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Messages - Angry White Male

The Flea Trap / Re: 4 kids rescued from Thai cave!
July 10, 2018, 04:40:02 PM
One thing that's for sure...  All of the rescuers had balls of steel, entering into a situation that they knew was about as risky as a rescue could get.  Sadly one did have to pay the ultimate price.
Whatever it ends up deciding to be, I just pray that it doesn't spawn any offspring..
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
July 10, 2018, 04:17:48 PM
It's tough all over.  I have a buddy that works as a sign maker, and his pay isn't that great.  One of the reasons for this is that everything has become computerized and automated, so there's not as much 'talent' involved as there once was.  I had a guy hand paint my company name on my truck, and that wasn't cheap.  Most guys just get a shop to print a vinyl decal and they stick that on.  Much cheaper, and any shop could make them.  Same with grave stones too...  Nobody actually chisels away stone anymore...  design is simply entered into computer, and machine cuts it perfectly every time!

Most people I know here are also living paycheque to paycheque.  Even earning, say, double the minimum wage doesn't leave much left over, as cost of living in the big city is high.
The Flea Trap / Re: On a personal note...
July 10, 2018, 04:07:33 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Is that the flashing red light at the back IHJ?

What is the purpose of that device?

I've heard it called Fred, for 'flashing red end device.'

It's necessity it self explanatory.  Any motorized form of transport requires at least basic lighting for visibility, especially at night, and Fred fulfills that requirement since no more caboose!
The Flea Trap / Re: Blazor
July 10, 2018, 03:16:39 AM
Quote from: "Blazor"I use to think I never wanted to be rich, I just wanted to be a normal working man. Now I realize I should of dreamed bigger, because living paycheck to paycheck sucks, and Im living below "normal" standards. I just want enough now so that I can easily pay my bills, have enough to fall back on in the event of something happening, and be able to take a decent vacation once a year. Im in my 40s, I should be living better than I am by now.

Have you considered freelancing?

A couple of guys on a couple of ground crews that I regularly work with do just this...  They'll pick up some freelance weekend work, most likely for cash money off the books, I would imagine.

Also consider employers, which may not be so easy to switch around to if one is in a small town (the reason I stay in the big shitty for now), but I can speak from first-hand experience that there are a few employers left that pay properly, although not many...  Unionized is generally best, if you can get in.
The Flea Trap / Re: This one is for Bricktop!
July 10, 2018, 02:43:59 AM
So now I'm laughing about the HIN-DEWS question from years ago as I'm making my left turn.  Like REALLY laughing!

Some cutie in a convertible at the red is just looking at me, and now she starts to smile also!  The others were too!  Some insanely happy lunatic in an old piece of shit Kenworth spread happiness today...

If only they knew.
The Flea Trap / Re: This one is for Bricktop!
July 10, 2018, 02:40:30 AM
I remember what it was now...  Back when I ran long haul into the US, there was this one scale house officer that would pull me in.  Not to check my truck, or my logs, but to blabber with me.

You see, I rolled late into the night, like until midnight at least, since I like to sleep in.  Roads are quiet.  Lone American scale house dude is alone too, and probably bored also.

He just wanted to talk, and thought a rare white Canadian might be OK to talk with!  Understand that the large majority of drivers that run long haul into the US from Canada are East Indians.  It's just the way it is, and I cannot stop this.

He pulled me in more than once, and was a funny guy!  First thing he asked me, in a mild Southern accent...  "How come you guys keep sending us down all yer Hin-Dews!"    :laugh:

Hindu's (actually most are Sikh, but whatever).  HIN-DEWS!   :laugh:

I liked the guy, and he liked me, but unfortunately I was never able to give him an actual reason why "I" was sending down 'all our HIN-DEWS!'   :laugh:
The Flea Trap / Re: This one is for Bricktop!
July 10, 2018, 02:28:48 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"We know.

This is how I am...

I get bored sometimes with my job, as I do nothing but drive dirt around in circles.  I think of the dumbest, childest shit to amuse myself with.

Turning onto David St. in Coquitlam today, I had the dumbest thought in my mind...  Now what was it again...
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Mel, here are my personal recommendations for branded menswear, the prices are, shall we say, a tad 'pricey' but the clothing is top notch...

Stone Island

CP Company


Hugo Boss

Where's Adidas?  I own a couple of Adidas Polo's!  Fash has seen me in one of them...

You weren't aware?

QuoteAdolf "Adi" Dassler (3 November 1900 – 6 September 1978) was a German cobbler and entrepreneur who founded the German sportswear company Adidas, and the younger brother of Rudolf Dassler, founder of Puma.

With the rise of Adolf Hitler in the 1930s, both Dassler brothers joined the Nazi Party, with Rudolf reputed as being the more ardent National Socialist.
The Flea Trap / This one's for Scouse...
July 10, 2018, 01:59:36 AM">
The Guest Nest / Re: Renee....let's do it in here.
July 10, 2018, 01:46:18 AM
Quote from: "Velvet"What are you talking about, most of your daily needs are cheaper than Canada if you know where to look. I mean PV.

Been to three ports in Mexico.  Found beer priced practically the same as what I'd pay here close to the port, and the further I walked and drank, the price became lower, and lower and lower...  For the same beer.  This is one example I use, as it's been proven to myself.  I cannot comment on many other items, as I didn't purchase much else other than a couple of T-Shirts.

But as I've stated...  There starts to become a limit as to how far one really wants to walk into 'genuine' Mexico.  It can become a fucking shithole pretty fast.  You'd only see this if you trekked far enough outta port.

THAT's what I'm talking about!
The Flea Trap / Re: On a personal note...
July 10, 2018, 01:30:36 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"Not in pm's, but you do on the board.

That's where it belongs!  Who want to hear crying in PM's?  I'm too old school for PM's...
Quote from: "Velvet"Asians avoid manual labour. It's a cultural thing.

Not always...  Have worked with one Asian construction labourer a couple months back.  A rarity, but occasionally seen.

Often Asians where I live (Vancouver) don't have to work, as is the case with my Asian neighbour across the way (about 50 feet separate her townhouse backyard from my condo patio).

She lives there with two small children, and she cannot speak English.  She does not have to work.  This is very common here.  The husband will visit once in a while, but spends most of his time working in Hong Kong, most likely.  Very common to see here.
The Flea Trap / Re: 4 kids rescued from Thai cave!
July 10, 2018, 01:11:18 AM
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"I haven't been following this. What were the young soccer players doing there in the first place?

Exploring a cave, and then heave rains flooded it.
The Flea Trap / Re: 4 kids rescued from Thai cave!
July 10, 2018, 01:10:35 AM
These are the two British cave divers that originally located the group.  These guys are the 'go-to' guys that get the call when no one else will do...">