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Messages - Lokmar

Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463326 time=1657381187 user_id=61
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463286 time=1657350716 user_id=3351

Subduing criminals is far far different than controlling an armed revolutionary mob. The police would either join the people or be dead in a few more than a week. One of my friends is a retired federal marshal. Mostly, they took down the criminals they were pursuing. Criminals tend to isolate themselves and the marshals would hit them with overwhelming force as soon as they had them isolated. Occasionally, they lost a man to fire from criminals. My friend was shot on 2 different occasions with handgun rounds at close range and thankfully the vest saved him. If anyone gets shot with a 223 or a 308 with a vest police commonly use, they'll suffer broken/bruised ribs and internal bleeding. Most soft vests wont sufficiently protect from a 30-06. A 12 ga slug will kill anyone wearing a soft vest if they're hit in certain spots. Even though the rounds wont penetrate, the kinetic energy can kill.  SWAT would be ineffective against large groups of armed people. If they are all equipped with hard plate body armor, they will last longer.

If it's a revolution, it's not just the police/SWAT you'll be dealing with, you'll have to expect to face the US military, the government have a endless of resources and insane amount of training and experience in guerrilla warfare.  Chances are your firearms will be effectiveless against their any armoured vehicle while.  While your phones, walkie talkies will betray you, etc.

The standard issue police have a system for monitoring all forms of electronic activity when they are searching for someone. My buddy with the marshals was telling me all about it. No doubt there will be people picked off in this manner. Meanwhile, the command structure for the civilian forces would be quickly decimated and overrun. The military COULD mobilize against the public. The question is WOULD they. We dont know for sure because we havent seen it happen. Marshal Law would have to be in place first. It would be a bloodbath. The military would be extremely demoralized at the least and after 1 week, the rest of the populace would turn on the military AND what was left of the government. Regime change would follow soon after would be my guess.

Something else to consider is unlike all other countries, Americans have quite a bit of night vision gear, enabling us to see at night. I have a thermal scope mounted to a .22. People make fun of me for putting a $1800 scope on a $300 rifle.....until they see me use it in twilight to shoot varmints. Then they want one for themselves!

Again, America is unlike all other countries. Its not gonna be a cakewalk for the authorities during a civil war. Hell, I bet a group of your average hog hunters could take over just about any medium sized city in Europe with their night gear.
Quote from: Bricktop post_id=463282 time=1657348773 user_id=1560
QuoteI didnt notice which country you're from but I bet when the government or criminals comes for you, your kitchen knife is your only recourse. My Benelli M4 would cut a burglar in half with 3 shots!


You must be quite a guy.

So many guns and so much ammunition. You must be a pillar of your community.

You must have really applauded the culprit who killed those 7 people this week.

He had 5 guns and lots of bullets too. A real American.

Here's a question for you.

Would you rescind your precious stockpile of killing machines, thus increasing the risk of losing your Playstation 5 and iPhone 13 to housebreakers, in return for ensuring the safety of your community from serial murderers using high powered rifle to slaughter innocents.

Which is more important to you, chuck? Your trinkets, or the lives of others?

Yea, I'm a pillar of the community. Best of all, I'm armed to the teeth.

Your comment about the murderer is absurd.

I've previously stated that there is no number of dead kids, including all of my own, that is worth repealing ANY of the Bill of Rights, especially the 2nd Amendment.
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463260 time=1657336495 user_id=61
Anyways you guys should at least see some of the police/soldier's intense training they go through daily, and then compare your lifestyle to theirs.  

The government can just cut off the food source, medical care, gas supply, ammo, etc, even if you create your own factory, they can just bomb or raid it.  Eventually everyone will be desperate and surrender.

Hong Kong's SWAT team was created and trained by the SAS during colonial rule.  And the average time it takes for them to clear and secure a typical apartment unit filled with heavily armed suspect and hostages is no more than 4 seconds.  And the bad news(for the pro gun owners) is experts rated US's LA and Washington SWAT, etc at an even higher level.

