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Messages - Dove

Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"head not screwed on right?  says the woman who held out in a hotel room after Joovey went public


 This one?

 Murd who are talking to? Lol.
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Moonpie"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Moonpie"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "caskur"I've found out what has happen. KM was spilling a certain person's PI at MMP.

That person has reciprocated here.


Another boring feud between flame's gladiators.

No one wins.

Payback is a bitch.

What the fuck are they telling their life's story to him in the first place. Oh yeah, so they'll have something to whine about later.

 He didn't.  He went through doves phone and found the pi he shared with Dove when dove was asleep one night when they were dating.  That's the kind of person KM is.

Is that the story going around?

 ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

Oh is it false? Why are you a guest?  Man up?  Joking about someone's serious health issues is disgusting.

Oh, so it's ok for Reaper to make fun of Peaches disfigurement? Or that's not a "serious enough health issue"?

And no, that's yet another lie in Doveys tall tales extravaganza.

Dovey told Martini about Reaper, Martini didn't even ask for the info, she just told him. After she told him, she said, "you wouldn't flame him with that, would you?" And he said "sure, why not?".

Then she, Dovey, started giving him ideas to flame Reaper with.

Martini's streaming, just ask him. ac_lmfao

 Look at you lying right now.

 I've shown screen shots of YOUR words to most people about all the shit you what lies exactly have I told? Because we can handle this right now. Maybe you just have a bad memory.

 I never told you anything about Reaper, and since everyone pretty much knows what a liar you are, you can stop projecting. I literally have an entire compilation of all your bullshit and contradictions. Ask around. Lol.

 Such a pitiful lying coward. Hiding behind a guest handle using cancer as ammo. See the issue isnt how you found out. Thats just a guessing game. The issue is you are so fucking deviod of morals and pathetic that you weaponize it. Its gross, just like everything else about you.

 Like he has a PR agent while he streams fortnight hanging out here speaking for him. Cuz that's believable.  ac_toofunny
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 10:50:23 PM
Quote from: "Manlet Identifiers"We've been watching Joo for quite some time now.

 It's hot, isnt it?
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 10:49:22 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Shen Li"MMP is the worst forum around. Most people that followed Murdock to MMP have returned to SG. I spent 5 mins there and that was 4 and a half minutes too many.

PUH~HU~LEASE save the BS for someone who is buying this crap-oh-lah.  You were there for less than 5 minutes and your PI humper antics/appearance at MMP drove my former admin over the edge .... if you want to cheerlead, then that's your choice.  Maybe ask yourself what THAT says about you.... because I have posters at MMP who view the SG childish middle school drama as BS.  

Personally, I'd rather spend my time posting with the rest of successful corporate juvenile delinquents...

That is a total lie and you know it..

But, it is an accusation that you constantly throw around..

Shen and I are not from flame forums, which means not only do we not know your PI, but we don't care to know it either..

Just accept that your forum is not the most welcoming place for those of who did not come from TV as most people already have.

You tell em kid. That was a pretty low, trying to smear Shen with that tired accusation.

They fuck with your handles, and as soon as you register you are met by an obsessed spamming retard or in Shen's case that sickening little fractal fruit. Fuck, I wanna punch that fairy's head in.

Four of us from here gave that place a try, but the truth is they aint really looking for new blood. They ran off Oak too and she was the only bright light on that forum. hashtagfuckMMP

 I dont see you bitching about Joo and I this much at SG.  Suddenly we are shit staff at MMP?

 How exactly does that work?

I am not bitching about you or Bigs. It was either Murdock or a former mod who changed my handle. I don't give a shit because all there is at MMP is a short obsessed repetitious idiot and the fractal fruit. Now old Shen is being smeared with PI label. Fuck that place.

 Shen is not a PI poster.  No one thinks that.

 I have no idea what happened with your handle. The only admins besides Murd are Joo and myself.

 I cannot imagine Joo or Murd doing that.

 Do you know when?

It was probably Apophis/Reaper.

The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 10:48:48 PM
Obviously I know Joo in real life. I've met Murd. I've met Fats(we live in the same state), and I've met Wizer.  

 Martini was the only nut. But he is hardly dangerous. A dramatic manbitch with more issues than Sports Illustrated..   but not a physical threat.
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 10:01:03 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Shen Li"MMP is the worst forum around. Most people that followed Murdock to MMP have returned to SG. I spent 5 mins there and that was 4 and a half minutes too many.

I have never fit it nor felt welcomed at MMP and I doubt anyone else here would either..

I'm sorry guys I ever considered merging this place with MMP.

Joo wants to merge all the forums, take full credit, then kick all former forum owners to the curb, Flea included, then put the three headed horse in charge of this community, which, as you can see at MMP, is the beginning of the end.

You guys need to snap out of it and wake up. These idiots use this platform as their social lives and have nothing else going for them.....

 Give it up, theyve already been hypnotized.  Before you can save them, they will be in cyber fema forum camps being forced to listen to our socail dialogs for food.

 Our plan of forum dominance is almost satisfied! You shall not thwart the Joo Three Headed Dog!! Mwahahaha!!!!

 It's too late! The community is OURS...all 15 of them!! Give up, pleb! We shall drink your tears!  Not even your ghettotastic shit casts can save you now!!!

The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 09:13:52 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Shen Li"MMP is the worst forum around. Most people that followed Murdock to MMP have returned to SG. I spent 5 mins there and that was 4 and a half minutes too many.

PUH~HU~LEASE save the BS for someone who is buying this crap-oh-lah.  You were there for less than 5 minutes and your PI humper antics/appearance at MMP drove my former admin over the edge .... if you want to cheerlead, then that's your choice.  Maybe ask yourself what THAT says about you.... because I have posters at MMP who view the SG childish middle school drama as BS.  

