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Messages - Dove

Quote from: "Guest"Martini says;

" she's going to make a blog? Tell her hell yeah, I don't remember the shit I told her and it will be funny as fuck to read. I'll even link it on the Fortnite forum lol

 ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao  ac_toofunny  ac_lmfao

 He doesnt remember his kids

 So here we have it. A pathological liar admitting he doesnt even remember all his lies.

 Now maybe Martini SHOULD say "Time to move on from this stupid personal drama literally no one but Martini cares about".

 Its fucking bizzare this nut is like a toddler hiding from the monsters under a blanket thinking no one can see him.
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Guest"30k snore bomb!!

Didn't read!!! ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

She called herself a "single mom"

her delusions know no bounds.

She was never a "single mom".

She was getting access to her husband's money thru out her little tryst with Martini.

Martini also told her to get back with him, countless times. He also told her to get back with Joo.

She couldn't take a hint

I'm not one to side with men. I always stick up for the little woman but in this case, all my pity goes to the last husband.

That poor bastard has to live with the dumb bitch and I really hope the last child is unaffected by the misery she's caused.

 My husband thinks you are a pathetic, spineless and gullible fuckwit for sucking up to someone like this guy especailly with the history between you two.

 Single mom in the sense we were seperated and divorce was filed.

 I got some nutty ass messages demanding I stop sharing a bank account with GB and start sharing one with Poofer.

 Also he wanted me to kick my husband off the leash and put HIM on.

 Ever have a fling, Cascur that got a little...outta hand? *cough deancough*

 Maybe sit this one out.

And you believed all that? ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao  ac_toofunny

 I believe a 47 year old messaging shit like that is a mental case.

 So either he is psycho enough to have meant it, or psycho enough to be wasting his time messaging a woman he wasnt interested in nonstop.

 So the multiple I said "I dont want a relationship" were kind of a signal there, dont you think?

 I found his feelings extremely uncomfortably intense and I felt bad.  It makes sense after confirmation I was dealing with an abuser.

 So you wanna go ahead and pretend all that nonsense was some sort of 24/7 troll and you think that goes with his good guy mask? That's fucking WORSE.  Do you understand that makes him MORE demented?
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Guest"If Dovey was capable of letting go of the fact Martini treated her like trash, and nothing more then that, this community would be better off.

You played yourself. Martini gave zero fucks about you. You thought he did, but he didn't. Move on. You have text messages, big fucking deal. So do millions of broads too stupid to see the truth smack dab in front of them.

And if Martini did contact your job, which, quite honestly, is a toss up if he actually did or if you made it up, wouldn't that be proof positive he's basically saying step the fuck away?

Honestly, there really isn't any proof Martini contacted your job. How do you know for 100% certainty it was him and not one of these other vindictive members of this community? Like say, Murdoch? Or Joo even? Or Reaper for that matter, he who doxxed poor Martini.

Because he said he did? Didn't you just say he's a habitual liar? Hmmmmm

But, let's not try and change the subject of you contacting his family when there's actual proof you did by sending a tracking number, and not bring reprimanded over such an action becuz SoyDog would leave if you were banned.

Sorry about your penis?

 This entire situation didnt belong on the internet in the first place.

 You are a delusionally, mentally ill trainwreck for dragging it to SG and then pretending the TOS should apply to a real life situation you created.

 Your bullshit and manipulations blew up in your shitty face and thats no ones fault but yours.

 If you had a single shred of common ass sense youd drop it and shut the fuck up about it.

 Do you think people dont SEE you continually poking this? You are doing it publically. Regardless of what two cheerleaders say everyone fucking agrees you need to GET OVER IT.

 Fucking mental case.

Says the person who wanted to have a "call-out"?

Save your manipulative bullshit. Martini posted a couple podcasts that you felt were attacks on you.subliminal messages?

Didn't you also say the messages in his siggy at SG were subliminal messages about you? Or random guest posts here are most certainly Martini when lo and behold, me, isn't? Or that Flynn was Martini?

Who is the delusional one now?

Oh yeah, where's the proof that Martini actually contacted your job? Or was that just another lie in your myriad pudding of Tre Les Lies you've been projecting so everyone can see your Oscar winning portrayal of the broken victim laying on this communities pavement?

Do you remember when the Manlet said if you were banned because you went outside this community and contacted family members he would leave Flea? When that's against the TOS and Flea and...omg...Martini are strickly against such shit?

I mean, let's just not forget Martini was banned the first time from SG for causing a drink because Bonesaw was doxxed.

Oh waitz the TOS....

So it's perfectly acceptable to break rules if your the side nut of the tech guy at a forum? You get special privy's because you decided to meet up with somebody from the forum, then it's ok to contact family members without their consent?

Hmm, let's think about this....

