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Messages - Dove

The Guest Nest / Re: Where does King Martini rank?
February 12, 2020, 11:31:32 AM
Its could have replaced those names with Hilter, Mussolini and Moa and nothing else would have needed to change.

 And these jack asses will feel all iconic and shit being compared to such popular people of history

The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 12, 2020, 09:07:44 AM
Quote from: "Guest"TV was pure spam, nothing worth reading whatsoever. They thought they were funny but they weren't

 We enjoyed ourselves greatly.

 What was on flame boards?  Raunch. Porn. Text walls of repetitive idiocy, try hards, and doxxings/threats of doxxings and a chick in a scrunchy pissing in a sink.

 I mean come on, flamers are real life losers. Thats why you stalk eachother down and get "net deaded".
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 12, 2020, 09:03:39 AM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Flametown Historian"There's only two first gen flamers still on these forums, Cun'T and Fraud. Cun'T was and is the bar as he was back during the flame heyday, while Fraud has done enough trolling on his resume to eclipse the entire roster of tardvalhallans alone by himself.

Bonesaw was a forum kick toy during this time.

The second gen was Flea and Martini, with Martini being the best of the bunch by a huge margin. If he didn't worship Evil Blood, he would have gone down as a really good match flamer because he was relentless and funny until he started going down the PI road.

BH members don't remember TV because TV wasn't in that demo. BH members don't acknowledge TV and vice versa. Flamers were at BH, those who couldn't flame didn't even hang at TV, they hung out at FC, which was a light version of BH without all the PI.

TDT was the troll forum. They actually had the balls to hack BH. Flea and Caskur started there and if memory serves me both were "Capo's". The TDT zip file, with HC Trouble crying "WERE BEING HACKED" in large don't is still a thing of lore, along with PM's of Looney asking EB for some "good" amputee porn.

As for the TV'ers, they don't fit into the flamer equation. Never did. They are the first to tell you how Flamers took the game seriously, yet will boast about their minute accomplishments in the same breath. They never witnessed the huge battles to appreciate the efforts and most of their information to that is third or fourth hand at that. Which is why, deep down, nobody first or second gen, takes any of them seriously. They might say to them they do, but reality is, they don't.

Most....well, all TVers want respect in the eyes of the actual flamers left on these forums, but the community is so watered down it's never going to happen.

The Flametown Historian

Okay. time for your crackers and milk


 Why do these whack jobs want to believe we want "respect" on the internet?

 Like fish in a fucking barrel. Lol.

 This person is actually saying "first gen" and "second gen" in the context of flame board posters  ac_toofunny

 Where is the med cart when you need it? Lol.
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- guess I struck a nerve podcast
February 12, 2020, 08:41:56 AM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Fashionista"Our families and our employers are off limits.

Alpha Nova used to threaten me about contactin Kurts employer.... LOL... Kurt was self employed at the time.

There used to be a poster here, Gordy Gambino who posted the name and website of his contracting company based in your city..

A known stalker posted a despicable review on rating site including a serious, but false allegation about Gordy himself.

Yeah I saw you say that earlier to flea.

That's disgusting.

You know you've really got the better of someone if they're threatening contacting people in your rl.

When EB posted my real name address and phone numbers on Brawl Hall, someone from BH sent the police around my place to see if I was OK.

If I recall correctly he also showed up to some disabled girls court appearance pertaining to mental health issues.

YEah, real quality flamer right there.

 And recorded it to play on the flame board.

 I guess he was there as some incompetence witness but it's still fucked up he recorded it.

 Who does that? Its hateful.

You guys are getting that incident all wrong... Spoof was getting bullied by her lunatic older sister, also on the boards... EB was sticking up for her... bringing evidence of the psychotic abuse to the hearing.

When Ladybird went off her rocker, he recorded it to drive her away from BH.

 Why not just ban her?
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 10:02:52 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Fashionista":laugh:
Quote from: "Dove"TV, Troll Valhalla...was not a flame board. It was a board for trolls. That's where me, Joo and Murd are from.

