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Messages - Lokmar

Quote from: Blazor post_id=478313 time=1666660288 user_id=2221
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=478197 time=1666623648 user_id=3351
I guarantee I would be smoking them with my Ruger 10/22 with the thermal scope! There wouldnt be a squirrel on the block!

First rifle I got my son for his 10th birthday  :thumbup:

Awesome! Really, if I had a single rifle to have in a SHTF situation, it might be that one! I personally think its at least as important as owning an AR-15.
I guarantee I would be smoking them with my Ruger 10/22 with the thermal scope! There wouldnt be a squirrel on the block!
The Guest Nest / Re: To whom it may concern
October 24, 2022, 10:56:52 AM
I thought chanks came here 3000 years ago and populated this continent? Whats the difference?
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
October 23, 2022, 02:04:36 AM
Quote from: "Melvin Gibson" post_id=478027 time=1666491465
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=478024 time=1666491159 user_id=3389
Mimi, evs and Fash live rent free in that short hideous little girl Mel's disurbed head.  ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao  :roll:

According to Melvina, his biggest problem in his excuse for a life aren't that he is a short, ugly, weak, effeminate, anti-social mental case. No, mimi, evs and Fash wouldn't give him attention. You can't make this shit up.  ac_toofunny  What a homo. :roll:

Looks like we've got an uppity chink in the house here, stuck on repeat!  Good thing all you can do is SEETHE, since Momma Fash is no longer here to protect you and the loser clique!


WTF does Shen need protection from? If there's something, I sure as fuck never seen it.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
October 22, 2022, 05:25:42 PM
Quote from: "Confused Screaming" post_id=477962 time=1666473559
What else do I believe in Dr. Duh'v?

I don't know how to love him

What to do, how to move him

I've been changed, yes really changed

In these past few days

When I've seen myself

I seem like someone else

I don't know how to take this

I don't see why he moves me

He's a man, he's just a man

And I've had so many men before

In very many ways

He's just one more

Should I bring him down?

Should I scream and shout?

Should I speak of love?

Let my feelings out?

 You also believe your ass and mouth are storage compartments for cawk!!! PWN3D!
Quote from: Dove post_id=477849 time=1666404840 user_id=3266
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=477831 time=1666390628 user_id=3351

Yep. Whats the alternative? Share my PI so some douche shows up?  :pop:

 It's pretty normal for those establishment cucks to go to violence.  Any sort of disagreement or challange is some major demonstration of violence or "toughness" they find offensive.  Its hate to not just accept their narratives or let them control your life and tell you how to live or think.

I dont know if you remember this, or if we were even posting on the same board at the time. My wife bought me a muhammed tee shirt, the one with the bomb for a turban, like the dutch guy got killed over. I was talking shit about having it and some dumb libtard cunt said I wouldnt wear it in public. Fuck, I was already wearing it in public so I said "what now?" to the asshole. Then I was told I was a pussy for not wearing it to a muhzie event. Well shit, I'm not stupid. If I was gonna do that, I'd bring an AR and 100 30 round mags and spray them fukin muhzies down...but I've no desire to be a mass murderer so of course I didnt. I'll tell you this though, white people at the grocery store would straight up get scared when I wore it in there!!!  ac_toofunny  

Over the years, I've had plenty of people either threaten to kill me or goad me to releasing my PI so they or someone else would show up. Thats who the real pussies are. Not a single one would show up on my doorstep themselves cause they know I'd kill the fuck outta them. Best they could ever do is get someone to do it for them. When I lived in the hood, some douche on facebook said he was coming over and he actually did know right the fuck where I was. He didnt show. Probably best for both of us cause I would have gone to prison for manslaughter at the very least in this libtard shithole state.
Quote from: Dove post_id=477900 time=1666422194 user_id=3266
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=477898 time=1666422014 user_id=3358

Fucking oath. These types of cretins will never be rehabilitated back into society. It's just a waste of taxpayer's money allowing them to live. Lethal injection or firing squad!

