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Messages - KM

The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
July 14, 2022, 12:27:37 PM
Ok Poppy. You win.

Podcast coming up tonight
Poppy dl fortnite and I'll stream
The Flea Trap / Re: Chops
July 14, 2022, 10:56:38 AM
Quote from: cw_Sorry about your ex-wife luck.

Has nothing to do with me, oh unobservant one.

I'm 5'6, 135 lbs., slim but muscular build.

Say your a dyke without saying your a dyke....
The Flea Trap / Re: Who linked Temple to BF?
July 14, 2022, 10:54:13 AM
Quote from: Poppy post_id=464024 time=1657810251 user_id=3287
Erica most likely created that nic while sleepwalking.

Because seeing a new member at BF is rarer than spotting the loch ness monster, each newcomer is instantly labeled as an alt. Same thing happened at Turd Rail right before it became a blog.

No "content creator" is going to waste their time doing something as utterly useless as that.

I think Flea did, too.

Notice the trophy thread here?

I don't know, Poppy, but it seems like a conspiracy
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
July 14, 2022, 10:50:10 AM
Quote from: seoulbro post_id=464018 time=1657809790 user_id=114
Quote from: KM post_id=463998 time=1657806435 user_id=3370

There is no "ALL" of these forums.

Isn't it the same people moving from forum to forum. One shuts down and the herd moves to an existing forum until it shuts down.

Take a seat, I'll explain.

When I ran the BG at Fleas old forum, my goal was to herd all the shit posters into one big group. This much I did. The cattle now is at BF, and BF is getting sick of them. He doesn't want to drop his site, he wants to drop the cattle. They're just too stupid to comprehend that.

Once they come here, hopefully Cdub gets her shit together and has her forum back online where none of them will be wanted.

Cdub loves me tho.
Quote from: seoulbro post_id=464016 time=1657809440 user_id=114
Quote from: KM post_id=464014 time=1657809202 user_id=3370

That's fucking pathetic.

Good. Fucking. Lord.

I didn't know Dove and Biggie were part of the furniture at that forum. I was under the impression they are occasionals.

The pathetic thing is, if it was good content, it wouldn't be an issue.

You look at those four and out of the 100k posts the only shit that's good is the shit that was stolen from the BH archives.

That, is fucking sad.

Out of every forum I've been on for 15 years, combine my number and I'm hardly at 10k posts in 15 years.

Just wow
The Flea Trap / Re: Who linked Temple to BF?
July 14, 2022, 10:38:31 AM
Quote from: cw_ post_id=464013 time=1657809171 user_id=3226
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=463985 time=1657804193 user_id=2845
That idiot is Temple or Poppy pretending to be Temple.

Why do you try to play the guess-that-nic game when you are so bad at it?

Did you know Buzzsaw was Beaver at FC when Beav had his complete meltdown?

Bra1n told me right away but I couldn't help but DM "Beaver".

Every DM would end "I don't know, Poofer, but it sounds like a conspiracy " ac_lmfao
Quote from: Poppy post_id=464010 time=1657809046 user_id=3287
Quote from: KM post_id=463979 time=1657799060 user_id=3370
Fox that shit was awesome!!!

How do you get the VR AV split screen?

video and sound editing programs.

Which program?

For cam on stream I have to have console and computer linked and running at the same time.
Quote from: cw_ post_id=464011 time=1657809070 user_id=3226
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=463999 time=1657806573 user_id=56

A change in mods will not salvage what was once an interesting board. The talented posters from BF the original abandoned ship when the sequel took in refugees when flame forums started falling like dominoes. However, the biggest mistake he made was welcoming the septugenarians from CBT. Since ALL they do is post they have become the most prolific posters on BF 2.0.

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That's fucking pathetic.

Good. Fucking. Lord.
Quote from: Poppy post_id=464006 time=1657808649 user_id=3287
It's pointless rummaging through a stack of old men's diapers searching for something of value to read at BF.

Well if Temples there, he's surely chopping up said diapers into powder and snorting Belushi rails considering how long he's followed Twats decrepit ass around for half a century.

These fuckers were sending each other smoke signals for webtv became a thing.

I remember vividly when TwaP called his army of nobodies over to CO and it was like watching Down's syndrome kids fighting with pool noodles. Then one of them made a new forum that nobody went to, even the mentally challenged brethren.

Well, Twat went. He had a panel even. (Shrugs)
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=463999 time=1657806573 user_id=56
Quote from: KM post_id=463997 time=1657806245 user_id=3370


That place is past the point of no return.

BF should have drop kicked every single moron years ago or had an actual IQ test captcha sign up with a question randomizer.

He should make Caskur mod

A change in mods will not salvage what was once an interesting board. The talented posters from BF the original abandoned ship when the sequel took in refugees when flame forums started falling like dominoes. However, the biggest mistake he made was welcoming the septugenarians from CBT. Since ALL they do is post they have become the most prolific posters on BF 2.0.

The OG BF wasn't a good forum. All of their best posters migrated to BH and there wasn't many of them.

If BH's owner gave zero fucks about BF, I'll take what his opinion was over anybody else's considering he built the biggest flame forum ever and attracted the best of the best in terms of content creators.

You didn't, and still don't, go to Bastard Factory to make great content. You go there now to shit post. There's better things to do then scroll thru a bunch of ignorant trash on a message board that was written by bottom feeders larping as drooling, walking hysterectomies. I log in there once in awhile then log right off before reading one fucking thing.

I feel bad for SSS. He can actually write something fantastic when he's sober.
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
July 14, 2022, 09:47:15 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=463995 time=1657805973 user_id=56
ALL of these forums.

There is no "ALL" of these forums.
Quote from: Poppy post_id=463721 time=1657642224 user_id=3287
Maybe BF observed that all the racist nonsense isn't bringing any new members to his site.


That place is past the point of no return.

BF should have drop kicked every single moron years ago or had an actual IQ test captcha sign up with a question randomizer.

He should make Caskur mod
The Flea Trap / Re: the community has ended
July 14, 2022, 09:37:39 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li" post_id=463984 time=1657804123 user_id=56
Quote from: Poppy post_id=462355 time=1656709183 user_id=3287

KM, you do know Blandscape is mentally ill, yeah?

Read the PM's he was sending for 4 plus weeks at BF. The guy was blabbering incoherently and sounded like he needed to be involuntary committed.

According to a credible source, he is impotent and has only one testicle.

Logging on and spamming for hours is the behavior of someone who has extreme pent up sexual frustration.

That's 95% of the white males on these forums.

And most of the male Regs here.
The Flea Trap / Re: Who linked Temple to BF?
July 14, 2022, 09:32:52 AM
Quote from: "Erica Mena" post_id=463985 time=1657804193 user_id=2845
That idiot is Temple or Poppy pretending to be Temple.

Who would pretend to be Temple?

The guy would have been better off as furniture in Ed Geins living room then having internet access.

Who's next? Ruler of MK?