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Messages - DKG

Quote from: caskur post_id=495094 time=1677750955 user_id=2156
The intruder that got shot was armed.... case closed.

There was a similar case out West of a farmer shooting and killing an armed intruder on his property. I believe he was axquitted of manslaughter, but convicted of improper use of a firearm or something like that. I would have to look it up.
March 02, 2023, 07:55:55 AM
Quote from: Odinson post_id=495041 time=1677643871 user_id=136
Prince Harry is relatively poor... King Charles is a bazillionaire but that aint Harrys money.

That shocked Meghan and now she is trying to squeeze more money out of him.

Prince Harry cant afford private jets, big mansions and such... Not for long.

He thinks it's his birthright.
The Flea Trap / Re: Go King Charles Go!
March 02, 2023, 07:52:35 AM
Quote from: Guest post_id=495098 time=1677761405
They moaned about frogmore anyway then they moved out. I don't see why they're upset, I'm sure one of the palaces has a spare room and a blow up bed for them to stay in when they visit

And no pump for the inflatable mattress.
Quote from: Frood post_id=495055 time=1677674993 user_id=1676
Quote from: DKG post_id=495054 time=1677674566 user_id=3390

It seems like the employees did it to themselves. They ignored a safety alert.

Maybe.... maybe not.

I remember after Lac Megantic and the two explosive derailments in Saskatchewan, railways can pinpoint exactly what causes any derailment. So can airlines.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
March 01, 2023, 08:03:01 AM
The security certificate is out of date again at SG.
Quote from: Frood post_id=495049 time=1677656315 user_id=1676
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=495020 time=1677613626 user_id=3389

I don't think you get it. If you did, you'd know the conductor and the hoghead ignored 2 hot box detector warnings. That is cardinal rule violation under CROR rules and I'm sure the US too. They were supposed to bring the train to a controlled stop, but they didn't.

Like almost all derailments this occurred because rail employees didn't follow rules. Not a lack of expensive train brakes and not because Blackrock is buying everything in sight.

It's easy to sabotage shit when you can blame it on a few blue collar workers.

I'd like to see what they have to say about this shit on record.

Unless they've died suddenly.

It seems like the employees did it to themselves. They ignored a safety alert.
Quote from: Herman post_id=495034 time=1677636618 user_id=3396
House votes to kill Biden's 'woke' ESG investment rule that props up 'phony climate movement'

House voted to kill Department of Labor rule; Senate will take it up next"> ... e-movement">

The House voted Tuesday to kill the Biden administration's controversial rule that encourages private retirement plan fiduciaries to consider environment, social and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions for tens of millions of Americans.

The Department of Labor rule is widely seen by Republicans as part of the Biden administration's push to inject "woke" ideology into all aspects of government. Under the rule, fiduciaries who make investment decisions for the retirement plans of more than 150 million people would be explicitly permitted under federal guidelines to consider companies' approach to climate change and other social issues, instead of focusing on only profitability and return on investment for retirees.

Republicans say that's a recipe for tanking millions of investment accounts, and on Tuesday, House GOP leaders called up a resolution aimed at killing the rule, which passed 216-204. Only one Democrat voted for it.

Manchin opposes it, so we will see what happens in the senate. If the senate passes it, there will be people not investing in there 401k plans.
Quote from: Herman post_id=494994 time=1677551238 user_id=3396
Quote from: Lokmar post_id=494979 time=1677524366 user_id=3351
Trump 2024. He's got a track record of fighting the swamp. He's got a track record of fighting the chanks too. The chanks and their conspirators over here must be eliminated.

He was the right candidate in 2016, but not in 2024.

Time to pass the baton.
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=494958 time=1677467106 user_id=3374
I would much rather see DeSantis as the Republican nominee.

So would I.
The Flea Trap / Re: your pictures.
February 27, 2023, 10:44:11 AM
Speaking of pitbulls, a 6-year-old girl was the victim of a vicious dog attack in Maine. Lily Norton was at a friend's house and playing cards in the kitchen when she was ferociously mauled by the dog on Feb 18. The friend's mother was dogsitting a pit bull mastiff, but walked out of the room – that's when the dog pounced on Lily's face. The young girl underwent a 12-hour emergency surgery and needed more than 1,000 stitches.
Quote from: Dove post_id=494962 time=1677509761 user_id=3266
Quote from: Odinson post_id=494957 time=1677463300 user_id=136

She actively participated, she enjoyed it.

She provided the sedatives... She lured some of them in.

They even roleplayed the murder of the sister afterwards... Because they just wanted to re-live the fucked up moments.

The current husband illustrates the depths of simping male-feminists sink to.

The defense-lawyer withheld the tapes and wasnt even convicted for obstruction of justice and being an accessory.

There is a difference between defending your client and helping your client to hide the evidence... Helping your client hide the bodies and such.  :laugh3:

 Imagine the level of stupid you would need to be to have children with someone who murdered their own sister. And other young girls.

 A person with no empathy.....and you are going to provide them with something so valuable and precious KNOWING what they did?  

 There is no way. No way whatsoever a healthy and normal thinking person would reproduce with a known murderer.

A normal thinking person. That is it right there.
Quote from: Dove post_id=494889 time=1677290589 user_id=3266
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=494875 time=1677272451 user_id=3389

Her horseshit trial and conviction happened before we came to Canada. However, the outrage was still like an open wound among the public after we immigrated here.

 She took a sort of plea deal and they treated her as one of Paul's victims.....and then a video was shown where she was exposed as an active participant in her sisters death. But on some oversight it was "too late" or whatever the excuse was.

 That sick psychopath would go into her 15 year old sisters room while the sister was sleeping and masturbate....a d Karla KNEW about this.

 I cant understand allowing this to happen to a stranger.....let alone your own SISTER.  Letting some abusive, disgusting and murderous scrote wack off on your baby sister. And kill her. And then help him kidnap and torture random girls.

 Both should have received the death penalty.

They couldn't even try Karla Holmolka for first degree murder after new evidence was submitted.
The Flea Trap / Re: Another Clinton aid found dead
February 25, 2023, 10:57:51 AM
Quote from: caskur post_id=494912 time=1677318331 user_id=2156
Quote from: Frood post_id=494910 time=1677313538 user_id=1676
Because the natives didn't stand up to authorities and so called experts to basically say, "fuck you".

what natives?

It is hard to say with any certainty what DD is saying, but I think he means the locals.
The Flea Trap / Re: Money Sense
February 25, 2023, 10:54:11 AM
The next bull market in stocks won't happen until the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates to bail out the US government, according to Bank of America. BofA said that high rates will result in a staggering increase in interest payments on America's $31 trillion debt.

The bank said US government debt is expected to soar by more than $21 trillion over the next 10 years.
The Flea Trap / Re: South Park
February 25, 2023, 10:40:52 AM
Quote from: Dove post_id=494914 time=1677329116 user_id=3266
