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Messages - JOE

Quote from: "Shen Li"From the Telegraph

• Omar Mateen, from Port St Lucie, Florida, named in media as gunman

• 50 killed and 53 wounded in Florida nightclub shooting

• Police use armoured vehicle to storm Pulse nightclub and release 30 hostages

• FBI believe shooting was terrorism

• Customers on Facebook told to "get out of Pulse and keep running"

• Gunman confirmed dead

50 killed by just 1 guy and 1 gun?

This sure makes a case for gun control in the US!
The Guest Nest / Re: When I sign out of FaceBook...
June 12, 2016, 11:33:21 AM
Quote from: "SCOUSE"........we all know how the site is heavily monitored by the feds and establishment.

...and yet many people willingly post their entire lives on there.

Like you say, that must be a nice gift for the authorities.

I've got a facebook account, but all I do is download pictures, animated gifs from there. Post the odd platitude when a friend posts their personal pics or spills their heart/guts on that 'ting.

However, many people have written things or posted pics of themselves they've later regretted and then can't retract. Lost jobs or soiled their own reputations for good. Best to keep FB & other social media a cool distance from ones own private life.

I've noticed lately that because I divulge so few details about my life on there, the bastards keep coming back for more, ie "Oh c'mon, tell us where you were really born?" Or "Where do you live?" Or "How did you know this person and for how long?" Cripes, this isn't a social netwoking website, they're spying on people, and like you said, collecting that info and storing in a databank so they can keep tabs on them.
Mel...have you ever met anyone on POF?

If so, how many women? And what was their response/your experience?

Better yet, how many years have you belonged to POF and how many times a day or week do you visit?

Just curious, that's all.

Quote from: "smell the glove"Population of the Earth?  7,400,000,000.

Women that would fit even my absolutely basic profile requirements, which with these calculations disregard ugly women, those with physical deformities, psycho mentally ill twats, etc:  5,062,500.

I'd have to pass 1,462 people, on a worldwide level, to even meet one that would meet my basic criteria.
Quote from: "smell the glove"Joe, it's an ex-ex that's jockin' my cock.  I don't really want her back, to be honest...  It was more of a short fling anyhow, since I could not really form any deep connection with her.

....I know, you already said that. Nevertheless, there's some unresolved issue with this ex ex. And she probably heard from the grape vine about your parents' passing & the nice little nest egg they left you. As the saying goes, News travels fast down there on the streets of Whalley.

Anyways, she'll push a guilt trip on you that you've used her & now she wants something back:

Yup it's that biological time clock ticking S'mel! Plus they want unlimited access to ur newly acquired substantial inheritance. Women-ya don' get one without the other....S 'Mel!

Quote from: "smell the glove"You middle aged women, on the other hand, for some reason need to get stuffed full of big hard dick 24/7 as you age.  Why is this?  Why does this happen?
Quote from: "smell the glove"Even watching porn, you middle aged women can't seem to get enough.  And if no dick is available, I've seen other objects replace the penis.

Objects like baseball bats, traffic cones, pop cans, wine bottles, etc.  If it fits, up it goes!

Disgusting!  LOLZ!
.....a case of 'revenge porn'?

Maybe she's getting u back.

Didn't pay her enough, eh S'mel?

She put out an' she felt u didn't giver 'er enough

She wants more
Quote from: "smell the glove"...cock on FaceShit.

This happens from time to time.

They ALWAYS come back to Ace, and I'm not joking!

I'm not a bad guy, even though I have my issues.

However, I don't want that Ex back...  I want my last Ex back.

Now I must draw the fine line in the sand, and be cautious...  A fine line between being "just a friend," and sounding like I'm ready for things that I'm not, with people that I do not want to be with.

