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Messages - Herman

The Flea Trap / Re: Lisa Marie Presley
January 12, 2023, 11:11:20 PM
Quote from: caskur post_id=490985 time=1673581004 user_id=2156
Died... cardiac arrest or heart attack..

She was only 54.

I am in shock. She was so beautiful

I blame that Scientology Church. It has sucked in that many superstars... bad lifestyle.

RIP.. Lisa

I saw this on the news. She is almost the exact same age as me. We both have had our problems with the substances. This makes me reflect on my life.
The Flea Trap / Re: The scary tranny thread
January 12, 2023, 07:31:01 PM
'Hysterical' transsexual activists shut down talk by human rights expert about transsexual activists' intolerance"> ... Engagement">

Robert Wintemute, a law professor at King's College London, suggested the censorious uproar was "hysterical" and amounted to further evidence that any discussion of the fallout of the transsexual agenda, particularly for women, is increasingly being stifled.

According to the event page, Wintemute was scheduled to give a talk on Jan. 10 entitled, "The Sex vs. Gender (Identity) Debate in the United Kingdom and the Divorce of LGB from T."

"Since 2018, there has been a debate in the United Kingdom about whether or not the law should be changed to make it easier for a transgender individual to change their legal sex from their birth sex, and about exceptional situations, such as women-only spaces and sports, in which the individual's birth sex should take priority over their gender identity, regardless of their legal sex," said the event posting.

It added, "This debate inspired the foundation in 2019 of an organisation, LGB Alliance, which rejects the political coalition of LGB and T and challenges some transgender demands, on the basis that they conflict with the rights of lesbian and bisexual women or the rights of children who might grow up to be LGB adults."

Wintemute, a McGill alumnus and trustee of the LGB Alliance, was invited to speak on this topic as well as to his record as a human rights and LGB scholar by the university's Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism.

Prof. Frédéric Mégret from the CHRLP suggested there was hope that Wintemute's participation in "critical conversations" about these issues might have been worthwhile."> ... ntolerance">
Politics / Re: EV's, Reliable Power, et al
January 12, 2023, 07:24:49 PM
Rush to Renewables May Destabilize Grid as Electricity Dependence Soars

Government policies are pushing ever more Americans on to the U.S. electric grid even as the climate change alarmism experiment makes the grid increasingly unstable.

In August, Massachusetts joined California, New York, and Washington in passing laws to restrict the use of oil and gas in new home construction. Several states have also set dates for banning the sale of gasoline-powered cars.

At the federal level, the electrification effort has included heavy subsidies for electric vehicles (EVs) and charging stations, even a contemplated ban on gas stoves. On top of government efforts comes the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) movement, which has succeeded in arm-twisting corporations and public utilities into compliance with its net-zero emissions agenda.

All of this makes Americans more dependent on the electric grid at a time when utilities are accelerating the closure of coal and gas-fired plants, leaving the grid increasingly reliant on intermittent wind and solar power. This has sparked warnings from utility infrastructure experts that America's dash toward renewables could be driving our electric grid toward instability.

"Running while we're tying our shoes is the analogy I would give," John Moura, director of reliability assessment at the North American Electricity Reliability Corp. (NERC), told The Epoch Times. The NERC is charged with regulating electric utilities to ensure that they can deliver electricity whenever it is needed.

The NERC produces an annual long-term reliability assessment (LTRA). According to the 2022 LTRA, while many areas of the grid are expected to meet demand, several areas are at "high risk" of falling short. Two high-risk areas are California and a mid-continent zone running from Ontario down through the Great Lakes region to Louisiana.

"The projected shortfall continues an accelerating trend ... as older coal, nuclear, and natural gas generation exit the system faster than replacement resources are connecting," the LTRA states. In addition to the high-risk areas, areas of "elevated risk" included New England and the entire western United States outside of California.

A report by industry experts Paul Bonifas and Tim Considine titled, "The Limits to Green Energy," puts it more bluntly: "It is unknown what level of VRE [variable renewable energy] can be added to the grid before it breaks or becomes unaffordable. However, it is all but certain that at some unknown point the grid will become unreliable and costs will skyrocket. And yet, more VREs are built every year."

"Is a 100 percent renewable grid technology possible, is it reliable, and is it economical? No, no, and no," Bonifas and Considine write. The report states that the incessant shutting down of reliable power sources—gas, coal, and nuclear—will be destabilizing, and the costs to conform the grid to weather-dependent renewable power generation are "significant and unknown."

Many of the issues stem from the physics of electricity and the architecture of our power grid, which Moura calls "the largest machine in the world." America's electric grid features hundreds of power plants situated throughout the United States that connect into transformers that convert that power so it can be transmitted throughout the approximately 700,000-mile network of high-voltage transmission lines. The electricity then makes its way to neighborhood transformers that progressively step down the voltage so that it can be safely used in homes.

Because the electricity on the grid cannot sit idle or be stored for long periods, it must be consumed as it is created. Conversely, at the moment that people turn on the heat, charge a car, or flip a light switch in their homes, that electricity must be generated in the moment at some point along the grid.

