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Messages - The Countess

Quote from: "Oberon"Surely they'd suck some of the excess fat between your ears.

Its not like you use it.

that was whack. Thumbs down for you
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 11, 2016, 02:52:40 AM
For wipe the muck off your face after I kick it in ?

Relax grandpa, I'm kidding
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome Not Freud/caskur
November 11, 2016, 02:41:40 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li"I have heard of the handle. As long he/she is NOT old man Aaron.

See what I mean ? Ya'll can't shut up about him lol
The Guest Nest / Re: A heads up to Third Rail blow-ins.
November 11, 2016, 02:39:24 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"This is not a flame forum.

Bear that in mind, Freud, Flea and Caskur. And any other drifter from Goontown.

If, however, this is one of the old Brawl Hall style forum raids, I'm sure our erstwhile mods will make it clear we're not interested.

Consider this your welcome wagon thread.

You know damn well I'm not BH. I'm originally TDT

Stop playing
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Azhya Aryola"I have nothing to add. Don't know anything at all about these matters. Good luck. I hope you achieve what you desire.

It is a troll thread.


I work a lot and am too tired to do the squats needed to perfect my ass. They'll suck the fat from certain places and inject it in my behind. If it's not big enough to my liking, they can take some out my tits. Easy peasy
The Guest Nest / Re: I hear I'm already a member here
November 11, 2016, 02:32:03 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "The Countess"
Hi Rotwang

I was told NOT to register by some fucking idiot who I'd rather not mention cuz he'll use it as an excuse to bring his flea obsession here. Anyone tells me not to do something, of course Ill have to do it.

Your hatred of all things Freud is understandable. He's Bellisimo and wonderfully clever. He and I are around the same age, which is younger than all of you. tongue game on FaceTime beats your silly little webcam shows anyday. I know who daddy is lol

Hi, Flea.

Or is that Freud Light?

As usual, you completely fail to comprehend what's going on around you. No-one "hates" Freud. He does not possess the degree of impact necessary to invoke emotions at that level. No-one "hates" the mosquito they are compelled to swat. No-one "hates" the annoying, howling brat on an intercontinental flight. The world is full of minor inconveniences that we swat or tolerate, and Freud is one of those. Extremely minor, I must point out.

Now, as you admit to being his accolyte, where does that place you? Aptly named, I'd suggest.

As you seem to admire my webcam show, why not ask YOUR Daddy to post it. Here. I'm up for it.

You bunch of reprobates drop his name in every other gawddamn thread. He has you all straight paranoid, questioning if motherfuckers sport a dick under their skirt. If that ain't proper trolling, I don't know what is
The Guest Nest / Re: I hear I'm already a member here
November 11, 2016, 02:19:54 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "The Countess"
Hi Rotwang

I was told NOT to register by some fucking idiot who I'd rather not mention cuz he'll use it as an excuse to bring his flea obsession here. Anyone tells me not to do something, of course Ill have to do it.

Your hatred of all things Freud is understandable. He's Bellisimo and wonderfully clever. He and I are around the same age, which is younger than all of you. tongue game on FaceTime beats your silly little webcam shows anyday. I know who daddy is lol

Hi, Flea.

Or is that Freud Light?

As usual, you completely fail to comprehend what's going on around you. No-one "hates" Freud. He does not possess the degree of impact necessary to invoke emotions at that level. No-one "hates" the mosquito they are compelled to swat. No-one "hates" the annoying, howling brat on an intercontinental flight. The world is full of minor inconveniences that we swat or tolerate, and Freud is one of those. Extremely minor, I must point out.

Now, as you admit to being his accolyte, where does that place you? Aptly named, I'd suggest.

As you seem to admire my webcam show, why not ask YOUR Daddy to post it. Here. I'm up for it.

I have never hated Freud and I do not even care that he wants to pretend to be a woman..

But he did speak on more than one occasion with RW on Skype and if he calls her a liar, I will call him out on it.

I licked his dick and let him record me doing it. Call him out on that, you irrelevant ass Bitch.
Ill be undergoing surgery (Brazilian butt augmentation or butt lift, as they call it ) in February, my first ever cosmetic type surgery. Have any of you went under the knife ? Serious replies please, I'm a nervous wreck lol.
The Guest Nest / Re: I hear I'm already a member here
November 09, 2016, 11:52:06 PM
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "The Countess"
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "The Countess"Freud is my hero.

I am female but I can certainly whoop your ass like a man if that's what you prefer.

You sound just like the circus freak that you claim to idolize. Perhaps you are one and the same? ac_umm

It appears that creatures like you dearly love to masquerade as girls. I never understood this need. So tell me sister gonad, is it a hormonal thing or is it psychological that makes you yearn to switch your cyber gender? What drives a dude like you to go to great lengths to justify their imaginary gash? Do you think it will make the boys like you or do you use it to confuse your fellow posters by claiming female status while acting like a male?  Do you get wood at the thought of fooling the unsuspecting crowd?