Subduing criminals is far far different than controlling an armed revolutionary mob. The police would either join the people or be dead in a few more than a week. One of my friends is a retired federal marshal. Mostly, they took down the criminals they were pursuing. Criminals tend to isolate themselves and the marshals would hit them with overwhelming force as soon as they had them isolated. Occasionally, they lost a man to fire from criminals. My friend was shot on 2 different occasions with handgun rounds at close range and thankfully the vest saved him. If anyone gets shot with a 223 or a 308 with a vest police commonly use, they'll suffer broken/bruised ribs and internal bleeding. Most soft vests wont sufficiently protect from a 30-06. A 12 ga slug will kill anyone wearing a soft vest if they're hit in certain spots. Even though the rounds wont penetrate, the kinetic energy can kill.  SWAT would be ineffective against large groups of armed people. If they are all equipped with hard plate body armor, they will last longer.
Quote from: Bricktop post_id=463258 time=1657334976 user_id=1560
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463236 time=1657330091 user_id=3351

Everyone who is free should have access to guns. Anyone who murders should be publicly executed. A lot of people should die in America every year. Only problem is, we need to make sure the right people are killed.

On tonight's news, they had a story about an old man who was beaten and robbed in his bodega. He managed to grab a knife and stabbed his attacker, killing him. New York has charged him with murder."> ... on-dispute">

Just like in  the UK, if you defend yourself with any weapon, you WILL be charged. The best way to stay alive is to have a gun to shoot these assholes BEFORE they beat you. In Europe, mass murders are committed with vehicles. Cant outrun them either.

All of this is moot because unlike the rest of the world, America has a 2nd Amendment for overthrowing the government when necessary. No number of dead kids changes that.

I must offer my gratitude to you for your input.

Your deranged and deluded views nicely corroborate my view that America is a doomed nation, ready to shoot itself to death rather than govern itself sensibly.

Cheers for that.

We've been this way since 1775. Hell, back then, private citizens owned canons which they lent to the first military!!!

I didnt notice which country you're from but I bet when the government or criminals comes for you, your kitchen knife is your only recourse. My Benelli M4 would cut a burglar in half with 3 shots!
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463247 time=1657332365 user_id=61
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463236 time=1657330091 user_id=3351

Everyone who is free should have access to guns. Anyone who murders should be publicly executed. A lot of people should die in America every year. Only problem is, we need to make sure the right people are killed.

On tonight's news, they had a story about an old man who was beaten and robbed in his bodega. He managed to grab a knife and stabbed his attacker, killing him. New York has charged him with murder."> ... on-dispute">

Just like in  the UK, if you defend yourself with any weapon, you WILL be charged. The best way to stay alive is to have a gun to shoot these assholes BEFORE they beat you. In Europe, mass murders are committed with vehicles. Cant outrun them either.

All of this is moot because unlike the rest of the world, America has a 2nd Amendment for overthrowing the government when necessary. No number of dead kids changes that.

I do agree with ya on one thing that we both hate, which is criminal rights.  But aside from that I duno why do you guys are so concerned your government will turn 180 degrees on their own people and want to destroy them just for that.  Chances are if a civil war breaks out, I doubt it'll end well for people against the US military that have over 15 years of experience fighting terrorists and a century of modern combat knowledge and training.  Not to mention as long as you use smartphones, you're screwed to begin with as the government already has all your data and everything else that's in it, and can track every where you go and everything you say.

Its simply a matter of optics. I look at most other countries and bristle at all the jack booted authoritarianism. I'm sure many in those countries dont. I dont think its possible to understand our Bill of Rights without reading much of what the founders wrote through their optics and views on despotic governments.

