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Messages - Dove

The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 04, 2020, 06:32:38 PM
"Go on, Dovey. Get mad. Get mad because I made you look stupid and could care less whatever the fuck you say to try and save face. That you over reacted everywhere and quit your job. That you've told countless stories to the point this whole ordeal has become a choose your own adventure to pretty much anybody still trying to keep up with the nonsense when the main person causing all this, me, dropped this shit a long time ago."

 There is much projection it's incredible. Lol. Amazing he has no clue how fucking stupid and depraved he looks.

 Talk about chose your own adventure?

 Reasons why Poofer called my job

 1. He thought it fucked up that shared a picture of a mental ill CHILD(I never worked in peds)

 2. Because I didnt send a tracking number

 3. Because I talked to his ex

 4. Because a lesbian paramedic told him he needed too

 5. Because Murdy got into my head and "fucked with our lives"

 6. Because he went to a hospital and "they" told him too

 7. Because he was disturbed that I was laughing at it(I wasnt... he fucking laughed at it. I still have this whole exchange)

 8. He wanted to make sure it was legal for him to have it. A month later. Because people can apparently go into his messages and take him to jail because I sent a picture.

 9. He said he was a federal witness, and that if anyone retaliated the "HIPPA Agents" told him to contact them.

 10. Me and his ex were gonna have him assassinated

 11. He was a socail media hero

 12. News papers were gonna send him money for it  

 Literally so much fucking bullshit it's actually pretty astounding that he is so fucking dense he would post that "chose your adventure" to people who have watched him tell at least 7 different fucking versions of this.

 I mean are you brain damaged Poofer?  Like for real. Did you take a hockey puck or some shit to the fucking head?  I mean that would explain a lot.

 Why would I be mad at some brain damaged fucking psycho who consistently fucking buries himself in his own bullshit?  You are your only victim and enemy, bud.

 I'm just here to point and laugh.

 You gotta be a real delusional fucking dipshit to see yourself as some bad ass on the internet because you've doxxed people. What a joke you guys are.  Like you actually delude yourself into feeling "powerful" by doxxing and harrassing people and you sit bragging about it like we fucking fear you.

 That's pathetic. Maybe you should start using tissues, clean your fucking shit hole and dont try to give parenting advice, like ever.  You run your worthless lump of deteriorating grey matter on the internet thinking you are some heavy hitting "bully" but you just an angry little lump of perpetual nothing grasping desperately for a sense of power and purpose the only place you feel safe......behind a fucking screen.

 It was hella hilarious watching your fucking whacky loony toon melt down after you called my job. All shitting yourself all over the place scared of retaliation,  blowing up your exs messager trying to scare her into not talking to me lol.  "Conspiring against a federal witness" hahaha.

 You should be gotdamn ashamed of yourself and embarrassed by how you've acted. You dont scare us you knuckle dragging, curtain sliming slob. You entertain the shit out of us though.  No one is mad at you, Pooftard. Getting mad at you for being a shitbag would be akin to getting mad at a dog for eating its puke. We have our expectations properly placed.

 Do that thing where you rant for a few paragraphs again about how we dont want none of that hardcore icon heat. Lulz.  

 Skerry skerry. Lulz.

 Lemme take a wild guess.....we just ain't worth the "content"  ac_toofunny
The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 04, 2020, 05:45:07 PM
Quote from: "RealKM✓"And on that note, I'm out.

Podcasts will still be made daily, new forum shall be up soon.

This dramas seen too many posts already. I'm not throwing any more into it.

To all the forums, good luck. Your gonna need it.


 I dont think your pretend shit hole is gonna even matter to any other forums.  

 Let's see. He is gonna make a forum but none of us are allowed because we are lame plebs. Only 3 people will be invited, and they will still probably post where they have always posted.

 It's kinda funny that he keeps saying that dumb ass shit.

 Literally no one cares. It's not that deep.  :2r4ml1j_th:
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 04, 2020, 05:26:49 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"Eeew. He blew his nose in your curtains dovey

Definetly poor upbringing

We now know why there are no sheets on the mattress.  He uses those to wipe his ass.

You were really slumming it on this one dear

 No shit.


