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Messages - Aryan

The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
September 23, 2024, 11:53:46 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on September 22, 2024, 02:42:58 PMYour JOOOO-spiracies are entertaining, however, when you start espousing and sharing so called religious bullshit that is super easy to debunk, I'm gonna pimp slap you for it. That stinking fucking catlick that loves muhzies deserves to have his head lopped off and that dumbshit that thinks jews have no place in Christianity and New Testament theology is a complete buffoon. Dont blame me for your sorry and weak assed choices in propaganda.

Religion aside, why do you support jews when it's apparent that they promote everything you hate?

I remember showing you a video of a rabbi explaining why the "Amalek" aka us (you included Mr shabbos good goy) are the enemy and deserve to be exterminated, and of course you dismissed it.

Clearly no type of evidence or information presented will change your mind and break through your indoctrination, and it's a sad thing to witness, quite honestly.   
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
September 23, 2024, 11:48:18 AM
Quote from: Brent on September 22, 2024, 04:07:10 PMAryan doesn't know anything about the three Abrahamic religions. He doesn't understand how interconnected they are.

That's beside the point, I've never claimed to be an expert on religion, because I couldn't care less about it.

Besides, many jews are atheists, especially American jews, aka the ones who push the far left woke crap, so religion isn't even a factor here.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
September 23, 2024, 11:40:36 AM
Quote from: Lab Flaker on September 23, 2024, 01:34:37 AMThe reason why I've donated the most, was because it was an accumulated token figure in good faith.

See... quite a few years back I had this idea of launching the site into Australia and even possibly South Africa by way of a Banksy-style marketing mission. I had access to a few graffiti artists as well as a few printing machines for stickers/decals as well as for merchandising.

BF posted me a few basic pdf's with various styles of his logo, as well as the default Chimp avatar. But that's as far as it went, because I wasn't happy with a few in-house issues.

In South Africa you can end up in jail and (or) given a hefty fine for just saying the word "kaffir"...the equivalent of nigger or nig-nog for the rest of the world.

And Australia takes trolling very seriously. So seriously in fact, that one could end up with the police or even the federal police at your door for saying certain things out of turn. As well as that...there are plenty of lunatics that would bury you in the bush or in a crayfish pot out to sea, for even the slightest slur on their family.

So with idiots like Seamajor, X, Holiday, Admin, to name a few, projecting their heinous sexuality without restraint...the business venture was never going to work.

And obviously with the delusional leftards spamming the place 25/7 with their WOKE agenda and general stupidity...well that just put the final nail in the coffin.

I would like to see a small portion of my funding put towards a decent charity...but I'm not holding my breath.

And that's that in a nutshell!

We used to talk privately about how to expand the forum and which sites on the internet would be a good place to promote the board and potentially attract new members. The problem is, as Shen Li has been droning on about for the last 5 years or so (although she ain't wrong Lol), these type of forums are a dying breed and places like reddit, X/Twitter, Facebook, 4chan etc have swallowed up most of the social media traffic. Zoomers especially wouldn't touch forums like this or BF with a bargepole, because to them it's a massively outdated format.

BF will never admit it, but that mass exodus last year which caused him to lose 40%-50% of reg posters, definitely hurt the site. The rift could have been fixed, had he made the effort and not let pride get in the way, but he chose not to and so here we are. Him and Biggie never really got along and this was no doubt a defining factor which influenced his decision to lean towards the libtard brigade and give them preferential treatment.

Pride and stubbornness are BF's main problem. But if he's content with the direction that the board has taken and is happy having forum cancers like Aidsman and the Honduran Hog as the main posters, that's his choice. 
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
September 23, 2024, 11:23:00 AM
Quote from: Erica Mena on September 23, 2024, 10:39:37 AMHe certainly ain't beating those allegations with a minor child pic as his av. That's some serious degenerate behavior.

Did Scouse say BF was gonna ban me? Or did I read it wrong?

Bloody hell Flea, learn to read woman! LOL, it was Breaky who said that. I haven't a clue what's going on in BF's head, we haven't spoken privately since last year.
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
September 22, 2024, 02:26:43 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on September 22, 2024, 01:52:45 PMYou apparently give enough shits about religion to use some dumb half assed accusation about the jews being the sole people responsible for Jesus getting executed. This from a self proclaimed religiously educated dipshit who is completely unaware of the basics I just posed. P.S., the Bible points out that BOTH Romans AND Jews killed Him! Who the fuck failed to protect Jesus by allowing Him to be turned over to be done away with and who the fuck nailed Him to the cross and who the fuck stabbed Him with a spear to be sure He was dead? It wasnt the jews!

I get it, you love Hitler and hate Jews. The goy are jew enslaved marionettes and we'd be all we could be if only we killed all jews. It must suck being a fucking weak willed schmuck that the jews run your entire life. Lets just leave it at that because if we scratch any deeper, your shit starts falling apart.

