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Messages - Dove

The Guest Nest / Re: The Bonesaw Interview
February 23, 2020, 06:19:37 PM
Quote from: "Flame Truth News"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Flame Icon

 Let's see some funny shit NOW. .

What do you mean by that?

Ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but you actually expect me to amuse you, make you laugh?

My new job is to make you laugh.  I'm here to fuckin' amuse you?

 Are you just now figuring that out?

That's Goodfellas. LOL!!!!

I love that scene

 I've never watched it!

 Actually is that the one with him cheating on his wife and she wakes him up with a gun and his face and she shows up the other womans apartment building yelling about how there "IS A HOOR!" Living in the building?
The Guest Nest / Re: The Bonesaw Interview
February 23, 2020, 06:15:07 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Flame Icon

 Let's see some funny shit NOW. .

What do you mean by that?

Ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but you actually expect me to amuse you, make you laugh?

My new job is to make you laugh.  I'm here to fuckin' amuse you?

 Are you just now figuring that out?
The Guest Nest / Re: The Bonesaw Interview
February 23, 2020, 06:13:28 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Guest"So, you admit, you are a pathetic nymph. That is the first step in your recovery.

 I have no intention of changing my sexual behavoir because some forum incel dipshit is offended by it.


What if it were some Flame Incel like Sand in Cunt here? Would you change if he stated throwing his verbal snow cones at you?

 I'll still be a slut after I make fun of him lulz.

 Not interested in changing anything about that at all.
The Guest Nest / Re: Single or Lobo?
February 23, 2020, 06:12:06 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Mel"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"Actually, it's from drinking.  Especially consuming booze in large amounts.  Keeps your pee pee nice and soft.


But I still think it's Testosterone...

I often wake up in the middle of the night with a rock hard, powerfully erect six inch long dick!

Rock fucking hard, in the middle of the night, but why doesn't it work as well during waking hours?

Fuck if I know!

 Excessive alcohol consumption is terrible for the body and will throw all kinds of things out of whack, including hormones.

 You really need to find healthier coping mechanisms. Do you have AA or Celebrate Recovery groups anywhere near you? Might be a good starting point.

You should join a forum ho recovery group.


And we thought, you finally admitted you have a problem. Forum TRAMPoline anonymous. It will be just you and Murdock there.

 Doesnt sound like I'm the one with a problem here.

 I'm perfectly happy making my own sexual decisions.

 Apparently you have a problem, though. Maybe you need therapy to figure out why other people fucking who they wanna fuck is such a problem for you.

 Fucking creepy.

The Guest Nest / Re: The Bonesaw Interview
February 23, 2020, 06:09:01 PM
Quote from: "Guest"So, you admit, you are a pathetic nymph. That is the first step in your recovery.

 I have no intention of changing my sexual behavoir because some forum incel dipshit is offended by it.

 I'd scissor fuck your mom into next month if I felt like it, too.

 Fuck your whole family and your neighbor if I felt like it. I'd shoot my period load into your sister.

 I'd use your angry, offended tears as lubes, too.
The Guest Nest / Re: Single or Lobo?
February 23, 2020, 06:03:49 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Mel"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"Actually, it's from drinking.  Especially consuming booze in large amounts.  Keeps your pee pee nice and soft.


But I still think it's Testosterone...

I often wake up in the middle of the night with a rock hard, powerfully erect six inch long dick!

Rock fucking hard, in the middle of the night, but why doesn't it work as well during waking hours?

Fuck if I know!

 Excessive alcohol consumption is terrible for the body and will throw all kinds of things out of whack, including hormones.

 You really need to find healthier coping mechanisms. Do you have AA or Celebrate Recovery groups anywhere near you? Might be a good starting point.

You should join a forum ho recovery group.

The Guest Nest / Re: The Bonesaw Interview
February 23, 2020, 05:59:09 PM
Quote from: "Guest"Dove, you are the forum hooker. You fuck forum guyz and then try and rationionalize it when it doesn't work out. How pathetic are you.

 "Forum guyz"?

 Rationalize what? I'm 39 years old and I'll fuck whoever I want.

 People in their right mind dont give a shit what other people do sexually.  

 Repeating your bullshit moral outrage over and over doesnt equate to me rationalizing.  I'd fuck your dad and wipe my pussy on your pillow if I felt like it and I wouldnt owe you a single explanation.  (Granted your dad is was alive....I draw the line at necrophilis)

 So basically 90 of flamers are incels, then.

