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Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Fashionista"With trolls like Odi, SCOUSE, Bork, Mel, the common denominator is that they are all single men..

In my opinion Dinky Diana is a single man too.

Not only is her gender bender act a steaming load of shit but he/she is as witless as they come. I picked up on the fact that he was full of shit the day he dropped in here like a fart in church. It was nauseating to watch; I have no idea how the rest of you could stomach it for so long. Everything that dribbled out of that things deranged head was and still is fucking lie. In that respect he reminds me of little Eddie. I have a very suspicious nature and I think he sensed right off that I was looking at him with a jaundiced eye and that is why he dislikes me so and runs me down at every opportunity.

Anyone who thinks intelligence is shown by parroting the same insults over and over while filling dialogue boxes full of clumsily, worded adjectives, is an insecure, dimwitted, twit.

He is entertaining which is a lot more than I can say for some of you. Why do you have a troll sub when you don't let the trolls do their thing in it.
Quote from: "Shen Li"Too fucking funny. ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao
QuoteBERLIN (Reuters) - A medical document shows that Adolf Hitler only had one testicle, German media said on Saturday, suggesting there is some truth after all to a popular British song that says the dictator had "only got one ball".

There has long been speculation that Hitler was missing one testicle, with rumors circulating that he lost the other one during the Battle of the Somme in the First World War.

But a medical record from the time when Hitler was put in prison after the failed Munich beer hall putsch in 1923 shows he suffered from "right-side cryptorchidism" - a condition where a testicle fails to descend into the scrotum - media reports said.

The doctor's notes were thought to have been missing for years but reappeared at an auction in 2010, at which point they were seized by authorities.

"The experienced medical officer immediately recognized the condition!" top-selling newspaper Bild quoted historian Peter Fleischmann, who has studied the record, as saying.

Fleischmann could not immediately be reached for comment."> ... 35030.html">

There's too much personal propaganda about Hitler.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"I  live in England princess, why the fuck would I give a shit about anywhere in  Canada?

I never said you should care. I am amazed you do not know where it is or have even heard of it. I do not live in England "princess", but I have heard of all of her major cities. I could tell you which geographic region of the country they are in too.

Scouse doesn't know Edmonton is in Canada?


He knows his way to the pub and the DHSS office and that is it.
The Flea Trap / Re: Costa Rica for Christmas
December 18, 2015, 12:29:14 PM
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"">

Latina butts drive me nuts.
The Flea Trap / Re: Describe your sex life....
December 18, 2015, 12:26:59 PM
Curb Your Enthusiasm.
The Flea Trap / Re: Gawd Bless The Hell's Angels
December 18, 2015, 12:20:42 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"Another innocent member of the HA railroaded.

Full-patch Hells Angels member pleads guilty to Project Forseti charges
QuoteOne of the men charged in relation to Project Forseti — a massive drugs and weapons bust earlier this year — has pleaded guilty and started serving an eight-year prison term.

Terry Eide, a full-patch member of the Hells Angels, was sentenced earlier this month in Alberta, where he was being held in custody since the massive police raids in January.

The raids were the culmination of a 15-month-long police investigation dubbed Project Forseti. The bulk of the arrests took place in and around Saskatoon, but Eide, a Calgary resident, was arrested in Alberta and sentenced in Red Deer.

Eide, 32, pled guilty on Dec. 2 to two sets of charges: the first set related to the Project Forseti investigation and the second set related to items found when police executed the Forseti search warrant.

He pleaded guilty to trafficking cocaine on or around Nov. 25, 2014, in Calgary and Saskatoon, and possessing the proceeds of crime on the same date. The transaction involved a kilogram of cocaine destined for Saskatoon, according to Crown prosecutor Lynn Hintz.

"It was a deal set up by Noel Harder, and essentially Terry Eide was 'middling' the deal, organizing the deal for Noel Harder," Hintz said.

Noel Harder was an informant who worked with police on Project Forseti.

The second set of charges for Eide arose on the takedown date of Jan. 15, when police found Eide in possession of cocaine and a loaded, prohibited firearm.

The Crown and defence lawyers in Alberta jointly submitted an eight-year prison term, consisting of four years on both sets of charges, minus 15 months of remand credit, Hintz said.

