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Messages - Dove

The Guest Nest / Re: I think I'm ready to end things...
February 20, 2020, 09:50:00 AM
Never claimed to be a therapist or fake therapist nor do I ever want to be a therapist.  I just know a lot about substance abuse after living in a recovery community for 5 years.

 I guess recovery sponsors are a also a bunch of fake therapist and people are better off either killing themselves or using substances....or they should discuss it with Cascur.  Cascur knows everything about everything.

 Try not to trip on her intellectual penis if you wanna add something to discussion.

 Yeah yanno what? I'm totally wrong and Mel should not at all connect this emotional extreme and suicide ideation with his drinking. He is a total fucking freak, so its better to discuss what property people own and how nice other peoples lives are.

 Clearly he needs to be cheered up, not guided to a substance abuse counselor or an AA program. What a pigeoned brained dick head I am.

 Carry on, Queeny Cas.
The Guest Nest / Re: I think I'm ready to end things...
February 20, 2020, 08:42:44 AM
Quote from: "Mel"I don't want to raise any alarm, as my posts may appear suicidal at any given time when I drink...  You'd be shocked as to how much I drink during my downward spirals, which is every day, so pay no mind to that...

I just want to be left alone.  I don't want to see lights flashing, or people trying to modify my lifestyle, when I'm on my fucking porch talking on the phone.

I have no hesitation with placing my yard tractor on my property line, and letting it sit there screaming at full RPM day and night...  Careful what you wish for.

I foresee problems with the one neighbour, but I have to man up and handle my property as my own, and not give a fuck about them.

I can talk on the phone on my deck, at any hour I feel like, and if this neighbour thinks they can Strata my ass outta here, I can show you just what Mel is capable of.

 Or you could just ignore them.

 I wouldnt be shocked at how much you drink. I grew up with an alcoholic mother. I have had substance abuse issues.

 I did year long in house program and then a 2 year aftercare program and then I worked in the rehab.

 What I've notice is how people with addiction and substance abuse issues live in extremes. Which is what you are doing right now. You can ignore your neighbors entirely. If you have a substance abuse issue, your brain chemistry is also way out of whack for simple things will set you off on spirals.

 Have you considered counseling or AA? Or any sort of treatment?

 The cycle gets tiring, no?
Quote from: "Mel"
Quote from: "Dove"It's pretty rough over there.

I know!  I've been there...

Whites are best to remain in White areas.

 If you are white in that area late at night, you will stopped and searched by police for drugs.

 I'm not kidding.
The Guest Nest / Re: What happened to Kiefers?
February 17, 2020, 12:00:59 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "realgrimm"Upperscale white communities are judgemental and bias, they are determined to have the best and be the best or your an outcast, Bunch of phony two faced elitest snobs.. fuck the whole lotta you, cop calling ,caddy ,know it alls

My shit dont stink rape hounds, thing about living in the ghettos,you know what to expect and the poverished are usaully straight up unless they are thugs then thats on you for needing to associate with shady characters

 Middle/upper class whites really are the most miserable and superficial group, arent they?  

 I'm amazed at how much money many of these people are willing to dump into a trend to keep up.

 My husband and I have started shifting our lifestyle to a more minimalist, low waste one. I've noticed even minimalism is now an expensive trend....which is fucking bizzare because that's the opposite of minimalism.

It is, I know..

We tried to live minimalist ourselves, but we spent a lot on the children's education..

We didn't want them attending public brainwashing schools.

 My husband and I prefer simplicity.

 I do not think my Squish will set foot in a public school at this point.  My older two are already almost done.
The Guest Nest / Re: What happened to Kiefers?
February 17, 2020, 08:44:51 AM
Quote from: "realgrimm"Upperscale white communities are judgemental and bias, they are determined to have the best and be the best or your an outcast, Bunch of phony two faced elitest snobs.. fuck the whole lotta you, cop calling ,caddy ,know it alls

My shit dont stink rape hounds, thing about living in the ghettos,you know what to expect and the poverished are usaully straight up unless they are thugs then thats on you for needing to associate with shady characters

 Middle/upper class whites really are the most miserable and superficial group, arent they?  

 I'm amazed at how much money many of these people are willing to dump into a trend to keep up.

