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Messages - Lokmar

The Flea Trap / Re: The Coronation
May 23, 2023, 07:06:18 PM
Its people choosing satan over God.
The Guest Nest / Re: Please take Weebles.
May 22, 2023, 11:59:16 PM
Quote from: weebles post_id=501415 time=1684808485 user_id=2191
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501410 time=1684807999 user_id=3351
I was over at Ozark International Raceway this weekend. There were some poor bastards with Mustang GT 350's that were replacing engines every fuking year in them terdz!!!! Fukin SLOW and shitty!!!! Fukin Hellcat battle barge would be a better track car than a mustang!!!!




See you at VIR?  :JC_howdy:

LOL! The ZLE came out in 17 and promptly put the mega beat down on the GT 350 AND the GT 350R. The GT 500 came out and managed to beat the ZLE for 2 whole laps before the tires lose their shit, then it's the ZLE all the way.

The worst part about it is that it takes the CF version of the GT500 to hang with the ZLE and its TWICE the price!!! In a 1/2 hour session, the ZLE will show the GT 500 its tailights with equal  drivers.

Which event at VIR are you going to?
The Guest Nest / Re: Please take Weebles.
May 22, 2023, 10:13:19 PM
I was over at Ozark International Raceway this weekend. There were some poor bastards with Mustang GT 350's that were replacing engines every fuking year in them terdz!!!! Fukin SLOW and shitty!!!! Fukin Hellcat battle barge would be a better track car than a mustang!!!!
The Flea Trap / Re: The Coronation
May 22, 2023, 10:09:45 PM
I would just like to say..... IT WUZ THA JOOOOOOZ!!!!!!"
The Flea Trap / Re: The Funnies
May 22, 2023, 09:03:41 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=501386 time=1684799920 user_id=3396
A grade school teacher in Kentucky asked her students to use the word 'fascinate' in a sentence.

Molly put up her hand and said, 'My family went to my granddad's farm, and we all saw his pet sheep. It was fascinating.' The teacher said, 'That was good, but I wanted you to use the word 'fascinate, not fascinating'.

Sally raised her hand. She said, 'My family went to see Rock City and I was fascinated.'

The teacher said, 'Well, that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word 'fascinate'

Little Johnny raised his hand. The teacher hesitated

because she had been burned by Little Johnny before. She finally decided there was no way he could damage the word 'fascinate', so she called on him.

Johnny said, 'My aunt Gina has a sweater with ten buttons, but her tits are so big she can only fasten eight.'

NICE!!!!  :laugh3:
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
May 22, 2023, 08:58:46 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=501385 time=1684799673 user_id=3396">

WOW!!! Flush that shithole! Canduhduh has a shitload of natural resources and very few people. No excuse for that shit!!!
I'm sick and tired of all these jigaboo coons crying about their buck wild males getting smoked. They need to start hanging them fuckers from light poles again.
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501346 time=1684748483 user_id=3409
Fetterman, doing his best Koopa impersonation....">

Hey dickhead, we know thee deal about how speech (in your ears) sounds like Charlie Brown's schoolteacher, but you claimed an ability to read, so read this:

14th Amemdment, Section 4

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Nobody is questioning the debt, you bumblefuck. We ARE however adamant as fuck that you fiscally incompetent dribblers not be allowed to create MORE of it. Stop spending money, and you stop creating more debt... get it Gumby?

Fucks sake...

That is so fuckin pathetic. This shit has to be part of a plan to utterly destroy America.
Aidsman is a faggit. I shit on his dis service to the military due to him spreading AIDS.
Quote from: Herman post_id=501166 time=1684530953 user_id=3396
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501143 time=1684524777 user_id=3409

Come on, I'm sure Chelsea isn't THAT bad...  :laugh3:

She is fugly.

A look at her before all the plastic surgery and there's no doubt that she's Web Hubbles kid!
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
May 19, 2023, 05:47:13 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=501167 time=1684531096 user_id=3396
Andy Rourke, bassist for the Smiths dead at fifty nine.

Only song I ever liked of the smiths was "How Soon is Now?"

The Flea Trap / Re: Recovering from Covid...
May 19, 2023, 05:44:28 PM
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501151 time=1684528253 user_id=3409
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501147 time=1684526563 user_id=3351

Nope. You plan on getting assraped by your local boogy joo? Does the boogy joo only come at light? Oi Vey!!!!

We're all out of boogy joos over here, I sent them over to your place last night. I told them you had a microwave that seats 400, they're going to spunk all over the insides of it and make latkes with the resulting spooge for their next bah mitzva.

30 minutes on high ought to do it. Think you can handle it or do I need to send and instruction manual over as well, old man?

They best get over here soon, Shabbot is about to start!

Wouldnt be good for them if they did tho. Shitloads of ANYONE showing up at my doorstep is likely to get shot the fuck dead. Snubbie Python is never far away.
The Flea Trap / Re: Recovering from Covid...
May 19, 2023, 04:02:43 PM
Quote from: "Adolf Oliver Bush" post_id=501144 time=1684525012 user_id=3409
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501141 time=1684522579 user_id=3351

Hey, I just wanna know which slant eyed bat eating JOOOOOOZE invented COVID-19!!!!!  :laugh3:

Why, you planning to suck sideways slanting cut cock or something?

Nope. You plan on getting assraped by your local boogy joo? Does the boogy joo only come at light? Oi Vey!!!!
Quote from: Guest post_id=501137 time=1684517593
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501136 time=1684512756 user_id=3351

Your contribution to the gayvee was peeling potatos and dick with your anus. I'd shit on your service but it would only turn you on....faggit.
I was never in the gayvee you homo wannabe.

  Now go suck Trump's cock with Biggie Baby Cock Sucker and Drooliani.

Oh, sorry. I guess it was the gayvee was in you. My bad, faggit.
The Flea Trap / Re: Recovering from Covid...
May 19, 2023, 02:56:19 PM
Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=501140 time=1684520818 user_id=1728
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=501065 time=1684417156 user_id=3351

Come on Shlomo, you must have wised up by now!

Hey, I just wanna know which slant eyed bat eating JOOOOOOZE invented COVID-19!!!!!  :laugh3: