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Messages - Cindy

Quote from: seoulbro post_id=382890 time=1600616367 user_id=114
A majority of Rust Belt voters see the far-left Antifa network as unfavorable while a narrow plurality support Black Lives Matter, according to a new Big Data/Epoch Times poll.

Asked how they view Antifa, an anarcho-communist network of groups that has been involved in rioting across the country in recent months, 51.9 percent of respondents said unfavorably.

Just 12.6 percent said they view Antifa favorably, a lower percentage than the 16.8 percent who have never heard of the network.

The remaining percentage said they had no opinion.

Over 34 percent of respondents aged 18 to 29 view Antifa as favorable, while a majority of those older than 45 viewed it unfavorable.

A nationwide survey from Big Data/Epoch Times last month found a majority of respondents viewed Antifa unfavorably while just 10 percent had a favorable view.

Approximately 44.5 percent of likely Rust Belt voters in the new survey said they view Black Lives Matter favorable, compared to 40.1 percent who said they view it unfavorably.

Black Lives Matter is a movement seeking to upend the political and cultural systems in the United States and anywhere else activists believe racism is pervasive. The movement has hundreds of groups around the world, including a select core that's part of the official Black Lives Matter Global Network.
You sir are a hater, a racist, a fascist, a modern day Hitler with golf clubs.
The Guest Nest / Re: Who are the real racist haters?
September 20, 2020, 07:15:10 PM
Great thread Oak, my faithful comrade.