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Messages - JOE

Quote from: "kiebers"Private sales don't and if the guns have never been registered there is no way to police it. Some of the gun shows are doing it now but all background checks need to be more in depth than they are doing obviously. But still, where is the infatuation for military style weapons coming from?

....well private sales should be tracked in the US, K.

Geez no wonder your country has so many problems with guns.

There's no accountability.

In Canada, private gun sales are tracked, the provinces have no say in the matter and the RCMP (essentially the equivalent of your FBI)  monitors them:"> ... re-eng.htm">

Plus the transferee needs a permit.

You people are way behind much of the civilized world when it comes to gun registration & safety, K. Time for the USA to catch up with the rest of the world.
...that's why I don't want to live in Florida. Doesn't interest me & I wouldn't feel safe walking at night time. I've been there a couple of times. The Florida Keys were nice, but the rest of the state doesn't interest me.

And if I had small children, I wouldn't bring them there. And if it's not the aligators, crocs, then you have snakes and an assortment of reptiles. Uggh.
I was thinking more along the lines of a 'smartgun' where the device can only be fired by its owner. So that if anyone else got hold of it, it'd be useless, unusable.">

Again, I'm only interested in guns as offering a means of self defense, not as an attack weapon. I think there are strong arguments to ban assault weapons altogether, because they don't actually defend, their purpose is to kill/murder people. Only the police/military should have access to them.

Quote from: "RW"
Quote from: "JOE"I think its OK for a citizen to own a small handgun - preferably one of those 'smartguns' which can only be fired by the owner. I understand that there are many situations though well meaning, where the police can't get to the scene of the crime fast enough to help the victim. We've had cases in Vancouver, Canada & its suburbs where the assailant kicked down the door of a house and then killed its inhabitants. So in some cases, guns can save lives.

But I still don't understand the logic of owning a large rifle or semiautomatic gun for self-defense. By the time you've mounted the rifle, the assailant could have attacked taking the victim down.

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW"Why do you own a gun Renee?  Is it to protect yourself and your family Renee?

Because I enjoy shooting sports. I can appreciate the beauty of a finely made weapon and I like to think that in a case of a life or death emergency, I can at least protect myself and family members from harm or death. That mind set was taught to me by more than one police officer and it makes sense to me. I think I'll take their reasoning over anything someone less qualified has to offer.

And above all, it's my right granted under the US Constitution to own a weapon.

BTW, why don't you go ahead and ask me why I own a shovel as well?....

There are these pesky things called statistics that say more gun owners fall victim to their own firearms than are used successfully for defense.

Isn't that weird?
I think its OK for a citizen to own a small handgun - preferably one of those 'smartguns' which can only be fired by the owner. I understand that there are many situations though well meaning, where the police can't get to the scene of the crime fast enough to help the victim. We've had cases in Vancouver, Canada & its suburbs where the assailant kicked down the door of a house and then killed its inhabitants. So in some cases, guns can save lives.

But I still don't understand the logic of owning a large rifle or semiautomatic gun for self-defense. By the time you've mounted the rifle, the assailant could have attacked taking the victim down.

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "RW"Why do you own a gun Renee?  Is it to protect yourself and your family Renee?

Because I enjoy shooting sports. I can appreciate the beauty of a finely made weapon and I like to think that in a case of a life or death emergency, I can at least protect myself and family members from harm or death. That mind set was taught to me by more than one police officer and it makes sense to me. I think I'll take their reasoning over anything someone less qualified has to offer.

And above all, it's my right granted under the US Constitution to own a weapon.

BTW, why don't you go ahead and ask me why I own a shovel as well?....
Quote from: "cc la femme"Sorry Joe, but It's not about IS ..or islamic violence ...  it's about guns

Try to stay up with things may not have even been a terrorist attack, but a case of a repressed homosexual who wanted to wipe other gays because he didn't feel comfortable in his own skin.
Whenever I'm over there, smp constantly makes reference to the Blue Cashew as if he would really like to come here and post. Eddie/smp is constantly stalking in this forum whether you like it or not. So even if he's not allowed in, he's always here.

So this brings up the question....

Would you like to see him post here?

If not in the entire forum, then at least granted limited posting privileges in the Reject Rodeo?

If yes, and this state why

If NO, the state your reasons why.

Eddie would like your feedback.

So please....feel free to comment, let him know what you think and send him you forum love.
#3997 details continue to unfold about his private double life:"> ... pjooz.html">

ISIS was quick to endorse Mateen as a hero/martyr for the cause, but his homosexual lifestyle may greatly embarass the terrorist organization as information continues to be released about him.

