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Messages - Lokmar

Quote from: DKG post_id=500005 time=1683482723 user_id=3390
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=499974 time=1683404978 user_id=3351
Any coon that gets raprashuns should have to be beat like a fukin slave by a super pastey white man who impregnates their wife (only if she's black) FIRST!!!!

The whole idea of repaying people who were never slaves and punishing those who never owned slaves is ridiculous.

Its fostering lots of hate on one side, and it will only fortify a sense of entitlement on the other side.
Quote from: "Melson Gibson" post_id=499994 time=1683431863 user_id=3397
I often don't belt up properly either (I find seat belts to be extremely uncomfortable).  But because the cops kept hassling me about it, I had to come up with a solution.  Large commercial vehicles have a 'Komfort Latch' that allow you to lock the belt out at any length.  There are somewhat similar devices available for cars too, that clip onto the belt.  Then you can just drape the belt over your shoulder loosely without even buckling it up, so no chafing, but from outward appearances it looks like I am belted in...">

Thats a pretty cool gadget!
The Guest Nest / I STILL dont wear my seatbelt!
May 06, 2023, 11:37:49 PM
And fuck ALL of you cunt cawksukerz who have a problem with it!!!!
The Guest Nest / Re: how sane libtards debate
May 06, 2023, 11:30:04 PM
I always heard libtards debate via sword fighting. The one with the boner at the end gets to plow the other.
Any coon that gets raprashuns should have to be beat like a fukin slave by a super pastey white man who impregnates their wife (only if she's black) FIRST!!!!
The Flea Trap / Re: The scary tranny thread
May 06, 2023, 01:38:41 AM
Quote from: Herman post_id=499880 time=1683328319 user_id=3396
A Christian couple took a British school to court after it reportedly coerced their 4-year-old into participating in an LGBT activist parade.

The presiding judge ultimately ruled against Christian parents Izoduwa and Shane Montague, claiming that the activist ritual did not advance "LGBT issues over other lifestyle forms" and was actually aligned with their Christian beliefs. He also underlined the importance of teaching LGBT issues in schools to ensure that "those who adhere to that lifestyle" receive a favorable treatment.

According to the London-based nonprofit Christian Concern, the Heavers Farm Primary School in Croydon, South London, held a pride celebration in 2018. Parents were notified of the event only a few days in advance with a rainbow-colored invitation to attend.

Ahead of the event, young students were reportedly taught popular "gay anthems," which they were ultimately tasked with singing while marching around the school.

In addition to LGBT hymnals, the children "were also required to create rainbow themed art, which the school's lesson plan held out as an assignment to show support for the diverse LGBT community."

According to the Christian mother, school staff and administrators became "hostile" toward her for questioning their promotion of LGBT doctrine in the school and told her that a failure on her son's part to take part in the ritual "would be seen as a behavioural issue."

Other parents were allegedly told that the parade was a "legal requirement."

Mrs. Montague, 38, asked that her son be excused from participating in the ritual since she was "concerned with him being involved in a public display of adherence to views which she did not accept," reported the Times.

Like I've said for years, toleration of regular everyday kweirdos leads to evil oppression.

God says execute faggits for a reason, Leviticus 20:13.
The Guest Nest / Re: Who Will Die Next
May 05, 2023, 01:28:26 PM
Quote from: JOE post_id=499850 time=1683304984 user_id=97
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=499849 time=1683303865 user_id=3351

No doubt you'd volunteer your tongue for doody.

I'm bettin' the next ta die will be another US Bank.....Lokmeer!!


Yer Mighty American Economy is dyin' by the day, Bud!

Clown, they already announced that yesterday.
The Guest Nest / Re: Who Will Die Next
May 05, 2023, 12:24:25 PM
Quote from: Sea post_id=499845 time=1683301221
Quote from: "Dr. Bob" post_id=499327 time=1682922929

Seaboobies, your results came back from the pap smear and you won't believe it.... we think you're starting to cum. Keep taking your puberty blockers and try not to operate any childrens for the next 72 hours.


Herman needs his prostrate examined again. I know you're both more then willing.

No doubt you'd volunteer your tongue for doody.
The Guest Nest / Re: Dove, Just Shut The Fuck Up
May 05, 2023, 11:11:37 AM
Quote from: JOE post_id=499832 time=1683299355 user_id=97
Quote from: DKG post_id=499821 time=1683295417 user_id=3390

The Joe retirment strategy. :laugh3:

Whatever DKG.

