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Messages - Dove

The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 04, 2020, 01:21:57 AM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "RealKM✓"Yeah but I cherish the little amount of brain cells I have .

 As you should.

 They have clearly seen better days.

you'd think a flaming ""icon"" would know better than to walk into that rake at top speed

It's like what? 6 or 7 now?

The front of his face is starting to look like a damn canoe

 He thinks I'm "mad" and he thinks he "made me LOOK stooopids"  ac_toofunny

 Imagine an icon giving a fuck how he looks to 15 people who think he is fucking batshit crazy.

 And Cascur lol.
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 04, 2020, 01:15:42 AM
I see why he needs to wait until the tenth.

He wants to "pre write" and probably go hit people up for insults lol.

Makes sense.

 It like he actually thinks he is a star on some stadium and there are gonna be all these crowds and shit.

 Its like....ten people tops. That's being generous.

 Mr. Fucking Internet superstar here thinks this is a fucking JOB or something.

 Hey yo Poof.... maybe if you realized the fate of the internet actually doesnt rest on how you "look", you would having as much fun as Joo and I.

 Just pretend this shit isnt your life for a few days and you should be good.

 That whole e rep thing has GOT to suck  :laugh3:
The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 04, 2020, 01:08:24 AM
Quote from: "RealKM✓"Yeah but I cherish the little amount of brain cells I have .

 As you should.

 They have clearly seen better days.
The Guest Nest / Re: Real reasons Kraytini hates Joo
February 03, 2020, 11:57:16 PM
THIS just in.

 Exclusive content alert: Actual footage of Pooftard prancing through FLAAAME TOWN


The Guest Nest / Re: Real reasons Kraytini hates Joo
February 03, 2020, 11:55:10 PM
Apparently yes hahaha
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 03, 2020, 11:46:45 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"I still can't get over that. How does a middle aged man with children NOT know basic female anatomy?

I just can't  ac_toofunny

Only on these fucking forums

Hey Poofy. Are you still under the firm belief it is the Stork that brings babies to happy couples wrapped in long towels?

Do you leave cookies & milk for Santa next to the dirty Mattress around Christmas time too?

Do you still pee sitting down so that your nuts don't get soaked?

Let's walk and talk old friend. Innocent little fucker you are  ac_lmfao

 I. Cant. Breathe  ac_lmfao
The Guest Nest / Re: Real reasons Kraytini hates Joo
February 03, 2020, 11:34:17 PM
Quote from: "RealKM✓"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"My husband has no problem joining either, he already posted about it on SG.

 Does it pissed you that him and I decided to reconcile?

 Cuz yanno.....we were seperated and my husband was not being lied to. I had filed.

 So. .....kinda fucks up that affair narrative a bit. He is reading right now, actually.

 Hey werent you bitching about using real life shit? I think you were.

He doesn't understand what reconciliation between a man and his woman is. He simply believes being slapped with restraining orders are the way men and women are supposed to end things amicably.

Is that what I think? Shit that happened five years ago? Or are you just reaching for stupid shit becuz I said your an average flamer who wouldn't be a blip on a radar around the high end back in the day?

No offense, Joo, I'm actually happy shit ended out the way they did between me and my ex. We both learned alot from it. Neither one of us wanted to be married to the other and instead of working on it the right way we chose the hard way. Shit happens for a reason and if we're both better off from the experience it's really nobody's bidness but ours and a weak attempt at cheap heat on these forums. Not that I wouldn't put that above you, wernt you grandstanding OJ who actually called a posters job to harass them? He also never wrote his own material, btw. So.....

Joo, bro, you suffer from little man syndrome. Your cool with ppl so long as they huff your farts like potpourri. And this might come as a shock, but your just an average poster. You are a notch above the LotusFailers of the game, a better SeaMajor. Every forum you have touched with an admin panel has turned to shit. You can't keep an audience. And that's not even flaming, that's facts.

SG was a banger when I had a panel, now, not so much. And I understand this community can't handle the type of content I was driving at the time, but here you are, yet again, trying to act like me. (Snickers)

You good, bro? ac_cool

 SG hasnt slowed down a bit, dumbass. In fact it's more interesting.

