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Messages - ELPHUPPHY

The Guest Nest / Re: RW
April 28, 2016, 03:52:13 PM
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "cc la femme"I think the image above would be great on you ...

 then,  I'm  a dreaded ZZZiiiiiionist.  ac_biggrin

I feel dirty and soiled just reading your FILTHY juden poasts   :yuk:    


Ja, such a filthy girl.. Chust like mein momma said to vatch out for.

If titty pics and interracial porn is your thing, CC is your gal...

Like that's a bad thing? Are girls yucky, there, Scouse? Cooties and such?
The Guest Nest / Re: RW
April 28, 2016, 03:31:00 PM
Quote from: "SCOUSE"
Quote from: "cc la femme"I think the image above would be great on you ...

 then,  I'm  a dreaded ZZZiiiiiionist.  ac_biggrin

I feel dirty and soiled just reading your FILTHY juden poasts   :yuk:    


Ja, such a filthy girl.. Chust like mein momma said to vatch out for.
The Guest Nest / Re: RW
April 28, 2016, 03:27:43 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "cc la femme"I think the image above would be great on you ...

 then,  I'm  a dreaded ZZZiiiiiionist.  ac_biggrin

And I am a prostitute because my husband is Caucasian.


Vell den, mein wenig Prostituierte. vielleicht ve can come to an anordnung, denkst du?
The Flea Trap / Re: What's Cooking?
April 25, 2016, 08:51:49 AM
Quote from: "Herman"We had some amazing smoked beef ribs. Better than a T-bone.

Beef ribs, imho, are much better than pork ribs. Pork ribs are fattier, while beef ribs are meatier and bigger/thicker.
Quote from: "Mr Crowley"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "RW"Why can't people hate America?

Nothing I said indicates otherwise. Anyone can hate all they want. That was never my point. Do you believe that myself, Renee or DSM would try to justify placing a loaded weapon close to a child?

How about justifying American violence at home and abroad?

Go on...I fucking dare you...

This was not directed at me, but I'll say this:

Violence is normally not a good response to anything, no matter where it occurs. Whether black on black, white on white, or any mix you care to imagine. Disagreements are just that as long as no one raises a hand against another.

Having said that, if faced with violence, I believe in giving better than you get. If someone comes to my house with a screwdriver as a weapon, threatening me and mine, I will bring out by aluminum bat and skullify the person. If someone comes at me or mine with a weapon, I will gladly bring out my .50cal and we can play that way.

As far as nation against nation, wars and violence are brought on by those who will not be doing the fighting. If we make the politicians, the decision-makers do the fighting, there will be an almost immediate ceasing of hostilities.If we - Americans - are not invaded or our people attacked, there is no cause. If we are attacked, again I believe in giving better than getting. There is no turning the other cheek. When young, I went to war and it is something no one should have to do. I did it because I was young, dumb, and full of patriotism. I came back cured of those diseases, after seeing how fellow soldiers were treated during and after fighting for our country. Politicians are the curse of all people everywhere. Do away with them and there will be much less violence.
Quote from: "RW"Why can't people hate America?

Personally, it doesn't matter to me if a people hate America. Cause I'll hate them right back.
Quote from: "RW"It was me.  It doesn't offend me so much as affect future advertising prospects should I wish to make money.  Thanks for understanding.

I bow to your superior admininessism.
Quote from: "The Donald"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Quote from: "The Donald"I will make the American cellphone industry great again once I am president.

Donald, somehow I don't think you're gonna have time to spend on the cellphone industry.

If you cast your vote for me in November, I will always take the time to make America great.

Can you supply me with a couple high-class hookers every couple of days? Females, that is, Donald. No boys.
Awww.. ain't that sweet.. somebody is offended by the word *nope* and played with the word filter to make it come out nope.
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "ELPHUPPHY"
Interesting. What should the qualifications for the priviledge of voating be comprised of, in your opinion?

If you do not have or ever had skin in the game you have not earned the right to decide how money is spent. In this country, only paid members of political parties can vote in leadership campaigns. Same fucking thing should apply in elections.

I disagree 100%. Voating here in America is a right of all citizens, minus those convicted of felonies and a few other exceptions. Paid politcal hacks are the last people who should be allowed to voated, but even they are. I would sooner see everyone in the nation voate instead of limiting it to those you name.
Quote from: "SCOUSE"I thought jews and niggers were supposed to get along?   ac_dunno


*NOPE* don't get along with anyone.
Quote from: "SCOUSE"A blow up girlfriend? Well I guess it would have certain advantages over an actual woman...

It's a bitch, though, when they spring a leak.

Ummmm.. or so I've heard.
Quote from: "SCOUSE"Apparently she's given up on western white men for some reason  :laugh3:


Ok... was that English?
Quote from: "Renee"I'm not real fond of wet fries. I think that's what killed it for me. The first few were good (not great) but after it sat for a few minutes and the reduction(gravey) had time to soak in..... :yuk:

Yes, I prefer my fries, when I have them which is not often, to be super crispy.
Quote from: "easter bunny"Last I remember you had to be 16 to drink beer, and 18 to drive a car. I always thought of it as a more mature society than ours.

Here in Ohio, it is the opposite. You can drive at 15 1/2 with a learner's permit, but you must be 18 to drink beer or smoke the cigs.