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Messages - Lynn.F

The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 22, 2019, 03:28:03 PM
Quote from: "caskur"Flea, I think Flynn is really Dum Sum?

That's your leak.

Fuck off yUo P.I. swimming maggot.
The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 22, 2019, 01:12:59 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"
QuoteFashionista wrote:

We've decided that the personal attacks, and profanities in titles part of Rule 4 will no longer apply to Fights and Failures.

Why are yUo moving my threads? Nothing violates Rule 4. As rule 4 is only applicable to titles of threads.

I never moved your threads.

Did it just suddenly grow feet and move itself? Must yUo comment on everything? Can yUo just shut the fuck up?
The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 22, 2019, 03:43:24 AM
QuoteFashionista wrote:

We've decided that the personal attacks, and profanities in titles part of Rule 4 will no longer apply to Fights and Failures.

Why are yUo moving my threads? Nothing violates Rule 4. As rule 4 is only applicable to titles of threads.
The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 22, 2019, 03:24:45 AM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"

I know exactly who "I am addressing". I'm addressing that guy (yUo), about preaching the ills of "flaming" to people fresh off the boat from mainland China.

There are only two people here from mainland China..

We had two more, but they don't post anywhere anymore..

I'm from Taiwan and Zetsu is from Hong Kong.

That idiot probably considers me Chinese too.

How about I "considers" yUo a fucking retard?

P.S.-Go fuck yUorself Rotwang
The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 22, 2019, 03:23:16 AM
Quote from: "Velvet"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"Guys. Seriously? All this trouble for a "flame" forum? Instead of making it more complicated. Look, I understand how some BC members might be turned "off" at the idea of "flaming". Okay, I get it. It's not for everyone.

But to make up a rule in the "flame" forum about not bringing up "old grudges" and what one can or cannot "flame" about; is just plain silly.

Now, Rotwang, Fat Danny all these guys guys know what the deal is. If you had your "flame" forum open for 5 years, there will be "grudges" by BC members, because that's how people are. It's human nature.

But don't sit on the fence. You either are going to let flamers flame, or you're not. But make up your minds. Also, if people don't like the flame content, they don't have to set forth into the forum.

What really amuses me, are the people who don't post in the "flame" forum except to point out they "don't understand it". Yet, why are they in the flame forum in the first place?

Does not make sense for people so against it, yet they're obviously reading. I don't know why TBC has so many uptight posters?

You are a racist idiotic jackass.

And yUo'Re a stupid cunt with an equally stupid name. Now what are yUo going to complain about, yUo little whining fuck? Don't like it, don't fucking talk shit to someone that can verbally rip out yUor throat.

The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 22, 2019, 03:14:03 AM
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Lynn.F"

I know exactly who "I am addressing". I'm addressing that guy (yUo), about preaching the ills of "flaming" to people fresh off the boat from mainland China.

There are only two people here from mainland China..

We had two more, but they don't post anywhere anymore..

I'm from Taiwan and Zetsu is from Hong Kong.

That idiot probably considers me Chinese too.

No. I, consider yuO and Red Velvet Cake Gooks. See. I didn't call yUo, "chinese".

Now, where's that other Jew fucker at?[/i]
The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 17, 2019, 04:31:43 AM
Quote from: "Rotwang"Is this why, perhaps, people in other forums regard you as an idiot?

Once again the old age variance coupled with yuOr lack of reading skills surprises me. Here, I thought I was in for somewhat of a challenge. No, instead I get the retard version of Rotwangs Planet Of The Asians. So what happened? Did yuO happen to "crash land" here, looking like an emaciated Charleton Heston; and Fashionista and her monkey brigade patch yUo back together? Was that after or before yUo were unceremoniously thrown out of the fucking "Legion"?

QuoteDo not presume to tell me what flaming was built on, without at least informing yourself of who you are addressing.

I know exactly who "I am addressing". I'm addressing that guy (yUo), about preaching the evils of "flaming" to people fresh off the boat from mainland China, who in fact was a member of the "Legion" a group which yUo flamed me about because I thumbed my nose at their invitation, but I was afforded a look around. YuO sir are a hypocrite and liar.