 It's not a TOS violation when someone leaves someones property in my possession and then proceeds to use that shit as a power tool and drags it to the forums so when he gets busted in all his bullshit lies he can pretend it was a TOS violation.

 See? Mentally ill.

 Why continually rehash this bullshit? Seriously? What do you think is going to be gained here?

 It's not my fucking problem you cannot handle a call out without involving personal drama that's been over since Oct.

 You got a fucking problem. Let's solve it.
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Guest"30k snore bomb!!

Didn't read!!! ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

She called herself a "single mom"

her delusions know no bounds.

She was never a "single mom".

She was getting access to her husband's money thru out her little tryst with Martini.

Martini also told her to get back with him, countless times. He also told her to get back with Joo.

She couldn't take a hint

 So is this an admission you want it all blasted?  

 You can either drop it or we can go ahead with all your blubbering tantrums and whiney ass jealous fits when GB would come over.  

 Joo can build a blog and we can party. Since you havent been able to shut the fuck up about this in months. Maybe it's time the WHOLE story comes out, since you are so obsessed with posting about it.

 You got a lot of mental and real life problems you should be focusing on that do not involve me or the boards. Think it through. .  for once.

 You need to talk to someone about your inability to cope with your lack of control.

Yeah yeah... go build a blog... write there... just go away. Take your sordid little affair someplace else.

 Well why dont you tell your little butt buddy here to stop rehashing it if you dont want it posted about?
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Dove"

 If you had a single shred of common ass sense youd drop it and shut the fuck up about it. .

You are a member recently modded at SG... You are a member and admin of MMP and yet you spend ALL YOUR TIME posting here at KM.

Why don't you take your own advice instead of telling KM what to do?

You give women a bad name.

You love the drama. You want KM's attention.... He wrote you love letters and now no one is writing anything privately to


Yo Joo, write her a love letter so she can rub one out.

 Well that's completely false.

 Stop complaining, Cascur.  I was more than willing to let this shit go on several occasions and now that im addressing it, it's so rough on his apologists.

 See how this is?
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Guest"30k snore bomb!!

Didn't read!!! ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

She called herself a "single mom"

her delusions know no bounds.

She was never a "single mom".

She was getting access to her husband's money thru out her little tryst with Martini.

Martini also told her to get back with him, countless times. He also told her to get back with Joo.

She couldn't take a hint

I'm not one to side with men. I always stick up for the little woman but in this case, all my pity goes to the last husband.

That poor bastard has to live with the dumb bitch and I really hope the last child is unaffected by the misery she's caused.

 My husband thinks you are a pathetic, spineless and gullible fuckwit for sucking up to someone like this guy especailly with the history between you two.

 Single mom in the sense we were seperated and divorce was filed.

 I got some nutty ass messages demanding I stop sharing a bank account with GB and start sharing one with Poofer.

 Also he wanted me to kick my husband off the leash and put HIM on.

 Ever have a fling, Cascur that got a little...outta hand? *cough deancough*

 Maybe sit this one out.
Quote from: "Rodan"Caskur is sucking up to Sum Cunt because one upping Dovey online is more important to her than the memory of her son.

That tells you everything you need to know.

 Yeah she doesnt care how low she sinks.
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "caskur"
Quote from: "Guest"30k snore bomb!!

Didn't read!!! ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

She called herself a "single mom"

her delusions know no bounds.

She was never a "single mom".

She was getting access to her husband's money thru out her little tryst with Martini.

Martini also told her to get back with him, countless times. He also told her to get back with Joo.

She couldn't take a hint

 So is this an admission you want it all blasted?  

 You can either drop it or we can go ahead with all your blubbering tantrums and whiney ass jealous fits when GB would come over.  

 Joo can build a blog and we can party. Since you havent been able to shut the fuck up about this in months. Maybe it's time the WHOLE story comes out, since you are so obsessed with posting about it.

 You got a lot of mental and real life problems you should be focusing on that do not involve me or the boards. Think it through. .  for once.

 You need to talk to someone about your inability to cope with your lack of control.
Quote from: "Guest"If Dovey was capable of letting go of the fact Martini treated her like trash, and nothing more then that, this community would be better off.

You played yourself. Martini gave zero fucks about you. You thought he did, but he didn't. Move on. You have text messages, big fucking deal. So do millions of broads too stupid to see the truth smack dab in front of them.

And if Martini did contact your job, which, quite honestly, is a toss up if he actually did or if you made it up, wouldn't that be proof positive he's basically saying step the fuck away?

Honestly, there really isn't any proof Martini contacted your job. How do you know for 100% certainty it was him and not one of these other vindictive members of this community? Like say, Murdoch? Or Joo even? Or Reaper for that matter, he who doxxed poor Martini.