Eide is the first person charged in Project Forseti to plead guilty."> ... lsignoutmd">

You want to be gang banged by hairy bikers. ac_toofunny
The Flea Trap / Re: Interracial Relationships
December 18, 2015, 12:18:03 PM
Asian guys get all butt hurt if anyone of their girls fuck white or black guys.
The Guest Nest / Re: Scouse
December 18, 2015, 12:16:27 PM
Quote from: "Odi"But my work is sitting behind a desk all day long..

I got a massas dekree..  :laugh3:

Its part of my mojo...

The main part is that I look like an animal.  :laugh:

Scouse and Lumpy are animals.
The Flea Trap / Re: Shrimp - slave labour :(
December 18, 2015, 12:14:41 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "GrAnnie"Ya no doubt, I try to buy from made in Canada or even USA. And as much as I love Walmart I've always shied away from all their meat and seafood products. Something just doesn't seem right about buying pork chops from Walmart.

Meat at Costco and Save-On Foods looks better than Walmart or Real Canadian Superstore..

But, it's possible they could all have the same supplier, I don't know.

A real Canadian superstore. Is their a fake one.
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "J0E"Multiculturalism is not perfect, but may be better than other models of cultural assimilation.

The United States runs on the model of 'The Melting Pot'.

This model does not allow the free expression of one's indigenous culture, but expects it to live up to an ideal - the American one. The immigrant is expected to submerge their own cultural identities in exchange for one based upon a business-oriented corporate model. If you like it great. If you don't, then get the hell out. America does not resolve problems, it solves them. And if you don't fit in this model, then tough luck.

Canada's is somewhat different - because it allows various groups to retain their individual cultural identities while allowing them to become uniquely Canadian.

My experience with the USA is that it has a lot of unresolved issues. And there is a lot of racism there.

That may in large part explain the high degree of racial violence there these days.

I have never noticed any differences when we have been in the USA, but I wasn't looking either..

Whatever their official policy or what ours is, immigrants live similarly in both countries.


Don't pay any attention to that idiot Joe. I doubt he has spent much real time on this side of the border. He talks out of his ass like our other US expert. The racial tensions he speaks of are gathered from news reports and are based mostly in small pockets within the black community. The reasons behind these so called racial tensions are political, economic and to a great extent, isolated.

What he was talking about, forced assimilation, we didn't see it, but it could be possible in some circles..

When we went to Disneyland we heard Spanish spoken everywhere we were.

There is no forced assimilation in the US. Joe is basing his idea of the "melting pot" on the immigration into the US that took place during the early half of the 20th century. The difference between now and then is that most of the immigrants coming to the US back then were white Europeans. Unlike the immigrants of today who come to the US for an education or for entitlement benefits, these white Europeans came to the US to build a better life and their overriding goal was to be come a US citizen. No one ever told these European immigrants that they had to leave their culture behind or forced them to do so. They integrated their culture in the social fabric of the US voluntarily.  

See Fash I didn't get this information from some fairy tale book on ideological social engineering the way Joe gets his information. I got it from first hand observation of my grandparents and great grandparents and the first hand accounts from people of my parents generation. That's the kind of real world experience and information people like Joe lack. Joe thinks because they skimmed some half-assed written account of the ongoing western social experiment that the US typifies, they qualify as knowledgeable on the subject. Well they really aren't, they are just parroting garbage they absorbed without questioning if it is accurate or not.

Sorry I'm on a roll this morning....too many donuts, not enough sleep. :laugh:

Quote from: "deadskinmask"
Quote from: "Renee"I thought it already was a "free for all" of sorts.

I was under the impression that this sub forum was a place to dump unruly posters that either could not abide by the rules or had become a chronic problem. It was also my impression that any poster who was corralled in here could do as they please to a limited extent anyway.

Truth be told, unless you have been labeled a forum criminal nuisance, I have no idea why anyone would even want to post in this sub. Voluntarily posting in this forum is counter to it's purpose.  ac_dunno

we had a basement at BF as well. it was supposed to be for punishment also. the problem was that most ppl chose to be down there arguing about ridiculous shit and forgot that there was a decent forum up top.... alot of ppl online just enjoy the chaos. thats all there is to it....

c'mon deader it was great.