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Messages - Herman

The Flea Trap / Re: Do any of you know how to have fun?
November 22, 2022, 10:14:09 PM
Quote from: "Joe Ho Ho" post_id=483703 time=1669172694
Quote from: Herman post_id=483699 time=1669171584 user_id=3396
You are in denial Joe. You post more threads about US politics than anybody except for your pal Apegirul from Butthurt Fagtory. It aint like the US has much of a political spectrum anyway. They are owned by rich progs just like we are.

Funny thing is I don't always disagree with you Herman. On some things yes but on others no.

People on the Right always assume that people who are liberal or left of center always agree with the political parties which supposedly represent them but thats not the case. Eg - for better or worse the Liberals should seek a succesor to Trudeau soon because their party is becoming too closely identified with Justin as it did with Pierre. They need to move away from Justin & start envisioning life after Trudeau or else they could face demolition at the polls like in 1984 or when Ignatieff was leader.

There you go, you can't help yourself. Obssessed as always.

For the millionth time Joe. We live in North America. We don't have a right wing option. I am just an ex NDP supporting blue collar guy fighting back against the WEF agenda that is destroying working men and women. I don't pretend we have a right-left spectrum and that our voice counts.
The Flea Trap / Dayum
November 22, 2022, 10:03:40 PM
This gal is from Africa, but I aint sure which country. What a boday on her.

The Flea Trap / Re: Do any of you know how to have fun?
November 22, 2022, 09:46:24 PM
You are in denial Joe. You post more threads about US politics than anybody except for your pal Apegirul from Butthurt Fagtory. It aint like the US has much of a political spectrum anyway. They are owned by rich progs just like we are.
The Flea Trap / Re: Do any of you know how to have fun?
November 22, 2022, 09:03:45 PM
Quote from: JOE post_id=483459 time=1669101662 user_id=97
Quote from: Herman post_id=483447 time=1669096094 user_id=3396

Ya, right.  :laugh3: You post more threads about US politics than anybody else. I have to laugh you think there is a right wing in progtardy North America.

As a spectator sport American politics can be interesting, Herman.

But as a participant, not so much

since I don't vote there, belong to any political parties, nor contribute to any political party there, I'm not a participant, just a spectator.

It's you who get so worked up about Biden and the Democrats.

You're always bitching about them, Herman.

BTW, even when Trump ruled the roost, I thought the whining of the Democrats was excessive too.

Actually, I'm rather critical of the American Left who were so eager to overthrow Trump and burn 'em to the ground when they should've done that to W Bush instead when he was in office. Where was the American left when W was starting all those illegal Wars all over the place and destroying their civil liberties (and ours too) based on false declaration of war and a 911 hoax?

If measured by shear destructiveness, incompetence and Greed, Trump came nowhere near him in those depts.

You spend way too much time as a spectator. I guess because you can't be a participant.

Anyway, you are as obssessed with US politics as Apegirl is with Trump.
The Flea Trap / Re: Thanksgiving
November 22, 2022, 08:39:58 PM
When we had our Thanksgiving dinner at my farm in October, the star attration was the turkey I slaughtered. We also had some Ukrainian and Mongolian and Northern Chinese grub. Plenty of barrel wash and weed.
The Flea Trap / Does Guest Posting Add any Value Anymore?
November 22, 2022, 08:24:56 PM
I don't want a poll because guests will vote in it.

UoT was the only worthy guest. He has left. Now it's Seamoron, Eddie the Chug and that retarded 360 wanker from Butthurt Fagtory who post as guests and all they do is shit up threads.

This aint a new discussion here either. It was wide open for a while under Fash and Kiebers and they were getting the same result. Fash banned Seamoron's IP and guest posts were put on mod approval. CW, Biggie Smiles, and I think Treasurer were given sub mod powers to approve or disapprove guest posts. It worked well.

None of the other forums have guest posting and I can see why they don't want it. The folks using the guest option don't contribute to discussions, they mess them up.

Guest posting as it works here just aint worth it. That is old Herman's two bits on the subject.
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=483662 time=1669165053 user_id=2845
Quote from: Herman post_id=483658 time=1669164633 user_id=3396

I don't and apparently dsm doesn't either. How about you enlighten a couple of old rednecks.

I think he's referring to the pleasure grove and Lily being in the same sentence

Got it.
A second Arizona county on Monday delayed certifying its midterm election results until the Nov. 28 deadline in a show of solidarity with Maricopa County, where voting problems were reported on Election Day.

The Mohave County board of supervisors explicitly promised during a meeting they would certify the results by Nov. 28, saying their decision to push certification back until the deadline was a political statement.

The delay comes after Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake said Monday that "whistleblowers are coming forward" about reports of voting issues on Election Day in Maricopa County and after the state Attorney General's Elections Integrity Unit wrote to county officials demanding a formal response about those reported problems.

Arizona GOP Chair Kelli Ward, a Mohave County resident, praised the decision to delay, saying rural voters were being disenfranchised by what happened in Maricopa.

Ah hell, I meant to post this in the Politics thread.
Quote from: "Biggie Smiles" post_id=483516 time=1669138299 user_id=3214
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=483511 time=1669138044 user_id=2845
Who buys in what, you spastic fucktard?

Delete that spastic speed bump to interesting discussion


Maybe it's time to end guest posting. Or at least have it the way it was with Fash and Kiebers. Fash banned all IP's from Costa Ebola. ac_toofunny  And if Seamoron was in the States and posted Kiebers deleted his posts on site.
The Flea Trap / Re: Famous folks you wish would go away
November 22, 2022, 07:51:57 PM
I wish ninety five percent of Hollywood actors would take a long hike off a short pier.
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=483655 time=1669164512 user_id=2845
I get it.

I don't and apparently dsm doesn't either. How about you enlighten a couple of old rednecks.
The Flea Trap / Re: Thanksgiving
November 22, 2022, 07:49:14 PM
Old Herman hopes the Americans have a good Thanksgiving weekend and drink lots of barrel wash.
Quote from: "Dinky Dazza" post_id=483630 time=1669154594 user_id=1676">

Quote from: SCOUSE post_id=483539 time=1669139929 user_id=1728
Quote from: deadskinmask post_id=483484 time=1669120681 user_id=1582

i've noticed a change too.... around covid.... i think all that propaganda took a toll on her overall personality.... i know it changed me as well.... :sad:

Nah, she's always been an uptight, argumentative cunt.  :laugh:

You don't get to be as widely disliked as she is without good reason...

Evies is way easier to get along with, despite being a tad, errmm shall we say, eccentric. Lulz

She is a cunt. Mimi I mean.
Quote from: Oerdin post_id=483633 time=1669156306 user_id=3374
Leftist Seattle says it doesn't have money for police as violent crime skyrockets yet it has $1.37 million of taxpayer money to handout to racist left wing "activists" who spend it on long vacations and a $60,000 person cash handout to only non-white activists."> ... 7215376384">

What is the point of working.