Cosmic outpost was a sort of neutral board where trolls, idiots and flamers mingled. What BC is to SG is kind of what CO was to TV.

BH was a cesspit of porn and harrassment.

Third rail was kinda just the last board standing so people from all of the above would post there is they wanted to.

So TV was like SG.

NO lol


 See what would be wrong with that? Valhalla was awesome.

 Everyone always hatin on trolls lol

That's cause she ran with the pre-k version of internet trolling. TDT.

Those were beneath OOTIKOF in terms of relevancy hierarchy in the game.

You weren't even around in those days. How would you know ?

None of the flamers wanted to be associated with Tard Valhalla. They were considered the bottom of the barrel of the forums.

I was around. I have just never revealed to anyone the many ids I ran under. lol


 It doesnt dawn much on "Flametown" what trolls are about lol.

I'm saying. the whole idea is to fuck with people's minds and to sew discord behind the scenes.

 The flamers were not even sport. They took it all so seriously.

 They hated us lol.

 It was just a lot of "I'm a morally upright person with money and my life rocks, now I shall judge you" but a lot of extra words  ac_toofunny

 And peeing in sinks.

 I was just never impressed. Intrigued, sure. Impressed? Not really.

And thirty thousand words to tell you that you're a complete non-enitity to them  ac_toofunny

 Omg right?

 I used to enjoy poking Cunt on TR until he would start text bombing and all capping, and then answer with "k"


 Like, no shit these guys cant stand us.  :laugh3:

Of course they can't stand us. We laugh at their raging tirades and they cannot get at us with RL intimidation.

Plus, there's no longer a horde of bobble headed drones to prop their egos.

The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:41:15 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Fashionista":laugh:
Quote from: "Dove"TV, Troll Valhalla...was not a flame board. It was a board for trolls. That's where me, Joo and Murd are from.

Cosmic outpost was a sort of neutral board where trolls, idiots and flamers mingled. What BC is to SG is kind of what CO was to TV.

BH was a cesspit of porn and harrassment.

Third rail was kinda just the last board standing so people from all of the above would post there is they wanted to.

So TV was like SG.

NO lol


 See what would be wrong with that? Valhalla was awesome.

 Everyone always hatin on trolls lol

That's cause she ran with the pre-k version of internet trolling. TDT.

Those were beneath OOTIKOF in terms of relevancy hierarchy in the game.

You weren't even around in those days. How would you know ?

None of the flamers wanted to be associated with Tard Valhalla. They were considered the bottom of the barrel of the forums.

I was around. I have just never revealed to anyone the many ids I ran under. lol


 It doesnt dawn much on "Flametown" what trolls are about lol.

I'm saying. the whole idea is to fuck with people's minds and to sew discord behind the scenes.

 The flamers were not even sport. They took it all so seriously.

 They hated us lol.

 It was just a lot of "I'm a morally upright person with money and my life rocks, now I shall judge you" but a lot of extra words  ac_toofunny

 And peeing in sinks.

 I was just never impressed. Intrigued, sure. Impressed? Not really.

And thirty thousand words to tell you that you're a complete non-enitity to them  ac_toofunny

 Omg right?

 I used to enjoy poking Cunt on TR until he would start text bombing and all capping, and then answer with "k"


 Like, no shit these guys cant stand us.  :laugh3:
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:38:24 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Fashionista":laugh:
Quote from: "Dove"TV, Troll Valhalla...was not a flame board. It was a board for trolls. That's where me, Joo and Murd are from.

Cosmic outpost was a sort of neutral board where trolls, idiots and flamers mingled. What BC is to SG is kind of what CO was to TV.

BH was a cesspit of porn and harrassment.

Third rail was kinda just the last board standing so people from all of the above would post there is they wanted to.

So TV was like SG.

NO lol


 See what would be wrong with that? Valhalla was awesome.

 Everyone always hatin on trolls lol

That's cause she ran with the pre-k version of internet trolling. TDT.

Those were beneath OOTIKOF in terms of relevancy hierarchy in the game.

You weren't even around in those days. How would you know ?

None of the flamers wanted to be associated with Tard Valhalla. They were considered the bottom of the barrel of the forums.

