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Messages - Lokmar

Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=500103 time=1683546395 user_id=3397
Dr. Kikenberger needs to bill $10,000 for the three stitches he just performed on your finger, which required about 20 minutes of his time...

That expense will most likely be billed through Goldstein, Bergstein & Sons insurers, but that's what they like!

It's the same reason they get their kids circumcised...  They like the Jewish touch in America!

 :laugh3:  ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao

The last time I got stitches in the ER, it was done by a PA. The stupid bitch put em in like she was sewing up a seat cover. They were so tight, the skin was rolled over inward. It literally looked like the edge of a leather seat cover!

I took a pic and sent to my son in law who's an ER doc and told him how shitty PA's are and how much better I could do with one fucking hand. I would have given a foreskin that day for a decent ACTUAL doctor.
I love all this cackling about power tripping from dems. Whenever Saint Trump orders that  these people get executed in the gutter, no hesitation!!!!
I almost forgot... Major Semen licks the shit off BF's face after he finishes.
Quote from: Frood post_id=500099 time=1683544760 user_id=1676
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=500075 time=1683524279 user_id=3351
If I discovered a cure for cancer, some birdbrained fucktard like josephine would want me to give it away for free.

You shouldn't have to but wouldn't you want to anyway?

Or at least make it super affordable.

Nope. Not a fucking chance. Lokmar is gonna extract a HEAVY, HEAVY, price from society for the cure to cancer. Its gonna fukin hurt REAL bad too!
Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=500087 time=1683533232 user_id=3397
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=500075 time=1683524279 user_id=3351
If I discovered a cure for cancer, some birdbrained fucktard like josephine would want me to give it away for free.

Sometimes that's the ethical thing to do though.  The three Canadian medical scientists that discovered insulin never wanted to profit from it.  They certainly could have, since they owned the patents, but sold those patents for $1.00 to the University of Toronto, who permitted anyone to produce it.  Had they been Jews, I have no doubt they would've capitalized on it...

Sir Frederick Banting (the dude who discovered it) said, "Insulin does not belong to me, it belongs to the world."

Their legacy will live on.

Forcing someone to make an ethical choice is not ethical. Its like the concept of forcing a sincere apology. It cannot exist. I agree that someone who is a decent person would at least consider giving away the cure non gratus. That aint me though. I would demonstrate the efficacy of my cure and then present my list of demands. I'd prolly demand we execute all kweirdos, give everyone not in prison an AR-15, execute thousands of prisoners at my discretion, reaffirm states right to secession, and several other things I dont care to think of at this moment.
Quote from: "Berry Sweet" post_id=500078 time=1683525185 user_id=164
This is a dumb thread.

Wear your seat belt people, it could save your life.

How about, its a good idea, but exercise your freedom of choice! I sure as fuck dont need it to be a law. It doesnt matter anyway though cause I dont follow it.
If I discovered a cure for cancer, some birdbrained fucktard like josephine would want me to give it away for free.
Quote from: Aylana post_id=500069 time=1683516940 user_id=3385
Spam seems to be encouraged now, Seacreeper spams photos, admin spams photos, then they complain when someone says admin sucks cock when it's the same thing they are doing, so we end up with nothing but spam every day. Seacreeper disrupts every thread in the political section, he spams emoticons, what is the point of even posting anymore when you have nothing but spam or 5 year old drama going on at BF.

It is so bad that Blandscape actually retired...or had a mental breakdown, not sure witch.

Thats actually been standard operating procedure there for years. I hear BF jacks off and smears shit on his own face every time Aidsman sends him a naughty report.
Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=500052 time=1683506563 user_id=3397
Quote from: Edward post_id=500043 time=1683505249
I disconnected the wire under the seat of the ranger. When I brought the truck in to fix the heat they reconnected it, as well as put fuses in for the horn and interior light even though I didn't ask them to.

Ford makes it easy to disable the feature.  This is for F150's, but I believe my Ranger used the exact same method.  This should be in your owners manual.  It's probably better to use this method, since disconnecting wires may affect the airbags...">

As previously stated, my proceedure is I hop in the car, start it, drive off, and wait for as long as it takes for the ding to stop.  :laugh3:
Quote from: Guest post_id=500050 time=1683506258
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=500033 time=1683503054 user_id=3389
Funny, I didn't see all those LSA posters at BF that Marteeni promised would join.

