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Messages - Dove

The Guest Nest / Re: The Flametown Banquet
February 11, 2020, 05:41:53 PM
There is a Flametown?
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- guess I struck a nerve podcast
February 11, 2020, 05:37:16 PM
Quote from: "The Queen Bee"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"

Well, unless Poofer changed his full name between then and now I'd say you're still coming up short on this one.


Stick your cookie up your arse.

KM used an alias on FB at the time Ant doxed him in a match KM agreed ANYTHING GOES, 3 times.

It was funny and still is funny to me to this day.

I might tell Ant to do you next... then what?  :laugh3:  You could replace the character from The King of Queens...

you might tell ant to dox me next?

Tell me more about this?  :laugh3:

Keep mud slinging my good name and I will.

You might think you're safe but you are not!~

I'm scared.

So tell us more about how Poofer didn't apologize and you enlisted the help of ANT to dox him.

All ears dear. All ears.  :pop:

 I like how the threat of doxxing is used, like just because these sleaze bag losers are ashamed of themselves and lying about how awesome their lives are.....that we would be ashamed of ourselves if doxxed.

 It's very telling. Lulz.

 Like sorry, not everyone is embarrassed about who they are lol

Some of us want to protect our families from being used on here like what happened yesterday.

I keep getting logged out ugh

 True but that's beyond feeling embarrassed into feeling threatened and there are laws now about people harrassing other people like that.

 No one should feel they need to protect their family from adults on a forum when its understood that it's a trolling/flaming environment.

 That's crossed over into bullying and should not be tolerated.
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- guess I struck a nerve podcast
February 11, 2020, 02:35:11 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"

Well, unless Poofer changed his full name between then and now I'd say you're still coming up short on this one.


Stick your cookie up your arse.

KM used an alias on FB at the time Ant doxed him in a match KM agreed ANYTHING GOES, 3 times.

It was funny and still is funny to me to this day.

I might tell Ant to do you next... then what?  :laugh3:  You could replace the character from The King of Queens...

you might tell ant to dox me next?

Tell me more about this?  :laugh3:

Keep mud slinging my good name and I will.

You might think you're safe but you are not!~

I'm scared.

So tell us more about how Poofer didn't apologize and you enlisted the help of ANT to dox him.

All ears dear. All ears.  :pop:

 I like how the threat of doxxing is used, like just because these sleaze bag losers are ashamed of themselves and lying about how awesome their lives are.....that we would be ashamed of ourselves if doxxed.

 It's very telling. Lulz.

 Like sorry, not everyone is embarrassed about who they are lol
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Friday"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"
Quote from: "Dove"Moonie is a beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit ♡

I've been friends with her for yeeeaars now.

No one cares you freaking idiot.  I think you have bigger fish to fry.

And you're a straight up bitch.

Do you think she was the one who posted Martini's address?

Possibly she could care less who she hurts as long as she wins.  

It's all about her in the end.

I know her head isn't screwed on right. Do you think she would know Martini's name and address? If she does, she's the likely suspect. Apparently she threatened to contact flea's husband with so BS rumours.

TBH...I was acting out of emotion in my last post.  I really don't think she would do that.  I think HE would do it though.  He talks about what a narcissistic person he is.  Dovey wore him out and he prob trying to pin her but it won't work...yanno.

About fleas husband and her that's awful.  I didn't know that so I'm not sure. All of it is whacked.

That PI post was a shitty attempt at planting "evidence" against Murdy to have people turn on her even further than is already the case.  Murdy can be impulsive and she can be wild but the Murdy I know wouldn't post PI like that.

Than who do you think it is? I would say Dove.

 That was absolutely NOT me.

 If I were post more personal stuff about him,  it wouldnt be his address and accusing him of pedophilia. I wouldnt ever post anyones address, ever.

 I have much more damning info in my text messages and FB messanger.  I would post THAT if I were going to.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Guest"It wasn't pictures, it was somebody's home address

Are you fucking serious???

The tool of the weak.

I think someone here is trying to throw everyone in another direction so poor little down trodden pigeon gets away with not being held account for her unchristian-like behavior.


 You really need mental health help.

 Apparently you have such poor boundaries that you honestly think people are accountable to you or a forum for their marriage. This isnt healthy or normal.

 Whoever it is that im accountable to for my behavoir isnt ever gonna be you or anyone on the internet.

 Seek help.
Quote from: "caskur"I don't wish to write about her.

In my eyes she's ignored for good.

She's toxic.

 Good, keep it that way. You had no business inserting your miserable self in the first place.

 Smartest post of yours in months.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"Where do I brag that I'm a "good Christian"?

 I'm Calvinist....

You should be shunned and disfellowshipped.

You don't really mean that?  The good news is, Jesus came for the broken.  We all fall short and sin.  Everyone turns from God in sin but God sent his ONE AND ONLY son to save us from what man can't do for themselves.  For example, Dove is a pure picture of God's grace and mercy.  She knows that and that's all that matters.  Once you understand the gospel, I think you would feel differently.