I was around. I have just never revealed to anyone the many ids I ran under. lol


 It doesnt dawn much on "Flametown" what trolls are about lol.

I'm saying. the whole idea is to fuck with people's minds and to sew discord behind the scenes.

 The flamers were not even sport. They took it all so seriously.

 They hated us lol.

 It was just a lot of "I'm a morally upright person with money and my life rocks, now I shall judge you" but a lot of extra words  ac_toofunny

 And peeing in sinks.

 I was just never impressed. Intrigued, sure. Impressed? Not really. Some of them are cool people, though.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:31:40 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Fashionista":laugh:
Quote from: "Dove"TV, Troll Valhalla...was not a flame board. It was a board for trolls. That's where me, Joo and Murd are from.

Cosmic outpost was a sort of neutral board where trolls, idiots and flamers mingled. What BC is to SG is kind of what CO was to TV.

BH was a cesspit of porn and harrassment.

Third rail was kinda just the last board standing so people from all of the above would post there is they wanted to.

So TV was like SG.

NO lol


 See what would be wrong with that? Valhalla was awesome.

 Everyone always hatin on trolls lol

That's cause she ran with the pre-k version of internet trolling. TDT.

Those were beneath OOTIKOF in terms of relevancy hierarchy in the game.

You weren't even around in those days. How would you know ?

None of the flamers wanted to be associated with Tard Valhalla. They were considered the bottom of the barrel of the forums.

I was around. I have just never revealed to anyone the many ids I ran under. lol


 It doesnt dawn much on "Flametown" what trolls are about lol.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:30:44 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"


 They had Flea though! Lmao.

 Who else is from there?

Flea was ok. But back in them days I kinda thought she was a bit of a tard too. No offense flea.

who else? I dunno recall most of those fucking genetically deprived mutants, but I think was named El-kangaroo and some other alcoholic spastic that called himself rebel without a shoe or some shit.

it was like bottom feeders anonymous over there. Real roll up the windows and just hit the gas before you catch what they have type shit.

 Rebel? That alcoholic?

 He was alright when he wasnt binge drinking.

Yeah, which was like if it happened to be a fourth wednesday on a fucking leap year.

that guy was a raging fucking lush

 Anyone even seen that guy around lately? The last I saw of him, he was not doing well at all. Sadly.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:29:02 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"Probably because we made them look stupid because none of us really give a fuck.

 We existed to piss people off for fun, and we did.

 Flamer boards really took their boards too seriously.  They still do.  All that glorification.

I'm saying.

I made brawl-hall, home of "internet terrorism" look like a fucking knitting circle.

 Because we were there for fun.

 They were there to prove something. That's why they blow themselves and then get all worked up over nonsense.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:27:56 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"


 They had Flea though! Lmao.

 Who else is from there?

Flea was ok. But back in them days I kinda thought she was a bit of a tard too. No offense flea.

who else? I dunno recall most of those fucking genetically deprived mutants, but I think was named El-kangaroo and some other alcoholic spastic that called himself rebel without a shoe or some shit.

it was like bottom feeders anonymous over there. Real roll up the windows and just hit the gas before you catch what they have type shit.

 Rebel? That alcoholic?

 He was alright when he wasnt binge drinking.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:26:10 PM
Probably because we made them look stupid because none of us really give a fuck.

 We existed to piss people off for fun, and we did.

 Flamer boards really took their boards too seriously.  They still do.  All that glorification.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:20:53 PM
Son of a bitch. I'm not even gonna fix that, Joo just deal with it lmao.

 This quote system here is crazy. It's like womansavers lol.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:19:50 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"I have never even seen TDT.

that's because they were nobodies.

 What did TDT stand for? I never knew. Or was it just TDT?


 They had Flea though! Lmao.

 Who else is from there?

Those diseased tards or some shit

I just called them STD and ran with that. They were like the forum equivalent of fucking acne.
The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 09:10:00 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"I have never even seen TDT.

that's because they were nobodies.

 What did TDT stand for? I never knew. Or was it just TDT?