It could well give ISIS second thoughts the next time they rush to endorse a 'martyr' as one of theirs.
If a person is interested primarily in self defense, wouldn't a handgun be a better choice than a high powered rifle or a semi automatic machine gun? Seems to me that in the amount of time a person has to mount a rifle on their shoulder, aim it and then fire, an assailant could have already subdued them. Whereas a handgun is just a matter of picking it up, aiming roughy and then firing quickly. Result? Assailant much better chance dead before they end up even having the opportunity to touch you. Seems like a much better choice where quick reaction time is required.

I remember reading once about a hunter outside of Calgary who went into the wilderness. His guns were inside the truck and he got attacked by a bear. He ran to the truck to get his rifle, but by the time he could reach the truck, the bear mauled him to death. In this case, he'd have been much better off with a high powered handgun quiclkly accessible at his side which could've blown the bear's head to smitherines. In his case, time was very critical, and a handgun could've saved his life.

I dunno, just my two bits. But it seems that if you're attacked, you'd wanna have quick access to your gun, and be able to discharge it quickly. Seems that a rifle would be better suited for armed combat where firing large quantities of bullets over a long distance is important in order to gun down as many of your opponents as possible. In other words, you are sitting in a trench, mounted their for extended periods of time where you've had time to position yourself up.

Correct me if I'm wrong in my suppositions.

Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"Americans love their guns. Nothing wrong with that as long as they do proper background checks. Rural Manitobans love their high powered firearms too. It's part of the culture there as it is in the states.

Changing our culture in North America because Islam wants us dead is surrender. Asking responsible gun owners like Renee or Herman to give up part of their heritage is unreasonable. It's like putting legal limits on girls wearing what they want because it will provoke Muslim men to rape.

Muslim radicals want us dead anyway. Changing our culture will not change that.

Best frickin post by a country mile.  :thumbup:

Not only is it cultural surrender, as we know from Europe, it does not Islamists from killing us infidels.

And just so you know, I gave most of my gun collection to my nephews. I still have a 22 for gophers and a 270 for pesky badgers or a prime buck on my land. :wink:
Quote from: "Renee"Here in the northeast we also have a different demographic and less poverty. I dont want to say that certain groups of people are more prone to violence than others but it's true.

Now that doesn't matter because everyone, no matter what state you live in, must pass the NICS ( national instant criminal background check) before purchasing a firearm. Certain states have additional requirements for certain types of guns but is irrelevant.

Unfortunately the NICS data base doesn't include those individuals who are on "watched" or "no fly" lists. A simple addition to the data base would have prevented the Orlando shooter from legally obtaining firearms.

This kind of stuff is what people like Obongo don't want you to know. Anti-gun liberals are all about far reaching legislation that fits in with their political agenda. Several bills where proposed in congress recently under the guise of stopping so-called terrorists from getting guns. But in reality they were much more than attempts to stop guns from falling into the wrong hands. In all cases these bills did not address the problem with the NICS and were full of provisions that made direct attacks on the rights of law abiding citizens. So rightfully they did not pass.

Obama, his prog dupes and especially his cronies in the media, would like you to believe that the big bad NRA is the cause of all the lack of legislative action but that's just leftwing spin. The truth is, its the unpalatable and intolerable liberal/progressive agenda that stands in the way of fixings problem.

One problem I see with the US approach is allowing the States to have control over gun licensing.

This should be a federal jurisdiction with an agency such as the FBI and eliminate the states from having any say in the matter.

In Canada, gun licensing is administered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Its requirements appear to be more stringent than in your own state, which you've claimed are some of the toughest in the US."> ... ex-eng.htm">

I don't believe that the provinces or local police issue gun licenses.

If a state such as Rhode Island is strict on gun licensing, but Alabama or Florida are lax, then things fall through the cracks, and no matter how well-meaning or strict one state is, the weapons still end up in the wrong hands nationally.

Despite the uneven laws and their limitation in enforcement, the way in which you've described the restrictions of the gun laws in the Northeast, they appear to be at least somewhat effective in your state if the homicides due to firearms are lower in states where the laws are lax.

Anyways, it's amazing that people on watch or no fly lists would not be excluded from national gun registry.

If the police in Canada knew about such individuals, they wouldn't get a license here.
Quote from: "smell the glove"...and moving away from Greater Vancouver.

Since both my parents here recently passed, I have no more real connection with here...  I can get a slightly better bang for my buck there...

Thoughts on this plan?

Okanagan is nice, but not my cup of tea.

And if you're thinking of buying an acreage, takes a lot of work.

Given that you're not the most sociable of people, not sure you'd wanna go in for it, since you'd probably need a lot of people to maintain it.

Usually, those acreages have on orhcird in the back.

A relative of mine bought something there, but as he got older, sold it.

He still lives there though.

However, if it is just a condo or townhouse, might be OK.