 My husband and I have started shifting our lifestyle to a more minimalist, low waste one. I've noticed even minimalism is now an expensive trend....which is fucking bizzare because that's the opposite of minimalism.
The Guest Nest / Re: Blurt, you little Devil!
February 17, 2020, 08:28:33 AM
We should all make a point to work our gender AND our sexual orientation into everything about us no matter how moot it is. It always be part of a basic introduction as well.

 "Hi I'm Dovey. I'm a cis woman and a hetro. I'm here to troll you today".
It's pretty rough over there.
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
QuoteSo if they cannot best someone with words and wit, it goes to doxxing and real life intimidation

Real life intimidation is what mentally unstable people do. Doxxing, depending on what is posted may not be that big of a deal. Someone posting my name(Darryl) or even my picture will not have any impact on my life. On the other hand, posting my address is bloody scary.

 Totally agree.

 I understand why the address was posted. I cannot condone it.  But I understand it. You got a guy who has doxxed people using deceased families members obituaries and using threats. I don't have much sympathy for him.

 I have far more grace towards the one who posted iy....but I really wish it hadnt been done. It's not the right thing but to me, it was an understandable thing.  

 The only time in my life I've ever been  pissed enough to go there myself was over this KM drama and I removed myself until I could deal with it with a sense of humor if/when it found me.

 I much prefer making fun of them within the appropriate boundaries of the internet lol.

 When I say doxxing....I mean the whole lump of identifiable info involving addresses.  I did get a justice boner over that one.....but again I wish that poster would NOT have done it.

I don't understand any of it. Posting to cause problems in people's offline lives is really messed up and never excusable. People who do that need help.


 Its supposed to just be for entertainment.

 What puzzles me is, there really are laws against real life hareassment like that. Is it really worth it to people to intrude into the lives of others over such stupid crap?

 For some people that's apparently a "yes"  :oeudC:

That's why old Joe is going to the penn. He stalks and harasses guys from forums offline.

 There is something so wholesome about watching you and Joe trash eachother.

 Is it sick that it makes me happy?

 I want you to know, Herm....if I ever jump in, I'll be flaming Joe  ac_dance  :roll:

Joe is the weirdest person on all of these forums. He is at least sixty years old, and he is a virgin. If that isn't strange enough, he is so obsessed with the lives of male posters he collects and records every single detail they drop about their lives and then starts pursuing them offline. He belongs behind bars, or at the very least banned from all forums permanently. do we know he is a virgin? Is this real? Lol
Quote from: "caskur"Note my question avoided... check.

Lazy bitch. :negative:

 That was more an admission on your behalf.  Just sayin.
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
QuoteSo if they cannot best someone with words and wit, it goes to doxxing and real life intimidation

Real life intimidation is what mentally unstable people do. Doxxing, depending on what is posted may not be that big of a deal. Someone posting my name(Darryl) or even my picture will not have any impact on my life. On the other hand, posting my address is bloody scary.

 Totally agree.

 I understand why the address was posted. I cannot condone it.  But I understand it. You got a guy who has doxxed people using deceased families members obituaries and using threats. I don't have much sympathy for him.

 I have far more grace towards the one who posted iy....but I really wish it hadnt been done. It's not the right thing but to me, it was an understandable thing.  

 The only time in my life I've ever been  pissed enough to go there myself was over this KM drama and I removed myself until I could deal with it with a sense of humor if/when it found me.

 I much prefer making fun of them within the appropriate boundaries of the internet lol.

 When I say doxxing....I mean the whole lump of identifiable info involving addresses.  I did get a justice boner over that one.....but again I wish that poster would NOT have done it.

I don't understand any of it. Posting to cause problems in people's offline lives is really messed up and never excusable. People who do that need help.


 Its supposed to just be for entertainment.

 What puzzles me is, there really are laws against real life hareassment like that. Is it really worth it to people to intrude into the lives of others over such stupid crap?

 For some people that's apparently a "yes"  :oeudC:

That's why old Joe is going to the penn. He stalks and harasses guys from forums offline.

 There is something so wholesome about watching you and Joe trash eachother.

 Is it sick that it makes me happy?

 I want you to know, Herm....if I ever jump in, I'll be flaming Joe  ac_dance  :roll:
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Cronus"
Quote from: "Guest"DD, as nothing but a humble guest upon your Sterling forum;

You will sticky the match thread, yes?

No need for that. If it is a popular thread it will stay on the first page. Guests posting a flame match leaves a lot of questions about fighting with yourself.

 Boom! Lol.

Are you still here waiting for KM to acknowledge you?

