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Messages - JOE

Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Cartoon Theme Songs
November 05, 2016, 06:53:04 PM
Theme from That Girl (1972) - ABC Saturday Superstar Movie

The Flea Trap / Re: I HATE Star Wars
November 04, 2016, 09:37:35 AM
I might consider buying and collecting Star Wars action figures.

....but only the early ones from the 1970s. I've seen the stuff at garage sales and flea markets. So it deserves a second look.I wouldn't buy anything made after that time, because the produuction runs were too high, they were no longer made in the United States and their authenticity cannot be verified.

Also, the world population is twice as high as it was back then, there were far less consumers, only those in the wealthier nations could afford them and hence the production numbers were relatively low. Also the collection craze hadn't hit yet and people were still throwing the old stuff out, which increases the rarity of these items.

Its like anything, the first products are always the rarest and hard to find. Hence, they are the most valuabe and desireable. People want them so hence the prices can fetch several times over asking.

The trick however, is to avoid forgeries, of which there must be a lot of. Especially with 3D printing, it'd be easy to prodduce counterfeits. I would avoid paying top dollar for them, but low with the expectation they are forgeries, and if they aren't, then its a bonus - like finding gold in a trash heap. Also its best to buy these items only if they are Brand New in a Box, never oepened like they were first sold 40 yers ago
Quote from: "Romero"What a great idea. Now you just have to figure out how the armed police officer is going to be at the exact right place at the exact right time.There are over 15,000 elementary and secondary schools in Canada. You should start a GoFundMe.

This is precisely the issue which the opposition parties should attack Christy Clark with. They can make this an election issue by arguing that her cutbacks to schools have cut to the bone so deep, that there are insufficient staff and resources to adquately protect the students.  They can also argue that all the money which has gone to private schools should be given back to the public schools in the name of public safety. Likewise I know that the cutbacks to the coast guard became an election issue in the federal one, and it cost the Tories a lot of seats. The NDP should hammer Christy & the BC Liberals on this issue.

I'm surprised that a staunch New Democrats such as yourself can't see this is as an issue for the NDP to exploit in the upcoming election.
The Flea Trap / Re: I HATE Star Wars
November 03, 2016, 10:35:05 PM
Quote from: "kiebers"Didn't understand any of that. Just as well.

But kiebers, that's how people actually speak like down in your neck of the woods.

It'd be easy for me to go back to the States and fit in with the 'Natives' again, K.
The Flea Trap / Re: I HATE Star Wars
November 03, 2016, 09:58:40 PM
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Oberon"
Who comes up with this crap?

Those that know parents and grandparents will take the kiddos to the movies and then pay for all the "collectables" afterwards.

Hmmm, ah did sum resuhch, Kahbuzz, an' foun' that a lotta that 'riginal 70s stuff is McValyubull, K! Sez hea':"> ... rs/89.html">

So all them valuable collectibullz, ahm gonna staht collectin' thanx ta mah buddih, Kahbuzz!

Thanks fo' the tip, K'. Lotta that stuff could be wuhth a lot.

Yknow what they say....what's one mayen's trash is anuthuh's gold mahn, K!
Battle Cry of Freedom (American Civil War, arr. For piano)

Quote from: "Oberon"Not if you're Joe.

Well in that case leopard socks, then your friends in the police force are incapable of protecting us. A few weeks ago I had to fight off this young punk who was trying to sexually molest a woman. Luckily I was able to prevent him from doing that. But it was a scuffle that lasted 10 minutes. Your friends in the police force were nowhere to be found. And I got no help from onlookers who wouldn't intervene to help us. Since your friends in the police force in Canada can't protect us, does that give us license to fight back and kill those who the threAten us? Luckily I was around to fight for that woman. She was helpless. So I had to fulfill the position as policeman where your friends in the police force couldn't. Since you police caint protect us can I do the honours and kill some little fucker who is trying to kill me or someone else who I'm trying to protect?
Walk Like a Man (1963) by Frankie Valii and the Four Seasons

...makes a case for having at least one armed police officer stationed at every school.">

....police and other safety professionals arrived much to late to save the girl's life.
See Fashionista....your is what I call a more Practical Christianity.

It has a practical basis in reality.

Ie - Fashionista has a closer bond with her faith. It guides her to get an education. She gets a good job. She meets a guy with similar values and a religious faith. She has kids, whom she and her sigificant other will impart to them. They grow up relatively normal and well adjusted.

.....but at least it is grounded in reality, rather than some guy who condemns me for being agnostic, and then can't explain in a practical way how to solve the world's problems that those in power have created. He just said that according to the bible, its stated in revelations jesus will come back and send all the evildoers to hell, clean up pollution, poverty, wars, income disparity with abacadabra and then doesn't have a practical basis in reality which yields results.

At your worldview has a practical basis in reality and yields positive results that one can see. His doesn't. He just spews out hate, condemns everybody else in order to make himself feel he's better than everybody else. But in the end, he solves nothing, nor does he create anything and above all, he doesn't deliver any results. At least you do. Seems you had a goal, you asked your faith to help you deliver, and it did. It solved the problem, and that's what icall practical as opposed to unrealistic christianity.

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Oberon"So, how do you know God has done anything in your life? Why can't you take responsibility?

If God is so benevolent to YOU, why is he such a despotic and cruel overlord to millions of others?

You give credit to man when it is undeserved and blame to God..

It's the other way around...

