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Messages - JOE

The Flea Trap / Re: Every bar needs one.....
May 17, 2016, 07:52:43 AM
Quote from: "kiebers"You know J0E, this one is just not worth the effort. SMH....

....oh well

Yeah, but that's why if given a choice to be sentenced in the US or Canada, most convicts would choose the latter. Canada is a slap on the wrist compared with the US. Y'know, I know someone who spent 5 years in a Texas prison where you live, K. I sure wouldn't wanna be him. The years in one of your state prisons had taken their toll on the poor guy. But that's what its like in America, which has the largest prison population in the world. And stiff sentences. I know that Texas is one of the most severe. Florida is pretty harsh too.

Anyways, the guy in that video would've gotten less time in Canada. Maybe 5 years or less with good behavior? Certainly not 14 years as he did in the video.
Y'know, I git the sense here, that a number of fellow citizens are jealous of $20 good fortune to live where he want and do what he wants when he wants. I guess they're envious cuz they'd like ta be doin the same thing. When someone has more money, more opportunity, it must steam them up a bit.
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "RW"
Don't start with this shit again Joe.  

Quote from: "Renee"
Jesus H. Christ, do you have any God damn control over how creepy you can be? :negative:

If I may ask ... since my meanderings in the archives have not exposed me to anything weird from JOE ... is there an executive summary available to bring me up to speed?

Well, Renn asked me if I'd driven passengers to a strip club, and so I just told her the truth. I have. I don't make those stories up. Nor did I ever tell the passengers they should go there. I couldn't help it if hormones or curiosity got the better of them.

Actually one thing I noticed - was whether the passengers were white, asian, brown or black, rich, poor, famous or non, the number 1 topic was always sex, men and women talking about their sex lives or private parts.

Perhaps it all sounds so dirty, but that's what is always on their minds.

Sorry if the truth hurts, but that is the real world and what people talk about and do after hours.
The Flea Trap / Re: Every bar needs one.....
May 16, 2016, 11:03:22 PM
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "JOE"America is mighty hard on crime, kiebers.

That sorta thing might net a guy 4 or 5 years tops in Canada (released early on good behavior).

And if the judge was gay, he'd probably give that guy in the video community service & invites up to his penthouse.

You know J0E, this one is just not worth the effort. SMH....

....oh well


...well kahbuzz, here's a link about drunk driving sentences in Canada."> ... -1.2857039">

Even some of those sentenced thought they got off too light. Many in Canada will get between 3 and 5 years. Didn't that video say the driver in Florida got 14? Believe me, the US is much tougher on crime and believes in stiffer setences, including drunk driving.
And here's one for Fashonista:

Wherever I am,

Wherever you go,

I'll always be with you,

In our cyberspace....


You came into my life,

Like a light on the Internet forum,


Oh Please don't go

Don't leave this forum

Go spread your joy

And leave your mark..

Here.... at the Blue Cashew....


Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "JOE"Oh Renn, yer such a hen,

Oh Hen don' be a Renn,

Henning & Henning away like you do...

Oh don' be sad & blue, oh don' be sad and blue,

Don' be sad & blure, Renn my friend

.....anyways, I've got the tune figgered out, an' as soon as I can git access to a keyboard, I'll record it just for you,Renn.

I've even made a song about fashionista and Real Woman.

I'll add those to Songs of the Reject Rodeo when I have time, eh Renn?

Yeah right after you add your drawings to the Art sub. :laugh:

Fuck off Joe.
But Renn! I never suggested this group go to strip club.

They went on their own accord, gave their consent to be exposed to the lewder aspects of life. If it was too much for some of them, then they have live with the personal decision they made to go there.

We were hired by them, so I drove that group.

Anyways, ifya don' like reality, should I sugarcoat or sanitize it for you?