The jews defeated Germany even in spite of Hitlers greatness and their devious plan in which they sacrified hundreds of millions worldwide including their own, caused Hitler to bust a cap in his own head. BRILLIANT! Fuck dude, dont you think its just time to accept your jew masters and roll over and let them pet your belly and pat your head? I mean, if the jews could defeat the magnificent Adolph Hitler, what fuckin chance does a rube like YOU have?


Oh boy... where to begin?

Lokmeyer, I've always tried to remain civil with you, because I enjoy your posts and agree with most of what you have to say, but whenever the chosenites are criticised, you become hysterical, unhinged and behave like a schizoid female on her period.

You 100% behave like a jew. You even use jew slang words, like "rube" and "schmuck"... WTF?

I'd be open to the theory that you're just trolling, if it wasn't for the fact that you have always behaved like this, ever since we first crossed paths back on SG.

You are without a shadow of a doubt, affiliated with jews in some way... this could not be more apparent.
Whether it's through marriage, indoctrination from Christcuck zionist ideology or merely due to your genetic lineage, who knows, but actions speak louder than words and you my friend, are more kosher than Dustin Hoffman.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
September 22, 2024, 12:42:32 PM
Quote from: Lab Flaker on September 22, 2024, 06:23:53 AMI've told BF himself on numerous occasions that his management skills were lacking, and quite questionable so far as the whole pedo vibe went. Time and time again he stated that there was a "bigger" game plan and to hang around. It was one of the reasons that I never mixed forums for so many years. Every time I said the slightest thing against his forum, I would expect to see a PM with my quote highlighted and in question. A few times I would make an excuse and say that it was my poach and troll technique.

Then these last few years the blow-in leftist crew got quite vocal and testy...and got away with it. And as we've all away with almost anything whatsoever. I wasn't surprised when the right wingers started to dwindle in numbers and leave. Some by their own choice, whilst others through bannings or being relegated to the "Assboxxx" that the frill-necked owner deemed as the ultimate "meltdown".

The guy has lost the plot. He thinks because he was a grunt in the film industry that he has some sort of clout? I personally think that the cheaply chopped cocaine has finally numbed his brain indefinitely...

I feel bad for you because you've donated more to that site than anyone else, but because you aren't on board the soy bandwagon, you get shit on.   

You should demand a refund.  :crampe:
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
September 22, 2024, 12:39:47 PM
Quote from: DKG on September 22, 2024, 07:12:59 AMI have noticed that any regular poster there who begins posting here doesn't last much longer at BF.

And he has the nerve to ask people for money.

He recently changed the font colour of users who haven't donated recently to the same colour as those who have never donated at all.
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
September 22, 2024, 06:03:29 AM
Quote from: Lokmar on September 21, 2024, 07:47:48 PMFuck sakes Air-E-Ann! Didnt I just tell you to go get a religious education? Do you not know the purpose of Christ? Do you not realize BOTH jews and gentiles have Christs blood on their hands?

Talking to you is getting tiresome. Dont become another fukin josephine. One is enough!

Fella, I couldn't give 2 shits about religion. Its evident that American Christcuckery has rotted your brain and made you into a jew lover.

That guy in the video I posted is an American and a Christian, yet he hasn't been duped by the zionist bullshit.

Jews are behind the majority of the things that you claim to hate, yet you support them! LOL, that my misguided friend, is the definition of insanity.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
September 22, 2024, 05:56:59 AM
Quote from: Herman on September 21, 2024, 09:47:30 PMYou were one of the few long time posters left too, weren't ya? That BF guy is a prick.

Yeah, but we haven't been on good terms or spoken directly to each other since the mass exodus last year. I think its safe to say that he doesn't want anyone who posts on here to be a reg on there and it has become readily apparent that there is a 2 tier moderating system, where the leftoids get a pass for infractions, while others do not.

If I leave, I don't think there will be any right wingers left, apart from Weeg and he would leave immediately if the shoutbox was taken down. Notice how BF has kept it up since all the drama last year, despite repeatedly removing it beforehand? Its because he knows that it would piss people off and result in less traffic, even though he doesn't like having it because it means people post less on the board.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
September 22, 2024, 05:46:37 AM
Quote from: Lab Flaker on September 21, 2024, 06:52:08 PMX has been spitting the dummy ever since I told him to dismantle his dildo bicycle, because he was telling everyone that intended on showing his future grandkids his entire bike collection. He actually cried about it on audio Discord! Real tears...and is still crying about it to this day. Lulz.

