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Messages - JOE

The Guest Nest / Re: Fight Nice Children
October 09, 2016, 03:43:45 PM
^ LOL! Fuckin' hilarious, Hoim!

Yeah, I bet you coukd beat me up!

I'm jes' an Old Girly man, Hoimon!

You dudes who became Dads - yer the real men of this world - seriously!

Admittedly, I've been living this extended adolescence by intentionally avoiding any real responsibility like you've had to deal with for far too long.

I'd hate ta see what'd happen if a kid, a son came along in my life tomorrow.

I bet I'd become a man real quick too!
The Guest Nest / Re: Fight Nice Children
October 09, 2016, 03:25:23 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"Now I'm dying to know how old you are!  Okay, I'm not dying to know... Okay, yeah I am.  Hahaha

That picture was taken the summer of 2013. So, I was 45 then. The ball cap or bandana does not come off that often. My hair is in full blown retreat.

Are you going bald, Herman?

Receding hairline, eh?

Yknow I've got a full head of hair myself an' I'm older than you, eh?

Actually, I gotta a hairline like Brad Pitt an' a trim waistline too.

Ya, I am pretty thin on top. But, I have been shaving my head for twenty five years. A shaved head is better for fighters like me.

You aint a lover either are you Joe?

LOL! Ah Hoim, I won't say much more on the topic.

I know you've paid the price bein' a Dad.

If I had a son, I'd pull my hair out too.

I guess you could call me a coward fer sayin this, but I sure don' wanna have a son, eh?  I had this experience the other day where a young boy assaulted a middle aged woman and I had to intervene to help fight him off. He was trying to rip her blouse off. It was horrible. If that's what havin a son is like,  potentially bringin' damaged goods like that. then you kin count me out. Ferget it.

Bein' in a room full a men is bad enough. But to raise one must be hell. Are daughters any better? Or just as bad, even worse?

Anyways, I've gotten ta think that parents must be the bravest people in the world.
The Guest Nest / Re: Fight Nice Children
October 09, 2016, 11:43:22 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "RW"Now I'm dying to know how old you are!  Okay, I'm not dying to know... Okay, yeah I am.  Hahaha

That picture was taken the summer of 2013. So, I was 45 then. The ball cap or bandana does not come off that often. My hair is in full blown retreat.

Are you going bald, Herman?

Receding hairline, eh?

Yknow I've got a full head of hair myself an' I'm older than you, eh?

Actually, I gotta a hairline like Brad Pitt an' a trim waistline too.
This story brings up a disturbing question - did this young man already commit murder before he came to Canada back in Saudi Arabia? Did our country allow a murderer in? There are numerous stories about innocent migrant workers from foreign countries being tortured. Raped and falsely accused of crimes they did not commit. Warning scene of an actual execution:


Maybe he thought nothing of carrying out this act and well versed on the methods of strangulation and beheading. So he must've either witnessed it or himself done it before.

I bet the wealthy like his family get away with this sort of thing a lot. Murder rape someone then blame some poor 3rd world migrant worker.

Quote from: "Oberon"Seeing as how this reprobate is a Saudi, I vote that he is punished according to Shia law.

Whipping, maybe? Amputation of a hand? Stoning?

Actually, no.

Life sentence in gaol. The only food on offer is bacon, ham and pork sausages.
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "JOE"As you wish.

Bali nightclub bombing. 200 mostly westerners killed. Offenders Indonesian.

Jemaah Islamya. A terrorist organisation linked to Al Queda. Based in Indonesia.

Aceh. A "special zone" of Sumatra that runs under sharia law. Churches are burned down, and inter-religious conflict is common.

Here is a list of islamic attacks in Indonesia"> ... _Indonesia">

Let's be objective.

...there are over 300,000 Indonesians living in the Netherlands.

And yet, the ones committing the most horrific acts there and neighboring European countries are Arab.

An Indonesian didn't kill that descendant of the Van Gogh painters family. I believe that was someone from the Middle East. As was the attack on the Charlie Hedbo cartoonists in France. Or the attack on a Danish cartoonist.