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Renee":laugh: Anything that helps the emotional wellbeing of the evacuees is alright by me.  :laugh:

Maybe Joe should offer free cab,.... oops, I mean limo rides to the strip club. I'm sure he knows how to get there. :laugh:

Yes, its true Renn. I drove many patrons, mostly men, to and from strip clubs during my limo driving days. Funniest time is when I drove some young college kids there, it was a co-ed group of girls and guys to the local strip joint. When I picked up the group later that night, one girl, I think she was 19 or 20 looked mortified as if she'd been through a traumatic experience, as if she'd been raped or violated. Gawd, she looked so frightened, I think having her female colleagues shove pussy in her face all night long. Essentially that girl may as well have been 12 years old. She was clearly inexperienced with such matters, and had never had exposure to the wild and raunchier aspects of life. No doubt someone who lived a sheltered life at home with her parents in a quiet Vancouver suburb.

Jesus H. Christ, do you have any God damn control over how creepy you can be? :negative:
Oh Renn, yer such a hen,

Oh Hen don' be a Renn,

Henning & Henning away like you do...

Oh don' be sad & blue, oh don' be sad and blue,

Don' be sad & blure, Renn my friend

.....anyways, I've got the tune figgered out, an' as soon as I can git access to a keyboard, I'll record it just for you,Renn.

I've even made a song about fashionista and Real Woman.

I'll add those to Songs of the Reject Rodeo when I have time, eh Renn?
Quote from: "Renee":laugh: Anything that helps the emotional wellbeing of the evacuees is alright by me.  :laugh:

Maybe Joe should offer free cab,.... oops, I mean limo rides to the strip club. I'm sure he knows how to get there. :laugh:

Yes, its true Renn. I drove many patrons, mostly men, to and from strip clubs during my limo driving days. Funniest time is when I drove some young college kids there, it was a co-ed group of girls and guys to the local strip joint. When I picked up the group later that night, one girl, I think she was 19 or 20 looked mortified as if she'd been through a traumatic experience, as if she'd been raped or violated. Gawd, she looked so frightened, I think having her female colleagues shove pussy in her face all night long. Essentially that girl may as well have been 12 years old. She was clearly inexperienced with such matters, and had never had exposure to the wild and raunchier aspects of life. No doubt someone who lived a sheltered life at home with her parents in a quiet Vancouver suburb.
Well we have the same problem in Canada too, Renn.

All those people from frigid provinces like Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan head down South to places like Scottsdale, Las Vegas and Hawaii. Dont' you think that's a drain on the Canadian economy too? I'm sure with all the Canadians who flock to America's sunspots, that it more than makes up for the deficit/gap which $20 has deprived you with/left behind.

Actually there was once a proposal by the islands of Turks and Caicos in the Caribbean to become part of Canada. They wanted to join us. But the Conservative government of the time turned them down. Recently however, the socialist party, the NDP, endorsed annexing the islands at its convention. Might not be such a bad idea, given all that tourist money which is flowing out of Canada and into the pockets of American, Mexican and Costa Rican tourist operators during our long, cold hard winters, eh?

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "JOE"Actually Renee, I've read yours and kiebers' arguments, and if $20 is still paying taxes, but not using the American medical system, nor its state or municipal services, he's not costing you a thing. In fact, he's a net benefit to the US economy if he pays to support it but draws few or no services from it.

So He's not a burden on you or kiebers.

Joe, you're a fucking shit stirring moron but I'm sure you're used to hearing that. But it still beats me why you don't take the hint. ac_unsure

I never said he was a burden. What I said is that he is taking US tax dollars that I and every other taxpayer and business owner in the US pays and he is dumping it into a foreign economy.

That is all I said. It's you and your idiot friend that have turned this into an argument over who is or isn't a burden on the taxpayer. Now please kindly STFU.
Quote from: "kiebers"So basically all you are speaking of is government services. I am speaking about the economy as a whole. If no one buy groceries, cars, homes, toys, technology and everything else that we consume on a daily basis then there will be no taxes paid or government services available. Even in a poor economy some form of that goes on. Get rid of the tunnel vision and look at the whole picture based on the information available. Do the math. Economics 101...get some.

