollars per year. Like Bobby Orr, Bobby Hull. Now it seems like everybody, even the bench warmer who's just a step up from the team's waterboy or janitor is getting paid a million. Worse yet, many of them are on losing teams who don't even make it to the playoffs. In other words, they don't earn it. They're just cardboard - filler. Many of those journeymen are nobodies whom no one is willing to pay to see.

If most professional sports operated on the same model as the NHL, they'd surely go broke. ie - In Tennis or Golf, the athlete doesn't get paid unless they win. If Tiger Woods or Rafael Nadal, former the #1 players in their respective sports don't win this year, they don't get paid. Actually, didn't the Atlanta Thrashers have to move to Winnipeg because they couldn't afford the salaries of their players?

The NHL should put a cap on the salaries, say at $5 million max for regular season, then pay the player extra for the playoffs, depending on how far they go. And only then if they make it to the final or win the Cup, then pay them the $10 or $20 million they feel they're owed.
The Flea Trap / Re: YouTube sucks
January 20, 2016, 04:53:17 AM
Quote from: "cc la femme"Pretend limo drives have many problems not encountered by the rest of the population

I once drove by your place on X XXXXXX in XXXXX XXXX, eh cc?

Man that was really far.

It was inerestin' tho'.

Dianne Watts Riding eh?

I guess that's who ya voted for last election.

Some of those folks must be really loaded.

Those acreages are at least as large as a Vancouver City Block.

Sometimes bigger.
The Flea Trap / YouTube sucks
January 19, 2016, 10:18:54 PM
Usually, every time I look for my favorite video or song, I can't find it.

There's always these lousy covers by other people instead of the original artistt.

The selection is becoming poor, and there's too much control.

Even if it was there, it gets snagged by the website, and usu. it's a message which says, "Copyright infringement" or they take away all the sound altogether.

However...this is not a problem on other websites, like those in Europe, South America, Asia, Russia.

I don't even use google to search for these songs, because it doesn't yield the results I'm looking for.

And of course, google owns YouTube, so yer gonna git the same crappy search results as y'all will find on YouTube.

So YouTube is gradually becoming less of my Internet video channel of choice.

Anyone else weigh in? What other alternatives are there to YouTube.
...anyways, it was one of my favorites.">

One of the songs featured on it was Oh Sister, released 40 years ago

Vocals: Bob Dylan, EmmyLou Harris


Oh, sister, when I come to lie in your arms

You should not treat me like a stranger

Our Father would not like the way that you act

And you must realize the danger

Oh, sister, am I not a brother to you

And one deserving of affection

And is our purpose not the same on this earth

To love and follow his direction

We grew up together

From the cradle to the grave

We died and were reborn

And then mysteriously saved

Oh, sister, when I come to knock on your door

Don't turn away, you'll create sorrow

Time is an ocean but it ends at the shore

You may not see me tomorrow