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Messages - KM

Quote from: Herman post_id=464456 time=1657977904 user_id=1689
Quote from: KM post_id=464442 time=1657964748 user_id=3370
Lol some some fucking lush wants to call yours truly a deadbeat?

Hey alkie, you got nobody to blame but yourself, you pathetic weakling.

You are a deadbeat. Make some real money and look after your kids like a real man.

I have "real money", saloon stupor.

You come here looking for sympathy because your a fucking drunk? ac_lmfao

"Real men" don't get caught up in stupid vices like drugs and alcohol.

Come on, Dean Martard, cry some more how your not gonna make it. Better yet, find a bigger bottle and I'll cash app you the money, you stupid, selfish loser.

If a fucking reject like you has kids, and I hope to god some broad wasn't stupid enough to let some real life flotsam stick their dick in them, and that wasn't reason enough to stop drinking like a fish, then you deserve the slow death you are going to have.

Hell, you need to become friends with Twat asap so when your stuck living off a machine he can insert an Ethernet cable to watch over his dead forums when he has a conjugal visit.

Come on, chump. Cry. Cry like a worthless selfish bitch.
Quote from: Zetsu post_id=464444 time=1657968398 user_id=61
Quote from: KM post_id=464442 time=1657964748 user_id=3370
Lol some some fucking lush wants to call yours truly a deadbeat?

Hey alkie, you got nobody to blame but yourself, you pathetic weakling.

I don't even know where to start...  :001_rolleyes:

Then save yourself the trouble and don't.

Nobody forces you to put a drink in your mouth or stick a needle in your arm like a weak, selfish ass bitch.
Lol some some fucking lush wants to call yours truly a deadbeat?

Hey alkie, you got nobody to blame but yourself, you pathetic weakling.
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 16, 2022, 12:59:29 AM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=464432 time=1657945902 user_id=3287
People are still playing Fall Guys on Twitch. They need to add a costume that looks like a penis but is broken up into numerous pieces so that you have to buy each testicle separately along with the nut sack.

 That's how ridiculous that game has gotten. One Twitcher was doing 100 push up and sphincter squats while he waited for the lobby to fill up, it was weird.

Fall Guys blew up because they made it free.

The tiktok guy killed Fall Guys


That video destroyed all the momentum FG had. Not the YT vid here, but the tiktok. Ppl left the game in droves and all the Twitch tards stopped streaming it because they didn't want to be associated with being a sweat.

Ninja was playing FG. That's how over FG was at the time. When the big names start playing your shit and are sweaty for leaderboard clout you gotta make a competitive mode to go along with a pub mode. FG didn't do that and now they're on their last legs.

But then again, the big name FN streamers outside of a few aren't in competitive, they're playing pubs filled with bots So they can upload a "30 kills solo brah" video with the shocked selfie in the thumbnail. Then, if you best then, they do everything in their power to get you banned.

The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 16, 2022, 12:23:07 AM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=464342 time=1657927380 user_id=2845
How is Bonesaw a "wannabe"? Dude was top tier and always has been. Poofer loves rewriting history lol

Bonesaw was never "top tier". Get those swimming floaties you call lips out your ass.

And no offense, you calling anybody "top tier" isn't the justification you think it is.

Just sayin
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 16, 2022, 12:13:52 AM
Diablo immortal is fun until you have to start paying for it. WoW I really never got into and was only interested in trolling.

Fortnite is still the king even tho zero build took out a lot of fun and I truly hate Fortnite and what it's become.

One day there's a lot of ppl playing the next day it's the same idiots compiling crown wins using hacks.

The first season of crown dubs I had 258 and thought I was a legend, only to find out there were ppl with 1500 plus in one season. I don't even think I have 1500 regular wins since I started playing.

Fox, play the One Piece RPG if you watch OP. It's actually pretty damn awesome if you don't mind the back tracking.
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 15, 2022, 05:42:07 PM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=464324 time=1657921204 user_id=3287
No one would take KM serious in the match with that huge fortnire banner sig of his.

That's like Bonesaw having a My Little Pony banner in his signature and expecting to be taken seriously.

Fortnite is fun.

They even took the building mechanic out so morons like Bonesaw can drop from the bus.
The Guest Nest / Re: I like Oak.
July 15, 2022, 05:40:19 PM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=464319 time=1657920622 user_id=3287
Blandcape takes "flaming" very seriously.

He told everyone his full name at BF to prove he was not a Jew.

This is crazy.

Are ppl still on that anti Jew shit?