I grew up in a Christian home, but I was a church kid who road my parents coattails, but I did not really have a relationship with God..

I was in my late teens that I really received Christ as my Lord and savior and there were noticeable changes that followed.
Ashokan Farewell

Quote from: "Fashionista"I don't care for the punk genre.... well except for Billy Talent if they are really punk that is.

Oh sorry, Fashionista. Maybe you didn't like the last song very much being a religious person and all.

Just trying to post as many of the genres which have contributed to the development of modern music.

I can post happier tunes if u like.

Punk may be passe these days.

I think its heyday was the 70s to 90s. It seems to have been replaced by rap as a protest medium.
The Flea Trap / Re: I HATE Star Wars
October 31, 2016, 01:39:31 PM
I think Oberon/Leopardsux misses the point. There's a lot of inconsistencies in many other films, but they're still good films. Ie - The Road Warrior was a great adventure film, but LS should point flaws in that one too. Like the scene where Mel Gibson and his friends are being chased by the villains. Realistically, those semis could have easily crushed those smaller vehicles, but then they mysteriously choose not to, as if the stuntmen are taking this photo op to pose for the cinematographers. Or in the movie Enemy at the Gates were the actors are supposedly fighting in sub zero weather in Stalingrad - yet their breathes never oxidize the air in supposedly mid winter, etc. So its the plot and acting, not the special effects that makes a movie.

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Oberon"snip

Star wars fanatics do not analyze the movies, they just dress up, got to the Cineplex and enjoy themselves.

I figure he's standing in line waiting for tickets, and he's pissed it's taking so long.....just assuming...

I don't queue.

If I can't walk right in to whatever event is being held, I walk right past.

And while we're at it, how can these walking tin can robots be smarter than humans? And where are they made? Are the human products? If not, why are they not uniform. One is wheeled bin, the other a spindly bipedal android. Not to mention those absurdly awkward bi-pedal tanks. A decent helicopter would waste them in a heartbeat. And if we have cruise missiles that can hit a scooter from half the world away, how do these gigantic space battleships miss?

It's make believe and they are having fun..

And today is a day for dressing up and having fun.
Y Ahora Resulto (Mexico, 2013) by Voz del Mundo">
... ata_player">
The Flea Trap / Re: I HATE Star Wars
October 31, 2016, 02:49:13 AM
Well...Mikey who hates everything.

I disagree with you on some points.

While it's true that there may have been too many episodes, at least a few of them were quite good. I liked the first movie as well as the 2nd. But I agree somewhat that it fell apart around the 3rd movie and had too much of a 'let's make the kids feel good too look'. And then it becomes shit.

Just like the Australian  Mad Max movies it becomes too much of a good thing, Hollywood steps in with corny scripts, gives into greed & what was once golden becomes spoiled and gets ruined by crass commercialism.

I think you might look at it a different way tho. Star Wars is to what Greek Mythology was for required reading in your Dad & Grand Dad's time. And now, todays generations know little if anything about the Greeks & their new myths are Star Wars. Han Solo is a modern day Perseus, and the maiden he rescues from the bad guys and wins over is Princess Leia. Essentially the same idea, just a different setting.

Anyways, I stopped watchin Star Wars after Episode III, which was awful. I knew after that it wasn't gonna be very good anymore. Mad Max also went downhill to after the Road Warrior. Its not how much Hollywood spends or the stars it pays millions to which make it a good move - but whether its well written and has a plot. But seems these idiots in Hollywood have lost sight of the fundamentals. Yet even Movies like Gone with the Wind didn't have a happy ending, same time its considered one of the best movies of all time.

Maybe they should learn from the past so they can learn to make better movies again.

Quote from: "Oberon"On the eve of yet ANOTHER completely pointless episode in the Star Wars churn, I am compelled to declare my utter contempt for this franchise, and all that sail in it (except for my case he reads this). Reasons, you ask?

1. The story is thin, and aimed to avoid confusing the simple minds that watch these overhyped fairy tales. Worse, the story is the same old line in EVERY iteration. The uprising of the downtrodden against an evil empire that possesses a superweapon that, if destroyed will tip the scales for the revolutionaries. They destroy this superweapon...yet NOTHING changes!!!

2. The utter absence of adherence to the laws of physics. Apparently, in the Star Wars cosmos, gravity exists everywhere, especially in space ships that do not rotate to create a gravity field. Likewise, these space based craft seem capable of not only navigating the vast reaches of the universe, but then flying quite ably in an atmosphere without wings or propulsion.

3. Stormtroopers. WTF is it with these inept goons. If you wished to prosecute a war, do NOT hire these utterly incompetent quasi nazis. Despite their usual vast numerical advantage, they still cannot hit a target from 50 metres despite being armed with laser weapons. Its like they are blind. Other than firing their blasters everywhere but where they should be, their only other contribution to the churn is to walk around the passages of space craft for no apparent or obvious reason.

4. Aliens. Humans have enough trouble relating to other humans. How on earth are we to believe that humans socialise and integrate with alien life forms, who, it must be said, act more like humans than the humans. Most humans have trouble with their native tongues, let alone the beeps, squeaks and burps emitted by Ewoks and others.

5. Bad families. WTF is with the constant warring between people who are related? Talk about your dysfunctional siblings and parents. Thus far, we've had Luke kill his father, followed by his nephew offing his own, Han Solo. Is there no such thing as family counselling in the future.

Sure, the effects are special, but other than that, these things are MIND NUMBING dirges.