YuO joined a unit whose only sole purpose was to troll forums, and to disrupt the forum infrastructure. If that didn't work yUo silly fucks would DDOS that forum off the grid for a good 24 hours. So for yuO to sit here to spew this utter trash about the "noble and smart ways of flaming".....remember that yUo were party to many of P.I. spillage over at B.H. YuO were party to the many "raids" on non-flaming forums, and yUo were party to many other things.

QuoteFlaming was built on fun and humour, and the original proponents were skilled and articulate writers who could bring tears to your eyes with laughter, not malice and PI. However, less intelligent and creative individuals saw an opportunity to make themselves appear tough and intimidating, and lacking the prerequisite tools to flame for folly, resorted to PI and personal abuse in order to pretend they could flame. These cacophonous gibbons eventually undermined the foundations of what was the epicentre of brilliant and witty flaming, Brawl Hall. True flamers simply walked away from the immature bickering of the less endowed.

YuO forget where yuO came from yuO double talking hypocrite. YuOr malice has shined through many times like the sands of time, yUor actions are eternal. So yUo are denying that yUo were one of the purveyors of what which yUo speak ill of? YuO and the rest of yuOr reg brethren started this. That's the irony of yUo gumming the fuck out of this thread with yUor ballet of contradictions, and symphony of unmitigated lies; together it's quite a show.

How utterly chaotic of yuOrself to actually become that duality in man. One cannot exist without the other.

QuoteYour posts clearly fall into that category.

I'm glad yuO'Re adding a little levity to this "discussion". The funny part is...myself and some of the other Gen-Y posters learned this lovely artform from yep, yUo guessed it....YUO Grandpa Flame. YUo and yUoR group of inbred, verbose; psychos terrorized at least a dozen forums that I know of.

QuoteFlaming NEVER was about two former close and caring friends falling into dispute, and proceeding to carry that dispute into a forum by disclosing information that was personal and private and no business of members here. That, sunshine, is not "flaming". It may well be what you and most other contemporary "flamers" think is flaming, but it is simply petty and pointless bickering and abuse using anonymity as a safeguard.

Isn't what yUo described the other faction yUo belonged to, the "Regs"? Isn't that what they were based on? And yet yUo were a member of something so vile? So just so the people at home can follow along]

QuoteBe that as it may, does my policy affect you in any way? Were any of your infantile rants dumped because they were not "flaming". You fell foul of a rule that has been in this forum since its inception, and was not in any way a measure of your ability to flame...or rather, lack of ability. The proprietor expects her mods to deal with the use of child abuse as a means of insult or abuse swiftly and emphatically, and that rule is fully supported by the members.

So when yUo own yUorself like yUo did in public, that's cause for accusing me of calling yuO such things?
Quote from: "Blazor"
Quote from: "Blurt"What is this, the Pumba Rumble?


Quote from: "Erica Mena"Tell me they ain't fucking twins !">

I have to admit that is funny  :laugh:

So here we have one of the biggest opponents of "flaming", along with that insufferable twit Rotwang. Yet, naturally IS READING the "flaming", and even thought a 10 year old grudge picture is "funny".

I rest my case with you dim bulbs, you've just contradicted yourself just like the rest of the knuckleheads. I get it now. This is a haven for ex CJ'ers, Rant-Raver's, CO, TRF...and a "haven" for ex Brawl-Hall elite who were booted for actions unbecoming of an adult. Eh Rotwang?

Don't worry Rotwang, I won't tear your feeble looking head from your spine here, because of the Anti-Flaming Rotwang clause. If you ever decide to be a man, I'll take you on at Flame Truth. Pussy.

You are now free to interject whatever white-washed, trite response comes into that deviant little mind of yours. I won't respond, as you're full of overblown excuses; and no one want to watch another juvenile Rotwang temper tantrum. OR should I say Bricktop?
The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 12, 2019, 11:02:31 PM
Quote from: "Rotwang"Since you asked...

This is not a FLAME forum. It is a general discussion forum with a section for flaming. Thus, the flame section must comply with forum rules, as you yourself have learned.

Flaming is not flinging accusations of real life indiscretions and personal grudges.