 I'm glad I actually got all new curtains when I moved. I'm being dead serious right now. What a fucking rude slob.
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 04, 2020, 08:46:48 AM
Got damn can you just see this fucker in a year if I had kept it?

 He would be fucking hunchbacking all over my house wiping boogers on shit and following my daughters friends around with his sweat pants on.

 "Hey little girl.....ever meet a forum icon*snortblows nose on his arms and twitches* I got a pretty hot podcast baby....whatcho you be my arm candy. You can have the clean arm even, dont say I never gave ya nothing. I sold 8 whole mugs, you would wont meet anyone who has ever done that"

The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 04, 2020, 08:40:43 AM
I mean.....I told you guys he was a fucking slob, as gross as that is I'm not really shocked.

 What a gross entitled motherfucker. Blowing noses on curtains.


 This is why they tell you not to bring raccoons in the house.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "realgrimm"post is relevant


What magnificent animals..

Very nice video realgrimm.


 They sound just like goats lol
The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 04, 2020, 08:31:57 AM
Maybe if that sad ass shit is posted a third time, the podcast genie will pop out and make it true lol.

 Worth a shot, eh?

 Let's avoid the 47 year old man going off about young girls, its fucking disturbing and part of the reason you struck out so damn bad. I mean.. .I have teenage daughters.  


 5 or 6 times? Hahaha.
The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 04, 2020, 08:27:57 AM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"No "Martini bot" gimmick anymore?

Someones large mad ac_toofunny

See you Wednesday turd

 Wait did he agree or he is running whilst claiming "iMz a fLaMerZ!!! Raaarrr mUh cUnT!!"

 I just cant  ac_toofunny

Welcome back Dove.

 Thank you!
The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 04, 2020, 02:21:08 AM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"A mongoloid on an android how quaint

 Watch out lol.
The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 04, 2020, 02:20:29 AM
If I had wanted you, you wouldnt have had an epic tantrum all over the place.

 Its embarrassing watching you say that shit because when you do, everyone over the age 15 knows it's because you are the butt hurt dumped one.

 Just stop lmao.  Narcissist are so fucking dumb.  Keep saying that too, it just proves the point.

 You mad, ho lol
The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 04, 2020, 02:09:16 AM
Look at you, explaining it EXACTLY how I knew you would if I mentioned it lol.

 Musta been waiting a while for me to point it out, eh?  Gotdamn I could have wrote that for you lol.

 Hey like I said, I just noticed it. I didnt say I GAVE a fuck, did I?

 Calm the fuck down I dont care about your mental problems hahaha. I already plainly fucking said you did that exactly so when I pointed it out you could pretend its "evidence" I'm the one not "letting go" lol.  I also said I dont really fucking care.

 I personally think you are fucking pathetic and I dont need a team to impress or anyone to even fucking read me lol.

 You legit need help. Seriously
The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 04, 2020, 01:40:47 AM
That's Cascur lol

 I straight up said its fucking creepy you be sobcasting to my daughters favorite band AND song,  ya fucking weirdo. Nothing "subliminal" about that is there?

 Then flying off about "fundraisers" because you think it's cute and funny I quit my job to get you outta my fucking life.

 But you are free to pretend you arent a fucking psycho all you want and you and Cascur can cuddle up and cry about how you think I said you put "subliminal messages" in your shitcasts.

 Fucking dramatic ass dumb asses lmao.
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 04, 2020, 01:34:22 AM
How many reanimated roach corpses have crawled outta that bathroom to die with dignity?

The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 04, 2020, 01:31:36 AM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"This guy could sure work a delusion like a street corner

Trll me moar.  ac_toofunny

 It's like you wanna feel bad for the dumb motherfucker.

 He has no fucking clue how fucking stupid he looks and he is the only one giving a fuck about that. Lol.
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 04, 2020, 01:30:02 AM
Right lol

 How weak and desperate do you gotta be to doxx fucking TWAP? And with a family members obituary?

 And Bone too.

 All freaked out how you "look" lol. You are so fucking easy.

 Maybe try remembering the funny shit long enough to post it because the spaz testing IS funny. ....just not the way you seem to think it is.

 You keep bringing prewriting, wanting to push it to the fucking 10th.

 Deeerrr wonder why? Lol.