 How long are you gonna cry about me fucking "forum guyz"? I fucked Murd too, btw. So I forum gurlz too omg.  Worked out just fine for me.

 UwU someones incel ragin omg!
The Guest Nest / Re: The Bonesaw Interview
February 23, 2020, 05:41:43 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Flame Icon


Mongtini and Sour Cunt ran from a match with me and dovey

Never saw the challenge. Can hardly have said to have run from a challenge when you're prancing about making them in my absence.

More proof you can't flame and know it. An actual flamer... of any description... would have issued the challenge where his quarry would see it. Not waited until his target was absent before issuing the challenge solely for the purposes of crowing he had been run from.

You are no flamer. You never were and you never will be. Which is why you have to resort to destroying websites like a common script kiddie tard. QED.

 You seem to know about everything else that gets posted.

 I think it's funny that you deemed yourself the gatekeeper on who is flamer.  You arent the fucking boss of that.

 Letsee....flaming is insulting people for fun on the internet. So everyone who does that is a flamer. It's pretty simple.

 What kinda weirdo freak loser tries to make it more than that? Lulz. Ridiculous.

 Joo did not hack or wreck FT.  If he had, it would be conpletely gone. Stop accusing people of shit they didnt do. It makes you look paranoid.

 So we did invite you guys to have one of your over glorified posting contests you call a flame match. Several times.

 Yet neither of you seem capable of having any sort of light hearted fun exchange. You just drop 30k on how not worth it Joo is and spots on your droid screen and Poofer cannot even directly address me as himself and wont post anywhere I am unless he can take shots while having me censored. Pretty weak, for both of you.

 Stop taking this shit so seriously and let's see some of this iconic genius you guys constantly discuss yet never actually demonstrate.

 And no, getting made fun of on the internet does not make you specail, regardless of how little attention you get in real life that makes you think getting discussed on a forum makes you some sort of celebratey.

 It's boring watching you guys talk in painful detail about a week 15 years ago where a few people posted some funny stuff before your own "flame town" burned itself down with real life stalking because 90 percent of you have anti socail disorders.

 Let's see some funny shit NOW. Should be easy for "icons".  Having Flyn meatsheild you and boost you up is sweet and all but let's see this massive "talent".
The Guest Nest / Re: Single or Lobo?
February 23, 2020, 05:31:41 PM
Quote from: "Mel"
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"Actually, it's from drinking.  Especially consuming booze in large amounts.  Keeps your pee pee nice and soft.


But I still think it's Testosterone...

I often wake up in the middle of the night with a rock hard, powerfully erect six inch long dick!

Rock fucking hard, in the middle of the night, but why doesn't it work as well during waking hours?

Fuck if I know!

 Excessive alcohol consumption is terrible for the body and will throw all kinds of things out of whack, including hormones.

 You really need to find healthier coping mechanisms. Do you have AA or Celebrate Recovery groups anywhere near you? Might be a good starting point.
The Guest Nest / Re: what's with SG?
February 22, 2020, 06:57:25 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "Dove"
 I just dont understand how a grown man nearing 50 suffers this level of arrested development and cognitive dissonance.

It's a real laboratory curiosity, that's for sure.

 That's perfect lol
The Guest Nest / Re: I think I'm ready to end things...
February 22, 2020, 04:29:58 PM
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Ironass Chink"
Quote from: "caskur"My note to the neighbor is his best advice.

Trust me, I truly am a master at psychological warfare.

I could stop that neighbor in 10 seconds flat.

STFU and go take another 3 megapixel pic of a birds asshole....You're full of shit, just like all Aussies.

BTW that ugly fucking avatar is still a sight better looking than your heinous, misshapen head.

Let's see what you look like Flynn, you gender confused old faggot. I can spot your posts from space and after ten litres of barrel wash.

I think most people can..

I wish Flynn would drop the troll act once in a while so we get to see a glimpse of the man behind the troll..

He can go back to his troll act immediately after.


Troils like Flynn are not very good. They think if they stop being assholes, they may have to get creative and he doesn't know how to do that.

Flynn is creative but you try churning out funny after funny for 15 or more years. See how you go.

Flynn's troll was considered funny at one time.


Flynn is vicious. Vicious can be funny.  ac_smile

Flynn is arguing with Dovey under an alt at SG. You just don't know which one.

Flynn is sneaky.

 So long as the posts are coherent and it's got my interest, that's all that matters.

 The person behind the handle isnt really the important thing.