Were the recent spate of attacks in France, Germany or Belgium committed by an Indoensian, Malaysian or Balkan Muslim? No. They were either Arab or from the Middle East.

I never denied that religion plays a factor, but I would hedge my bets on the next big terrorist attack will be committed by someone either of Arab descent or from the Middle East.

At least, being from that part of the world you should admit this much: that the kind of Islam practised in Indonesia is not as severe as that from the Arabic Middle East. That there are secular Muslims in Indonesia. That Muslim women can walk on the streets of a city of Jakarta without a veil or burka ANd not face retribution for not having done so.
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "JOE"
Still I've met Muslims from Indonesia and they aren't violent, don't believe in  jihaad.

Joe, have you heard of a place called Bali?

Ever heard of Jemaah Islamiyah?

Do a little research, bucko.

Radical Islam is alive and well in South East Asia.

But let's be objective and fair, Leopardsocks.

Who's committing the vast majority of terrorist attacks against Muslims and non? In Europe? In America?

Are they Indonesians? Muslim Bosnians? Muslim Albanians? Or even Black Muslims from Africa? No. The vast majority of these atrocities are committed by individuals, overwhelmingly male with Arab names who were born in the Middle East. While I don't deny that terrorist come from the places you've mentioned, if you look at the stats and news reports, its the ones who are Arab and from Middle Eastern nations who aree committing the terrorist acts.

So I think this mostly a cultural characteristic and you will find that as events unfold and you tally up where these acts are committed and by whom, that I'm correct.

Its not all Muslims who are committing terrorist acts, its those from certain sects and mostly Arab and the Middle East. So it is mostly cultural. It does not make their threat any less virulent, but I'd wager that is where most of the terrorism comes from and will continue to in the future?
The Flea Trap / Re: Women in Iran before the Revolution
October 08, 2016, 06:11:12 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Romero"Too bad the UK and US overthrew the Iranian Prime Minister in 1953. Iran would have been a lot different.

True enough. It would have became an Islamic republic twenty years earlier than when they did.

Iranians before the revolution and before the Ayatollah came to power were in acuality 'Persians'. The ones who came after the fall of the Shah were 'Iranians'.  I see a real difference. The Persians were sophisticated and cultured. This new breed of Iranians, coarse, rude and uncouthe.

When the Islamacists ordered the women of Iran to cover up, stop using birth control, etc. The country became a brutal theocracy. They smothered and destroyed much of the finer aspeects of  Persian culture.

Old Iran was an ally of the United States. New Iran became an enemy of America. Its kind of like comparing Imperial Japan before World War I. Fascists hijacked that nation's agenda and tranformed it from an ally of the West into an enemy of the US and Britain.

All it takes is a change of government overnight and a nation becomes militaristic, anti western, but ultimately its own citizens are the ones who suffer the most.
I don't think all Muslims are like that, cc.

But if they're likely to come from anywhere, then it must be the Middle East.

I'd say most of the fault is cultural, not religious.

This is a Made in Arabia/Wahabbiast characteristic.

Seems the further away you get from Saudi Arabia, many Muslims are much less violent. Not that religion doesn't play a factor, but I think culture is the overriding one.

Still I've met Muslims from Indonesia and they aren't violent, don't believe in  jihaad.Many women from there dont' cover their hair, wear makeup, and are what I'd consider...'Moderate Muslims' (Even though you might strongly disagree that such individuals exist tho I've met them)

Many jes' wanna be Western, dress in Western clothes, listen to Western Music, especially young people.

things are gonna change. May not be as fundamentalist as you think.

Even though fundamentalist Islam may be intensifying in the Middle East, at least in some places like Indonesia, Islam may be in danger of dying out:


Quote from: "Daisy May"A young University of British Columbia student, Mary Hale (photo right) from Oregon had her throat cut and came close to being beheaded in her dorm room by Thamer Almestadi, an 18-year-old Muslim from Saudi Arabia who was enrolled in Vantage College, a special program for first-year international students.