Don't you do housework or anything?

 Did you do house work when you were on 5 forums a day for 12 years straight that I know of?

 Dont project, Cascur.  You jump into a drama on the side of a lying loser who used your son for ammo for years because he threw you crumbs from his table of failure. I'm embarrassed for you.  Keep helping his fabricated fantasy that any of the women who were involved with him want his attention. None of us do.

 Neither of you seem to grasp RL vs the boards and it's pretty fucked up.
Quote from: "Cronus"
Quote from: "Guest"DD, as nothing but a humble guest upon your Sterling forum;

You will sticky the match thread, yes?

No need for that. If it is a popular thread it will stay on the first page. Guests posting a flame match leaves a lot of questions about fighting with yourself.

 Boom! Lol.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
QuoteSo if they cannot best someone with words and wit, it goes to doxxing and real life intimidation

Real life intimidation is what mentally unstable people do. Doxxing, depending on what is posted may not be that big of a deal. Someone posting my name(Darryl) or even my picture will not have any impact on my life. On the other hand, posting my address is bloody scary.

 Totally agree.

 I understand why the address was posted. I cannot condone it.  But I understand it. You got a guy who has doxxed people using deceased families members obituaries and using threats. I don't have much sympathy for him.

 I have far more grace towards the one who posted iy....but I really wish it hadnt been done. It's not the right thing but to me, it was an understandable thing.  

 The only time in my life I've ever been  pissed enough to go there myself was over this KM drama and I removed myself until I could deal with it with a sense of humor if/when it found me.

 I much prefer making fun of them within the appropriate boundaries of the internet lol.

 When I say doxxing....I mean the whole lump of identifiable info involving addresses.  I did get a justice boner over that one.....but again I wish that poster would NOT have done it.

I don't understand any of it. Posting to cause problems in people's offline lives is really messed up and never excusable. People who do that need help.


 Its supposed to just be for entertainment.

 What puzzles me is, there really are laws against real life hareassment like that. Is it really worth it to people to intrude into the lives of others over such stupid crap?

 For some people that's apparently a "yes"  :oeudC:
Quote from: "seoulbro"
QuoteSo if they cannot best someone with words and wit, it goes to doxxing and real life intimidation

Real life intimidation is what mentally unstable people do. Doxxing, depending on what is posted may not be that big of a deal. Someone posting my name(Darryl) or even my picture will not have any impact on my life. On the other hand, posting my address is bloody scary.

 Totally agree.

 I understand why the address was posted. I cannot condone it.  But I understand it. You got a guy who has doxxed people using deceased families members obituaries and using threats. I don't have much sympathy for him.

 I have far more grace towards the one who posted iy....but I really wish it hadnt been done. It's not the right thing but to me, it was an understandable thing.  

 The only time in my life I've ever been  pissed enough to go there myself was over this KM drama and I removed myself until I could deal with it with a sense of humor if/when it found me.

 I much prefer making fun of them within the appropriate boundaries of the internet lol.

 When I say doxxing....I mean the whole lump of identifiable info involving addresses.  I did get a justice boner over that one.....but again I wish that poster would NOT have done it.  It happened here where there is no one who actually use it, and it was removed quick so at least there is that.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "cc"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Dove"

 Because that's what many of these flamers do.

Even when it's not true, it seems to be an accusation among flamers to smear people they don't like. Seamoron was the first person I ever saw make that accusation, as if anyone is interested in anything about him. Now Murdock is doing the same thing. Those two idiots are obviously interested in the person behind the posts, but the long term members here are not. This is a forum. The only thing that matters are the words we type, not the person typing them.

 This all must be very strange, awkward lunacy to you guys.  You would be right to see it that way.

 I'm sorry. :/

 I hope on some level its least somewhat amusing for you. Honestly.

I don't know exactly how to react to some of the flamers antics. Until a couple of years ago I didn't know what flaming was.

You guys post for different reasons than boring posters like myself. That's fair, diversity on forums is good.

Brainless diversity isn't good, it's Brainless diversity

Adult bottom feeders  returning to Kindergarten level should be but aren't ASShamed

I should clarify what I mean by diversity. I mean differences for posting. As you know, I am very interested in discussing bread and butter issues. Someone else could be interested in sports, or pop culture. Still others, it could be poetry, art or creative flaming.

 I actually enjoy a lot of normal discussions.

 And obvious I enjoy high drama  ac_hithere