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Messages - JOE

Here's a song from the late eighties almost 90s.

Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "JOE"In reference to the man's views in the article, I think gay people should have gotten their own institution of marriage rather than same sex and hetorosexual marriage being defined as one and the same. These people want it both ways. They want to be recognized as distinct and different from the rest of the population, but then they want marriage to be recognized as one and the same regardless of orientation. Something distinct from another cannot be one and the same as the other. That is illogical.

The thought of homosexuality sickens me, but gay marriage is the law of the land here and most of the Western world. It does not affect me, so I do not lose sleep over it.

Yeah, but it extends to other parts of society too. The feminists and LGBTQ crowd formed an alliance to push their respective agendas through & now its come back to bite the former in the ass. Ie - not LGBTQ want transexuals allowed in women's washrooms or the girls washroom at your local high school. So in essence, they prey on the well meaning sympathies and kind hearted individuals such as Fashonista to get their way.

And it doesn't end there, Herman. Bakers who refuse to decorate wedding cakes for same sex couples are getting sued, fined or shut down. Then the bakers who didn't go along with this agenda are ordered to take 'sensitivity training'. Cripes, how is that different from Communist dictatorships like North Korea sending its citizens to 're-education camps' lest they step out of line?

Also, this sense of entitlement extends to others who flee nations because of religious persecution, and then demand to impose their own religious imprint on our society by insisting their faces be covered during citizenship ceremonies and driver license photo takes.
Quote from: "Twenty Dollars"Back to reality. How are US workers going to compete with Chinese workers? Will US workers work for less? Just don't see this happening. So how else can these manufacturing jobs come back? I don't care who the unions support. Please someone set me straight and tell me how this will work. How's that wall going get built?

One remedy might be the creation of a transnational labor code.

If they have laws for cases of international child custody and abduction, why not for labor standards as well?

So...corporations exporting jobs would be taxed for every job they send overseas and they would also pay for every worker they lay off due to outsourcing. In addition, they would not only pay exit fees from the nation they depart, they would pay entrance fees to the workers where they are setting up shop. And they would also be required to pay a fair living wage according to the purchasing power in those countries too.

So, they get hit twice in the pocketbook. One for leaving and one for entering. The reason many of these sleazy corporations get away with what they're doing is that the general population is too dumb and unaware to speak out against them. Apple computers is one of the biggest abusers of outsourced labor, and successive presidential administrations let them get away with what is essentially highway robbery. Many workers in China toil 12 hour days at meagre wages which has allowed Apple to become the biggest hitech company in the world. This isn't fair to the American worker nor companies such as GM and Ford which pay their workers a living wage with benefits.

So we definitely need a transnational labor code. If they're gonna shove TPP down our throats then the American and Canadian public should also demand new transnational labor laws which all trading nations should be signatories of. Right now, the corporations are getting away with highway robbery which is of course squeezing the Western worker and the Middle Class.

If all nations had to play on a level playing field with regards to labor and working condtions, there wouldn't be so much outsourcing. But we allow them to get away with what they do, so they abuse their power and the governments pony up to them and offer few or no protection for the workers in their own countries.
In reference to the man's views in the article, I think gay people should have gotten their own institution of marriage rather than same sex and hetorosexual marriage being defined as one and the same. These people want it both ways. They want to be recognized as distinct and different from the rest of the population, but then they want marriage to be recognized as one and the same regardless of orientation. Something distinct from another cannot be one and the same as the other. That is illogical.
Quote from: "Lance Leftardashian"The United States needs to be more tolerant. They should allow all Mexicans and Central Americans in and give them all $10, 000 dollars each to get established in their new country.

More like....the United States should charge unskilled Mexicans and Central Americans an entrance fee for coming to their country and on top of that pay for all the services they use. A couple thousand dollars or more for each one could be a cash cow for the US.
I'm at the beach. Its really sunny and warm right now.

Actually a bit too hot. Suns just about to come down.

We don't seem to have had much of a spring this year,which is regrettable.

April was the warmest on record.

May will likely rank up there.

Summer appears to have arrived fast here.

It will probably be very hot in July.

Possibly Many forest fires if it doesn't cool down a bit..
Quote from: "Herman"Good for the INS. They are finally doing their job.

I think they should legalize all the domestics and burger flippers, but limit them to those jobs and nothing else.

Nor can they sponsor anyone on such visas.

And if they want access to education for themselves or children,health services they pay for it.

Also, make it clear to them, that such visas can never be upgraded to anything higher, and that the only way a person can gain path to citizenship is a minimum of 7 years in the military or death in combat, whichever comes first.

they've got free trade visas for working professionals, so why not a lower class of workers?