No offense but you cant comprehend how many guns are in this country and how much ammo the people have stockpiled. I have thousands of rounds for everything I own and I own . Really, 1000 rounds is a comfortable minimum for everything except my high powered bolt action and I own more calibers than normal people have fingers on both hands. Millions of people like me are in America. The military would never be able to take us all because there isnt enough of them. Sure, biden could launch F15s and nukes on us. I say go for it! LOL!
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463188 time=1657312859 user_id=61
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463184 time=1657311999 user_id=3351

Guns and deadly force are the only way governments are overthrown. IMO, we look at the whole entire situation backwards. We see a shooting today and ask, how can we limit guns to stop this from happening. Even more ridiculous is places like the UK did that with stabbings. You cant own anything with a locking blade over 3" and even then, if a judge decides you have a deadly weapon, they can prosecute you for such. That government needs butchered....but they cant because the population is disarmed.

The proper way to look at this is to ask why we didnt have these mass shootings 75 years ago. Therein lies the real answer. If we keep on with anti gun crap, even if we would ban them, next thing you know we'll be banning knives and screwdrivers like the UK. Its intellectually brain dead to approach problems in that manner.

This is how I see it, if everyone has guns, criminals will have access to them too, which created this problem in the first place and the paradox/vicious cycle will continue on, same thing with inflation and increasing min wage.  

People getting stabbed is possible, but how can you even dare compare it to a firearm when you can't even out run a gunman.

Usually it takes 2 or more factors to create a problem.  In the old days I believe it's b/c ppl didn't have phone cams, severe decaying poverty, internet news or social media, diversity conflict, intense political/cultural competition.  Life was so much more simple back then, even if people had guns, but now if more and more people are becoming mentally unstable, guns are only making things 10x worst, it's just nothing but a catalyst with a means to kill and destroy.

Everyone who is free should have access to guns. Anyone who murders should be publicly executed. A lot of people should die in America every year. Only problem is, we need to make sure the right people are killed.

On tonight's news, they had a story about an old man who was beaten and robbed in his bodega. He managed to grab a knife and stabbed his attacker, killing him. New York has charged him with murder."> ... on-dispute">

Just like in  the UK, if you defend yourself with any weapon, you WILL be charged. The best way to stay alive is to have a gun to shoot these assholes BEFORE they beat you. In Europe, mass murders are committed with vehicles. Cant outrun them either.

All of this is moot because unlike the rest of the world, America has a 2nd Amendment for overthrowing the government when necessary. No number of dead kids changes that.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
July 08, 2022, 04:29:55 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=463171 time=1657306406 user_id=3214
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463167 time=1657305307 user_id=3351

I thought about ignoring some of them but then I realized all of them aint worth a fuck. I'd need to ban about 12 of them at least.

where you been posting at brother?

Next time you're in Florida you gotta stop by. We can BBQ by the pool in the house I don't own


but seriously tho... that's a real invitation

Thanks for the invite Biggie! I'll let you know!

Right now I'm in Illinois but I should make it to Florida again later this year.
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463182 time=1657311399 user_id=61
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463165 time=1657304615 user_id=3351

Yes, and they did. Many older writings including the Bible, those from Rome, and Blackstone are directly referenced as the foundation of the basis for our form of government. With regard to weaponry, more than one founder referenced English Rulers disarming the populace.

The point is clear, in order for their to be freedom, the government needs to be at risk of annihilation by the people. If anyone wants to get rid of guns, the only alternative would be to disarm the government and remove all security barriers preventing anyone from entering and doing whatever they wanted to the leaders. Of course once the guns are gone, the leaders are free to do whatever they wish.

I don't understand why would you need guns, giving the average person guns will just lead to more people assassinated.  Police and soldiers using guns makes sense b/c it's a tool required, yet when a civilian have a gun, it's classified as a offensive/lethal weapon.

Unless you want more police brutality happening and more children and innocents murdered, while your government is made out of multiple democratic parties that needs to go through a congress before they can take action.  If you want freedom and power, then comes responsibility and sacrifice.

Guns and deadly force are the only way governments are overthrown. IMO, we look at the whole entire situation backwards. We see a shooting today and ask, how can we limit guns to stop this from happening. Even more ridiculous is places like the UK did that with stabbings. You cant own anything with a locking blade over 3" and even then, if a judge decides you have a deadly weapon, they can prosecute you for such. That government needs butchered....but they cant because the population is disarmed.