Your supposed hero even went so far are to describe the imaginary piercings in his imaginary meat flaps.  :laugh3: That was pretty funny but when you think about it, rather unimaginative at the same time. :negative:

So what's your claim to female fame? How do you persuade the plebs that you lack the "y" chromosome?

I don't get wood cuz I don't have a penis. I do, however, get my kicks outta bringing peoples insecurities to light.

I'm here now. Try not to focus so much on Freud and concentrate on aiming your whack ass arrow at the actual target. C'mon son, you can do it !

Strange, I thought my arrows WAS directed squarely at you. Perhaps it struck you in the head and bounced off?

Maybe that's why you are confused and a bit disoriented.

Now that we are talking about insecurities; care to actually address my previous questions or is more deflection forthcoming?

I love how you backwoods little whippersnapper trolls think you can play this game of "who's who". It provides so much entertainment for us elderly residents of this....nursing home. :laugh3: Careful I don't take off one of my my orthopedic shoes and beat you with it.  ac_biggrin

Okay. Now that was funny.
The Guest Nest / Re: I hear I'm already a member here
November 09, 2016, 11:49:32 PM
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "Wulf"

So what's your claim to female fame? How do you persuade the plebs that you lack the "y" chromosome?

I think I can help here.

Female forum impersonation was the flavour of the month during the heady days of Brawl Hall. One of the most spectacular was the contributor called Karen. She was alluring, tempting and sexy. The boys flocked to her PM box with overtures and vapid attempts to win her favour. I believe one member was smitten to the extent that he openly declared his love for "Karen".

Only after a full year passed was the truth revealed. "Karen" had testicles, and those that fell for his troll were openly humiliated.

Thus, the less imaginative and creative of the underclass of Brawl Hall as characterised by Freud and his equally effete comrades embarked on several trolls posing as female, hoping to catch out the feeble minded looking for e-pussy.

It rarely, if ever, succeeded. Freud's impotent attempts were laughable in their complete failure, but as we know, it hasn't stopped him trying. And then we have even lesser lights trying their hand.

I wonder, as I often ask of new members, how they found us? I'm pretty sure the Cashew doesn't advertise, so relies on word of mouth to enlarge its ranks.

Who told Flea about us, I wonder...????

Hi Rotwang

I was told NOT to register by some fucking idiot who I'd rather not mention cuz he'll use it as an excuse to bring his flea obsession here. Anyone tells me not to do something, of course Ill have to do it.

Your hatred of all things Freud is understandable. He's Bellisimo and wonderfully clever. He and I are around the same age, which is younger than all of you. tongue game on FaceTime beats your silly little webcam shows anyday. I know who daddy is lol
The Guest Nest / Re: I hear I'm already a member here
November 09, 2016, 10:26:53 AM
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "The Countess"
Quote from: "Oberon"
Quote from: "The Countess"Freud is my hero.

I am female but I can certainly whoop your ass like a man if that's what you prefer.

Take your best shot, gumball.

But do a little homework first.

Gumball ? Really ?

Ok. Your mom < smh >

Is that your best shot? Your mom??? and Freud are a good pair.

Might as well have just cnp'd my fucking post, you invalid dickhead. You basically repeated wtf I had said.

Good lord almighty, it's a gawddamn convalescent home.
The Guest Nest / Re: I hear I'm already a member here
November 09, 2016, 10:23:10 AM
Quote from: "Wulf"
Quote from: "The Countess"Freud is my hero.

I am female but I can certainly whoop your ass like a man if that's what you prefer.

You sound just like the circus freak that you claim to idolize. Perhaps you are one and the same? ac_umm

It appears that creatures like you dearly love to masquerade as girls. I never understood this need. So tell me sister gonad, is it a hormonal thing or is it psychological that makes you yearn to switch your cyber gender? What drives a dude like you to go to great lengths to justify their imaginary gash? Do you think it will make the boys like you or do you use it to confuse your fellow posters by claiming female status while acting like a male?  Do you get wood at the thought of fooling the unsuspecting crowd?

Your supposed hero even went so far are to describe the imaginary piercings in his imaginary meat flaps.  :laugh3: That was pretty funny but when you think about it, rather unimaginative at the same time. :negative:

So what's your claim to female fame? How do you persuade the plebs that you lack the "y" chromosome?

I don't get wood cuz I don't have a penis. I do, however, get my kicks outta bringing peoples insecurities to light.

I'm here now. Try not to focus so much on Freud and concentrate on aiming your whack ass arrow at the actual target. C'mon son, you can do it !
The Guest Nest / Re: I hear I'm already a member here
November 08, 2016, 11:39:31 PM
You people think what you want. Its beyond ridiculous now
The Guest Nest / Re: I hear I'm already a member here
November 08, 2016, 11:32:32 PM
I heard this was an old people board but gawddamn the paranoia is on some epic scale shit.

Wtf did Freud do to all of you lol
The Flea Trap / Re: welcome The Countess
November 08, 2016, 11:29:57 PM
Is it TRF trolls or just females younger and way above you on the wit and insult scale ?