Oh and

I have no problem with him living there, might even envy him a little and wish I could do it.

I suppose you have a point. US is a very consumer driven economy where people buy buy buy & still buy some more! Gasp!  But I think the US guv's are aware of the issues you've raised & they probably do calculate the net cost of retirees like $20. If it was a drain, they probably would not hesitate to close as many loopholes as they could.

As for yer Costa Rica envy, I don't think I'd wanna live there all year round. Too hot for my tastes, and too many reptiles, scorpions and snakes. There was a recent story in the news about a Vancouver man who went walking in the forest and he stepped on something, came home and his leg started to swell up. Turned out he'd been bitten by a poisonous snake. They had to rush him to the hospital and the closest antivenom available was Washington state, USA. That must've cost the provincial medical system a lot of money to have to rely upon the Americans like that. Anyways, he got the serum and was saved.

If I had a choice to live somewhere else, it'd likely be Hawaii or Northern California as in the Redwood forests. Man, those places are like paradise, almost perfect, no poisonous snakes, low crime rates. So pristine and beautiful. Americans are lucky to have natural jewels like that.
The Flea Trap / Re: Every bar needs one.....
May 15, 2016, 10:07:18 PM
America is mighty hard on crime, kiebers.

That sorta thing might net a guy 4 or 5 years tops in Canada (released early on good behavior).

And if the judge was gay, he'd probably give that guy in the video community service & invites up to his penthouse.

Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "JOE"Actually Renee, I've read yours and kiebers' arguments, and if $20 is still paying taxes, but not using the American medical system, nor its state or municipal services, he's not costing you a thing. In fact, he's a net benefit to the US economy if he pays to support it but draws few or no services from it.

So He's not a burden on you or kiebers.

You did not read what I posted, or the rest of the posts he and I made, if you had you would never have said that. I explained everything already. It was just that simple.

...In all sincerity, k, I just don't think your argument carries any weight.

It seems to rest on the assumption that because he's not consuming or buying anythin in the US when he's in Costa Rica that $20 is a burden. But in reality he's not. If he pays taxes but doesn't use your country's services, then he's actually a net gain for the US economy. Those other retirees who live in the US might actually be a drain on the system if they use medicare and other entitlements at the state level.

And if you and reneee came to Canada, you'd shit yer pants out of disgust I'm sure. In canada you can go away as a retiree, pay no taxes if you spend 6 months in some sun spot complete with medical healthcare paid by the government. Extended is extra, but still that's subsidized by the Canadian medical system. Plus these retirees called Snowbirds get their regular pension cheques. If you're an American you might think this is like getting your cake and being able to eat it. Compared to Us retirement, it probably is.
Actually Renee, I've read yours and kiebers' arguments, and if $20 is still paying taxes, but not using the American medical system, nor its state or municipal services, he's not costing you a thing. In fact, he's a net benefit to the US economy if he pays to support it but draws few or no services from it.

So He's not a burden on you or kiebers.

Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "Renee"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"I respect everyone's point of view. I just hate being lied to before being raped. What I am hearing is, it's all a bunch of lies and bullshit anyway. So wtf?

I try to as well, but how are you being raped? You don't live here. You take most if not all of your retirement income from the US and spend it in another country which robs the US's economy. You do pay income taxes and perhaps SS and medicare but the US loses the rest to a foreign economy. Sounds to me like you are doing the raping of the US economy.

True you are a drop in the bucket but there are so many drops that bucket is over flowing. World bank estimates 120 billion last year was sent by all immigrants to their home country. Some estimates out there for illegal immigrants go as high as 50 billion.

Listen you uninformed so n so. I am U.S citizen. I file and pay taxes every year. Pay taxes here as well.  I vote in national elections. I guess  Im mostly here because of judgemental fools like you. What the fuck do you care? That you can't?