 Exactly. Just send them to the Lord and be done with it.

The problem is, we have jettisoned the moral and ethical code needed for a just society. Its best to prep for dog eat dog.
Quote from: JOE post_id=477817 time=1666382836 user_id=97
Quote from: Dove post_id=477815 time=1666381467 user_id=3266
Joe shes not normalizing prison life, shes a former inmate now inmate advocate who is trying to educate people on the prison system and what it's like. This woman went to prison pregnant, gave birth tied down to a bed and couldnt even hold her own baby before they were sending her back to prison.

 She got out, got her life togther and got her daughter back and went into criminal justice and seeks to educate and foster change.

 I watch Jessica Kent, I like her content. All shes doing is answering questions she is asked.

 Maybe its putting you off because you arent used to seeing the prison issue humanized?

Well it disturbs me Dove because there are too many people in prison in your country.

Many shouldn't be there if they are Non Violent.

The state should seek alternative sentencing methods.

For example one woman in San Diego went to prison for a long term for fraud & cheating investors. I dont believe such individuals need to be sentenced to hardcore prisons because she did not commit a violent crime.

Another was an Olympic sprinter who went to prison for lying about steroid use  Otherwise she didnt harm anyone mentally or phsyically. Probation qould be better.

I agree, josephine. Bitch should have been executed!
Quote from: "I bravely hide away from libs!" post_id=477802 time=1666370305
Loktard talking tough from behind a keyboard since 2006!

Yep. Whats the alternative? Share my PI so some douche shows up?  :pop:
For the record, there's nothing worse than reading peoples PM's.....well, except for maybe threatening their kids.That shits level 100 on the douchebaggery scale. BF is such a douche!
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=477788 time=1666347601 user_id=3374
If they hate this place so much why do they keep posting as guests?

because libtards want a 100% lock on all discussion. They are free to exclude YOU, but you must listen to them or they cry a fukin river.
The Guest Nest / Re: Hilarious videos
October 20, 2022, 10:47:52 AM
Quote from: UoT post_id=477642 time=1666258256

Why didnt he get force fed watermellon?
I regularly travel to The Chicongo. Much of what surrounds downtown looks like a terd wurld city with people urinating out in the open and panhandlers walking between traffic during red lights. I carry a pistol even though I can get fired for it and even though its illegal.
The Flea Trap / Re: Kanye West
October 19, 2022, 09:50:42 AM
Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=477250 time=1666053651 user_id=164
Kanye is nuts ..I wish him, Kim k and her family would all disappear..

He is. Still I find myself agreeing with him quite a lot.
The Guest Nest / Re: Who would have thought..
October 19, 2022, 09:48:59 AM
Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=477433 time=1666130642 user_id=3397
Quote from: Dove post_id=477428 time=1666129667 user_id=3266
 Clothes are not natural. The internet is not natural.

 Oral sex? Totally natural. Even animals lick eachothers privates.

 Dont have sex with dirty people and you'll be fine. According to my husband his live in girl friend he had before me was icky and he thought he hated doing it. He hated everything about it.

 Turns out he just hated doing it to her lol.

I suppose I can't totally disagree...  Many years ago I went through a phase that I am not proud of, and had a one-night-stand with some chick I've never seen before nor since.  Even after a shower the next day, my dick still stunk.  I literally could not wash the stench of rotten puss off my cock until a couple more showers.

That said, I think society as a whole is degenerating.  Sex is supposed to be about making babies and forming a bond, not jamming tongues and other objects up other peoples asses.

I'm a fairly tolerant guy, but even 'mainstream' porn has now become something so degenerate compared to the Playboy mags I was familiar with as a kid.

Even seeing a nigger dick defile White women turns my stomach.  I've seen too much degeneracy lately, and we need to get back to basics!">

My ex wifes cunt smelled really bad. I think if she wiped backwards, it would have been better!

And yea, that nigger jizz ruins white women for sure!!!