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Messages - Lokmar

Hopefully, we have another civil war real soon.
Poor BF will have an extra raw wang from all the extra cawk sukin, seamoron's gonna give him now.
The Guest Nest / Re: Dove, Just Shut The Fuck Up
June 13, 2023, 11:48:47 AM
Bitches aint shit but ho's and trix!!!
If josephine had a brain, he'd have been buying junk silver coins. You can barter with those when the SHTF.
Quote from: DKG post_id=503272 time=1686653270 user_id=3390
George Washington University professor and Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley said that if the federal government proves just one count against former President Donald Trump, it could be a "terminal sentence" for him.

Last week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted Trump on dozens of charges in connection with whether he allegedly mishandled classified documents. Trump has repeatedly proclaimed his innocence and recently said he would not drop out of the 2024 race no matter what.

"The problem is, he's got to run the tableā€”he's 76 years old," Turley told Fox News over the weekend. "All the government has to do is stick the landing on one count, and he could have a terminal sentence. You're talking about crimes that have a 10- or 20-year period as a maximum."

Its already terminal for the country. Hopfully this will be the launching point for an all out civil war and secession. We need to kill all illegals and 90% of all liberals.
The Flea Trap / Re: This woke shit
June 13, 2023, 11:37:33 AM
Quote from: OdinsonLockheed Martin...

The skunk works engineers have cooked up something brilliant again.

These people are idiots.

I worked for a defense contractor years ago. We built all kinds of shit for killing people. WTF  is the point in them celebrating degeneracy?
The biggest problem with the U.S. Dollar tanking is the rest of the world is so heavily dependent on our consumerism.

Read Revelation 18 if you want to know what happens to the rest of the world once we get what we deserve.
The Flea Trap / Re: This woke shit
June 12, 2023, 08:46:36 PM
God, the One and Only God, is a bigot towards ALL KWEERZ!!!! KILL THEM ALL!
Quote from: DKG post_id=502762 time=1685983371 user_id=3390
The Minnesota Department of Corrections has reached a settlement with a transvestic inmate who sued over his treatment in prison. Craig Lusk, who changed his name to Christina in 2018, will receive nearly $500,000 along with a sex-change surgery. In a controversial first for the state, Lusk will also be transferred to a woman's prison.

Lusk, 57, was arrested in 2018 on drug charges after being caught with large amounts of cocaine and methamphetamine in his possession, which he appeared to have been dealing.

Inside Lusk's bedroom, police found 697 grams of meth, two digital scales, large quantities of baggies, and $5,166 in cash, reported Reduxx.

Lusk, who was previously convicted for first-degree robbery, pleaded guilty to first degree possession of a controlled substance and received a 98-month prison sentence.

According to MPR News, the Minnesota Department of Corrections assigned Lusk to Moose Lake, a men's facility, in 2019.

Lusk filed suit in Ramsey County District Court on June 6, 2022, claiming he was being discriminated against for being "transgender" in violation of both the Minnesota Human Rights Act as well as the Minnesota Constitution.

The suit further claimed the DOC had deferred the convict's sex-change surgery until his release in 2024, "misgendered" Lusk, and compromised his safety by imprisoning him with other men.

Too bad these shitbags dont get murdered in prison.
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=502739 time=1685956858 user_id=3409
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=502619 time=1685754585 user_id=3351

Look  idiot, unlike you, I've actually read reams of...

...other people's accounts which were likely distorted through the lens of the person who wrote them, if not outright fabrications and you believed it all like some leftie convinced that ESG was the be-all and end all of human endeavour, yes I know. And when someone you encounter invokes a line of inquiry, you immediately consign them to the groups of your polar opposite... again, just like a one-eyed leftie.

I told you what I am, you chose to lie about it. It stands to reason you could be lying about a lot of other things too.

Everything I've quoted from the founders can be verified. These arent "translations" either.

While you're at it, get the timber out of your own eye, hypocrite.
Damn, josephine, one of two things, I mean three things will happen to your gold when the SHTF:

1. The Cucknadian Goobermints will confiscate all your gold like they did with your guns

2. I'll show up and take all your gold by gunpoint

3. You'll try to barter with it and it'll all get taken from you cause you're softer than baby shit
The Flea Trap / Re: ANNOUNCEMENT
June 04, 2023, 11:28:30 AM
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
June 04, 2023, 11:26:12 AM
Not a fan of Fox's anti white hatred. Fuk that reggin!
Quote from: weebles post_id=502630 time=1685861172 user_id=2191
TBH a supercharged or NA Mustang will always make you happy



josephine is kinda gay so he could meet up for a night of "docking" with the rest of you mustang kweerz.
The Flea Trap / Re: This woke shit
June 02, 2023, 09:12:35 PM
Quote from: HermanWalmart is continuing to provide LGBT products as part of Pride Month, the firm said on Wednesday amid a consumer backlash against multiple brands aligning with such ideologies.

Walmart has been offering Pride products at thousands of its stores across the United States. The company has released T-shirts with slogans like "Gay AF," "Woke Up Gay Again," and "Some People Are Gay." The retailer also has introduced onesies for infants with slogans like "I Love My 2 Moms" and "Proud Love."

As part of its "Pride & Joy" collection, Walmart is offering LGBT-friendly trinkets and accessories like pins, flags, tote bags, and more.

A controversial product being offered by Walmart is a "breathable" chest binder aimed at "trans, lesbian, and tomboys." The binder, offered online, features pictures of a young girl modeling the product.

I step foot into a walmart maybe 2 or 3 times per year. walmart is shit and the people that work there are shit. Fuck walmart.