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Messages - Lokmar

The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
August 08, 2022, 01:32:25 AM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=469445 time=1659904502 user_id=3214
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=469443 time=1659902816 user_id=2015

I won't anymore.

The chump is having some kind of amphetamine withdrawal & mental health episode which really should be monitored by a professional

Maybe fash should mute the fucker for his own good so that he doesn't inadvertently strangle himself with his own dangling tongue during one of these fits of hysterics he's experiencing

Dude needs to learn to let this shit go. Him and BF are acting like jilted bitches that are on an estalking tirade. I'm gone, you're gone. Shouldnt their love nest be utopia now? LMFAO!
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 08, 2022, 01:27:13 AM
Quote from: Shampain post_id=469398 time=1659875051 user_id=3253
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=469336 time=1659835254 user_id=3351

e-farmer is a person. WTH do you care? I got sick of the stupidity and left. Simple as that. I came here and now you're here all butt hurt cause lots of people followed suit. Maybe it isnt me thats the problem.

No, the real reason I came here at first was to ask "HIM" what happened? Got the usual from El Scabby, I have some respect for the, no "some" people here so I don't actually enjoy coming to Fash's board to shitpost ONLY but I came back again to make sure he wasn't saying he got booted unfairly, he wasn't change has been coming over there for ages like I told the coward almost daily, I didn't even know you'd left, you got angry about being categorised for always being that category... Fine, I saw an Israeli flag and thought it was you but nope you got another source of cheap cream to keep that tiny tip from drying and cracking ac_toofunny You ain't getting any anymore so why don't ask your local tip skin resteraunt owner if like the whole thing to put on a Dorito after grilling? :tease:  :MG_216:

Did you bump your head? Seriously, I cant even follow WTF you're talking about.

One more time, follow carefully. BF made oak a mod and that was a major fuk up. Oak allowed Admin to run amok while she over moded people pushing back against his spam. Biggie got ass boxed, I neg'd BF's announcement which got me ass boxed. That over reaction by his baby soft ass assured me that BF was no longer a place to hang out. No Jews were involved.

My sex life is great. My wife and I do it all the time. Neither of us or our families are jews.
The Guest Nest / Re: welcome to extra rejected
August 06, 2022, 10:12:09 PM
Good idea!
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 06, 2022, 09:22:17 PM
Quote from: Shampain post_id=469150 time=1659795589 user_id=3253
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=469032 time=1659746105 user_id=3351

Naw, its me. I'ma mystic jew and they're under my control!!! BWAAAHAHAHA!

I proudly don't drink, tell you fucking tubes often enough, eh... WE'VE REMOVED PROBLEMS, WE DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHO YOU ARE, YOU AINT SHIT AND YOU CERTAINLY AIN'T GONNA DO ANYTHING... So, "that's all the site destroyers gone" haha fuckin hell, no noobs joining and dickheads, spamming and that dick breakfahg, he'll be here soon if he doesn't put the bottle down and that will be a thorn in HUMPTY DUMPTYS side, and so it begins LMFAO, I already feel sorry for the owner here because it ain't a laugh...

I wasnt removed, I left. I guess I wasnt a problem.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 06, 2022, 09:20:54 PM
Quote from: Shampain post_id=469148 time=1659794935 user_id=3253
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=469028 time=1659745781 user_id=3351

Sounds like you're heavily invested in BF...emotionally that is.

It doesn't sound like anything; you read something and made up shit in that head of yours and moved your fingers... Why? I am invested, didn't I gift you gold status? That wasn't free, I told BF I don't want my donations shown, folk have enough to cry about... So, you want a forum that bends for you but you still end up seeing red and you're calling it "e-farming" haha just like the camps was it Moshe? BASIC RULES FFS

e-farmer is a person. WTH do you care? I got sick of the stupidity and left. Simple as that. I came here and now you're here all butt hurt cause lots of people followed suit. Maybe it isnt me thats the problem.
The Guest Nest / Re: Flynn
August 05, 2022, 08:57:09 PM
Quote from: seoulbro post_id=469040 time=1659747119 user_id=114
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=469036 time=1659746840 user_id=3351

Can you share your password with me so I can be Flynn once in a while too?  :pop:

We need an Asian Flynn. I am up after you. I meet most of the criteria. I am male and almost fifty.

