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Messages - JOE

Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"Yeah Flashy she good woman for me take care very good.

I lub her too mut.

She is also velly lucky lucky to have such a great bloke as me.

I remind her every day.

Now Gambino is writing and speaking just like a Native Thai person.

I guess he must inhale and stick his jaw out all the time too.
Gordy Gambino has become paranoid after he's seen his friends take a trip to the 'Bangok Hilton'.

Don't worry, Gambino.

We'll pay ya a vist if ya end up in the slammer.
Quote from: "Oberon"Clearly, the Jewish religion has a program of influence in the US. There seems to be no secret about it, nor attempt to deny it. How that effects the US, only a US citizen can tell. In Australia, Jews are very much a minority, and have little, if any, leverage.

One thing is certain though. No Jew is running around killing people because they believe it is their duty.

The US inherited a diaspora of Jews fleeing persecution in Europe and other places like Russa. That is whyf religious freedom of expression became so important to them in America.Jews were largely responsible for the rise of the Left and the post war intellectual renaissance  during the 1960s.

They escaped places like Hitlers Germany and brought these liberal ideas with them from Europe and imported them to America. Ie American feminism was largely driven by Jewish women as in Gloria Steinem, who initially bottowed their ideas from European feminists. And wasn't Herbert Marcuse a Jew and a driving force behind the New Left in the US during the sixties? A lot of those folk singers, writers and poets were Jewish as well. Bob Dylan Zimmerman being just of them.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "GORDY GAMBINO"Yes me scared Flashy when me hab sleepz she saw my cawk off.

Youse know what them Thai womenz are capable of.  ac_toofunny  :crazy:

I meant the risk to your savings.


Never mind ones savings, how about their life?

Brothels are always owned and managed by the Underworld - anywhere.

They always expect a cut and more than was initially agreed upon.

Screw around with them and a guy either ends up in prison or dead.
Quote from: "Oberon"What tore the heart out of the established musical scene was guitars as the primary instrument. Guitars could be played loud and were limited only by the power of the amplifiers. Neither of these items were new. But guitar players developed louder and wilder techniques. Brass and strings were largely abandoned, especially for live events, and volume was the new god.

I thought this guy was the precursor to the above you've mentioned.

...dick dale almost used his guitar like a weapon to hack through his audiences. If you grow his hair out, give him a funkier costume, add more blues notes, you have acid rock. He may be considered a major influence. He was really quite ahead of his time because he didn't just use it as background instrumental, but as the primary instrument. I think the future rock stars borrowed from him, took his idea and refined it for the purposes further.
Quote from: "Daisy May"Let's see what we have here

1. A misleading title

2. It is ONLY about one person yet title is plural and implies many

3 Poster has no idea who did it
Quotethe article doesn't provide those details
Decision time - Politics, Extremism ... or better yet Reject Rodeo

Well cc, in order to satisfy your need of vengeance against everything Muslim, here's an article which suggests that the attackers were Muslim, and the attack occured in what is considered a demographically Muslim suburb:"> ... e-be-wrong">

However, I'm not entirely sure how accurate the above article is, so a search in the Chinese media might further uncover who the attackers were.Btw, this story made big headlines in Europe and elsewhere, so it is definitely not spam. Whomever pulled the aritcle and placed it into the RR was somewhat trigger happy I'm afraid.
Quote from: "Oberon"We're talking culture, Joe, not technology.

There is a substantial difference.

Music was prominent around that time and influenced the youth of that era. The expression of the Youth gained precdedence while the wisdom of elders was supplanted. The social hierarchical pyramid became inverted, turned upside down

But the music was also influenced by external factors as well. Technology being one of them. 4 guys on a stage playing before 100,000 people or more replaced Tommy Dorsey's Big Band of 40 musicians playing in a confined radio studio of your father's time just 20 years before.

And not all the performers came from working class backgrounds. The Beatles certainly did, but Mick Jagger was from a well off family and he attended the London School of Economics. Jim Morrison of the Doors came from an established military family & his dad was an Admiral in the US Navy. So some were evidently the kids of privilege.
#4163"> ... ttack.html">

....story details an attack on a 49 year old Chinese man who later died.

It'd be interesting to know who carried out the attack. Was it French people or another ethnic group - ie Muslims?

But the article doesn't provide those details.
Quote from: "Oberon"No, I disagree with respect.

And I was THERE, Fash.

The music was the driving force.

Well, she's partially right, LS.

In fact I'd say she's mostly right.

Actually, all those new musical sounds which appeared in the late 60s early 70s owe much of their success to technology and the electronic medium. Otherwise thered haved been no Jimi Hendrix, acid rock, stairway to heaven, dark side of the moon or woodstock.

Thanks to nikola tesla and his alternating current machines disguised as electronic guitars and instruments. He was light years ahead of his time and his genius a half a century before would make possuble and spawn the rock music revoltion
I still think the Nobel committee erred by awarding the Nobel Prize to Bob Dylan, Leopardsocks. Outside of his music poetry, Bob Dylan has not produced a notable literary work. He should not be considered as a serious author.