If they pay the taxes, but are documented, it could be a win-win. just my two bits tho
#4223"> ... SKCN0Y32J1">">

U.S. immigration officials are planning a month-long series of raids in May and June to deport hundreds of Central American mothers and children found to have entered the country illegally, according to sources and an internal document seen by Reuters.

The operation would likely be the largest deportation sweep targeting immigrant families by the administration of President Barack Obama this year after a similar drive over two days in January that focused on Georgia, Texas, and North Carolina.

Those raids, which resulted in the detention of 121 people, mostly women and children, sparked an outcry from immigration advocates and criticism from some Democrats, including the party's presidential election frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has now told field offices nationwide to launch a 30-day "surge" of arrests focused on mothers and children who have already been told to leave the United States, the document seen by Reuters said. The operation would also cover minors who have entered the country without a guardian and since turned 18 years of age, the document said. Two sources confirmed the details of the plan.

The exact dates of the latest series of raids were not known and the details of the operation could change.

The operation in January marked a departure for ICE, part of the Department of Homeland Security, from one-off deportations to high-profile raids meant to deter migrants from coming to the United States.

An ICE spokeswoman said the agency does not "confirm or deny the existence of specific ongoing or future law enforcement actions." The spokeswoman said immigrants who arrived illegally after Jan. 1, 2014 are priorities for removal.

Federal resources were strained in 2014 under a wave of illegal migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, especially women and children fleeing violence in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.

The planned new raids are in response to a renewed surge of illegal entries by Central American women traveling with their children.

From October 2015 through March 2016, the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended more than 32,000 family "units", defined as mothers and children traveling together, for crossing illegally into the United States. Over the same period in 2014-2015, there were about 14,000 such apprehensions; in 2013-2014, about 19,800.

(Graphic on immigration patterns of Central American migrants:

Many of those apprehended for unlawful entry are put into deportation proceedings in court but do not show up for their scheduled appearance before a judge or ignore court orders to leave the country.

The surge in illegal border crossings has put Obama in a tough spot in a presidential election year in which he wants to see a fellow Democrat elected as his successor.

Obama has said criminal immigrants and those who have recently entered the country are priorities for deportation. He is regularly hammered by Republicans over the presence of more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country.

But Hispanic-Americans tend to vote for Democrats, who are more sympathetic to the plight of the undocumented.

Clinton raised concerns about the January raids at the time, saying they had "sown fear and division in immigrant communities."

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pledged to build a wall along the Mexican border to prevent illegal immigration.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told a U.S. Senate panel in March that the January raids had helped to deter Central Americans from migrating illegally. Border Patrol reported fewer illegal entries between January and March 2016 compared to October and December 2015, but there were more apprehended than over the same time period in early 2015.

A separate document seen by Reuters said Johnson was concerned about the most recent uptick in border crossings.

Immigration advocates say they have asked Johnson to abandon plans for future raids.

"Raids are not the answer," said Marielena Hincapie, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, a legal aide and advocacy group for migrants.

"This is a humanitarian challenge," she said.

(Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh and Stuart Grudgings)
Quote from: "Herman"The problem with good weather in Vancouver is you actually have to be in that hole to enjoy it.

...somewhat true, dat
Poor Brazil. I feel sorry for them.

I really really do.

First it was that drubbing by Germany in the World Cup, and then it was Zika, and now it's an Olympiad headed for disaster.

Perhaps it's jes' a coincidence, but it's all happened after heavily Catholic Brazil decided to legalize Gay Marriage.

Up 'til then, Life was good to them. Now it's been downhill all the way.

Prosperous economy as far as the eye could see.">

Is this God's punishment for going against His Word?

Maybe shoulda left it alone, eh?
Quote from: "Fashionista"!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/snow-may-2016-calgary.jpg">

...Really, eh Fashionista?

It was nice in Vancouver today. Here's a pic from a live webcam:">

More like 24C or 75 F (converted for our American viewers hea')

Tourist weather.

Guess ya gotta wait a long time for spring to arrive, eh?
The Flea Trap / Re: Will Britain exit the EU?
May 10, 2016, 11:37:12 PM"> ... ge-hero1-7">">
QuoteBritish Prime Minister Harold Wison, left, sits in a room of the the Elysee Palace in Paris, France with French President Charles de Gaulle. Later that year, de Gaulle would veto Britain's efforts to join the-then European Economic Community. It was only after de Gaulle's death that Britain eventually joined the EEC in 1973. Britain holds a vote on June 23, 2016 to decide whether to stay in the European Union.

QuoteIn half a dozen weeks, the British could be fulfilling that prediction when they vote on whether to leave the European Union, a move that would be the biggest reverse in the bloc's near 60-year existence and a threat to its economy.