AGREED!  :thumbup:
The Guest Nest / Re: Flynn
August 05, 2022, 08:47:20 PM
Quote from: Lynn.F post_id=468962 time=1659719798 user_id=3247
Now. Now. You guys. I can understand how Fashionista would feel this way after being called out on her own B.S. Which now tells me that this place runs on more gossip than BF and that she's full of shit. Thanks for proving this to myself and others Fashionista.

As for Flea. Thank you for going to bat for me. I appreciate it. But don't get yourself in any hot water over a dribble of spilled milk. CW, same thing, thanks for raising pertinent questions. Vitriol, again you're not to blame at all, so shake it off tough guy.

It is true though that Fashionista is a cunt. Which is fine it's her forum. I didn't start a whole thread outlining my treatment here at BF. I don't need to. Her actions speak louder than any of my words could. It's no wonder this place is dead. The best part is knowing that there wasn't ever any proof about me being KM or this little incident would never have happened.

Fashionista you don't have to worry about me posting here again. But let it be known. I asked you straight up and you went into full meltdown mode and behaved irrationally not even reading what I had posted. For that you should be deeply ashamed and take time to self reflect on why you need to have Seoulbro assisting with your empty lies along with Herman.

Can you share your password with me so I can be Flynn once in a while too?  :pop:
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 05, 2022, 08:35:05 PM
Quote from: Guest post_id=468895 time=1659711435
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=468877 time=1659706038 user_id=3214
Lmao.  Basket Fairy sends in his little fucknut to scream mightily at our ankles with vigor and alcoholism.

BF has made one bad decision after another, but who does Shamp blame for the decline in activity? Why BS and Dove of course. :crazy:

Naw, its me. I'ma mystic jew and they're under my control!!! BWAAAHAHAHA!
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 05, 2022, 08:32:57 PM
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=468852 time=1659690534 user_id=3374
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=468836 time=1659676466 user_id=3351

I neg'd the shit out of all them assholes several different times and they ran to BF and cried until he disabled em. I'd like to hope that I'm to blame! LMFAO!

Is that what happened?  I am not surprised.

Yep. I've got a personal rule, anyone who cries about negs gets neg bombed. The cunts would flip out when Biggie neg'd em so I'd swoop in and serial neg em! LMFAO!
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 05, 2022, 08:31:35 PM
Quote from: Dove post_id=468843 time=1659677918 user_id=3266
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=468839 time=1659676940 user_id=3351


 I don't know what's going on either.

 I can't quit you, though Lok! Youre stuck with me.  ac_drinks

 My husband was reading on the boards a few days ago and he thinks you are hilarious lol.  He might join us. He likes to go to Reddit and roast the fuck out of people on the "Roast me" board when he isn't stuck on the stock stuff.  He is fucking ruthless guys would love him lol.

LOL! We've had some good times on the inferwebz!!  acc_hugz

We can always use more troops in the field!!
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 05, 2022, 08:29:41 PM
Quote from: Shampain post_id=468865 time=1659700354 user_id=3253
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=468836 time=1659676466 user_id=3351

I neg'd the shit out of all them assholes several different times and they ran to BF and cried until he disabled em. I'd like to hope that I'm to blame! LMFAO!

You caused NOTHING AT BFF, THE STINK STILL LINGERS but you haven't posted anything note worthy in memory?? Have a nice life, I hope you one day conquer that foreskin envy... Mullets n vests n bull testicles n guns that kill wee cute animals,

Sounds like you're heavily invested in BF...emotionally that is.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 05, 2022, 01:22:20 AM
Quote from: Shampain post_id=468748 time=1659657119 user_id=3253
Quote from: Dove post_id=468743 time=1659656357 user_id=3266

 I'm glad you are back  :empathy:  

 I know it all wacky drama as usual on the boards lol


The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 05, 2022, 01:20:06 AM
Quote from: Shampain post_id=468742 time=1659656062 user_id=3253
Quote from: Dove post_id=468736 time=1659653121 user_id=3266
Shamp.....are you okay?

