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Messages - Dove

Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"

 Chop me. You got enough pics ♡


Another cry for attention.


 Do you come here to avoid socail interaction, you stupid ass?

I don't come here to watch you justify your adultery.

Go away.

 So why dont you take mine and my husbands advice to fuck that snout of yours off out of our marriage then?

 Did either of us ask your fucking opinion?

 Have you stripped yourself, painted a scarlett A on your forehead and been rightly flogged over Dean and the pixel baby in the bath tub and your year long involvement in THAT fucking drama?

Why don't you take all your PM love letters and dive off a cliff?

 Why dont you?
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"

 If you had a single shred of common ass sense youd drop it and shut the fuck up about it. .

You are a member recently modded at SG... You are a member and admin of MMP and yet you spend ALL YOUR TIME posting here at KM.

Why don't you take your own advice instead of telling KM what to do?

You give women a bad name.

You love the drama. You want KM's attention.... He wrote you love letters and now no one is writing anything privately to


Yo Joo, write her a love letter so she can rub one out.

She won a contest at SG, in which the award was being a mod for the week.

You're gonna give old lardass a heart attack now

She's angry with us now too Erica.

Let her be. It's not anyone else's fault that her forum isn't interesting.

I don't know how anyone can be friends with her. She posts private messages, personal info, etc with no regard for the two friends she has. It's all done out of anger cuz she can't get the better of someone. no one here posts her personal info. Hell. No one cares about it cuz she's that lame. She's a total weirdo

She keeps talking about PI breaches and then she posted a message from her admin only sub that violated the poster's privacy.


I have been here for over seven years. In that time, it's only been in the last year or so since we became part of the flaming community that I have even heard of leaking PI being a forum hazard.

 Because that's what many of these flamers do.

 And I think Cas is trying to hex people again. Ffs, Cas.  ac_dunno

Uhh Murdock is doing it too

And she's not even a flamer

 You know I ignore all the fighting between you guys and Murd.

 I'll go back and read.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"

 Chop me. You got enough pics ♡


Another cry for attention.


 Do you come here to avoid socail interaction, you stupid ass?

I don't come here to watch you justify your adultery.

Go away.

 So why dont you take mine and my husbands advice to fuck that snout of yours off out of our marriage then?

 Did either of us ask your fucking opinion?

 Have you stripped yourself, painted a scarlett A on your forehead and been rightly flogged over Dean and the pixel baby in the bath tub and your year long involvement in THAT fucking drama?

 You dont wanna read about it, than stop bringing it up, yes? You have your own makeshift version you seem cool with yapping about.
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"

 If you had a single shred of common ass sense youd drop it and shut the fuck up about it. .

You are a member recently modded at SG... You are a member and admin of MMP and yet you spend ALL YOUR TIME posting here at KM.

Why don't you take your own advice instead of telling KM what to do?

You give women a bad name.

You love the drama. You want KM's attention.... He wrote you love letters and now no one is writing anything privately to


Yo Joo, write her a love letter so she can rub one out.

She won a contest at SG, in which the award was being a mod for the week.

You're gonna give old lardass a heart attack now

She's angry with us now too Erica.

Let her be. It's not anyone else's fault that her forum isn't interesting.

I don't know how anyone can be friends with her. She posts private messages, personal info, etc with no regard for the two friends she has. It's all done out of anger cuz she can't get the better of someone. no one here posts her personal info. Hell. No one cares about it cuz she's that lame. She's a total weirdo

She keeps talking about PI breaches and then she posted a message from her admin only sub that violated the poster's privacy.


I have been here for over seven years. In that time, it's only been in the last year or so since we became part of the flaming community that I have even heard of leaking PI being a forum hazard.

 Because that's what many of these flamers do.

 And I think Cas is trying to hex people again. Ffs, Cas.  ac_dunno
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"

 Chop me. You got enough pics ♡


Another cry for attention.


 Do you come here to avoid socail interaction, you stupid ass?
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Doug Stein"Caskur is using the Dovey drama as a way to suckup to people who have dessicrated the memory of her own child.

What a despicable hag.

You're a slug Joodog.

