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Messages - JOE

Quote from: "Herman"
QuoteCaint wait fer summer, Herm. Be a lot more chicks on the beach by then, eh?

I live a long way from any beach. Besides, I have an old lady that recently turned 37, but but looks 25. I aint looking anymore.

Good luck old gramps trying to get into the pants of women 1/3rd your age. ac_toofunny

Whenever I meet guys from Saskatchewan visiting Vancouver, they suddenly turn inta party animals. Even married guys your age. Then they say things like, "Hey where are all the sluts? I wanna get some west coast pussy! Can you tell me where ta go to meet 'em? Gimme the address to a massage parlor! Where's the closest peeler bar?"

An' its true, Herman! All them prairie boys wanna paint the town red  when they come inta town - especially during football season when the Roughriders are here.
Quote from: "Herman"I am 48 and you are lot older than me. You are a flabby over the hill and somewhat sick grandpa who likes young women. What's the difference?

LOL! Whuzzup, Hermie?

Yuh, I like young women. Better 'n old ones, eh Herm?

Its hard ta ignore 'em where I live.

There's either Lookers or Hookers.

An' tharz a lot of 'em walking around alone.

When I see 'em, sometimes its difficult ta git 'em outta my mind">

Anyways, I jes' came back from the beach. It was warm an' sunny out. Here's a pic from today:">

Caint wait fer summer, Herm. Be a lot more chicks on the beach by then, eh?
The Guest Nest / Re: ATTN: Dinky...
June 04, 2016, 11:21:52 PM
Quote from: "RW"That's not why at all. can you elaborate as to what were the reasons and why?
The Guest Nest / Re: ATTN: Dinky...
June 04, 2016, 11:18:09 PM
Quote from: "Herman"Freud was not shit canned because he is on every single forum with a suitcase full of alts. Freud was not sent packing because he likes to pretend he has a vagina.

Funniest part is that Dinky could not describe its parts, had to be corrected several times about their function by other women who post here. Too funny to be outted like that. Whatta bozo.
The Guest Nest / Re: Reject Rodeo
June 04, 2016, 10:36:21 PM
Quote from: "smell the glove"
Quote from: "RW"I'm trying to get him back...

Perhaps he died of old age?



Nah, the Old Codger typed his last post when his ticker finally bit the dust due to creeping old age and senility. One night, he wandered somewhere in downtown Sydney, woke up, completely disoriented, only to find himself in a 24/7 strip club.
:laugh:  ....too funny!

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "smell the glove"Forum women are simply beneath my standards!

Okay let's recap......You....

1. Drives a dump truck for a living.....Underachiever....check

2. Brains......unused.....check

3. Drinks to excess....check

4. Drug user......heroin.....check

5. Misogynistic......check

6. Racist.....check

7. Thinks a little too highly of himself......check

8. Homely rum blossomed face......check

9. Average or below average height......check

10. Physical build.......wimpy.

11. Anger issues......check

12. Manic depression......check

13. Leaky asshole.....check

Shall I continue?

Jesus Mel, how low do the standards of some overweight "hag" have to be in order to date you? On my worst day I couldn't scrape the bottom of the barrel that hard. :laugh3:
The Guest Nest / Re: ATTN: Dinky...
June 04, 2016, 07:07:23 PM
Quote from: "Renee"I really don't care what Dinky dog shit is doing or saying on VF.

 Whatever that thing does over "there", needs to stay over "there". Butt hurt bitching from losers like that Dinky creature should not be welcome here; especially when it's dragged thru the door by a pot stirring doofus like Smell the Mel.


yeah, come to think of it, Dinky often does moan about the royal treatment given to him/her/it by yourselves when he/she/it was shown the way to door. Its as if Dinky actually misses this place. Anyways, Dinky is now the VF's property. Evs has taken him/her/it in and accepted Dinky as her very own. In other words, dinky has been adopted by VF since being orphaned by the blue shoe.

Tell you the truth, I didn't really care if Dinky posted here. Didn't offend me, but then I don't own this site or mod it. He/She/It clearly offended somebody, the sensibilities of many women here by trying to pass off as one.

Still, I don't think Dinky would be a major problem if isolated to a sticky thread in the reject rodeo. But again, not my forum, so not for me ta say.
Quote from: "RW"Semi invalid?  Drive your ass over here Joe and we'll see who's the invalid.