 If it is Flynn, I'm glad to see he/she/it has evolved a bit from spewing out insult generator blubber and shrieking about anal sex and welfare

 Stepping up should be encouraged!
The Guest Nest / Re: what's with SG?
February 22, 2020, 04:16:56 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"Its like he purchased the Brooklyn bridge for 5 bucks and now he's all losing his shit cause no cars are stopping to pay his toll  ac_toofunny

 How long do you think he is gonna hang onto this bullshit?

 He really thinks he built SG. Smh.

 I bet he has spent his life a complete dead beat bum taking credit for other peoples work.

 This drama didnt go his way, so he is gonna constantly go over it and going off into delusions trying to rewrite it all in his favor and he wonders why he gets called a narcissist.
The Guest Nest / Re: what's with SG?
February 22, 2020, 04:14:31 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Johnny Sins"It seems almost everyone is waiting for Poofers new forum to come online.

Rumor has it that everyone is sick of the bullshit behind the scenes of Joo, Dovey, and Murdoch and want a forum free of the three.

Does anybody really think SG will survive once Poofers forum is online?

Yes. I run it, that's why

Yes, but Martini made your forum. Your forum would not be anything without the content he created.

You don't think he has a game plan to create content once his forum is up and running, hmm?

There's one person in this community that can create content others will want to see, one.

And he's not on your forum. Fancy that.

 "Martini" spammed the board with personal dramas no one wanted to read about.

 You didnt do fuck all for SG but damn near kill it.

 It's been just fine without you on every level.  People have posting, debating and enjoying it. Without you.

 If you would like to come back and post like a fucking normal person do it. Your ban was lifted a long time ago like mine was.

 Literally all you did was post podcasts, make promises no one cares about, talk about this "content" you never provided and bitched about people posting about stuff YOU dont find interesting. Like how dare people debate politics or talk about anything that Poofer doesnt find interesting or isnt smart enough to discuss.

 I just dont understand how a grown man nearing 50 suffers this level of arrested development and cognitive dissonance. I honestly actually feel bad for you.

 But Flea and Joo built SG. You didnt do fuck all but abuse the position they gave you. Over estimating your importance and trying to take credit for other peoples work is just sad.  No one cares about the "icons" of flametown anymore(if anyone but you ever did in the first place). It's dead. Its dumb. Learn to evolve.

Quote from: "Guest"

 How quaint.
The Guest Nest / Re: what's with SG?
February 22, 2020, 03:49:28 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Johnny Sins"It seems almost everyone is waiting for Poofers new forum to come online.

Rumor has it that everyone is sick of the bullshit behind the scenes of Joo, Dovey, and Murdoch and want a forum free of the three.

Does anybody really think SG will survive once Poofers forum is online?

I do.

You might be the only one.

Martini is what he is but he also plays the game the right way. Once he outted (with proof,btw) that Flea was blackmailed from not banning Dovey for contacting family members when she, Flea, wanted to because Joo threw a temper tantrum saying he would leave if she did, the tables turned that second.

As you can see, Martini trolled Murdochs forum into a one post a day hovel now rendering it and Murdoch net dead. Martini has enough dirt on Joo to prove he's just as mentally unhinged as his two wing tards, give it time.

The balance of power in this community has changed. Long live Martini, his forum, and the soon to be return of Flametruth.

 Kevin have you considered medication?

 There is a lot of delusional bullshit here that literally no one thinks.

 I was banned, btw. And the ban wasnt permanent and neither was yours.

 You are the one who chose to drag all this personal bullshit to the internet and call my job.  So the consequences of that are all on you.

 Get the fuck over it. No one even believes you are starting a forum.

 This is paranoid delusional nonsense and I'm actually embarrassed for you. You are a real fucking mental case.

 Move the fuck. You are not banned anywhere. Smdh.

 You really are a trainwreck. Accusing Flea of being blackmailed because you couldnt manipulate her into banning ME because you drug real life conflict to the internet is insane.

 If you want to come back and post, come back and post. But this constant fucking delusional drama you continue wallowing isnt interesting to anyone and no one gives a fuck about it.

 It's like you are obsessed with controling a narrative that no one cares about.  Get. Over. It. Fuck.
The Guest Nest / Re: The King Martini Interview
February 22, 2020, 03:37:03 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"Too kevin; Didnt read

 Well I for one found this very compelling and interesting and now that he has cleared his "good name" on the internet that settles it!

 His cat is healthy, bathroom is clean, he never posted obituaries, he clearly isnt NPD and he was a socail media hero for calling my job.

 Phew. What an awesome fucking guy. I'm glad I'm pretending I read that.
