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Messages - Thiel

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Churchill"I am sorry for using your name and image. I never intended to trick anyone into thinking I was the real you. Your name was just a handle I chose.

To be frank, I never heard of Jimmy LaSalvia before..

But, I gathered it was not your real name and I accept you were not impersonating him..

But, we have to be careful about these things..

Obviously Jimmy LasSalvia did not see it as a harmless use of his name as a handle.

I sent a message to him. I hope he accepts my apology and forgets the whole thing.
I am sorry for using your name and image. I never intended to trick anyone into thinking I was the real you. Your name was just a handle I chose.
I was in Calgary in May on business. My hotel seemed fairly busy. The parking lot was near full.
The Flea Trap / Re: Thanks for the Memeories Gord
August 21, 2016, 03:14:02 PM
I recorded it and I am watching it right now.
The Flea Trap / Re: Zika spreads... and kills
August 19, 2016, 06:41:44 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"Leftist ideologues, professing concern for the integrity of the natural environment, collaborated to ban the use of the pesticide best known by the acronym DDT—the very substance that had made it possible to vanquish malaria from vast portions of the globe. By means of that ban, environmentalists effectively ensured that, over the course of the ensuing 30+ years, more than 50 million people would die needlessly of a disease that was entirely preventable.

Use the DDT and get it over with. Why are we even having this discussion while the virus spreads.
Quote from: "RW"I suggest folks don't register on the new board.  When the database is transferred, it should take all your login data along.

Thank you, that is good to know. I will post more often when the weather turns cold.
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Jimmy LaSalvia"Now that we have finally thrown out the NDP and Alberta has an NDP government, hopefully Manitoba can reverse the brain drain to other provinces.

You must be a Manitoban? I grew up in the city and now I live in one of the bedroom communities to the South.

Go Jets.

Hi iron horse jockey.  :JC_howdy:

I do live in the Peg. Been here since college. I was born in Selkirk.
Quote from: "Lance Leftardashian"British Columbia simply must do all it can to help these refugees from Alberta.

The best thing British Columbians could do to help hurting Albertans is not repeat Alberta's mistake and elect an NDP government.
The Flea Trap / Re: Said No One Ever
August 17, 2016, 07:30:00 AM
I'm really excited about another Clinton in the white house.
Now that we have finally thrown out the NDP and Alberta has an NDP government, hopefully Manitoba can reverse the brain drain to other provinces.
The Flea Trap / Re: Everyone I work with likes Trump
August 17, 2016, 07:11:06 AM
His blue collar supporters must feel let down now that Trump has unofficially thrown in the towel.
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW"You're attacking the messenger like a rabid dog while squirming around to try to justify the garbage.  Is that what you "righties" are all about?  All bark and no bite?

The problem is the police in Baltimore are severely broken.  Identifying the why is as important as correcting the problem.  (Gay Boy Roberto isn't the problem BTW.)

Attacking people who talk about it and screaming "leftist scum!" is fucking pointless.  Now maybe you're out of practise when it comes to arguing or maybe you just look for any excuse to be a raging bitch, but I want to tell you that you're making a goddamn ass of yourself.

This sums up the root of the problem completely.

"Yet focusing only on the misdeeds of the Baltimore police force misses the depths of the problem. Baltimore is a strongly Democratic city whose experimentation with progressive principles has proved unable to lift people out from poverty. Its labor and taxation policies have led to an exodus of well-to-do citizens, white and black, so that Baltimore's population has plunged by about a third, from about 940,000 in 1960 to 622,000 in 2013. The question on the table is how to reverse the population decline, which will only come if the city is a decent place for people of all races to live, work, and educate their children.""> ... ce-problem">

BTW, I'll shoot any messenger I please....especially when they have an agenda that demonizes the wrong people and ignores the culpability of the agenda they subscribe to. You of all people know where I'm coming from personally on this issue. If I come off as a raging bitch on this, it's not without reason. And if you don't like it..... you are free to do me the favor and throw me the fuck out of here. :mad:

Baltimore is a classic example of what happens when the Democrats control civic politics well for decades. The police never had a chance.
Quote from: "cc la femme"Another "homegrown" ..... the most likely to go all Fundy - born in Montreal and has been in Toronto since 2011.">

When will people get it? Going all Fundy / devout islam, growing big beard and all always indicates "islam only" matters and hate for country and its people increases the deeper they go into islam

We had 12 homegrowns in one apartment bldg in Calgary, 4 of whom went overseas to train and kill.

Another young man raised in affluence in the West that turns on the society that has done him no harm. What is really going on in some mosques.
The Flea Trap / Re: Time change!
March 16, 2016, 06:25:03 PM
The Manitoba premier is so desperate in this election I would not put it past him to promise an end to the province's observance of daylight savings.
Quote from: "cc la femme"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"">

Is fatso here gonna be your VP?

Of course not. That's a job for a playboy bunny

He would make a good AG

You know, I keep thinking ... if Hilarious were to win, shudder, how will the worlds most famous enabler  deal with the most famous scene of debauchery,  "the Oval Office" ..... and for sure it and her long history of multiple-enabling would be on the mind of every single world leader invited there

I'm guessin the cigar humidor with be noticeably  absent  :icon_wink:

If Hilarious wins Bill will be the enabler. There will be more cigars and more young ladies with America's first [size=50]gay[/size] woman president.