I can give you this information and you'll get a kick out of it:

BF had the hide to inform me in PM that he's giving me a "heads up" that I need to stop making "peedio accusations" or I'll be chucked in the sin bin. He also informed me that both you and @Erica Mena have been warned and are destined there as well, because he's had enough of both your combined crap. I also received a similar PM from his Alticus alt.

I replied to the grooming-enabler, stating that we were the balance that prevented his forum from veering completely off left and that he should wake the fuck up. I also called him a frill-necked peedio that still jerked off to teenaged CorsetKat pics. That got me Assboxxxed within a few minutes, and he replied back simply stating that I was now his trash. I in turn informed him that he was my biatch...and have never looked back.

Both BF and his forum are a total waste of space and I'm genuinely regretful that I ever sponsored such a shithole in the first place. Had I known the heinous and delusional direction the forum would take, I never would of given the dubious site the time of day.

Good riddance!

Lmao. I have to give X his due though, despite him being a slippery turncoat twat with a fetish for farmyard animals... as soon as Alticus banned me, X piped up saying WTF and that surely he should be temp banned aswell, because he'd been repeatedly calling you a nonce.

As far as I know, the ban was upheld though and X wasn't affected. So yeah, nice impartial moderating as usual. LOL

Admin quietly changed his avvy during all this and not a single leftard on there asked him WTF that photo was all about. Alticus even said "So what" when I pointed out how suspect it is for a 60 yr old guy to have a pre-teen black boy as his avatar, so apparently it's ok to behave like a nonce, but completely against the rules to accuse someone of being a nonce.  :crazy:

Seriously, fuck that place. Dilf doesn't even post on there any more either, so there's basically nobody left on there worth talking to. Plus the Blimp and Gimp double act are on there 25/7 and between them create the bulk of the posting. The politics sub as you can imagine is a TDS, AIDS-riddled, echo chamber and meltdown is basically dead. It just goes to show how a few bad apples and some bad decision making from a board owner can completely destroy a forum.   
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
September 21, 2024, 02:39:42 PM
Well, it looks like I'm banned from the shoutbox over on BF.... that's a first.  :crampe:

Apparently it's fine for X to call Breakfall a peeedoe, but calling Aidsman a nonce is verboten...    :dontknow:
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
September 21, 2024, 01:05:19 PM
Quote from: Blazor on September 21, 2024, 12:48:23 PM

Blaze, what's the script with American zionists like Lokmar? I just can't get my head around their train of thought and what motivates them...

It's like that old meme of a cat being told that if they don't allow dogs in, they won't survive.  :crazy:
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
September 21, 2024, 12:59:30 PM
Quote from: Lokmar on September 20, 2024, 02:43:06 PMThat dude is a fucking moron! He should read the rest of the New Testament including the parts that state GOD will restore the Jews to their land in Israel, never to be expelled again, the Temple will be rebuilt, and a remnant of the Jews will be saved and accept Christ just to name a few examples.

Air-E-Ann, you remind me of the accusation against Christians who get told they "pick and choose".

Why would God want to save the jews when they crucified his son?

Also, it's no secret that jews hate Christianity, so why on earth do you believe that they're your ally?

I've tried explaining to you a 1000 times how jews are behind LGBT degeneracy, woke nonsense, mass immigration and the anti-White agenda which has engulfed the western world, but you refuse to listen.

It's like you have Stockholm Syndrome or something and have developed unwavering loyalty for the very people who hate your guts and want you gone.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
September 21, 2024, 08:25:17 AM
Quote from: Lab Flaker on September 21, 2024, 07:36:52 AMThat's such a punchable head! And ^^^ this cock sucker actually bragged to his bum-chum and fellow nonce,The New Holigay, that he used to be a used-car salesman would you believe?

I showed my wife his pic, and she said, "never trust a man with eyes too close together!" She also said that I was wrong about that messy fringe being a hair transplant effort, but rather it was a dodgy toupee. And I tend to agree now that I've had a closer look.

Fucking shifty faggoty nonce!

Yeah I agree with your missus, its likely a dodgy hairpiece LOL.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
September 21, 2024, 04:30:51 AM
Quote from: Sloan on September 20, 2024, 08:23:38 PMWhy is AIDSmin using a picture of a young child as his avatar?

I assumed that it's someone's son or nephew and he's using the photo as a "gotcha" in revenge for his pics getting leaked.

Also "Dad says I can fuck your niece"??? That's even more disturbing, coming from a guy in his 60's...

Well done for getting a screenshot, I reckon when he's sobered up and logs back in later he will likely delete all the noncey shit. He's another one who regularly gets shitfaced while posting online, same as the burrito bison. Dealing with those 2 while they're drunk and working in tandem, high fiving and back patting each other for their verbal flatulence and worthless spam, is about as painful as it gets.   

Aidsman is easily the most suspect person around the forums and genuinely comes across as some kind of predatory homosexual.