Personally, I'd rather spend my time posting with the rest of successful corporate juvenile delinquents...

That is a total lie and you know it..

But, it is an accusation that you constantly throw around..

Shen and I are not from flame forums, which means not only do we not know your PI, but we don't care to know it either..

Just accept that your forum is not the most welcoming place for those of who did not come from TV as most people already have.

You tell em kid. That was a pretty low, trying to smear Shen with that tired accusation.

They fuck with your handles, and as soon as you register you are met by an obsessed spamming retard or in Shen's case that sickening little fractal fruit. Fuck, I wanna punch that fairy's head in.

Four of us from here gave that place a try, but the truth is they aint really looking for new blood. They ran off Oak too and she was the only bright light on that forum. hashtagfuckMMP

 I dont see you bitching about Joo and I this much at SG.  Suddenly we are shit staff at MMP?

 How exactly does that work?

I am not bitching about you or Bigs. It was either Murdock or a former mod who changed my handle. I don't give a shit because all there is at MMP is a short obsessed repetitious idiot and the fractal fruit. Now old Shen is being smeared with PI label. Fuck that place.

 Shen is not a PI poster.  No one thinks that.

 I have no idea what happened with your handle. The only admins besides Murd are Joo and myself.

 I cannot imagine Joo or Murd doing that.

 Do you know when?
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 08:59:55 PM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Shen Li"MMP is the worst forum around. Most people that followed Murdock to MMP have returned to SG. I spent 5 mins there and that was 4 and a half minutes too many.

PUH~HU~LEASE save the BS for someone who is buying this crap-oh-lah.  You were there for less than 5 minutes and your PI humper antics/appearance at MMP drove my former admin over the edge .... if you want to cheerlead, then that's your choice.  Maybe ask yourself what THAT says about you.... because I have posters at MMP who view the SG childish middle school drama as BS.  

Personally, I'd rather spend my time posting with the rest of successful corporate juvenile delinquents...

That is a total lie and you know it..

But, it is an accusation that you constantly throw around..

Shen and I are not from flame forums, which means not only do we not know your PI, but we don't care to know it either..

Just accept that your forum is not the most welcoming place for those of who did not come from TV as most people already have.

You tell em kid. That was a pretty low, trying to smear Shen with that tired accusation.

They fuck with your handles, and as soon as you register you are met by an obsessed spamming retard or in Shen's case that sickening little fractal fruit. Fuck, I wanna punch that fairy's head in.

Four of us from here gave that place a try, but the truth is they aint really looking for new blood. They ran off Oak too and she was the only bright light on that forum. hashtagfuckMMP

 I dont see you bitching about Joo and I this much at SG.  Suddenly we are shit staff at MMP?

 How exactly does that work?
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 08:56:12 PM
Quote from: "Purdy Murdy"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Shen Li"MMP is the worst forum around. Most people that followed Murdock to MMP have returned to SG. I spent 5 mins there and that was 4 and a half minutes too many.

I have never fit it nor felt welcomed at MMP and I doubt anyone else here would either..

I'm sorry guys I ever considered merging this place with MMP.

I think you have to have been at TV or just be a general fuckwit to fit in there

TV had over 1 million posts and was around for over a decade... there is something to be said about a forum community that can play the troll game devoid of PI and still have rampant shitz & gigglez...

One thing you can be damn sure about... you'll never endure "PI rape" @ MMP.  Can't say that about this place... and that is why the merger BC/MMP merger fell through last October.

 They talk shit about TV because we knew how to have fun, even at the expense if these flamers.

 These guys give a lot of fucks how they look. Just watch how they talk about the flame boards and "respect" and keeping it "fresh".

 It's a fucking internet board.
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 08:42:45 PM
Quote from: "cc""Speaking to", while I have not done so, is not a danger at all and maybe a good thing if selective

Meeting up in the real world based on forum discussion is again, Russian Roulette

Sometimes there's no bullet in the current chamber ... there is however a bullet in one of the chambers

 Meeting up with anyone is Russian Roulette.

 There is legit zero difference.  

 In fact I'd say meeting off the internet may be safer, since you are naturally gonna be more guarded, back ground check that person and meet in a public neutral place.

 Meeting up with anyone for the first time is a risk.

 People meet psychos in real life organically everyday. I met my first husband in high school, knew his family. That relationship was a nightmare as soon as his claws were in.
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 01:58:50 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"Horrible... how did you cope?

 Dark sarcasm lol

 And she makes really good French toast.
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 01:56:07 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"He could of warned GB too...  ac_biggrin

 Our child may not even be real. She could be an adorable pixelated demon.

 Online time is all it takes.
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 01:53:02 PM
Dont get me started on when Murdy came to visit me for her birthday weekend and almost smothered me too death with her tits. I barely survived that week.

 What can I say? I like to live dangerously.
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 01:49:53 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza"
Quote from: "Dove"
Quote from: "cc"Typical internet non-response

Good luck - try to stay alive

cc out

 That's good advice since I met my husband on FB.

 Anyday now he could turn.

 That bad cyber blood coursing through his veins....anyday now he come home all net dead.


 No joke.

 We were in marriage counseling last week, and our counselor asked how we met and I said "we met online", and then he asked to speak to me privately so GB left the room and my counselor looked me dead in the eyes and said...."you're fucked. Good luck staying alive".

 For realz.
The Guest Nest / Re: Coming Soon
February 13, 2020, 01:42:35 PM
Quote from: "cc"Typical internet non-response

Good luck - try to stay alive

cc out

 That's good advice since I met my husband on FB.

 Anyday now he could turn.

 That bad cyber blood coursing through his veins....anyday now he come home all net dead.