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Messages - caskur

General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 07, 2024, 02:40:32 PM
I have a friend who is a Macedonian lawyer...

Anyway, away with your bullshit that Croatia is safer than Australia...according to Google...



 In our Safest Places Ratings, Australia is a perennial inhabitant of the top 10. In the 2024 rankings, the country placed tenth, after landing fourth the previous year. 2 Jan 2024"

General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 07, 2024, 02:30:55 PM
Quote from: Brent on May 07, 2024, 02:22:58 PMAustralia has a much higher violent crime rate than Croatia. Croatia is not among the worst offenders.

it's why is gets a class 1 rating from the US State Department. That is the highest level of safety they give.

Abos and Muslims in West Sydney are running amok and no one is doing anything about it.

I don't believe that about Croatia...

How many wars have stated there and all the other new states they made up.... doe sthe Bosnian war ring any bells, it should do. They sent a shit load of refugees to Perth Australia who behaved like animals to our girls at high school.

Yugoslavia - real safe it broke up into many countries... the yanks trying to boost the dump claiming its

The six constituent republics that made up the SFRY were the socialist republics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia. The Socialist Republic of Serbia contained two socialist autonomous provinces, Kosovo and Vojvodina, which after 1974 were

I am glad I pay it no attention.

General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 06, 2024, 01:40:46 PM
Quote from: Frood on May 06, 2024, 01:39:01 PMYou first!  :laughinatu:

My job is trying to stay alive and where can I spend my money next...

General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 06, 2024, 01:34:34 PM
Quote from: Frood on May 06, 2024, 01:23:36 PMWater technology has come a long way all over the world (except in Flint, Michigan). You're assured of clean water in hundreds of nations should you muster up the lady cajones to leave WA on an aeroplane.

Job front: haven't even begun to look yet. I'm enjoying my time with the fam..

Stop blowing your money and get a job.... make steak pies...

General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 06, 2024, 01:18:12 PM
Quote from: Frood on May 06, 2024, 12:39:34 PMWhat the fuck are you on about? You've never left Australia. What would you know about the world and how people tick.

You're the same bird that said Australia has the best meat pies, and when questioned how you would know being self landlocked on this sparse continent, what did you say?  :crampe:

I am not going to either...

Kurt wants to go to America.... I would like to go to Cornwall after I tour my state.. 

I can drink the water out of my tap here. CAN I do that in other countries? No I cannot ... the other thing to is, I live in paradise with a whole bunch of immigrants and they all shit me.

Have you got a new job yet?

Best pies in Australia...

General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 06, 2024, 01:08:25 PM
Quote from: Brent on May 06, 2024, 11:51:44 AMYou believe everything you read.

Did you look into those numbers. People go missing all the time across this country. Most are found. A teenager out past curfew for example.

Croatia is not any different except it's safer than Canada.

I would feel safer in Canada. Blacks from Africa cannot understand how Canadian women aren't afraid of Canadian men... I watch all the social documentaries and I pay attention to what people say and if a black person tells me they feel safe in Canada then I tend to take their word for it.

When our Aussie girl went missing I took an interest in Croatia there are many many Slavs that immigrated to Perth.... I looked up our own missing persons  stats and 38,000 had been reported... most had been found bar 2500 ish which compared to Croatia is practically nothing and we are a massive continent not a little country like Croatia with 23,000 missing persons and that is deplorable.

I use to run news groups at MSN and crime stats was my main interest so when I say something like Croatia is dangerous it is and why that actually is, is because gypsies cause extreme criminal activity in that part of the world and the repulsive Russians with their drug and people trafficking.

A lot of places struggle to have a sound welfare safety net so when people are broke there, they are really desperately broke. SOUTH Africa and Zimbabwe are two other places which are scary.

I wouldn't recommend Australia as safe these days for immigrant women especially. Most of the women getting murdered are immigrant women by their husbands....Australia is hard work for Australians and now its impossible for immigrants. We went from having the cheapest electricity on the planet to the most expensive on the planet and that is the fucking fault of the conservatives.

I do not really believe in multiculturalism.. even though I love different cultures and mixing with them. The gaps are too wide for total intergration... slow down the immigration would probably work better.

We are a Brittish colony originally then other countries from Europe integrated perfectly because they were CHRISTIAN. EUROPE IS mainly  Christian. Christians resolved their gripes with each other a couple of centuries ago... although how they got through 300 years of the Spanish Inquisitions beats me. Muslin sects don't seem to be able to conquer their insanity enough to get along with each other.
General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 06, 2024, 12:33:45 PM
Quote from: Frood on May 06, 2024, 11:43:24 AMI spent years in Latin America, and no differently than the residents of each region.

95% of the time, it was cruisey...

When shit looked like a setup, a rolling, or worse, you had to flex.

Trick was to not put yourself in the situation to begin with, or know the score beforehand.

Plenty of my indigenous coworkers got fucked. I never did.

The world has drastically declined in prosperity since you were in Sth America.

