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Messages - DKG

The Flea Trap / Re: Money Sense
December 21, 2022, 10:13:25 AM
Quote from: Herman post_id=488367 time=1671565620 user_id=3396
Quote from: DKG post_id=488335 time=1671549513 user_id=3390
Stocks could be hit next year by the worst earnings recession since 2008. There could be an earnings recession that could be as big of a surprise to the market as it was in 2008. An earnings recession is likely not priced into the market yet. Another downside is coming. It all comes back to central bankers destructive high interest rate policy.

The bastards are deliberately taking money out of the pockets of retired folks. You do not have to be an investment pro like you to know high interest rates mean lower earnings which means lower returns on our savings. Fuck the Fed.

In bear markets, stocks don't typically fall in a straight line. The result of Biden's inflationary policies during the pandemic and the Fed's response will be fading economic growth and corporate earnings.
The Flea Trap / Re: Is everyone done shopping?
December 21, 2022, 10:07:58 AM
I had all my girlfriend's gifts bought by the middle of November. I bought gift certificates and gift baskets for my mother and my two sister's families.
Quote from: Herman post_id=488375 time=1671566309 user_id=3396
The Forbidden Words

Although the university, facing scrutiny, password-protected the EHLI's list and hid it from public view, the Journal obtained a copy.

The forbidden terms on the EHLI list are grouped into the following categories: "Ableist, Ageism, Culturally Appropriative, Gender-based, Imprecise Language, Institutionalized Racism, Person-First, and Violent."

Terms deemed unfit for use that do not fall into the above categories are classed under "Additional Considerations."

Among the verboten words cited on the "Ableist" master list along with the preferred substitutes are:

"addict," to be replaced with "person with a substance use disorder";

"addicted," to be replaced with "devoted";

"blind study," to be replaced with "masked study"; and

"walk-in," to be replaced with "open office."

Among the verboten words cited on the "Culturally Appropriative" master list along with the preferred substitutes are:

"Brave," not to be replaced but to be dropped from use altogether;

"chief," to be replaced with "the person's name"; and

"tribe," to be replaced with "friends, network, family, support system."

Among the verboten words cited on the "Gender-Based" master list along with the preferred substitutes are:

"'preferred' pronouns," to be replaced by pronouns — since "the word 'preferred' suggests that non-binary gender identity is a choice and a preference";

"ballsy," to be replaced with "bold";

"gentlemen," to be replaced with "everyone";

"he," to be replaced with "person's name of 'they'";

"seminal," to be replaced by "leading, groundbreaking," and

"tranny," to be replaced by "non-gendering conforming folk."

Among the verboten words cited on the "Imprecise Language" master list along with the preferred substitutes are:

"American," to be replaced with "US Citizen" — since this term insinuates "that the US is the most important country in the Americas"; and

"straight," to be replaced with "heterosexual."

Among the verboten words cited on the "Institutionalized Racism" master list along with the preferred substitutes are:

"black hat," to be replaced with "unethical hacker";

"blackballed," to be replaced with "banned, denied";

"gangbusters," to be replaced with "very successful";

"master (v)," to be replaced with "become adept in";

"master list," to be replaced with "list of record"; and

"white paper," to be replaced with "position paper."

In addition to eliminating language that references biological realities and universal concepts that upset activists, Stanford also seeks to swap out idioms it regards as violent, such as "beating a dead horse" and "killing two birds with one stone.""> ... or-replace">

Stamford's naughty list, just in time for Christmas.
Quote from: Dove post_id=488494 time=1671632160 user_id=3266
Communism cant really exist alongside anything.

Except for fascism.
The Flea Trap / Re: The scary tranny thread
December 20, 2022, 10:22:56 AM
This J&B whisky ad is from Spain.

The Flea Trap / Re: Money Sense
December 20, 2022, 10:18:33 AM
Stocks could be hit next year by the worst earnings recession since 2008. There could be an earnings recession that could be as big of a surprise to the market as it was in 2008. An earnings recession is likely not priced into the market yet. Another downside is coming. It all comes back to central bankers destructive high interest rate policy.
The FBI is facing subpoenas after the so-called "Twitter Files" revealed that the bureau had been working closely with the social media company, according to Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), who is the incoming chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

"We are definitely pursuing the Department of Justice and also the FBI," Turner told Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," before adding, "We certainly intend to pursue subpoena power to expose the extent to which the FBI has been doing this."

He thanked the new Twitter chief Elon Musk for making the internal Twitter documents available.
The Flea Trap / Re: The Elon Musk STAN thread
December 20, 2022, 09:58:35 AM
Quote from: Thiel post_id=488291 time=1671505900 user_id=1688
Quote from: JOE post_id=484748 time=1669605401 user_id=97

I would never consider buying a Tesla as long as Elon Musk owns that company.

He wants women & their families to have more babies while he fired 1/2 of his workers at Twitter.

Takes money to raise children, Elon.

If he takes everything from them, they have nothing left to sustain the population growth he greatly desires.

what an awful man. He's a hypocrite.

He is a job creator Jo Jo. Unlike almost all progressives, he is following his own advice. Elon Musk has nine children.

