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Messages - Lokmar

EnviroMENTALism is like any other movement or group that fights for relevancy after its usefulness has passed. We've reduced particulate and NOX emissions from diesel by 95% or more since 1990. We've reduced NOX and other hydrocarbon emissions from gas engines by more than 90%. The job is DONE!!! The wild and baseless idea that CO2 is a pollutant only came about AFTER we solved the pollution problem! EnvironMENTALism has now become a scam as it fights for its own survival in the face of obsolescence.
As I've told dozens of libtards, "you've done this to yourself". If only they had listened to me and agreed on sensible limitations, Roe wouldnt have been tossed out. America got tired after seeing so many buckets of torn apart, fully developed children. It was far too repulsive to ignore. I told em they were risking losing the whole enchilada.....and now they have.
The Guest Nest / Re: hello Lokmar
June 27, 2022, 12:55:41 PM
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=461663 time=1656348300 user_id=2015
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=461661 time=1656348028 user_id=3351

This is a very accurate assessment. As you can see from all his posts, he carries a truckload of butthurt from people like me. He's in a continuous state of tantrum.

I don't know much about him. But, I can tell he drinks the climate extremism and Russia evil Kool Aid.

Yea, thats about all you need to know for the most part. His emotional temper tantrums spawn from his alcoholism but they're somewhat entertaining....especially when he blows up and storms out. I think he's left the internet forever almost as many times as Oak.
The Guest Nest / Re: hello Lokmar
June 27, 2022, 12:40:28 PM
Quote from: Guest post_id=461595 time=1656282321
Quote from: "iron horse jockey" post_id=461591 time=1656278278 user_id=2015
I don't know about Fash, I could not care any less about the owner of a troll board for old progtards.

Blonkerfister WAS one of the old progtards before he left that site.  His "groupies" were Aidsman (apegirl), Holligay and every other OLD prog cunt that stinks up that place. He's trying to hide that fact here, but he was tounging those progtard's arses like ice cream on a hot day. I heard that Apegirl tried committing suicide when Blonkerfister left, but Benzo showed up and gave him the will to live. It is rumored that Apegirl still cries at night and whispers Blonkerfister's name while hugging his pillow. What a tear-jerker :sad:

This is a very accurate assessment. As you can see from all his posts, he carries a truckload of butthurt from people like me. He's in a continuous state of tantrum.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
June 23, 2022, 11:14:32 PM
Quote from: 360 post_id=461045 time=1656036749
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=461044 time=1656036606 user_id=3214

Do any of the self proclaimed anti racist scumbags have any awareness whatsoever as to how racist they are?

let it never be said that progtards have knowledge of self

Stubby's dark skinned kids look like the US Postal carrier. ac_toofunny

You look like the dirty wild eyed douche thats always waiting for the postman to drop off his welfare shit.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
June 23, 2022, 11:13:09 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=461044 time=1656036606 user_id=3214
Quote from: Herman post_id=461031 time=1656034732 user_id=1689

 :2r4ml1j_th: Does he have any idea how racist that is or does he not give a shit?

Do any of the self proclaimed anti racist scumbags have any awareness whatsoever as to how racist they are?

let it never be said that progtards have knowledge of self

Tell bozo he's a nigger for me.
We went through this same exact bullshit with obongo. That idiot said high gas prices is a sign of a growing economy. What a dipshit! Anyway, gas will be cheap in 2026 when Trump or some other Republican is running the country again.
Green/renewable energy is simply a scam. The big problem though is all the 40 somethings were raised on Capt. Planet and the Planeteers and as a result, they got that Gaia worship shoved so far up their asses, they cant reason. Its all emotion with them. Lithium batteries are far dirtier to produce than uranium ore. Solar is only 32% efficient and requires a whole host of toxic compounds to produce. We barely make 12% of our current power with wind and solar. For all the green energy push, its a joke!  Carbon Dioxide has NEVER been and will NEVER be a pollutant. The sun creating organic matter will ALWAYS be the greatest source of energy as evidenced by all the fossil fuels that created the greatest state of humanity the planet has ever known.
The Guest Nest / Re: All of you need to see this
June 22, 2022, 01:05:25 PM
I  think I've finally turned the corner with this shit and its leaving me. I feel pretty good today and my cough is better. No way to know if it had something secondary that the hospital meds helped with but I'll keep taking the doxy. This is the first day I havent taken tylenol and advil for fever in a long time.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
June 21, 2022, 08:00:42 PM
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=460736 time=1655847018 user_id=3254
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=460735 time=1655844132 user_id=3351

Nope, you sure cant. Just look at the news polls that show 75% of democrats think biden is an ok president. Every single one of those assholes should me marched off into a gas chamber full of Zyklon-B!

I read Democrats don't want him to run again.

Thats a very astute observation! It makes me believe that democrats circle the wagons when asked if they think he's good and then get a bit more honest when asked about the future.
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
June 21, 2022, 04:42:12 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=460722 time=1655836181 user_id=3214
you cannot have a civilized conversation with people who are mentally ill

and you have to be mentally ill to be a liberal in the first place these days

Nope, you sure cant. Just look at the news polls that show 75% of democrats think biden is an ok president. Every single one of those assholes should me marched off into a gas chamber full of Zyklon-B!
The Flea Trap / Re: BF gossip thread
June 21, 2022, 04:39:47 PM
Quote from: RAVEN post_id=460717 time=1655834784 user_id=3352
Hi!!!!!!!! How's everyone doing?  I'm taking a break from all that madness.. lol..  Been PSing in my FB groups.  Things aren't much better there, tho.  People are angry and rude right now, so it's hard to find a peaceful place to participate on the net :(


I got sick of the BF bullshit too. I'd rather discuss things reasonably with somewhat normal human beings.
Dear Lord! I'd fukin disown that kid after announcing to the world what a deranged lunatic HE is. Less indulgence and more ass beatings for these kids would make a world of difference.
Holy cow, this weekend, some economists were saying the Dow has to slide 30% at least before it stabilizes!
Quote from: Fashionista post_id=460451 time=1655663021 user_id=3254
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=460431 time=1655600797 user_id=3351
Everyone should own an AR-15 and no less than 1000 rounds of FMJ ammo. I dont care what country you're from.

Okay, I'll order all of it from Amazon.

Being in Canada makes it far more complicated and of course highly illegal. However, you can buy every part for an AR except the lower receiver without any ID or background check in America. After that, you buy an 80% lower kit and template and finish the lower yourself. Viola, ghost gun thats completely untraceable and never been ran through a background check.

I've purchased many 80% lowers in anticipation for the day America gun grabs AR's. All they'll get from me is the serialized lowers and a signed statement that I parted the rest out. Easily replaced with the finished 80% lowers.