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Messages - ELPHUPPHY

The Flea Trap / Re: Dirty Grandpa
May 09, 2016, 03:31:36 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Keeper"I hated Pesci in the Lethal Weapon movies,irrataiting fucker.

I hated those movies period.

Never liked Mel Gibson and still don't. Danny Glover I could do without or not, makes no difference.

The only movie I cared for Joe Pesci at all in was My Cousin Vinny cause Marisa Tomei was gorgeous. His "Two Yutes" line was funny.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "shin"There's no doubt that this is a frivolous lawsuit along the lines of the Subway suit that criticized them for not actually selling footlong subs... however, there are unwritten expectations when you buy a product in a first world country that wouldn't automatically be defended by law.

The only reason I'm going to sort of agree with Renee's opinion on this one is because Starbucks has a widely understood policy of making the customer another drink if they feel like the one they bought is less than satisfactory. A lot of large chain restaurants have a customer satisfaction policy, and despite the grounds for this class action lawsuit they probably aren't going out of their way to giv e you more ice than necessary.

I've worked at a restaurant, and I've seen both sides of this, glasses designed to hold less liquid than it appears and customers complain about not having enough ice in their drink. Though you can never please everybody, we are being conditioned to be greedier than generations of the past.

Whatever happened with the footlong Subway suit?

Are there subs now a footlong or are they still eleven inches?

Cold subs are always a good 2 inches shorter than warm subs.

Shrinkage, ya know  :yahoo:
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"While your discussion is about Canaduhian Congress, it readily applies to the American equivalent as well. Ours is a worthless drain on America, doing very little to nothing of any use. OF course, it will never be abolished because it is written into the Constitution and Congress itself would have to go along with the idea of disbanding itself.

I prefer the US upper house over our own.

All in all, a sad state of affairs
While your discussion is about Canaduhian Congress, it readily applies to the American equivalent as well. Ours is a worthless drain on America, doing very little to nothing of any use. OF course, it will never be abolished because it is written into the Constitution and Congress itself would have to go along with the idea of disbanding itself.
The Flea Trap / Re: Beer
May 04, 2016, 08:37:36 AM
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Annie"Haha Renee, you could photo bomb puke!   :laugh3:

Yeah and then flash my boob's and flip everyone off. :laugh3:

OMG, that would be horrifying. :shock:  :laugh3:

Beer makes you wild.

Actually I'm pretty sedate if I just stick to beer, mix it with shots of bourbon and I get melancholy and belligerent......well more so than usual. :laugh3:

In other words I'll punch you in the face and then cry because I feel bad about doing it.  :laugh3:

In case you can't tell, I'm a real fun drunk.   :nea:

I'm not much of a beer drinker. I prefer a good, top-shelf tequila in shots, but I will also drink some bloody mary's. I am usually a fun drunk, but I do tend to speak my mind more and to hell with the consequences.

Imagine that.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why is Everything So Small?
May 03, 2016, 11:25:35 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Annie"Yep Seoulbro, we do. He's almost 23. He has cataracts, has arthritis and mostly deaf but otherwise very healthy.  He's indoor only as our other cats as well. I do all they're grooming needs. clip all their nails, clean their ears with mineral oil, de-shed them (I can literally make a small blanket from all the shedding hair!) and brush their teeth with little kitty tooth brushes. They're also spoiled. They get their regular hard food but for breakfast and dinner they get soft food. They get treats for being good or just cute and they have a toy box. They like to leave their toys in our shoes, in our bed, by our doors lol They get new toys each month and cat nip. We have a huge climbing thing they can rest, play, watch outside and scratch on. They have a play mat with grooming posts and we taught Sparta (our great big 5 yr old) to jump through the kitty tube/tunnel and hoop.  We have lots of posts for them to scratch on wherever they are and a wooden shelf I let them scratch on. This saves the couch and the stairs from being shredded lol

So cats live a lot longer than dogs do? I always thought they lived about 12-14 years like a dog.

Growing up we always had dogs. My dad was always coming home with a retired police dog.....Dobermans or German Shepards. They usually lived to be around 11 or 12 on average. I believe that the stress working police dogs have to endure, takes its toll on them later in life.

But we also had a family dog that lived to be just shy of 20. It was a little Pomeranian named Toby. He was 2 when I was born and he died in his sleep during my senior year in HS.

Lifespan of most dogs and cats depends on breed, genetics, living conditions and to some degree....dumb luck.

I have had work dogs and they usually did not live real long lives. Little house dogs seems to last longer.