Still, I've found that while the Okanagan is a nice place to vacation and visit, I wouldn't wanna live there. Gets too cold in the winter.
Are the laws of gun ownership much more lax in the Southern states than in the Northeastern ones? Seems to me I've read that the number of gun homicides is also lower where you live than in the Southern states. If that's the case, then it does demonstrate that stricter gun laws do work to some degree. And that uncontrolled licensing like they have in the South may contribute to their high gun homicide rates. Perhaps if Omar Muteen had been living in the Northern states with stricter gun laws, there would have been less likelihood of the incident happening there than in Florida.

Just speculation, but I know gun homicides in the US northeast are much lower than the southern states

Quote from: "Renee"How does an individual who is a 2 time FBI watched list alumni and a domestic abuse prep get multiple guns no questions asked? To put this in perspective, when I apply for a handgun permit, I practically have to give a gallon of blood......

I have to submit to the following.....

1.) A state police and FBI background check,

2.) A mental health check,

3.) Get finger printed,

4.) Provide no less than two character references

5.) Have a valid, state issued firearms ID card.

And then I wait anywhere from 2 weeks to 60 days for approval, on average.

This is all done at my expense, time and money. The only saving grace is that I have law enforcement connections so getting approved is generally not a problem. But still comparatively, I get treated like a second class citizen while this KNOWN Islamo-scumbag gets treated to all the perks the US Constitution can provide. :dash1:

If nothing else someone needs to be held accountable for this and IMHO is should be by way of a public whipping. I'm pissed off as hell about this BULLSHIT because the legislative elements that have allowed this to happen will, if given the chance, use this tragedy to strip the rights away from people like me, just so they can be seen by the voting sheep as looking like they are concerned about public safety.

Ironically the same political yahoos who are responsible for this fucked up situation are the same ones who refuse to call a spade as spade. I don't suppose anyone here knows that Obango still hasn't even reached out to the governor of Florida to offer his support or help in anyway in this time of horrific tragedy. Even if it's just a symbolic offer, a moral person would not hesitate to offer their support.

Now ask why Obama has been so tight fisted with his support........Because the governor of Florida is a Republican and we have the most politically partisan president in our nation's history sitting the oval office. This is what we as a nation have been reduced to. I feel like throwing up.

Sorry for the rant....this shit has been bottled up in me since the story broke.
Quote from: "smell the glove"As much as I am hard on myself for some things...

Other things, keep me above others...

People underestimate me...

There is a reason that I can hold out for a female that is my equal, and there is a very good reason that I don't want any other that doesn't fit the bill...

HERPS is one of them...


Ah Mel, I was just trying to be humorous.

I found those ads on the personals section of Vancouver CraigsList.">

I thought they were a more accurate representation of what you might actually find on the local personals as opposed to all those photoshopped virtual ones you meet on POF.

Anyways, here's some more 'truthful' beauties you find on CL, Mel.

Here's young'un for you, unlike the standard 40-50 year old crowd you'll find on there:">

...sez she wants a Christian:

QuoteI'm a sexy BBW who is looking for a man who absolutely loves BBW, I want to turn you on so much and make your sexy fantasies come true.

I'm funny, outgoing, love to laugh, and easy going. We can have lots of fun together.

I'm looking for someone any age, preferably someone who's a Christian.

Let's get a drink and have some fun!

Send me a photo of you smiling and What turns you on about a BBW
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "JOE"What'd SCOUSE say/do to get banned?

He made an extremely inappropriate post about TD's son being killed in the Orlando shooting. Then complained after he was warned.

Any further questions?

So did TD's son get killed in the Orlando shooting?

Does $20 even have a son?!
What'd SCOUSE say/do to get banned?
Quote from: "smell the glove"Fash, my threads are not intended to incite real hate...

I don't like what I see here...

Say Mel, I was browsing one of the local dating sites today, and here's some possible matches fer you:


body : curvy eye color : Blue hair : Blonde height : 5'7" (170cm) status : single

Well, if Porn had commercials.

I'm looking for a sexy, attractive guy who wants to be in a great situation of getting together with an awesome gal who just wants to meet someone to hang out do great fun things with a touch of porno.

I'm an attractive, funny, adventurous, active, take it easy sexy soul who wants a relaxing stress free connection with someone for fun and frolics.

I am serious and will answer the response that is as serious as my posting it. Pics are appreciated.


QuoteIs there a man out their looking to date, a HERPES Gal who is 64. If you like going to the movies

hanging out and doing other stuff, get in touch with me. I am only interested if you have the HERPES VIRUS so if you dont have HERPES dont bother me, so if you are between the ages of 64 70 lets chat.

What I am looking for a good sense of humor, looks good in jeans, and who doesn't smoke or have a pet. Likes to travel.

I am 64 divorced. I live alone.Please put your age in the subject line. So if you dont have herpes then go to the next post. have a great day.