I've made it clear that flaming in this community is about fun and entertainment. If you want to hurl personal insults at someone who accused you of being malodorous, this is the wrong place.

You broke one of the forum rules. You were not banned, nor were your other posts affected. So I fail to see why you feel restricted.

That wasn't the crux of my point. You state this is a "flame discussion" forum, yet had a "flame match" in this forum? Okay, I can understand if it was an experiment, like introducing a blood sport to a group of Buddists. But, why have the door swing open or closed halfway?

This is what you're forgetting Rotwang, flaming was built on past grudges, and perceived wrongs. When I state these things, I am talking about in a flame forum context, with no P.I. How are people to engage each other with no history? It was thought, if flamers started flaming, perhaps some built up passive-agressive anger would manifest into some BC feuds.

Just because you weren't having fun Rotwang, doesn't mean the rest of us weren't. This isn't the Bricktop/Rotwang show. Look, I don't take this serious enough  to warrant finding any P.I. on any of you, plus i'm too lazy. The things you're speaking of haven't been done by myself and most of the "flamers" here who have been posting. So for you to think that it would spiral into some P.I. swapping orgy, with you being the target is beyond crazy. Jesus man, paranoid much?
The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 12, 2019, 03:57:54 PM
Quote from: "Fashionista"I don't know what flaming is except what people who have been on flame forums tell me what it is..

And there seems to be a difference of opinion among flamers themselves as to what constitutes flaming.


"Flaming" is anytime yUo insult someone.
The Guest Nest / Re: This is getting redundant
August 12, 2019, 03:55:55 PM
Quote from: "sasquatch"Except "grudges" are not flaming. Flaming is flaming. If you don't like it that Rotwang just kicked our the tard brigade's biggest crutch(bad rotwang for picking on the disabled, btw), then nobody is holding you here.

That's not my point. My point being, either have a "flame"forum or don't. But don't have one with 1,324,231 "amended rules".

Say can be said of you Danny. Or are you looking to get your foot in as a moderator? If that's the case, then your obvious asskissing makes sense.

Oh but wait! Didn't you get shit-canned over at FT for being an overall dipshit?

So Sunday has come and gone, and where is this big "revelation" at?
The Guest Nest / This is getting redundant
August 12, 2019, 03:29:30 PM
Guys. Seriously? All this trouble for a "flame" forum? Instead of making it more complicated. Look, I understand how some BC members might be turned "off" at the idea of "flaming". Okay, I get it. It's not for everyone.

But to make up a rule in the "flame" forum about not bringing up "old grudges" and what one can or cannot "flame" about; is just plain silly.

Now, Rotwang, Fat Danny all these guys guys know what the deal is. If you had your "flame" forum open for 5 years, there will be "grudges" by BC members, because that's how people are. It's human nature.

But don't sit on the fence. You either are going to let flamers flame, or you're not. But make up your minds. Also, if people don't like the flame content, they don't have to set forth into the forum.

What really amuses me, are the people who don't post in the "flame" forum except to point out they "don't understand it". Yet, why are they in the flame forum in the first place?

Does not make sense for people so against it, yet they're obviously reading. I don't know why TBC has so many uptight posters?
Quote from: "Rotwang"That is strike 2.

Go fuck yuORself pervert. No wonder yUo won't leave here. Everone on the outside knows what yuO are. I will give myself the third strike, yUo loathesome pervert. Better hope I don't catch yUo at another forum bitch. CIAO!

The Guest Nest / Re: Hiya Peaches...
August 10, 2019, 08:06:46 PM
Quote from: "Rotwang"If you lack the comprehensive competence to be able to distinguish between comparing the dribbling of a halfwit adult to that of the outpourings of a 14 year old against insinuating paedophilia, step away from the keyboard, grab your crayolas and draw a picture of your dog.

Show where I broke the "rule". As I already explained, YUO are the one that went there.

The Guest Nest / Re: Hiya Peaches...
August 10, 2019, 08:05:26 PM
Quote from: "Rotwang"You may wish to inform yourself of the rules, trout mouth.

In particular, the one that forbids using accusations or insinuations of child abuse.

Strike one.

I never "insinuated" any of those things...YuO painted yUorself in a corner got pwned and now is mad.