FaceShit is shit, and to be quite honest?  If I pulled my account, I wouldn't lose out on much.  The odd decent meme is good for a laugh, but those are few and far in between!  And even those good meme's are shit upon by the almighty righteous, since it's their belief that they aren't funny and are in bad taste...
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Herman keeps his teenage Thai bride locked away in his shed.  He refuses to even let his son see her for fear that she'll prefer the young buck to the dirty old goat.  :laugh3:

Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "JOE"
Admittedly though, the combo I find quite deadly is alchohol and a room full of beautiful women. Before you know it, the money's all gone. Its like having an vacuum cleaner to yer wallet. So I dunno which is the cause of such cash drainage, the alcohol or the women. Its kinda like the puzzle, "which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

I work with a femle version of you. She is nearly sixty snd she goes out to bars with guys 35 years or more her junior. Of course she gets attention from these guys when she is buying them drinks all night. Afterwards they are calling her a senile old fool just like young women are probably saying about you after you pay their bar tab.

Some people are so desperate for human interaction they will pay people to feign liking them.

Joe is being played for a sucker by women one third his age. I have seen it a million times.

Well Hermie, ya come across as a Modern Day Bluebeard, lockin' up yer Sweetie in some Saskatchewan Prairie Grain Elevator.">

I betcha don' even let 'er see the Light of Day, doya?

Personally, I think ya better keep 'er locked up there fer yer own good, Bud.

If she cam ta BC an' saw the West Coast, she might not wanna stay in that Icebox in Saskatchewan.

Better yet, keep 'er away from Ole Joe, cuz she might not come back ta ya after I show her a better time, Herm.  :wink:
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Lol I'm no dishwasher, thats just the old jew's weird little fantasy...  

Also I have to say that this little community seems a lot more bothered about what users do for a living and in their time offline than anywhere else I've been, most other sites no one gives a fuck ?

...doesnt' bother me what you do.

Most of us are Average Joes who have to make a living some way or another.

Just wonder why somebody keeps insisting you are a dishwasher.

BTW, do you live in or anywhere Liverpool as SeaMajor/$20 has suggested?

I'm guessing London myself.
#4030 it really true that you are a dishwasher & that you live in Liverpool, England?

...or do you have a job at all? Are you on welfare? Retired?

Anyways, feel free to dispell any unfounded rumors or idle speculatuon which has been tossed around here.
Quote from: "Renee"

QuoteYou are lying.. You are pretty funny.  :icon_wink:

Just that it isnt an insult if you say it the certain way.

I meant it in a cute way and she knew what I was saying.  :laugh:

Insinuating that someone is a pig and that you are going roast them with and apple in their mouth is not "cute". Is sick and insulting.

And no, Americans generally don't have a good sense of humour, regardless of what we like to think or how we like to portray ourselves. We are generally overly serious, overly sensitive, angry and we shoot each another at the drop of a hat.....Does that sound like a bunch of humorous people to you?

:laugh: Odinson might have been a funny guy...back in the Middle Ages. He seems to have a Medieval Sense of Humor. Drawn and quartered, off to the stockyards, Odi's kind of humor. Oh well can't please everyone.
Quote from: "cc la femme"This is not about you Joe

And thank you for your candor "Jock"ey. You have given mel some good real world experience to ponder.

Well it is about men in general, cc.

Some of us can control our liquor consumption.

Some can't.

I don't know why some guys can't control their liquor intake.

I have friends who are alcoholics, eh cc?

If I sit down with them, they start drinkin' offer me a beer.

By the time I finish one, they've finished 3.

And one evening with them, I drink 2 or 3 max.

They have 24, 36, 48. No shit man.

Cripes ifya drink with these guys, they'll drink you under the table.

Question is, why do they need to get sloshed to feel satisfied?

I don't. 2 or 3 is fine with me. That's it.

Worst part about these alkies is the conflict it creates in their relationships.