TF is that meant to mean? Have I ever asked you for anything? You haven't hurt my feelings if that's what yer getting at, tell me WTF did LOKMAR EVER DO THAT MADE BF SUCH A FUN PLACE??? I have never saw him make a decent post and its usually when he thinks it's actually a good post and ends with Kapwnned, I'm not gonna say what ||I wanna say just in case, banned folk are the clowns of the net! I shall not be banneded unless I genuinely post a porn gif, can I delete or edit quick? Sorry, of course I can do fuckin anything what I meant is, in case I ever drop a turd by accident is it possible to change it quick like "Who that over there fash?" edit supreme?

Im genuine about the circle of trust, 100% riches, and it's very exclusive, you'll never know will YOU dove? hahahaha seamajor is running around like a peacock because he's got big permabanned, HOW????? Why would poofer be scared of someone seamoron has OWNED HARD, fuck that! He even called me Sir today, CHEEKY BASTARD KNOWS IM SEETHING TOO!!! A guy who has 3 pic in his arsenal and keeps measuring height in donuts like we just didn't get it the first time and one day think its funny outplayed daft bigly hahahahaha  :sdfjh(2): I was trying to save us both biggie, my ass hole is literally twitching about with cringe that even after I explained all this shit to you dint make sure it never happened????? Man to man or are you gonna avoid confrontation with me like you think poofer does to you? Foolk needed lies BUT if I said do you know what "I booted my gf up and down the house all night" it still wouldn't be as bad as getting outplayed by seaman, he's 92 ffs?????? Im not alright DOVE NO!!!!  I ddon't know what to do with this info, my brain is just refusing to code this in!! I've been talking shite all day avoiding this and here Iam talking in riddles instead telling the best jokes about, the biggest joke is you BIG!!!! WHY??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/ WHY THE FUUUUUCCCCKK!!!!! Is it just me that think this is so wtf, I've been nippin BF all day he's no budging, YOUR OWN FAULT BIGGIE YA FUCKIN MUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now Aryans thinking about leaving, I'm getting left with BF, FLea, grimm and BAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yER SHEN lI ACCOUNT IS GETTING CANNED AS WELL... IM TAKING A BIG LINE OF SUBBY FUCK THIS!!!

Its "KA-POWN3D" FFS! Sheesh!
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 05, 2022, 01:17:10 AM
Quote from: Shampain post_id=468730 time=1659652495 user_id=3253
Quote from: Dove post_id=468010 time=1659402548 user_id=3266

 I'm so glad you are here. BF sucks without you. Admin takes ALL the n*kk* jizz.

 ALL of it.

Oooofffftttt and just like that, well remembered... Imagine huffing and puffing because yous couldn't shite all over my pals forum!!! I seem to remember @biggie going apeshit if nipples were posted at SG, I might just do the good guy, good guy, wank, good guy list not that I care or yous don't... I WONDER HOW MANY HOURS I WASTED, MY HOURS big trying to save you getting the chop, I gave you over 30 warnings, COUNTED just to take a couple of words out your vocab on BF but Im curious why you didn't just tell me to go fuck myself like a real fuckin man would do, or a so called e-pal!!!! WOn't be long until the same shit happens here, like was said to us but hey I don't have ANY enemies on this board unless you let that insufferable lemon Xbam360 on and the raging alcoholic breaksimp, who anything you hold dear would spill it as soon as you upset him, very easy thing to do so it is... @lokmar you just got sick of being wrong about history and you huffed off! SO did holiday and admin, but thanks for all the memories and it was nice having some of you pretending to like me,  ac_dunno I'll be alright... FUN FACT I bought holiday gold six times, he never thanked me, he kept saying he hated the board which everybody would think "but you paid for a coloured name? dufus" !) bucks for guaranteed feelings of glee that he knew I had him is called ownage!
">  Rejected? that means this is the fighting section right?

Umm, nope. Not even close. Move along if you cant follow along.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 05, 2022, 01:14:26 AM
Quote from: Dove post_id=468704 time=1659643055 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=468702 time=1659642975 user_id=2845
BF said she reported Deport for negs. Regan negs the fuck outta all of us and we don't cry to BF

 That whole damn group.....including her....negs me. Who fucking cares?

 They need to log off and go connect with nature or something lol

I neg'd the shit out of all them assholes several different times and they ran to BF and cried until he disabled em. I'd like to hope that I'm to blame! LMFAO!