 He is right though.
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"They think too much with their vaginas, really...

Not like a wistful lass who wants a babe...

...more like a passive-aggressive fuckwit that wants sperm but not accompaniment...

 Chop me. You got enough pics ♡
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"They think too much with their vaginas, really...

Not like a wistful lass who wants a babe...

...more like a passive-aggressive fuckwit that wants sperm but not accompaniment...

Yes. I will apologize.

I mistaking read one then a few of Pigeon's posts.

Now I feel dirty all over.

I might go snack on some Pate and crackers... I need iron.

 Go wallow in lies until you feel normal again, then.
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"Dovey and Martini have locked horns, Caskur... they're both thrashing each other about their respective poverty...

 I've said it before and I'll say it again.

 I am MORE than happy to drop it all. And I will do exactly that.

 What I wont do, is allow this idiot to take his shots and bleat on his endless bullshit about it unchallenged.

 It's up to him.  And I suspect everyone knows if its left up to him, it will continue.

 Why is this "player" manbitch incapable of just regular flaming without all this personal "toxic drama"?  Hmmmm.
Double post.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Guest"
Wasn't she writing sonnets to the guy on SG?

Was this before or after the dirty mattress?

I missed most of it. I got food poisoning on the 5th Oct and was totally knocked out for two months then I had many hospital visits in Dec and Jan I had operation so I was fortunate to miss most of it.

I'd say more but vomiting has already been mentioned here today.

 They are refering to either Pooftards continuous baiting, or after I left the boards for a few weeks to let the dust settle and came back with zero intention of revisiting this when Flyn decided to have a massive angry spam fest about it.
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Guest"I think you got played ac_toofunny

 Right, exactly.

 By a pathological, manipultive liar that I stated several times I didnt want a relationship with who used my good nature and guilty feelings as ammo.

 That's what I've been saying, that's what everyone besides Cas and Cunt see, and here is the most truthful thing said coming from the Pooftard end.

 My how the roaches scramble when you touch the light switch.

So you got played.....

 Right. I'm also an adult with empathy.

 So when some 47 year old shit bag comes a playin....I catch on pretty fucking quick and nope on outta that situation.  

 If you think I'm gonna feel embarrassed or ashamed because some fuckng drama whoring loser player pulled some insanely ridiculous bullshit on me for a few weeks please hold your breath.  Overplaying your hand or overestimating someones investment too soon kinda showed I was dealing with someone not right in the fucking head.

 Maybe you could get over this, and go neglect your real life responsibilities by investing time being a lying shit bag at some other woman with kids?  Since instead of cleaning your bathroom and taking care of your family this seems to be your sorce of accomplishment.

 Its 2020, grown people with families do not admire "players"and do not feel bad discarding "players" for playing and lying. You are pathetic. Sociopathic even. You understand the shit you pulled is fucking disgusting, right?

 Wailing and lying and gnashing your mouth guard all over the internet doesnt change reality. You need to move the fuck on like everyone else.  

 Move along.
So now that Pooftard admits he is such a fucking shit bag liar that he doesnt remember anything he said, shall we move past this retarded ass personal bullshit that's been over with and proceed with a call out?

 Or this dipshit crew so lacking in humor that they need that real life shit?
Quote from: "Guest"I think you got played ac_toofunny

 Right, exactly.

 By a pathological, manipultive liar that I stated several times I didnt want a relationship with who used my good nature and guilty feelings as ammo.

 That's what I've been saying, that's what everyone besides Cas and Cunt see, and here is the most truthful thing said coming from the Pooftard end.

 My how the roaches scramble when you touch the light switch.
Quote from: "Guest"Martini says;

" she's going to make a blog? Tell her hell yeah, I don't remember the shit I told her and it will be funny as fuck to read. I'll even link it on the Fortnite forum lol

 ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao  ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao

 He doesnt remember his kids

 So here we have it. A pathological liar admitting he doesnt even remember all his lies.

 Now maybe Martini SHOULD say "Time to move on from this stupid personal drama literally no one but Martini cares about".

 Its fucking bizzare this nut is like a toddler hiding from the monsters under a blanket thinking no one can see him.