The proper way to look at this is to ask why we didnt have these mass shootings 75 years ago. Therein lies the real answer. If we keep on with anti gun crap, even if we would ban them, next thing you know we'll be banning knives and screwdrivers like the UK. Its intellectually brain dead to approach problems in that manner.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
July 08, 2022, 02:35:07 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=463160 time=1657300955 user_id=3214
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=463157 time=1657299065 user_id=2015

I only recognize sea idiot. Everybody should have him on ignore. That is if he isn't permanently banned already.

I have sea monkey and that clown bland spasms on ignore

their shitposting is simply too stupid to bother reading

I thought about ignoring some of them but then I realized all of them aint worth a fuck. I'd need to ban about 12 of them at least.
Quote from: Herman post_id=463102 time=1657243068 user_id=1689
The global supply of urea was already being impacted by ongoing supply chain issues, but this worsened after the invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Russia's government has also weighed suspending fertilizer and urea(used for DEF fluid required in diesel vehicles) exports, while China, another major exporter of urea, has placed restrictions on exports.

Believe it or not, DEF production and use creates shitloads of CO2.
Quote from: Bricktop post_id=463119 time=1657258511 user_id=1560
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463033 time=1657211574 user_id=3351
When you can refute all that the founders wrote on the subject, we can discuss further:"> ... amendment/">

The American Constitution was written around 1789. 233 years ago. Do you believe that the fledgling American government would adopt policies, protocols, laws and strictures from 1566, that is to say 233 years before 1789?

Yes, and they did. Many older writings including the Bible, those from Rome, and Blackstone are directly referenced as the foundation of the basis for our form of government. With regard to weaponry, more than one founder referenced English Rulers disarming the populace.

The point is clear, in order for their to be freedom, the government needs to be at risk of annihilation by the people. If anyone wants to get rid of guns, the only alternative would be to disarm the government and remove all security barriers preventing anyone from entering and doing whatever they wanted to the leaders. Of course once the guns are gone, the leaders are free to do whatever they wish.
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463078 time=1657237803 user_id=61
I have some friends that have been robbed at gunpoint or scumbags with a knife, I even have one friend that gets constantly attacked by the 4 same assholes while on his way home from school, while I've gotten into a fight against 3 guys by myself and I would have been dead if it weren't for the by standers calling the police.

Yet still none of us ever cried about needing to own some kind of weapon for self defense.

I keep a pistol on me usually. Anyone who comes in my house to rob me will die in short order. I shoot at least 100 rounds through various guns per month.
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=463071 time=1657235999 user_id=61
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=463033 time=1657211574 user_id=3351
When you can refute all that the founders wrote on the subject, we can discuss further:"> ... amendment/">

With all due respect, the 2nd Amendment only makes sense for post war settings were way too many people still had guns, but now it's severely outdated as the world watches US news in horror almost everyday, you guys are so numbed by it and don't realized how messed up and short sighted the pro-gun community is.

The only problem with America is we've ejected God, The One and Only God, from society. The founders commented on this too:

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."

From your position, it could be argued that the entire Constitution is outdated and should be re-worked or voided. Even RBG stated that no country should use our founding documents as a starting or reference point. Well, if the world thinks there's blood in America's streets now, attempting this will 100% guarantee a civil war and destruction of the USA.

None of this negates the demonstrable condition of Australia, UK, Denmark, and a multitude of other countries enforcing their will on a defenseless people at gunpoint.
When you can refute all that the founders wrote on the subject, we can discuss further:"> ... amendment/">

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith

   Paris Nov. 13. 1787.

the people can not be all, & always, well informed. the part which is wrong [. . .] will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. we have had 13. states independant 11. years. there has been one rebellion. that comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. what country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it's natural manure.

Noah Webster's Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution," authored in 1787: "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence [sic], raised in the United States. A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive."