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Messages - DKG

Quote from: Oerdin post_id=483455 time=1669099047 user_id=3374
I honestly feel bad for this disabled person who got put up to this public humiliation by someone he trusted whom he shouldn't have trusted.


Lying to people to spare their feelings is often worse then telling them the brutal truth.

I too feel for him.
The Flea Trap / Re: Famous folks you wish would go away
November 22, 2022, 07:10:04 AM
Quote from: caskur post_id=483473 time=1669114445 user_id=2156
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=483462 time=1669105300 user_id=1676

The US needs its number one Statesmen disruptor back in the driver's seat... like him or lump him, it's still got to be Trump.

I am seriously, seriously relieved he is not continually reported on in Australian news anymore. I am telling you, the TDS was soooo bad it nearly broke me.

He actually made me laugh a few times and Stephan Colbert was his BEST mimic and really really funny but the vitriol from our press was too much to take.

I wish Stephen Colbert woulde go away.  Joy Behar and Alyssa Milano should find an exit too.

Does trolling still exist? If so, why?
The Flea Trap / Re: Blue Cashew and anti-Semitism
November 21, 2022, 10:44:06 AM
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=483252 time=1669045101 user_id=3214
Pedophile access alert!

Guest posting is a gift to the pedo community(Ed and Seamoron).
The Flea Trap / Re: Blue Cashew and anti-Semitism
November 21, 2022, 10:37:35 AM
Quote from: "Writing on the wall" post_id=483248 time=1669044357
Quote from: DKG post_id=483074 time=1668991752 user_id=3390
Did I say I identified with the GOP? The Dems have always relied on racism as a wedge. Their support of CRT is natural for a party that has been sustained for decades on racial division. The Dems are a despicable political entity.

I don't know, but coming from a Korean immigrant who's a teller in a bank must like to fuck himself over. God are you stupid.

Sorry, shorty, your anger and jealousy is obvious, but I don't speak retard. They must have ESl classes for dummies in CR. Though they might refund your money and tell you it's hopeless.
Quote from: guest post_id=483221 time=1669032123
Must user biggie cry in every thread?

 it's rather unmanly

I see no tears.
The Arizona Attorney General's Elections Integrity Unit sent a letter to Maricopa County demanding answers on problems that took place with the election on Nov. 8.

In a letter to Civil Division Chief Thomas Liddy of the Maricopa County Attorney's Office, Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright said the AG's office had "received hundreds of complaints since Election Day," and the complaints "go beyond pure speculation [and] include first-hand witness accounts that raise concerns regarding Maricopa County's lawful compliance with Arizona election law."

According to Maricopa County election officials, at least 60 of 223 voting locations experienced technical problems related to ballot-on-demand (BOD) printers having "non-uniform" printer configuration settings.

These non-uniform settings resulted in some ballots "unable to be read by on-site ballot tabulators."

County officials estimate the technical problems may have impacted more than 17,000 ballots on Election Day.

"The way they run elections in Maricopa County is worse than in banana republics around this world,"Kari Lake, a Republican rising star, told the Daily Mail.
An overlooked memory card in Cobb County, Georgia, with uncounted ballots changed the final results of a special election, officials have said.

The county's Board of Elections and Registration voted to recertify the results of the Nov. 8 Kennesaw City Council special election during a Nov. 18 meeting, according to a statement.

"The recertification was necessary after workers discovered a memory card had not been included in the previous results. The additional ballots resulted in a change in the Kennesaw City Council Post 1 Special Election," the release said.

Madelyn Orochena was originally declared the winner of the special election. However, when additional ballots were located on the memory card, Lynette Burnette was shown as the winner of the race by 31 votes, officials told local media.

"Unfortunately, once found we did upload it, and it changed the outcome of the Kennesaw City Council race," Janine Eveler, Cobb County's director of elections, told local media outlets.

Cobb election officials said that the memory card was located in Kennesaw when workers were preparing for an audit of the election, according to 11Alive. Further details weren't provided about why the card was overlooked or where it was located.
Quote from: JOE post_id=483220 time=1669017637 user_id=97
Quote from: Knuckles post_id=482928 time=1668964972Loser.

Actually Eddy, the way Erica runs this forum is a Massive Improvement over the previous owner.

The Blue Cashew was quite terrible because it had ongoing censorship problems.

I seem to remember even Erica herself was censored while the forum was under the previous ownership.

so many posters left this forum or were banned for non-existent or frivolous reasons.

Everyone who didn't agree with the previous owner or her moderators was banned.

Anyways, Erica has merely given you more privileges to abuse her and others with.

She should post your IP address to identify every offending post and faux handle that you use.

"Fake handles #1,2,3,4,5 all belong to Eddy...and he posts at the following IP address: 2323.etc.etc

do you think that would be the appropriate remedy, Eddy?

You are a such a brazen liar. I don't blame the previous owner one bit for banning you.


Posts: 35706

Joined: 11 May 2010, 18:41

Contact: Contact J0E

Re: Asian Drama

Post by J0E ยป 02 May 2014, 21:34

The asian canadian corner should be shut down.

Fash didn't trust you after you tried getting her forum shut down and I don't blame her. But, she did lift the ban(I asked her to let you back) and you were allowed to post and you were still lying about the circumstances of your banning. A perpetual butthurt liar.
The Flea Trap / Re: Famous folks you wish would go away
November 20, 2022, 08:30:29 PM
Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=483112 time=1668994010 user_id=1582
Quote from: DKG post_id=483110 time=1668993865 user_id=3390

He is right a lot more often than he is wrong.

so are alex jones and donald trump.... but it doesn't automatically qualify them to be liked....  :laugh:

I like Ben and I don't want him to go away.
The Flea Trap / Re: Famous folks you wish would go away
November 20, 2022, 08:24:25 PM
Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=483095 time=1668993341 user_id=1582
bens alright.... i'm not a fan but at least hes got his head in the right place....

He is right a lot more often than he is wrong.
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=483090 time=1668992835 user_id=3358
Quote from: DKG post_id=483088 time=1668992662 user_id=3390

I think we pay too much for the municipal services we receive.

You're the taxpayer...plead your case and hopefully you'll get a tax break.

Your property prices are an absolute steal, and you lot shouldn't be complaining. Not everyone can afford to buy a house here in Oz.

House prices where I live are inflated. High interest rates will cause people to walk away from their mortgages.
The Flea Trap / Re: Famous folks you wish would go away
November 20, 2022, 08:04:50 PM
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=483081 time=1668992223 user_id=1676
Quote from: DKG post_id=483078 time=1668992084 user_id=3390

Ben should stay.

Why? He may get things right time to time but he's still a whining little disingenuous shartstain..

I disagree.
Quote from: Breakfall post_id=483083 time=1668992340 user_id=3358
Quote from: DKG post_id=483077 time=1668992030 user_id=3390

It's set by the municipality and based on their assessment of your dwelling.

Yes...we know that already. But is your land tax more inflated than ours? Your housing in both Canada and America is way cheaper than ours in Australia by comparison. Even compared to some of the UK properties, we pay an absolute premium.

I think we pay too much for the municipal services we receive.