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Messages - Xlam

The Flea Trap / Re: Historic history in Vancouver
May 03, 2018, 10:33:50 PM
Quote from: "TheVancouverGuy"Here in Vancouver we made history. $40+ to fill the tank on a mini work Toyota Yaris this morning. $60+ for my compact Honda SUV.">

Maybe you could fashion a windsail on a skateboard and save on gas? Perhaps you could catch 100 rats and make harnesses and have then pull you in a red wagon? Or my favorite is you could find a flying dragon, offer a princess  sacrifice and ride said so dragon to work. Just imagine the looks you would get from your coworkers.
Quote from: "Bricktop"Nope, she's right. Someone from here has created a thread at Third Rail Forum inviting those creeps, "flamers", mentally deranged arbiters of idiocy and stupidity to join us here.

Whilst some MAY be worthy, most are of the ilk of Caskur, and wasn't she a treasure?

I'm from TRF, what seems to be the problem? I didn't come in here dragging my knuckles or "flaming" anyone. What seems to be your problem?
The Flea Trap / Can I ask you all a question?
May 03, 2018, 10:24:03 PM
Hello there. I'm pretty new here. So I was wondering if some of you nice people would tell who it's safe to communicate with, and the not so safe posters.

My name is Jenna and I'm from the Bay Area in California. I'm 26 years old and I was just seeing what this forum had to offer. It's my hopes that I will find engaging conversation and enlightenment within myself.

I look forward to meeting you all.