I wouldn't buy inta this stock market these days.

It seems a tad (or terribly) overpriced, wouldn't you agree?

Where do they get a DOW at 34,000 when the US economy and its banks are going bust? When the US economy was at peak capacity, doing well, the DOW was only 29,000.

I'd rather wait on the sidelines cuz if there's a big drop then deals galore will appear.

You know what my good friend cc said DKG: "Buy Low & Sell High"

Or what Warren Buffet said:

 [be] "fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful."


As you're probably aware, the Big Investors like him and Ray Dalio are just sitting on the sidelines waiting for a decent buying opportunity.

Even with the billions they have at their disposal, they're not buying inta an overpriced market, DKG.

What? You cant even afford a decent fukin car, josephine!
The Flea Trap / Re: This n that
May 05, 2023, 11:10:28 AM
Quote from: DKG post_id=499829 time=1683299008 user_id=3390
Paul Stanley is backtracking due to pressure from extremists.

Paul Stanley followed up his recent statements about parents pushing children into gender transition surgeries by remarking that his words "clearly were not" clear and that he firmly supports those struggling with sexual identity.

As reported by TimCast, the rock star's pivot comes just four days after his April 30, 2023, online post criticizing parents who push their children into gender transition surgeries too easily and attempt to normalize the act.

"There is a big difference between teaching acceptance and normalizing and even encouraging participation in a lifestyle that confuses young children," Stanley said.

The musician changed his tune in his May 4, 2023, comments, saying "While my thoughts were clear, my words clearly were not. Most importantly and above all else, I support those struggling with their sexual identity while enduring constant hostility and those whose path leads them to reassignment surgery," he explained."> ... s-walkback">

What a fukin coward. I would have put, "all trannies are mentally ill" and then followed up with "every tannie should be shot in the crotch and then kicked off the freedom tower!"
The Flea Trap / Re: HATE
May 05, 2023, 11:08:28 AM
democRATs would have you believe that all 120 toothless members of the KKK are a national emergency and that black people are in danger of extinction. blax have been raised since they were children to feel victimized by whites and hate them for it. Its no wonder we have situations like this.
The Flea Trap / Re: The state of public education
May 05, 2023, 11:06:06 AM
Quote from: DKG post_id=499825 time=1683298254 user_id=3390
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=499823 time=1683295726 user_id=3351

There's plenty of road racing courses across the country to try it out if you're curious. Many people at those events are willing to take passengers. I have a co worker that races at Ozarks International and Heartland Park in Topeka regularly.

Supposedly, the regular ZL1 is best if you dont plan on road course racing as the 1LE rides real rough and the aero cuts the top speed down about 10mph.....but it sure looks bad ass!

I'm nearly fifty years old. I'll stick with my passion for golf.

 :laugh3: I understand the trepidation. There is a lot of stigma about what can happen on a race track and the risk to the car.

I never raced on a track before I was 50. The first event, I was nervous AF. Believe it or not, you can purchase track insurance which is a very good idea just in case. I've only seen one accident and it was because it was raining. Now that I've had several events behind me, I absolutely love it. I even took one of my sons on track last event and he loved it too!
The Flea Trap / Re: The state of public education
May 05, 2023, 10:08:46 AM
Quote from: DKG post_id=499793 time=1683249459 user_id=3390
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=499749 time=1683233678 user_id=3351

The best for road racing is the ZL1-1LE. The closest thing to it is well over 140K.  Mopar Hellcat wins hands down for 1/4 mile racing.

I do not think I would be doing any urban racing if I ever buy one.

There's plenty of road racing courses across the country to try it out if you're curious. Many people at those events are willing to take passengers. I have a co worker that races at Ozarks International and Heartland Park in Topeka regularly.

Supposedly, the regular ZL1 is best if you dont plan on road course racing as the 1LE rides real rough and the aero cuts the top speed down about 10mph.....but it sure looks bad ass!
Quote from: Sea post_id=499777 time=1683240560
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=499756 time=1683236383 user_id=3351

LOL! Thanks for proving our point regarding the double standard in favor of you people, seamolester.

Fatso should be next

I thought JB Pritzger was your hero.
The Flea Trap / Re: The scary tranny thread
May 04, 2023, 05:55:39 PM
Quote from: Thiel post_id=499670 time=1683172668 user_id=1688
I hear a lot of talk from gay men that wish we would decouple from trans and their agenda. We shouldn't have been lumped in with them in the first place.

I dont see why. Its the natural progression of tolerating faggits.