Didn't George Washington kill all the Nazis?
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 15, 2022, 05:38:11 PM
One flame match isn't turning this place into a dead forum, Vit.

One person- me, is well known for making great content on these boards, while another, Dronesaw, is a wannabe.

If you have two ppl who can create something entertaining why not have a one shot so the scabs here can actually see what all the hype was about at the time?

Ppl still watch network tv, ya know
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 15, 2022, 04:59:59 PM
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 15, 2022, 04:56:29 PM
Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=464313 time=1657918278 user_id=3382
Yes, you can call me Bonesaw.

KM, not a chance.

Still running
The Flea Trap / Re: Welcome Treasurer
July 15, 2022, 04:50:38 PM
I think it's time this place actually got a real flame match.

Bonesaw and yours truly never had a match. And the one time he had his chance he ran the fuck away.

Bonesaw can even pick all the judges.

Now, watch him log out.
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
July 15, 2022, 05:43:38 AM
Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=464170 time=1657869569 user_id=3382
Quote from: KM post_id=464169 time=1657868000 user_id=3370
It's like that movie where they were dropping elephants by helicopter.

Who the fuck dropped Dronesaw out the sky?

And better yet, who the fuck cares?

Dude, don't be jealous no one ever talks about you unless the conversation is about restraining orders or black market Sudafed.

This is rich considering whenever anybody talks about Bonesaw the sentence always starts "hey, does anybody remember that retard".

Face facts, you've always been the tapioca pudding of this community. That's shits disgusting, but the fat fugly girls left will still spoon it.

Attention BC- the plague of intelligence has finally hit this place. Dr. Manhattan here is going to jab so much stupid into the brains of everyone who reads him it's going to make Covid look like chicken pox. Bonesaw can't even get a job without approval of a third party and last time I checked he was on the "don't sell this person a trench coat" list.

But, he is gay. And I commend BC for being socially accepting of the lgbtq community. Blackmuse once stated Bonesaw asshole looked like a coal miners glove doing the "ok" sign. That might be too much information, but for Bonesaw, it's just enough. Just like when god was handing out neurons, he got a shoe size amount because you know what they say about guys with big feet.....

Bonesaw is a free use punching bag to the point open hand slaps sound like a drum solo. But then again, empty cans make the loudest noise.

Quote from: "The Treasurer" post_id=464170 time=1657869569 user_id=3382

Are you allowed within 6 forums of Dovey without a net nanny?

I'd hope not, praise Allah
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
July 15, 2022, 02:53:20 AM
It's like that movie where they were dropping elephants by helicopter.

Who the fuck dropped Dronesaw out the sky?

And better yet, who the fuck cares?

Yet another OCD victim with a magically disappearing hairline and a brain with such a robust water pocket the guy sounds like a shaking capri sun when he walks.

Hey Bonehead, if it's really you make another podcast so I can link it to special needs twitters with the caption "hey retards, this could be you " and give a semblance of hope to the millions of others just like you.

When Bonesaw posts, it's like the retarded  kid who sings a solo at church. You know they suck, the pastor knows they suck, he'll, everyone but their parents know they suck, but they still clap when it's over.

Bonesaw is the equivalent of date rape bug spray. One time I had this broad on my nuts who was a three out of ten who wanted to meet up. I used Bonesaw a picture and I've been left on read to this day.

Like I tell my friends with children, if anybody is harassing you, send a Bonesaw picture with the caption "this guys going to molest your children in front of you" and I'm 100% positive the harassment stops then and there.

Reading Bonesaw is like giving yourself a home made colonic with a garden hose. Don't believe me? Somewhere in your home a faucet just turned on.

The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
July 14, 2022, 01:48:05 PM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=464068 time=1657818731 user_id=3287
I blame it on Erica, she should have made a new board after SG closed, then FT and Murdocks's board could have merged with it and had a sloppy threesome.

Nah, Flea running a message board is old news.

She's good at a forum, but an entire site, no.

Message boards in general have a lifespan in this community of ten years. After that it's life support.

Nobody is going to admit SG totally went into the shitter once I left. It should still be around on the down swing currently but stupidity and egos got in the way.

Like srsly, who even thinks they had something to do with the success of SG other then yours truly? I built that place into a forum bigger then Turd Fail in 1/3 the time, and if I stayed it would, right now, be a knock off BH because things would have evolved instead of stagnated.

I had the greatest idea to follow up the Summer of Poofer that would have blew that place up into an actual form of social media and that was the only place I could have pulled it off. It's a shame, too, because all Flea would have had to do was put ads on the front page and the place would have probably paid for itself and put money into her pocket at the same time.