A vote for a British exit from the EU — so-called Brexit — on June 23 would likely trigger turmoil in financial markets and uncertainty for businesses, jolting the region's economy. The real damage may take longer to emerge. The fear in continental Europe is that the U.K.'s departure could prompt other countries to seek changes to their EU membership. In a worst-case scenario, it could usher in a new era of nationalism that diminishes the drive to strengthen economic ties and undermines the EU's core purposes: the freedom to trade and move between countries.

"It could be another torpedo in the ship of the EU," said Jan Bryson, global economist at Wells Fargo Bank. "Brexit could set a precedent and it could raise questions about the future of the EU itself."

As far ago as 1963 De Gaulle warned the other five founding members of the bloc that Britain's culture was too different to be interested in long-term integration. He had first-hand knowledge of Britain, having spent most of World War II in London organizing the French resistance.

"Non," he said in 1963, and again four years later, to Britain's attempt to join. The country eventually joined in 1973, after de Gaulle resigned in 1969. The immediate aftermath of a British vote to leave the EU — which bookies give a 30 percent chance, against 70 percent for the "in" vote to win — would likely see huge volatility in financial markets.

Many forecasters predict the British pound would fall as much as 20 percent in the following days. Worries over the vote have already seen the pound drop this year to a seven-year low against the dollar. Though a weaker pound may help Britain's exporters, it would hurt European firms exporting to Britain.

The instability would discourage businesses from investing or hiring. Surveys of companies have already shown some executives, mainly in Britain but also the eurozone, becoming more cautious in the run-up to the vote.

The uncertainty could last a while. It would take at least two years for Britain to leave the EU. Renegotiating its commercial relationship with the bloc will likely take many years more. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates that a Brexit vote will shave around 1 percentage point off the EU economy by 2020. That's a lot for an economy that's barely grown over the last few years and in 2015 expanded by only 1.9 percent.

The International Monetary Fund considers Brexit to be one of the main risks facing not just Europe, but the global economy, as it would disrupt trade. Britain exported around 223 billion pounds ($325 billion) worth of goods and services to the other 27 EU countries last year, and imported around 291 billion. British exports to the EU account for about 45 percent of the total, while imports are a little bit more than 50 percent.

There are certain economies within the EU that would be hurt more than others. Neighboring Ireland, above all, but also Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have strong commercial ties with Britain. The longer-term damage, which is hard to quantify, could come from the disruption that a British departure causes to Europe's integration drive.

For years, EU states have sought to get closer. They created the single market, which effectively abolished borders between member states, and created the euro currency, now used by 19 EU countries. But the global financial crisis of 2008 — which morphed into a debt crisis for the eurozone — and the EU's trouble handling the migrants' crisis have emboldened a wave of populist political forces across Europe.

In eastern Europe, countries like Hungary and Poland have become more skeptical of the EU. In France, the hard-right Front National has gained ground while in Germany, the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) is more popular than ever.

There's concern that a vote for Brexit could generate more support for such parties, many of which want to leave the EU outright. Already, the migrants' crisis has prompted a watering-down of the Schengen Agreement, which has allowed more than 400 million Europeans to travel hassle-free between 26 European countries — though not Britain — for business or travel.

Any political fallout from a Brexit could really start playing out in 2017, when there are elections in France and Germany, among other countries. Colin Ellis, a managing director at ratings agency Moody's, said a Brexit could "fan the flames of political disquiet elsewhere."

Ellis thinks the EU would lose momentum in other ways as Britain is one of the most dynamic and open economies in Europe and its continued membership would help promote policies that would improve the bloc's economy, such as reforming labor markets.
The Flea Trap / Will Britain exit the EU?
May 08, 2016, 10:30:08 PM
...In what's been called the UK's possible 'Brexit' from the EU, its citizens are in for some major changes should this come about.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has said, it could trigger another World War:">"> ... ar-7928607">

QuoteDavid Cameron will plead for Britain to stay in the EU and help prevent the Continent being ripped apart by another conflict.

Mr Cameron will highlight the UK's role in bringing peace to Europe as he hits the referendum campaign trail.

Both the Prime Minister and his Brexit -backing Tory rival Boris Johnson make speeches this morning in the countdown to the June 23 vote.

Mr Cameron will refer to Britain's role in "pivotal moments in European history]

What do you think? Will Britain choose to stay, or leave the EU?

Latest Poll results:">
Will/has this led to major shutdowns of plants/working operations there?

And if so, how long will they be down?

I've read somewhere that the oil patch may be at least 5% of Canada's economy.

And if all the people living/working there are servicing this area, must be a huge loss in downtown.

Anyways, since I don't live there, perhaps those who live closer to it can fill us in on the economic impact of this fire.
...signs of a worsening economy perhaps?

When people don't have jobs, nothing else to do so they sleep around.

Prostitution flourishes in the absence of jobs.

Article says half of the cases are indigenous women, so it appears to affect the poorer groups the most, which are also hit with unemployment.