True everyone sins however she hasn't repented.

She's in denial. So are you.

Just because you become a Christian, doesn't mean it's a ticket to sin without consequences.

Of course.  Full repentance to Jesus is what it takes.  How am I in denial?  How do you know that she hasn't repented?

She hasn't shown a gram of shame in any of her posts.

She justifies what she did and blames the whole episode on KM.

She isn't humble or repentant.

I don't read her rubbish anymore.... She can go troll someone else.

You're picking up for her now without realizing the gravity of her actions.

 Maybe because the internet is NOT the place for that?

 My home and church ARE.  Forum boards? Are NOT.

 I dont owe any of you people shit. Are you insane? None of this was anyones business here to begin with. Just because Poofer had to drag all his dramatic bullshit online and run his yap nonstop doesnt mean I'm obligated to provide fucking follow ups. Smh.

 Get the fuck outta here. You are not part of my marriage, you freaking whack job.
Moonie is a beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit ♡

I've been friends with her for yeeeaars now.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"Where do I brag that I'm a "good Christian"?

 I'm Calvinist....

You should be shunned and disfellowshipped.

 I dont think someone who casts hexes on people and cyber cheated on her husband while actively married needs to be concerning herself with whether or not someones church should "shun them".

 The world doesnt have to hate and shun people you dont like because you dont like them. No one over here gives a fuck what you think about a situation you dont know fuck all about.

 But sucking up to an abuser and being sanctimonious when you do even sleazier shit is pretty charming.

 Maybe work on that log in your eye before fussing over specs.  You are far too disqualified to bleat on about anyone else.

 You are a miserable, nasty hag who loves drama attention.  So much that you are willing to allow your own son to be exploited on the internet for years and years and then suck up to the ones who were doing it  

 Do you have any idea how fucked up that is?  Or are you just that level sociopath? That has bothered people for YEARS why you would stay in that sort of environment, its NOT normal.  Other people cared more that than YOU did.

 That's some level sociopathy.">

  ac_toofunny  ac_toofunny

 You crack me up  ac_wub

 Seriously this woman ain't right in the head.

 I remember when I first saw that shit going down I was HORRIFIED.  It disturbed me to my core. I stood up to the people doing it.

 And then, I just wondered why the fuck does this woman  continually spend so much allowing that type of abuse? If I were in those shoes you could not PAY me to come back on.  I never went there and defended her on multiple occasions even when she made me cringe.

 Then this bitch turns on me like a rabid dog and starts blasting about MY children on SG, twisting my daughters arrangements to go back forth between me and her father...private fucking shit I told her privately on CO?

 Oh hell no. This woman has no fucking decency.

Actually I protected YOU from the likes of Prowler (and others) when you told everyone you whored yourself out for heroin and who wanted nothing but to

tear you a new one.

Some of us were sucked in by your 'poor lil me,' sob stories... But that was until you recently abandoned your family to go fuck with a known reprobate on a dirty mattress.

Rehashing more BS as usual it's only you attention whoring. We get it.

Poofer dumped you. Get over him!~

 Protected me from someone I was friends with?

 Prowler and I never hated eachother, you nitwit. We were pming and emailing while slamming eachother on the board. I have emails from him about you asking him to lay off and me saying "leave her alone. She means well".  So no, you were not "protecting" me from anything.

 Did Prowler ever turn around and blast stuff I told him about my daughter going out state to stay at her dads part time and twist shared parenting time into "child abdonement"? No. He didnt. But several people warned me about YOU and sure enough you proved them right.

 I never said I prostituted myself for heroin, the fuck?  You are just pulling that out of your ass to justify your bullshit.

 How did Poofer "dump me" when I was never in a relationship with him?  You think I cant humiliate the both of you with his long ass PMs he sent me that I ignored DAYS before he went insane on the internet because I didnt want a relationship? Like I said in text SEVERAL times?

 You are a lying, gullible and drama whoring fuckwit. You need to worry less about what other people do and go get counseling to find why you permit and defend abuse.

 I've never once shared any "poor me" sob stories, so you MUST he projecting. What do you call the shit you did?  Just because I'm not so miserable and insecure that I gotta go on a troll/flame board and pretend everything in my life is perfect and wonderful and I'm so much better than everyone doesnt mean I'm giving "sob stories" you simpering, spineless viper.  It means that unlike you and your newest fake buddy I'm not ashamed of myself. You wouldnt know REAL strength if it knocked your in your gapped teeth.

 Attention seeking is you inserting yourself into something here without being invited to share your opinion and mindlessly jumping on the Poofer bandwagon because you have such low self esteem that you will align with a pathological lying dirt bag who used your son as ammo for years the minute he queefs in your direction.

 How weak are you, good gawd. I hope other women are taking note here on what your true viscious colors are.

 Get help.

 Your Pickmesha ass. I'm not gonna feed or recieve anymore of your nasty bullshit and pandering. God help you, seriously.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"Where do I brag that I'm a "good Christian"?

 I'm Calvinist....