Because he said he did? Didn't you just say he's a habitual liar? Hmmmmm

But, let's not try and change the subject of you contacting his family when there's actual proof you did by sending a tracking number, and not bring reprimanded over such an action becuz SoyDog would leave if you were banned.

Sorry about your penis?

 This entire situation didnt belong on the internet in the first place.

 You are a delusionally, mentally ill trainwreck for dragging it to SG and then pretending the TOS should apply to a real life situation you created.

 Your bullshit and manipulations blew up in your shitty face and thats no ones fault but yours.

 If you had a single shred of common ass sense youd drop it and shut the fuck up about it.

 Do you think people dont SEE you continually poking this? You are doing it publically. Regardless of what two cheerleaders say everyone fucking agrees you need to GET OVER IT.

 Fucking mental case.
That's not Murd.

 It was her that told me to reach out to his ex.

 That was my husband and myself. And if I ever decide to post all the bullshit messages about that damn Switch and all the bullshit lies and games this asshole was playing with it?  No one would question why we did that.

 But it was GB and I 110 percent that made that decision and I'm glad we did. If I had that done it sooner, this wouldnt have went on as long as it did because I would not have felt bad for this shithead.
Does gainful employment ever come up as an option?
Quote from: "Guest"30k snore bomb!!

Didn't read!!! ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

 Using our material?
If Poofer was capable of dropping his psychotic and innapropriate grudge, he could just go back to being funny on the internet.

 But he refuses to post anywhere as himself unless he can take his stupid, hate fueled shots with his buddies in an environment where I'm not censored.

 Because if I rip him back, its "toxic drama" but when him and Flyn spew vile, hateful shit posts its funny comedy.
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Dove"[

Look at you lying right now.

 I've shown screen shots of YOUR words to most people about all the shit you what lies exactly have I told? Because we can handle this right now. Maybe you just have a bad memory.

 I never told you anything about Reaper, and since everyone pretty much knows what a liar you are, you can stop projecting.

 Such a pitiful lying coward. Hiding behind a guest handle using cancer as ammo.

 Like he has a PR agent while he streams fortnight hanging out here speaking for him. Cuz that's believable.  ac_toofunny

Speaking of lying , take a look at the 7th post down.">

Your girl Murdock is a raving cray.

Dovey is just as much a liar as Murdoch.

Remember, she was fired from her job, them magically quit.

She's the one who ratted out Reaper, and she can show every screenshot imaginable because Martini is a self admitted liar when it came to her.

Oh dear, Martini said this and


Ratchets are ratchets are ratchets.

Martini apologizes for the truth that 90's gangsta rap warped his mind and he treats like ho's like ho's.

Quick question- what do you call a women with four kids by four different guys?

Not a catch....(shrugs)

 See here is the thing.

 You lied directly to Flea when you promised her if she gave you the tracking number, you would leave my real life alone.

 That's just one of MULTIPLE provable lies.

 And pretty much everyone knew that I was lying on the board about being fired. I wanted you to think that so you would get the fuck out of my life. It didnt work, did it? So I quit.

 And you really think that is evidence that IM the liar?  You brought all this shit to the boards so you must think people are really stupid.

 Unhinged is calling someones job and then blasting 8 different stories about it.

 I didnt hear any complaints about whether I was a catch or not when you were going off in long mushy PMs about how you really werent not trying to force yourself into my life by constantly threatening to move here.

 Maybe if you wanted to sell this bullshit you should have avoided making such a publical scene. You acted like a scorned middle schooler and everyone with functioning brain sees it for what it is.

 In fact we are having this convo because of your inability to leave it alone.

"You were the only person I was ever myself with. Ever. I talked alot, about moving out there, buying you a car, that was me challanging myself, setting goals. You did talk me out of living by you. But I did 100 percent find a house out there. I was all in and wanted us, no matter what you think, to take things at your pace. I wasnt some creepaziod trying to force his way into your life. We needed to grow into whatever it could have became"

 Literally 4 days later calling my fucking job, bringing this childish "waaahhhh I never wanted you" on the internet because you a lying drama whoring manbitch who didnt get his selfish, shitty way. I never asked for ANY of that bullshit. In fact I repetitively clearly stated I did not want that.

 Since you care so much about how you look, how do you think its looks when you get involved with a single mom, rant and rave all over the internet and then go off on the "I never wanted you" campaign?   It doesnt help your shitty little cause, whatever that may be.

 You are never gonna punish me for rejecting you. It was worth to leave my job to be rid of you. You are a selfish, insane pathological lying scum bag.  Good luck thinking anyone will believe your pathetic narrative that I'm the scorned one here. Your own tantrums showed your ass.

 What do you call a woman with 4 kids? Someone with 5 reasons to discard a shitbag like Poofer.
So Joo, Murd and myself "ruined" flaming?