"Electricity consumption and generation must always be balanced," Bonifas and Considine write. "If it isn't, the power grid could collapse. Thankfully, the immense size and interconnectedness of electricity grids make the balance issue easier to handle; billions of electrical loads across the country are constantly being added and removed, averaging out at any given moment."

Under normal conditions, the LTRA report states, the North American grid has performed reliably. Because of the grid's enormous size, a shortage of electricity in one area when demand is peaking can be covered by shifting excess supply from other areas; however, the grid has increasingly been struggling to do this in recent years, leading to outages on very hot or cold days, when people need electricity the most.
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=490963 time=1673565941 user_id=2845
Is Prowler really bald?

Who knows, but old Joe is a virgin.
The is on old Jim Crow Joe.

AG Garland appoints special counsel to investigate Biden classified documents

White House lawyers found another stash of classified documents at Biden's home in Delaware"> ... -documents">
Edward Snowden believes that President Joe Biden possessing classified documents isn't the "real scandal." Instead, he accused the Department of Justice (DOJ) of suppressing the information during the midterm elections.

Snowden's tweet came after former President Donald Trump repeatedly slammed the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for contributing to what he believes is a stolen election. A raid was conducted on Trump's Mar-A-Lago estate in August, when classified documents were discovered, and now people are wondering if the Obama-era classified documents discovered at an office used by Biden should lead to a similar investigation into Jim Crow Joe.

"The real scandal isn't that Biden had classified documents coming out of his socks, because sadly they've all been doing it," Snowden tweeted. "The scandal is that the DOJ found out about it a week prior to the midterm elections and chose to suppress the story, conferring a partisan advantage."
The Flea Trap / Re: Now hubby is positive
January 12, 2023, 07:12:12 PM
Quote from: Blazor post_id=490900 time=1673533721 user_id=2221
Quote from: Herman post_id=490741 time=1673465484 user_id=3396
The Pentagon has formally rescinded its vaccine mandate, which coerced over two million troops into receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and forced nearly 8,400 service members out of the U.S. military.

Although both Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and President Joe Biden wanted to keep the mandate in place, Republicans made sure that the National Defense Authorization Act wouldn't pass without its elimination.

I met a Marine a few months ago. He didnt want the jab, and they made him. He was close to retiring, in his late 30's, as he already done 16 years of service. They booted him out, cause he developed a critical heart issue.

The Canadian military is frickin cold hearted too towards their soldiers who get health problems.
The House Freedom Caucus has filed legislation that would take approximately $22 billion from United Nations funding for finishing the U.S.-Mexico border wall for two years. :thumbup:

The Close Biden's Open Border Act would take the approximate $11 billion annual funding the U.S. sends to the U.N. and "redirect the money towards completion of the wall," according to a press release from Republican Rep. Bob Good of Virginia.
The Flea Trap / Re: Forum gossip thread
January 11, 2023, 08:26:09 PM
Old Dink is stil pulling on Shen Li's pigtails trying to get her to like him. How is that working out for ya Dink.
#6355"> ... l-biden%2F">
In 2022, just shy of 40,000 people entered Canada illegally at Roxham Rd. As they have since 2017, the Trudeau government has done nothing to stop this; in fact, they encourage it.

But now Pierre Poilievre is calling for it to be closed and our legal immigration system fixed.

It shouldn't be like this; we have an agreement with the United States, signed by the Chretien government two decades ago, to stop this kind of thing. The Safe Third Country Agreement states that Canada and the United States recognize each other as safe countries for refugees and that anyone showing up at the border declaring refugee status from either country will be turned back because they are already in a safe location.

Poilievre said a Conservative government would close Roxham Rd. and put the emphasis on legal immigration by fixing the system. That's a big improvement from Justin Trudeau's response, which has been to send immigration staff to process those crossing illegally and more Mounties to help them get their luggage across the border.

The Liberals don't want to close Roxham, though, not now and not ever. It's another chance to import American wedge politics into Canada and claim that by opposing Roxham Rd., the Conservatives oppose all immigration.

We can expect to see more of that in the coming months because it's good for Trudeau and his party politically.

On the whole though, Roxham Rd. is bad for Canada because it undermines our national faith in the system.
The Flea Trap / Re: They keep dropping.
January 11, 2023, 08:08:29 PM
Jeff Beck was a legend.
The Flea Trap / Re: Favourite childhood tunes
January 11, 2023, 08:07:46 PM
I remember hearing the Mamas and Papas California Dreamin.
#6359"> ... er-of-wall">
The Flea Trap / Re: Wtf is going on
January 11, 2023, 02:36:37 PM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=490739 time=1673462784 user_id=2845
Why is my 17,000.00 "ass" being brought into Murdock's beef?

I don't want any of her "men"  :laugh:

Let me sit back and laugh cuz this shit is ridiculous.

Oh and she said to tell cun'T hi. I guess that's supposed to mean something? lol