 As for the rest I guess the assassination is off  ac_toofunny
The Guest Nest / Re: Real reasons Kraytini hates Joo
February 03, 2020, 11:28:38 PM
Wensday. Period.
The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 03, 2020, 11:27:30 PM
Quote from: "Guest"I'll see you Monday, grampa.

Don't worry I'll pre-write shit for you too, Stan :thumbup:

 It is Monday you stupid motherfucker.

The Guest Nest / Re: Let this be a lesson to you fuckwits
February 03, 2020, 11:26:32 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"No "Martini bot" gimmick anymore?

Someones large mad ac_toofunny

See you Wednesday turd

 Wait did he agree or he is running whilst claiming "iMz a fLaMerZ!!! Raaarrr mUh cUnT!!"

 I just cant  ac_toofunny
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 03, 2020, 11:22:23 PM
We can totally go back to you begging for attention, if you want.

 Let your stupid thread get maybe two responses, maybe provide a days worth of material at your expense.

 Up to you.

 I gotta know Cas just gummin it?
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 03, 2020, 11:20:01 PM
I dont give a flying mother fuck how these low rent, bawl hall gutter slags think a call out works.

 You bitches do it wensday or you are a fucking runner.

 Waiting until the 10th? Lmao get the fuck outta here

 And I'm not reading 20 paragraphs of narcissist history rewrites just to see this guy cry that Joo and I arent doing it his way.

 Honey your online hobby ain't shit and you aint shit. No one gives a fuck about you until I twist your mantits. Numbers dont lie, right?

 So show some gotdamn gratitude and get your shit together, "Pleb" lmao.

 Wensday til wensday or Poof is a always.
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 03, 2020, 08:52:11 PM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "RealKM✓"
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles"
Quote from: "RealKM✓"This week don't work for me, grampa.

Already put my stream schedule up and work weekends.

Have to Work around next week.

And the match is either here or BF. Leaning here

In other words. King Mongo needs as much time as he can get to prewrite his pitiful antics.

Wednesday bitch boy. Or run Forrest run.

No, dementia victim, you called ME out. You work around MY schedule instead of pounding your elderly head on your keyboard becuz you can't get your way like a lil bitch.

If you don't understand by now, I treat a bitch like a bitch and don't lose any sleep over it. So you either call an audible and work around MY schedule or go help Murdoch with the heavy dusting at her dead forum. Either way, Biggie Smalls, Thuglife, you should be changing your nic to Big L with the dramatic tantrum you've been spewing in front of everyone and trying to call it "flaming". You've been on a Titanic tangent for a couple weeks now from the looks of it and keep saying "hey, I'm winning" to the applause of your two unstable cheerleaders and only them.

Face it, small time IT introvert, the only reason you have a "name" on these forums isn't because your some sort of flamer, it's because your a fucking egghead who can work software. Your a mediocre FraggedYou and even then Fragged held his own against Buzzsaw. Who the fuck have you ever beaten in a match that suddenly you feel the need to take on two the best this games ever seen?

Gunzablazin? Gtfoh

You really need to think with your head, little fella. You have always been known as nothing but a wannabe me who has stolen MY shit verbatim and i let it slide. You are the purest definition of small fry.

And like I said in the podcast, you need three more ppl on your team to actually have a chance against Cun'T and myself. Work on that, then get back to me.

 You dont call the shots here, bitch tits. We do.

 You are a year younger than Joo and you are calling him grandpa?  Lol.

 Who is the one free on Vday here?   ac_toofunny

 Pound those fists a little harder, pooftard. I almost smell the rage....smells like....victory.

 Dont run too fast. You gotta bring them big names in before the diabeetus takes hold.

Ouch.  Thats gonna leave a stain  ac_toofunny

 Ariel must have been banished back to the ocean depths of Krays delusions.

 He had three whole days to figure out what a clit was for.
The Guest Nest / Re: MitM- Triggered Edition!! Call-out?
February 03, 2020, 08:50:02 PM
39 here, Joo is 48.

 Kraytini? 47. And struggling HARD with it lol.
The Guest Nest / Re: Real reasons Kraytini hates Joo
February 03, 2020, 08:49:03 PM