Likewise, in my experience from having dogs most of my 60 years, the small little yappy things live long lives, while the larger dogs tend to develop health problems after 10-12 years or so that shorten their lives. Hip dysplasia, organ failure, etc. Very sad, as I am a true sucker for a big dog. Big dogs are usually, but not always, sweethearts while the little yappers are sometimes too feisty for their own good.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Guilty Pleasures
May 03, 2016, 07:43:50 AM
Quote from: "Renee"

Good one. I remember this song from when I was but a lad.
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Herman"Albertans are sluts. ac_sothere

I think you would find similar results in other provinces or American states.

Yes, you certainly would in the US.  2014 national figures indicate a 15% increase in syph and a smaller increase in gonorrhea infections, with half of new infections being reported in the under-25 age group.  Gonorrhea rates are probably higher than that, since gonorrhea is often asymptomatic in females and young females often are not tested.

Do they blame social media?

You can blame social media if you want to make excuses. I blame the lack of morals prevelant today. Used to be, you at least got to know someone well, developed some kind of relationship with a person before sleeping with them. Nowadays, that seems to be out the window. It's a shame, because young people miss out on building a relationship with a person, getting to know them, holding hands and all that.. Yes, I'm old and old-fashioned.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why dating is f*cked! hahaha
May 02, 2016, 08:15:43 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"Some women find themselves cute when they act this way. They have no clue that it is bimboesque.

I just realize how irritating it is to watch someone speak with hand motions. Speaking with your hands is not impressive, folks.

Calling Nicole Arbor a bimbo would be a compliment.

She's an ignorant, attention whore, skank who jabbers out her sezure inducing, mean spirited crap under the guise of comedic social commentary.

She's the kid of girl that when I was in HS, I would have beaten senseless, shaved her head and left her tied to the sink in nothing but her underwear on the floor of a gas station bathroom. A total waste of skin.

What do you really think of her Renee?

I was never good at all at game-playing. Woman always know when I am attracted to them, and when I am not. Not all of my relationships have been deep and meaningful, but the woman always knew how I felt about them.

Are you single ELPHUPPHY?

Yes I am. Divorced and single, to fully disclose.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why dating is f*cked! hahaha
May 01, 2016, 06:27:49 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"Some women find themselves cute when they act this way. They have no clue that it is bimboesque.

I just realize how irritating it is to watch someone speak with hand motions. Speaking with your hands is not impressive, folks.

Calling Nicole Arbor a bimbo would be a compliment.

She's an ignorant, attention whore, skank who jabbers out her sezure inducing, mean spirited crap under the guise of comedic social commentary.

She's the kid of girl that when I was in HS, I would have beaten senseless, shaved her head and left her tied to the sink in nothing but her underwear on the floor of a gas station bathroom. A total waste of skin.

What do you really think of her Renee?

I was never good at all at game-playing. Woman always know when I am attracted to them, and when I am not. Not all of my relationships have been deep and meaningful, but the woman always knew how I felt about them.
The Flea Trap / Re: What's Cooking?
May 01, 2016, 06:25:16 PM
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"Carne asada in soft tacos.">

The Flea Trap / Re: the stork arrived
May 01, 2016, 06:23:00 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"Breaking news, a healthy baby boy was born this morning..

Details to follow.

My sincere congratulations to you! I hope you and baby are doing very well, and may you and the little one enjoy a long and happy life together.
The Flea Trap / Re: Why dating is f*cked! hahaha
May 01, 2016, 11:02:44 AM
Oh... my .... GOD!!

Are young women really like that today? The human race is doomed if that's the case. She's not uncute, but her speech would make me leave within the first 10 minutes of a date. Shallow is not the word for her.

I'm SO glad I am old enough to date mature women who know how to speak and enjoy being spoken to in a civilized manner.
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
April 29, 2016, 08:41:17 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Herman"The media is still in mourning for Prince.

Well the IRS sure isn't mourning. It looks like the dumb bastard died without leaving a will so the government blood suckers could get almost half his estate. He also owes back taxes to the French government. I'm sure they will extract their piece as well.


As the saying goes....No sense in being stupid unless you show it off. :laugh3:

Prince is stupid, but the American government is no better than the mafia.

I beg your pardon!!!

The mafia has SOME principles, after all.
Quote from: "Renee"Regardless of whether or not their food is shitty, (never ate in one) I applaud their policy of using meat that is antibiotic free and without steroids and growth hormones.

BTW, for a pretty laid back people, you Caunucks bitch about a lot of shit. Maybe you all need to go club some more seals and release some of that bad energy. :laugh3:

OMG!! Screen, meet coffee. Bwahahahahahahahha!!