Oh c'mon 'Real! Stop comin' on ta me! You know that the only one who could possibly ever satisfy your 'needs' is a guy named 'John H.'">
The Guest Nest / Re: Help Me...
June 04, 2016, 05:39:05 PM
Quote from: "smell the glove", I kid you not, I was named after this man.  No joke, no bullshit!

He was the "King of Cool" at the time I was conceived...

How can I live up to his legacy?  What should I do?

I must leave a lasting legacy of my own, for I was named after this man!

...I remember the "King of Cool" best in the movie, The Great Escape.

...however, they don't make such men like him anymore.

The reality is that he'd end up like Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest, drugged, institutionalized and eventually lobotimized 'for society's good'. Unfortunately, you were born a decade or two too late. He belongs to a bygone era. Our feminst dominated society doesn't want real men like him around no more. Sorry. Oh well.
...c'mon, out 'em up, spill da beans.

Let us know...and why!
LOL! Yer a funny gal, Renn an' ya make me laugh.

And yer right.....I do owe some drawings to the Blue Shoe, so I'd better get off my touche an' doit! Its a pretty sad state of affairs when a semi invalid like 'Shrill Woman' is outdoing me in this dept.

Anyways, I don't know why something so simple I couldn't get motivated to do. For some reason, I'm pretty exhausted these days. Worryin too much these days I think.

Any event, I did buy the drawing pads from the local art store, they're sitting on my shelf blank unused, so I should fill them up.

....good plan, eh Renn?!

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "smell the glove"Rest well CC...  Don't let the Muslims bite!

The recent cc la femme obsession I think is creepy..

If it is creepy to me, I could imagine how cc la femme feels..

And so you know, I deleted your thread with the not so subtle threats of harm against cc and picture of a rifle.

Why anyone would be obsessed with a flabby, middle aged (and somewhat nutty) woman like cc, is beyond me. she must be a grandmother by now.

Mel's surely gotta git a life, rather than chasing middle aged grand-moms much older than himself...unless he's inta older women.

Shut the fuck up, Joe. You're an idiot.

Where the hell are your drawings that you promised to show us 6 months ago? Christ you could have painted the Sistine Chapel by now. You're a bullshit artist and nothing more. :laugh3:
Quote from: "Renee"I believe he's actually been successful in his attempts with one or two.......but he always ends up calling them "cunts" and "hags" in the end.  ac_dunno

He should just join a dating site but alas.....they are full of "cunts", "hags" and of course the ever horrible "fatties". So sad for poor Mel.  :001_rolleyes:

LOL! Mel's like the male counterpart of a woman who's had bad experiences with men. Once bitten, never the same again, jaded fer life.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "smell the glove"Rest well CC...  Don't let the Muslims bite!

The recent cc la femme obsession I think is creepy..

If it is creepy to me, I could imagine how cc la femme feels..

And so you know, I deleted your thread with the not so subtle threats of harm against cc and picture of a rifle.

Why anyone would be obsessed with a flabby, middle aged (and somewhat nutty) woman like cc, is beyond me. she must be a grandmother by now.

Mel's surely gotta git a life, rather than chasing middle aged grand-moms much older than himself...unless he's inta older women.
The Guest Nest / Re: ATTN: Dinky...
June 04, 2016, 12:44:12 AM
Quote from: "RW"Awww that's so sad to hear.


Well there is a bit of a clique here too, but its not as pronounced as that one.

Anyways Mel is right. Evs should take a break from her own forum for a bit and refresh herself, get some new ideas, smell the roses!
The Guest Nest / Re: ATTN: Dinky...
June 04, 2016, 12:35:21 AM
Quote from: "smell the glove"Mimi and Eves stuck their fucking snouts into DV...  Which caused a problem...

Vin was a fucking idiot.  Mikey would have told those two hags to go fuck themselves.


I think what they've got over at memebee is one big CLIQUE.

Say somethin which 'offends' one, and 6 others come out of the woodwork and attack you.

And lately, evs has begun ta lose it. She gets upset over silliest things - ie - that one of Bill Cosby's ex girlfriends was ugly & undesireable. Oh ffs. A comment about someone she doesn't have anything to do with and she gets upset?! Unbelievable.