I don't why BF keeps giving in to this little shittard.  He's been laughed off that forum dozens of times, cuz nobody likes him lol.   He has somehow convinced BF to divide the forum into "teams"   So far, UncleDilf is in charge of the "Alpha team" and has a special title under his name, along with a different color screen name ..    Cuntini also has a title too..  "Regulators" and his color changed to purple.  I don't get it??  BF must be easily convinced/manipulated to fall for his crock of shit.

BF thrives off the drama he fosters between the two sides. He's a power tripping sick fuk. He constantly begs people to report shit to him so he can get his sick jollies. I refused to play his game so he got sour on me.......what a lil beyotch!
Quote from: Odinson post_id=500023 time=1683484939 user_id=136
I dont always wear the seatbelt... If I like leave the store and head home, I dont wear seatbelt most of the time.

But incase of any kind of collision, you are fucked without a seatbelt.

I've been in several accidents. Never bad enough to get hurt from no belt.

If I'm on the companies clock, I wear a belt. When I'm racing, I wear a belt.
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
May 07, 2023, 02:40:35 PM
Quote from: DKG post_id=500016 time=1683484080 user_id=3390
Rocker Dee Snider of Twisted Sister fame has issued a statement declaring his support for those who identify as transgender, while also expressing his view that children have not matured enough mentally to pursue gender transitions.

Snider recently earned the ire of San Francisco Pride after he expressed agreement with what the organization claimed was a "transphobic statement" put out by Paul Stanley of Kiss.

Stanley had appeared to argue that adults should not encourage kids to identify as the opposite sex. Snider agreed, tweeting, "You know what? There was a time where I 'felt pretty' too. Glad my parents didn't jump to any rash conclusions! Well said, @PaulStanleyLive."

San Francisco Pride announced that plans to have Snider perform had been scrapped, writing, "[W]hen we were notified about the tweet in which Dee expressed support for Kiss's Paul Stanley's transphobic statement, we were heartbroken and angry. The message perpetuated by that tweet casts doubt on young trans people's ability to self-identify their gender." The organization declared, "We have mutually agreed to part ways, but appreciate Dee seeing this as a teachable moment and a reminder that even allies need to be educated to ensure that they are not casually promoting transphobia."

LOL! My wife told me that faggits are now boycotting bud light because they are reaching out to curtail the backlash against em! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!

Fuck Dee Snyder BTW.
Quote from: DKG post_id=500018 time=1683484389 user_id=3390
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=499993 time=1683430669 user_id=3351
And fuck ALL of you cunt cawksukerz who have a problem with it!!!!

The beeping would drive me batty.

Dodge vehicles are the worst. GM's ding the least amount. No more than 2 minutes. Most of the time, I dont even hear the noise.  I do have to tell people to fuck off now and then tho. My older kids fuck with me about it, asking "whats that dinging noise?" "Is there something wrong with the car?"
The Flea Trap / Re: HATE
May 07, 2023, 02:35:06 PM
Quote from: DKG post_id=500015 time=1683483931 user_id=3390
A Colorado man pleaded guilty to a hate crime charge Thursday in connection with setting fire to a church in Loveland, Colorado.

"The FBI treats hate crimes as the highest priority of our civil rights program because everyone deserves to feel safe to exercise their religion without fear of violence from others," Special Agent in Charge Mark Michalek of the FBI Denver Field Office said in a statement.

Darion Ray Sexton, 22, admitted to throwing two Molotov cocktails at Abiding Love Lutheran Church the night of January 19. He further admitted that he intended to destroy the church and that his motivation involved the "religious character of the church."

As I read it, the church was targeted because of its anti abortion stance.

Let me say, I would be fine with someone barring the doors of a church and burning it and the people inside to death if that church promoted faggotry. Anyone burning down a church for practicing God's Word though, should be burned alive. Some people would call my stance hypocritical. I would burn all them fuckers alive too.
The Flea Trap / Re: HATE
May 07, 2023, 02:20:55 PM
Quote from: Odinson post_id=500000 time=1683477280 user_id=136
Blacks and their lovers have started to use the term "chattel slavery" after they realized that all ethnicities have been enslaved at some point.

Victimhood and the reason to live got stolen... Almost.

Now they had special kind of slavery.

I've been over their bullshit for decades. I just straight up dont give a shit about racism, white privilege, any of it.

Several events over the last  few years have made me even less sympathetic if that were possible. I got gut hooked by that George Floyd narrative as it was first selectively portrayed and edited for public consumption. After the entire video was released, I felt like a fuking moron. These same cocksuckers then tried to tell us all that Kyle Rittenhouse was a fucking racist. No more. Now, I'd be skeptical even if I saw the KKK in full regalia sawing off a black baby's head with a dull knife on live TV.