You need to keep up with the Sth American news.
General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 06, 2024, 07:04:34 AM
On the weekend I watched with thorough horror how Canada treats its native women. They have all been sexually abused and all of them survive on prostitution.

General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 06, 2024, 06:59:39 AM
This is what is said about Singapore and 90% home ownership...

Singapore is a country that promotes socioeconomic development, supports social justice, and ensures that nobody is left behind.

Case in point, Singapore is renowned for its exemplary housing program and high quality of life.

Here are some highlights:

1. Singapore boasts one of the highest homeownership rates globally, with over 90% of Singaporeans owning their homes.

This achievement is made possible through various measures, including affordable public housing and growing subsidies.

2. Public housing in Singapore is well-maintained and of high quality.

It is designed to promote ethnic integration, social interaction, and community spirit.

These housing estates are equipped with a comprehensive range of amenities and facilities, ensuring residents' needs are met.

3. For individuals who are unable to purchase a flat, Singapore offers ample rental options in the form of Housing and Development Board (HDB) flats.

The government also provides assistance schemes to help homeowners facing financial difficulties service their mortgage payments, ensuring they are not burdened by housing-related issues.

4. Unlike many countries grappling with homelessness, Singapore has effectively addressed this issue.

The country's robust housing program has played a significant role in preventing homelessness, ensuring that individuals have a place to call home.

Subject to proper assessment, Singapore authorities offer housing for those who are facing financial and other challenges.

Moreover, Singapore's high quality of life is recognized through various benchmarking studies and surveys:

1. Mercer's Quality of Living Survey consistently ranks Singapore as the top Asian city for its quality of life.

The HSBC Expat Explorer Survey also identifies Singapore as one of the best places to live and work.

2. The Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Liveability Index and the Sustainable Cities Index by Arcadis frequently rank Singapore highly, highlighting its livability and sustainability efforts.

3. Singapore's commitment to health and well-being is evidenced by its efficient healthcare system and recognition as the world's healthiest country.

The country prioritizes the well-being of its residents, leading to the longest life expectancy globally and ensuring a conducive environment for children to grow up.

4. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Singapore's resilience and adaptability were showcased as it topped the Bloomberg Covid Resilience Ranking.

The country's proactive measures and effective response demonstrated its ability to navigate global challenges.

Additionally, Singapore offers a plethora of reasons why it is an exceptional place to live, work, play, learn, do business, and invest:

a. Safety and security

Singapore is known as one of the safest countries globally, with low crime rates and a robust police force.

b. Cleanliness and efficiency

The city-state prides itself on being clean and efficient, with a well-developed public transportation system that ensures smooth commuting experiences.

c. Natural beauty

Despite being a bustling city, Singapore boasts an abundance of parks, gardens, and beaches, allowing residents to immerse themselves in nature.

d. Multiculturalism

Singapore is a melting pot of cultures, with people from various countries and backgrounds living harmoniously together.

Collectively, these factors demonstrate Singapore's exceptional housing program and high quality of life, making it an exceptional country.

If you read it properly the poor are socially housed like Australia, by the government so it is a socialist government...

What is really good about Singapore is its very tough on criminals.

Our leaders have really let us down and caused more social problems by feeling sorry for druggies instead of caning them and beating the living shit out of them.

General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 06, 2024, 06:26:46 AM
Today or last night rather a 16 year old Muslim kid was shot dead by police in my city...apparently a beautiful loving child who went insane all of a sudden.
General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 06, 2024, 06:20:47 AM
Quote from: JOE on May 05, 2024, 10:49:29 PMToo many drugs in Vancouver.

Seems to be the main factor... drugs and as I have told people here already, there are much worse scenarios than people on the dole...2 hundred years ago it was pick-pockets now it's drug dealing.
General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 05, 2024, 03:27:22 PM
Quote from: JOE on May 05, 2024, 03:17:26 PMI might be interested in Spain @caskur askur were it not for the lack of political stability in the region.

As you're well aware, Europe has been invaded many times throughout history.

Europeans are always looking over their shoulder for the presence of Russia.
They fear its comeback and the ramifications of their influence. Plus uncontrolled immigration and the threat of Islamic Extremism/Terrorism lurks there.

So...Spain might be a good place to visit, spend a few months of the year over there. But permanently, cutting ties with the home country? Don't think so.

Yes... always visit first... she complained it was hot so I guess she means summer.

My cousin went there and spent quite a long time and so did my brother David who ran with the bulls.

My brother spent a long time in Spain because he hurt his back somewhere and got laid up in Spain...

My cousin ate plenty of Spanish omelettes because they were cheap and my husband Kurt went to Spain as well.

General Chit Chat / Re: Retire in Spain
May 05, 2024, 03:22:19 PM
Quote from: Brent on May 05, 2024, 12:27:04 PM

Don't believe everything you read.

24,000 missing is nothing to sneeze at.
Look at these guys who in hell would want to kill them... the American is on here to... l name Jack Carter Rhoad.