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Messages - reaper


Let's hope they were all muslims and lib-tards.

Let's make the Empire great again !

The Guest Nest / Re: Flynn, if you’re reading
October 05, 2019, 04:28:28 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"I thought if you had different IP addresses for your name handle you can be banned for that.  Weird.

Who posts from the same Ip all the time.

Oh makes sense  :oeudC:

Nobody would be allowed to post.

Twap told me that blame

The Wise and Powerful...I like that handle.

He's a prick.

And I'm being nice there.
The Guest Nest / Re: Flynn, if you’re reading
October 04, 2019, 02:25:18 PM
I'm in love with Flynn.

I've got a thing for skanky $2 crack whores.
The Guest Nest / Re: Report Dove to CPS ~ NOW
September 29, 2019, 10:05:43 AM
Quote from: "King Martini"Done dealing with Your harassment, lies, bullshit, and threats.

YOU did this

Should have sent it

Then you make two more consecutive posts after saying that to prove how you're done with all this lol.

Get the fuck out of here Poof.You thrive on all this shit.
The Guest Nest / Re: I'm Banned from SG
September 29, 2019, 10:00:55 AM
Quote from: "caskur"
An Error Has Occurred!

Sorry BroadcastHoney, you are banned from using this forum!

Posting about children.

This ban is set to expire September 28, 2019, 03:26:52 PM.

That's gotta be a new record even for you Cask  ac_biggrin
The Guest Nest / Re: To Caskur
September 20, 2019, 03:32:36 PM
Quote from: "caskur"I'm not sure what she means but I tried to join her forum a couple of weeks ago and I cannot because the capcha (or something) doesn't work on my Windows 10 browser... so trying to fill out the registration remains incomplete.

The registration system was messed up for a few days a while back Cask.It's all fixed again now and if you do join I give you my word that NOBODY will fuck with you in the shitty way that they did at S/G (and I don't blame flea for that either). Any probs then private message me.The peeps there will love all of your excellent photography.
Will they be as good as Vit's coffee mug?
Quote from: "Blurt"Reaper has her moments, too.

Dam  Blurt..........">
Quote from: "Murdock"
Quote from: "reaper"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Hello reaper and welcome.


Why thank you for the warm welcome.

A few of you have been posting over at the mmp so I thought I'd take a quick gander over at your home board.

Why are you cheating on MMP with other forums?   ac_beating

j/k  :wink:

I've got three posts here and you have 90 odd.

Now, what was it you were saying about cheating  ac_sothere
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Hello reaper and welcome.


Why thank you for the warm welcome.

A few of you have been posting over at the mmp so I thought I'd take a quick gander over at your home board.
Quote from: "sasquatch"
Quotethen there's the Pokemon forum trolling Fat Danny did. Oh, well. These people exist, you have to deal..

You still believe that load of shit that was started by none other than Reaper?

Lots of pokemon being discussed here.  ac_lmfao

I choose you! Gonorrhea! ac_lmfao

It was indeed little old me that started the pokemon thing.

Had some epic battles with Danny boi about it too.And I hit him with it from every single angle possible and still couldn't make it stick.So these tards that are using my material from years ago have no chance.