Witnesses said they were studying in the dorms when they heard screaming, and rushed over to find the victim being held with a knife to her throat.

CTV"> ... -1.3105276">!/httpImage/image.png_gen/derivatives/landscape_225/image.png">

A Good Samaritan with martial arts training helped apprehend a suspect and hold him down until Mounties arrived.

The RCMP's university detachment has suggested the incident was not random, and that the victim and suspect knew each other, but the young woman's father said the accused was no more than "a nodding acquaintance" to his daughter.

And WTF does that matter and why did the police say that and little else

Worse, here's the CTV's  islam-protective headline "Victim of UBC attack barely knows her alleged assailant, father says"

WTF kind of headline is that?

But for a martial arts person nearby it would be a far different story
The Flea Trap / Re: Does Christianity need renewal?
October 06, 2016, 05:31:28 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"JOE, what made you decide to start this thread?

Well Fashionista, it came about after I had a discussion with someone when I was sitting in a park.

He asked me if I believed in God and what was written in the Bible.

And I replied, I don't know. And I don't really know.

This upset the guy. He said that my indecisiveness meant that I didn't believe.

With this guy it was black and white.

I also replied to him that I thought man is destroying much of the planet and that the forced behind that are caused by corporate greed and mismanagement. To which he replied that God will one day make it whole again when Jesus comes back to reign again. At which point I cast doubt on that, replying to him that we need to create the conditions necessary to revive the planet. Essentially, he was stating that God could revive the world in an instant if he wanted to with the flick of his wrist.

But I did state to him that Christians have every right to believe that God created the world and in 7 days because science has not proven how it was created or what forces did. There is no eyewitness account to prove the big bang or evolution, hence anyone can believe anything they want to since neither group can truly disprove the other. Personally what I don't like about so called modern science is they claimthey know how the earth was created but then don't follow their own scientific method to back. Up these claims. And that isn't science not even according to the definition they have provided.

Anyways, I never resolved my differences with the man with respect to our world view, but the way he conveyed his message made me think that it was old style Christianity with an old style message. That if Christians want to reach out to people, it has to be practical and have applications to the real world to nake it work. I guess you could say I'm a practical or pragmatic realist. While there are some good ideas in the Bible, they also have to translate into reality to have any meaning in our lives.

So I don't necessarilly disbelieve your faith, I'm not fully convinced that it is completely true.

I suppose that is what you'd call agnostic.
The Flea Trap / Re: bad boi in Thailand
October 05, 2016, 03:11:59 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"If you screw around anywhere in Asia, they'll make you sorry. They LOVE getting whitey.

Must be Revenge for how they get treated in Australia.

I notice that when boatloads of refugees arrive on Australia's shores, they get treated like shit, like criminals.

So that must be their way of paying them back for the way their own people get treated.

Mind you, if the Aussies didn't have a tough line on them, the country would be overrun by migrants and refugees.
The Flea Trap / Re: bad boi in Thailand
October 05, 2016, 03:06:20 AM
Seems a bunch of the inmates in the film were Aussies.

Well, I guess their ancestors were convicts when they arrived on Australia's shores so now they're just following in their footsteps, eh Gambino? They cam to 'Van Daemon's Land' to get a fresh start, an' now look at 'em 200 years later.

Poor blokes, they jes' git prison passed down to the next generation.

So maybe its genetic an' it runs in families, eh G?
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: 1980s Songs
October 05, 2016, 01:14:59 AM
Pretty in Pink by the Psychedelic Furs

Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: I need a moment
October 05, 2016, 01:01:06 AM
In My Mind by Amanda Palmer

The Flea Trap / Does Christianity need renewal?
October 04, 2016, 11:14:56 PM
....seems its proponents have been preaching the same lines for too long.

Its message seems rather stale.

Perhaps it needs a jolt/revival to renew it?

Or does it? Is that a misconception?

Is the religion always evolving?

What are the religion's more positive aspects?

And the ones it should work on?
The Flea Trap / Re: Whats youse addictions
October 04, 2016, 11:09:28 PM


& Beauty