Tesla would not exist if not for developed economies picking winners and losers. But, having said that, he was smart enough to take advantage of our climate hysteria and build a huge employer.
The mass media/social media propaganda arm of the Dem party is threatening other social media and stop doing the left's bidding for them.

Democrats like Adam Schiff are scrambling to save censorship

Adam Schiff popped up on CNN's "State of The Union" show Sunday morning to issue barely veiled threats to Elon Musk for trying to restore free speech on Twitter.

He suggested ominously that Twitter and social media companies may not continue to enjoy "immunity from responsibility and liability."

In other words, keep policing free speech as an arm of the federal government or watch your business go up in smoke.

Schiff is a calculated propagandist, who lies under oath as easily as breathing, and knowingly peddles misinformation to Congress and to media outlets like CNN and MSNBC, whose gullible hosts keep bringing him back on their shows to mislead their audiences.

In the dying days of his powerful reign as overseer of the nation's intelligence agencies, abusing his access to the nation's secrets, Schiff's final assignment is to preserve the censorship regime his side of politics entrenched across Big Tech.

On Tuesday, he and three other Dems he roped in wrote a menacing letter "as part of our ongoing oversight efforts" to Nick Clegg, president of global affairs at Meta (Facebook's new name), warning that, if the company went down Twitter's path of free speech, the consequences would be dire. "Dangerous and unfounded election denial content" must be kept off the platform.

It was what law professor ­Jonathan Turley characterized as a "hold-the-line warning ... meant to stop a cascading failure in the once insurmountable wall of social-media censorship."

"If Facebook were to restore free-speech protections, the control over social media could evaporate."

The powerful are panicking, and so they should. Their secrets are leaking.

Ever since Musk authorized a group of independent journalists to release the Twitter Files three weeks ago, a steady drip of damning evidence has emerged, showing collusion between Twitter and the federal government, including the FBI, to censor Americans and suppress dissent, in violation of the First Amendment.

As journalist Matt Taibbi wrote in Twitter Files part 6, Twitter was acting as a "subsidiary" of the FBI, in a relationship he described as "master-canine."

At least 80 FBI agents were engaged full-time in flagging and analyzing user content, demanding user location information and requesting that Twitter take action against mainly "low-follower accounts belonging to ordinary Americans" — including ones that just cracked jokes.

FBI-Twitter communications were "constant and pervasive," wrote Taibbi. "Instead of chasing child sex predators or terrorists, the FBI has agents — lots of them — analyzing and mass-flagging social media posts. Not as part of any criminal investigation, but as a permanent, end-in-itself surveillance operation. People should not be okay with this."

Half the public is still in the dark about this egregious assault on our liberties since, for some bizarre reason, the left-wing media seems to support censorship and wants to censor mention of it.

But at some point, the land of the free and home of the brave will rebel.

The next Twitter Files dump promised as early as Monday, from independent journalist Michael Shellenberger, is another chink in the wall of social-media censorship."> ... ensorship/">
The Flea Trap / Re: Oh man I really like Serafina
December 19, 2022, 11:32:52 AM
All these Dylan Mulvaney videos make me think of Admin/Snowflakes4Trump.
Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=488109 time=1671235820 user_id=1582
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=488017 time=1671160087 user_id=3389
I would have disconnected  after the Clinton paid for fake Russia collussion horseshit.

that didn't bother me a bit.... the fact that it went to court was reassuring as far as i'm concerned.... i don't believe in that two-party illusion.... while i do consider myself conservative as fuck, politicians only come in one fuckin flavor.... they're ALL snakes.... but what made us a free country was the ability to vote out garbage.... the left has sold us out now.... they know they can rig an election, swear in a fraudulent president and demonize/arrest/harass anyone who says otherwise.... they don't see a problem because its still 'their party'.... but i have a feeling that its gonna take an even more radical turn and the retards on the left have removed our 'emergency brake'....  :sad:

The Dems have a long history of voter suppression /electoral fraud.
Quote from: Odinson post_id=488120 time=1671248713 user_id=136

White guilt on steroids indeed. I have only encountered people like those two women on Twitter. Never in real life. Which should not come as a surprise. It would be hard for such messed up people to function in society.
The Flea Trap / Re: Money Sense
December 18, 2022, 12:37:01 PM
Quote from: Herman post_id=488174 time=1671324641 user_id=3396
Quote from: TheProwler post_id=488166 time=1671308373 user_id=3379

Senile Joe thinks the bank teller who cashes his disability cheque is "high up in the business world".

He doesn't read this thread. The Seoul bother has said 2023 will be a hard year as the effects of high interest rates are felt. We knew that anyway.

Joe is a forum killer. Every forum he posts on becomes dead.

2023 will not be a good year.
The Flea Trap / Re: Money Sense
December 18, 2022, 12:33:01 PM
Quote from: TheProwler post_id=488166 time=1671308373 user_id=3379
Quote from: JOE post_id=488149 time=1671295398 user_id=97
I heard yesterday from someone high up in the business world

Senile Joe thinks the bank teller who cashes his disability cheque is "high up in the business world".

You mean his old age security cheque. :laugh3:
Quote from: Rancidmilko post_id=488052 time=1671205638 user_id=2853
These days I hate people who live in the northern areas of Brazoo

Is it like Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal politically. They are socialist strongholds.