You should be shunned and disfellowshipped.

You don't really mean that?  The good news is, Jesus came for the broken.  We all fall short and sin.  Everyone turns from God in sin but God sent his ONE AND ONLY son to save us from what man can't do for themselves.  For example, Dove is a pure picture of God's grace and mercy.  She knows that and that's all that matters.  Once you understand the gospel, I think you would feel differently.

True everyone sins however she hasn't repented.

She's in denial. So are you.

Just because you become a Christian, doesn't mean it's a ticket to sin without consequences.

 Wait a minute, how the hell would YOU know what I have or have not done offline?

 Are you sitting in our counseling sessions with our Pastor?  You in my house?

 Good grief. My marriage and my repentence is none of your business. I'm not obligated to explain myself on the internet, especailly a situation I didnt bring to the internet.

 What kinda whackjob thinks shes an expert on the offline reality of strangers?

 This is such an incredibly ignorant post.

 You need to start holding yourself to your same standards because someone who claims to practice sorcery isnt in a position to decide what a church should do and your hateful approach to this is sinful. Specs and logs.
Quote from: "ArabPrinCess"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"Where do I brag that I'm a "good Christian"?

 I'm Calvinist....

You should be shunned and disfellowshipped.

You don't really mean that?  The good news is, Jesus came for the broken.  We all fall short and sin.  Everyone turns from God in sin but God sent his ONE AND ONLY son to save us from what man can't do for themselves.  For example, Dove is a pure picture of God's grace and mercy.  She knows that and that's all that matters.  Once you understand the gospel, I think you would feel differently.

 Shes a very hateful person.

 I've prayed for her for years. You gotta be very broken to act the way she acts.
The Guest Nest / Re: MMP Wants the Iron Chink
February 08, 2020, 10:25:50 AM
I respect your judgements, Fash. And I will keep those in mind.

 Typically when multiple people saying the same thing there is a very good reason.

 Perhaps he has settled down some and just wants to post, I honestly havent seen him do anything since posting a picture he said was IC on SG several months ago.
The Guest Nest / Re: Real reasons Kraytini hates Joo
February 08, 2020, 10:17:43 AM
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"Cascur, I look DOWN on people

No one cares that a heroin using prostitute who was unfaithful to her husband looks 'down' on anything.

puh-leeze!~  :001_rolleyes:

 Just like how I just said no one gives a shit what some hypocritical net lifing narcissist who thinks having insult contests on the internet is "amounting" to something that other people find enviable?

 You are a straight up mental case when you sit there arguing with a married couple you dont know about what occurred in their marriage and how it should be dealt with lol.  Moreso with your history with men on the internet.

 Even if I WAS a prostitute drug using adulteress, my standards of self respect would still be too high to kiss a mans ass who had been using my deceased child as flame fodder for YEARS. It's bad enough you've "soldiered on" allowing this.

 And dont try claiming doxxing him on TR made it "even"  because the reason you turned like a viscious dog and started blasting my private stuff I told you about my children in PMs at CO 8 fucking years because back in June, your ass was on SG and on here pledging "Vengence" against Poofer, Scoundral, Joo, and Freud for what? Oh yeah....using your son as ammo.  And Joo NEVER even did that.

 And all I did was very nicely point out maybe that's not fucking healthy. And it wasnt.  This was said out of CONCERN. But I guess in your fucked netwashed brain that totally justifies vapid nastiness and shoving your tongue up the ass of some other netlifing loser who was one the worst fucking culprits.

 And you think your judgements mean anything?  You cannot even make proper judgements for your own self. In fact I'm absolutely wasting my time because clearly you dont even have the basic sense to see what's wrong with your bullshit.

 People flat out warned me about you several fucking times and I really should have listened. You are just as fucked up.
The Guest Nest / Re: MMP Wants the Iron Chink
February 07, 2020, 09:06:27 PM
Good grief you guys.

 He isnt THAT bad. He is just some harmless hippy dude.

 Surely you are all trolling the poor guy lol.

 Maybe I've seen too many truly depraved people online lol.
Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"
Quote from: "Dove"

 I remember when I first saw that shit going down I was HORRIFIED.  It disturbed me to my core. I stood up to the people doing it.

 And then, I just wondered why the fuck does this woman  continually spend so much allowing that type of abuse? If I were in those shoes you could not PAY me to come back on.  I never went there and defended her on multiple occasions even when she made me cringe.

 Then this bitch turns on me like a rabid dog and starts blasting about MY children on SG, twisting my daughters arrangements to go back forth between me and her father...private fucking shit I told her privately on CO?

 Oh hell no. This woman has no fucking decency.

I did the same for Caskur at CO... and then she turned around and joined them  ac_unsure  ac_dunno  ac_crying

Once the boundary is crossed and it becomes personal, it's hard to reestablish that line.


 Its friggin mind boggling and I just do not and will not buy the "deeerrr it's the flame game" bullshit excuse.

 In fact that makes it even sicker, more depraved.  These people are a real circus shitshow of narcism and whackjobbery.