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Messages - Lokmar

The Guest Nest / Re: So what’s going on?
August 05, 2022, 01:09:34 AM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=468118 time=1659448875 user_id=3214
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=467567 time=1659244212 user_id=1728
Aidsman must have done some major e-sucking in PMs.

Admin and BitchTard Fuckery are probably sharing nude photos of themselves with each other and bitchtard doesn't want admin leaking all that

He's about due to show up and have another cry.
The Flea Trap / Re: The tide is turning....
August 05, 2022, 12:58:25 AM
I said from the very beginning that everyone would get this eventually.....and repeatedly. The jab doesnt do much good.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 01, 2022, 10:09:10 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=468024 time=1659404909 user_id=3214
Quote from: Dove post_id=468010 time=1659402548 user_id=3266

 I'm so glad you are here. BF sucks without you. Admin takes ALL the n*kk* jizz.

 ALL of it.

Careful now. Bitchboy Fuckhole might read this, start to leak in his thong and ban you from spamtard repository

I recall him constantly saying he wanted to hear complaints about aidsman. Its like the dingbat wanted to create a group of tattle tails  who would be continuously calling out to him for help. Nucking futz!
The Guest Nest / Re: So what’s going on?
August 01, 2022, 09:46:19 PM
Quote from: deport_liberals post_id=467873 time=1659341834 user_id=3305
Libs can't debate with ideas and facts so they just want to silence their opposition.

THIS!!!! X100!
The Guest Nest / Re: Welcome Admin/Snowflakes4Trump
August 01, 2022, 09:38:05 PM
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=468018 time=1659403968 user_id=3254
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=468015 time=1659403661 user_id=3351

I've never really seen that clown debate without resorting to sheer retardation when he lost the argument. Thats the problem.

Seoul wants to try and discuss issues with him in a civil manner.

No offense to anyone but that is akin to discussing the laws of physics with a spastic retard. He might be able to pull it off once just for spite.
IMO, most of this shortage is purposely engineered by China and possibly our own government.
The Guest Nest / Re: Welcome Admin/Snowflakes4Trump
August 01, 2022, 09:27:41 PM
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=467945 time=1659382113 user_id=3254
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=467944 time=1659381964 user_id=3214

as do I

I simply deleted his account when he wouldn't stop and allowed him to create another

we went through that process about 5 times

Seoul hopes he posts here.....he wants a left winger to debate with.

I've never really seen that clown debate without resorting to sheer retardation when he lost the argument. Thats the problem.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 01, 2022, 09:19:27 PM
Quote from: Dove post_id=468010 time=1659402548 user_id=3266
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=468007 time=1659402455 user_id=3351

Thanks, buddy! Yea, I got tired of that clown and his e-farmer type bullshit.

 I'm so glad you are here. BF sucks without you. Admin takes ALL the n*kk* jizz.

 ALL of it.

Thanks Dove! It got so damned tiresome, reading all the spam and such. BF acting like a lunatic was the final straw for me. The rest of you should bail and hang out here. BF is on its way to becoming Sidney Bildo 2.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 01, 2022, 09:10:00 PM
Quote from: BF post_id=467882 time=1659364038
You guys need to pick it up over here... more hate and outrage.

No passwords were changed.. log in or don't.

Biggie you wait here.

Thanks for showing you still care. LOL!
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
August 01, 2022, 09:07:35 PM
Quote from: TheProwler post_id=467866 time=1659339583 user_id=3379
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=467842 time=1659323708 user_id=3351
Well brother, we need a civil war because far too many believe in that type of bullshit.

Hey, good to see that your are still alive.  I was wondering when you just stopped posting at BasTARD Factory.

Thanks, buddy! Yea, I got tired of that clown and his e-farmer type bullshit.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
July 31, 2022, 11:15:08 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=467825 time=1659320987 user_id=3214
Quote from: Dove post_id=467822 time=1659320501 user_id=3266

 Or go into domestic violence shelters for traumatized and vulnerable women and girls.

 There are already women who need those resources avoiding them because of this shit.

 That's what is going to happen. Women will just avoid these spaces.

any man who feels that MEN should be allowed to enter areas designated as private for females should be shot in the face

I don't give a fuck what his mental illness tells him about his own sexuality

reality is fucking reality and no matter what a man does he will never be a woman

and vice versa

end of.

Well brother, we need a civil war because far too many believe in that type of bullshit.
The Guest Nest / Re: Welcome Admin/Snowflakes4Trump
July 31, 2022, 11:10:18 PM
I find it interesting that the stupid cunt BF is driving out all CONservative who seem to be ending up here which in turn is causing the morons base to try to post here! Self PWN3D!
Without humanity, the earth has no value.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
July 31, 2022, 12:32:19 PM
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=467565 time=1659241267 user_id=3254
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=467558 time=1659238575 user_id=3351
For the record, I left BF on my own accord after I got back from Florida in June. Before that, I was assboxed for the high crime of giving a neg to BF's post announcing Biggies assboxing or some such shit. I may be permanently banned now but I wouldnt know since I havent tried to log in for more than a month now.

My suggestion, fuck BF. That loon is about as retarded as efarmer when he got hooked up with that left wing college bitch.

No comment from me Lokmar..

I'm very lenient, but not every admin owner is the same.

As far as BF is concerned, the major malfunction was that penalties were not delivered even handedly. Of course its his site and he's free to operate it like Sidney Bildo does his. However, all that's going to eventually do is attract and retain people who think and argue one way.
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=467312 time=1659190717 user_id=1676
Pelosi is set to stop in Taiwan without CCP approval. Pelosi is in the chain of asendency for US leadership. Biden is toast and has been thoroughly toasted since they rolled out his drug amped body on the campaign trail... and Kamala is a total train wreck and fuckwit.

Things might get really interesting and soon, peeps.

I hope you all saved printed copies of family photos and documents....

I've got my nuke pills and a basement along with a supply of canned goods and of course, guns and ammo. I bought nuke pills for my kids in Florida too although they dont really have suitable structures to hide out in.