Perhaps Nobel should create another category under popular entertainment. This would not diminish the significance of the award, but place the recipient in a category where they more appropriately belong.
short answer is NO.

We'd be better off exporting birth control methods.

Quote from: "Romero"
QuoteCanada will export its program of private refugee sponsorship around the world with the help of the United Nations and billionaire George Soros, announced the Liberal government.

At least 13 countries have made inquiries about Canada's unique system in the hope of potentially emulating it, Immigration Minister John McCallum told reporters Tuesday.

The United Kingdom is in the process of implementing a version of Canada's program where private citizens provide funding to bring in refugees and help them get set up in their new home. Australia, Spain and Japan have also expressed interest.

Research has demonstrated that privately sponsored refugees tend to have relatively early, positive integration and better settlement outcomes, the government noted in a press release.

McCallum said Canadians would be proud of what he's hearing at this week's United Nations conference: "This is a place where Canada can stand tall. The international community has recognized and strongly supported what we have done.''">//
Quote from: "kiebers"So by definition wouldn't a true Zionist be advocating for an independent Jewish nation?

And if she were truly the Zionist you claim wouldn't she be advocating for an independent Jewish nation?

Are you possibly doing the same thing the PC crowd does and interpret things the way that fits your agenda?

Many other ethnic groups have their own concentrations of wealth.

Scouse should take a minute to think where their money comes from.

ie - the Arabs have huge pockets of wealth too, which they're using to fund ISIS and conduct a Cold War of their own on the West.

So...if the Jews have a pile, so do the Arabs which they use to subsidize the Muslim World & an extremist religious ideology from the Arab Middle East.

and yet, no one, interstingly the media, is pointing fingers at them.

It's evident that there would be no ISIS without them getting their funding from somewhere.
Quote from: "Oberon"For literature..."> ... index.html">

Is this award justified?

Although Bob Dylan (Zimmerman) wrote some great songs/poetery, he has written just one book.

His rival/contemporary,Canadian Leonard Cohen, is a Poet/Author with critically acclaimed works which have been reviewed and housed in the best universities in the world.">

Dylan...1 book...Cohen...dozens of novels and poetry anthologies.

Cohen has also sold millions of books and CDs/Records.

He is possibly the greatest novellist/literary talent Canada has ever produced.

Certainly one of the best North America has in modern times.

I think Cohen was better rounded than Dylan and was a better fit for the definition of a literary specialist.

Bob Dylan is not really a writer of serious literature.
The Guest Nest / Re: Holocaust Hoax Exposed
October 11, 2016, 10:39:34 PM
Forget about the Holocaust.

Actually, what's even more murky are the origins of both World War I and II.

Germany is fingered as the culprit that started both conflicts, but it appears that in either, the British actually declared war on them first, then wouldn't back down and let the Germans back out and sue for peace. In world war I The Kaiser reluctantly asked his royal cousins permission to bomb England. In world war II, Hitler sent his right hand man out to England alone to end the War.  But in both cases they couldn't do it, were backed into a corner and were forced to fight on.

The Germans never wanted war with the British Empire for fear that they'd lose and face their royal navy. And the outcome demonstrated that they were correct in their fears.

Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"What the fuck are you talking about??  I dont own any nazi clothing, I'm not a fucking nut job who dresses up and plays nazi.  :001_rolleyes:

I just sympathise with NS Germany and wish that my country had sided with Hitler rather than sold out to the multicultutalists.

Fixed it for ya.

Churchill was bribed by Zionist bankers, Shen.

He was part of an old boy's group called The Focus which consisted of rich influential Jews and freemasons. They persuaded him to oppose NS Germany despite Hitler's attempts to make peace with Britain.">
Quote from: "Daisy May"
Quote from: "Daisy May"
Quote from: "Joe"I don't think all Muslims are like that, cc.

No shit Sherlock ... please indicate where I said "all" were like that"?

I'll be waiting to hear

Ball is in STILL your court Joey - Wassamasser? Unable to play it?

Joey suddenly  lost for words?   :laugh:

I don't know what you're getting at, cc.

I've already told you that I thought the assailant is a murderer, that he probably has murdered someome already back in his own country, but got away with it.

I merely pointed out that the most violent of Islamics happen to come from the Middle East and are usually of Arab extraction from places like Saudi Arabia. So this more a cultural as opposed to a religious charcteristic. Other areas which seem to breed violent terrorists are Afghanistan. While other areas produce terrorists, they seem less prone to the most extreme variant which oritinate primarily from Saudi Arabia.

I repeat again, I do think the assailant may have already murdered somebody and I hope they ask him and this comes up in the inquiry. Hopefully, immigration starts doing a much better job of people entering the country and they start doing thorough background checks on them.

Anyways, what you have shown to refute my claims, that some regions of Islam are more prone to viokence than others, and that this is a cultural chracteristic?