Wow, the reaction of a 10 year old to some very valid observations. Did I say "10 year old"? On second thought maybe that was a insult to 10 year olds. TD is not only dumb but he apparently has the emotional maturity of a small child.

Everybody take a good look.

Take a good look at what? The good country that I come from allows me the freedom to live where I choose. Please tell me how I rape the US economy? I don't use any services, I don't pay for. So in other words I'm still paying for you. Little benefit there. This is further evidenced by the fact that my taxes don't have to be filed in June, and I get a $95,000 deduct off the top. Think I bullshit? Go look.  I'm dumb. Duh

 And since I pay into S.S and medicare, I'm obviously still paying for YOU.

Why does everything have to be explained to you a dozen times?.....Yes you are dumb.
Actually kiebers, how is $20 'raping' the American economy? If he is retired, he may actually helping it because if he uses services and utilities in Costa Rica, he's not using them in the USA, therby lessening the burden for the American taxpayer because he's not present in the country most of the time. I'm sure he's worked hard, paid his share of taxes, so he's entitled to spend it wherever he wants. Many nations have pension sharing plans, where if you paid into social security in America, you can also collect it somewhere else.

Another factor is the cost of living and the level of corruption by government officials in your country and others. Don't you think there's a high level of waste and pocketing of taxpayer funds? In Canada, we award bountiful salaries to our elected officials and their friends, which they don't really deserve. In yours its the American taxpayer who funds the Military Industrial Complex, largely subsidized by the middle class even though it benefits the wealthy and large corporations.  Ie - why should the middle class American taxpayer pay the US navy to rescue some ship hijacked by Somali pirates when it mostly benefits some rich tycoon? And he pays a relative drop in the bucket for this service subsidized by the middle class? These corporations should foot the bill, because all those armies america sends overseas largely protect the corporate interests. If they send their assets into dangerous territory, then they should be prepared to pay the bill as a recognized cost of doing business.

In addition, much of the middle class in America and Canada are struggling to get by, real estate is astronomicaly high in Canada, much of the populus is broke while government officials and corporations line their pockets, do nothing for us. Rich and getting rich, poor get poorer. Given this reality, is it any wonder that many citizens of these nations are choosing to live elsewhere? I've seen met many seniors in both countires who are still working don't have much in their pockets, so its logical that they would seek a better standard of living to get more for their retirement dollar.

Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"I respect everyone's point of view. I just hate being lied to before being raped. What I am hearing is, it's all a bunch of lies and bullshit anyway. So wtf?

I try to as well, but how are you being raped? You don't live here. You take most if not all of your retirement income from the US and spend it in another country which robs the US's economy. You do pay income taxes and perhaps SS and medicare but the US loses the rest to a foreign economy. Sounds to me like you are doing the raping of the US economy.

True you are a drop in the bucket but there are so many drops that bucket is over flowing. World bank estimates 120 billion last year was sent by all immigrants to their home country. Some estimates out there for illegal immigrants go as high as 50 billion.
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"So making Merica great again WILL cost more, but your description of how CC wishes it could be  sounds more like Econ in Disneyland. Like most households, most goods in our homes came from China. You really didn't answer my question or set me straight. Howz Merica gonna be great again? I didn't say I couldn't afford my toys. Merely pointing out that everything manufactured comes from China. I do believe the US would welcome manufacturing jobs back. Wages will need to be less and the public will pay more. One more thing a tariff is a tax. I live in a country where almost everything is imported, and taxed. Bad for this small economy and the bad for its citizens. It opens the door for corruption and degradation. Coming soon to To Merica as it seems.

Where do you live???

Didn't you know? $20 has been posting under the handle of SeaMajor in the other forum for several months. I think he's mentioned countless times that he lives in Costa Rica. Sometimes you're really slow and stodgy in the head, K. Oh well.