Just destroys marriages, etc. Their women are always upset with them.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Cool Covers
June 11, 2016, 02:09:06 AM

It's My Party by Lesley Gore

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to

Cry if I want to, cry if I want to

You would cry too if it happened to you

Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone

But Judy left the same time

Why was he holding her hand

When he's supposed to be mine

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to

Cry if I want to, cry if I want to

You would cry too if it happened to you

Playin' my records, keep dancin' all night

But leave me alone for a while

Till Johnny's dancin' with me

I've got no reason to smile

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to

Cry if I want to, cry if I want to

You would cry too if it happened to you

Judy and Johnny just walked through the door

Like a queen with her king

Oh what a birthday surprise

Judy's wearin' his ring

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to

Cry if I want to, cry if I want to

You would cry too if it happened to you

Oh it's my party, and I'll cry if I want to

Cry if I want to, cry if I want to

You would cry too if it happened to you

It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to



Published by

Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC


I don't have an alcohol problem. I can sit down have a few drinks and the STOP! That's it....I know my limits & how to control my alcohol consumption. I've seen too many guys who've blown their paycheques which is essentially their livelihoods down the drain. I still drink a bit every week, but mainly for relaxation and pleasure, never to get intoxicated. My motto is "drink like a European" and not some dumb North American from places like Surrey, Biritsh Columbia.

Admittedly though, the combo I find quite deadly is alchohol and a room full of beautiful women. Before you know it, the money's all gone. Its like having an vacuum cleaner to yer wallet. So I dunno which is the cause of such cash drainage, the alcohol or the women. Its kinda like the puzzle, "which came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "smell the glove"...I pissed the god damned bed again, and vinegar should work to clean/deodorize the mattress.

Lately I am starting to get concerned about myself.  The alcohol consumption is causing physical problems...  I have a hard time eating much of anything, and even drinking makes me sick, but eventually I consume enough to get "past that point."

I consume much more now, just to get a buzz, than I ever needed to.

I feel lazy, and seem to sweat a lot more now.  I find it hard to get anything done.  Even simple things are a real chore...  An annoyance.

I know if I keep this up, I'll have a problem.

I don't shit properly, I don't eat properly, and I don't sleep properly.  I have essentially isolated myself, and am slowly destroying myself.

I am doing exactly what my Mother did.

I put on a different persona in public, and with people that I know, as I can pull it off well enough, but right now I am worried...

I can only post my shit on anonymous forums, since Facebook is just shit, for a variety of reasons!

The divorce, and then the deaths of both my parents, have put me into a shitty place.  However, I also understand that I could be potentially using these situations as a reason to justify what I'm doing...  In fact, I'm smart enough to know that I probably am.

Anyhow...  I don't want to interact with anyone...  I just want to post my shit, as sometimes the anon boards are a good way to do just this...

I know exactly what you are going thtough. I am the former alcoholic Fash was talking about. My abuse of alcohol started when I entered university as a civil engineering student. Drinking caused me to drop out in the first year.

I got hired by CP when I was 20 and my descent into problem drinking worsened. When I was not doing trips as a conductor back then, I was drinking Wiser's or Canadian Club.

I experienced the same symptoms you did including sweating and poor sleep. I could go a few days without drinking, but when I did I drank until blacking out.

Twelve years ago I woke up from three day bender with pain where my liver is. It was time to give it up. I think you recognize it's time to sign off on booze too.

It's not easy and I fell off the wagon twice in the first few months. But, it is so liberating to be free of the bondage of alcohol addiction.
Methinks all of this attention is too much for our Renn.

...She just can't stand being adored!

Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Odinson"
Quote from: "Renee"I hate this thread.

You are awesome Renee..

All those sweets are in a refined form in you Renee.  :icon_wink:

You are one bizarre individual. :nea:

I heard that from a friend a few days ago..

I told her that if she keeps eating that icecream, I would have to put an apple in her mouth and put her in the oven.

She said all that ice cream would be in a refined form while cooking in the oven.

Its funnier in finnish.  :laugh:

I doubt that it's funny in any language.

More like rude and insulting. But then again, that's just what you do.

But she said it herself... She made a funny..

Dont you americans make jokes of each other?

I think that putting her in an oven thing was kinda cute.. She is cute.