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Messages - Biggie Smiles

Lmao.  Snotwang declares the flamepit a flame only zone then allows old Verman to puke and piss all over himself right there on a bar stool and doesnt even bother to wake the guy up or mop around him

Nice job killing your own section ToolWang
The Guest Nest / Re: Bring it on Bonesaw
June 05, 2019, 03:31:40 PM
The Guest Nest / Re: Bring it on Bonesaw
June 05, 2019, 03:31:19 PM
Is it just me or did this sub section just go flat-line the minute ThotWig came along and pulled his peanut sack out of his depends to lay down hospice protocol?

Fucking over-bloated wankers never learn.

Rotty, Brick, fishlips or whomever you happen to be this evening, stick to talking about dead birds and other flying rodents that shit in your coffee in the general section with that moobeast Casket. This flaming shit ain't for you.

You try too damn hard to sound smart. Advice friend. Take it with the same warm welcome as you do Herman's cock in your ass.
The Guest Nest / Re: Bring it on Bonesaw
June 05, 2019, 03:09:12 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"I am going to register at the SG. I challenge Herman and Rotty to do the same.

I'm there now. I'm sure you'll be very welcomed there.

I'm thinking the two other women you mentioned in your post will be accepted as well.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Australian Birds
June 04, 2019, 01:53:40 AM
Leave those poor birds alone, Caskur.
Caskur is awful in this life, real life, half life and the after life. Even the devil wants her to stay alive so he doesn't have to deal with her.

have you people taken my advice and put her down with a moose gun yet?
Quote from: "Berry Sweet"
Quote from: "Shen Li"I'm very different in real life. I'm rather shy and reserved.

Interesting...I use to be that way but I got so very sick n tired of people and their shit.  I do respect the elderly tho and always will.

I dont have time for anyone in public anymore.  This city...people are just bloody rude...I'll toss it right back in their face...ain't it incredible when someone in public treats you like trash and you return the favor, they look at you shocked...stupid yeah, the whole world revolves around your dumbass right? If you disrespect me, I'll disrespect you...instant karma and I love it...but I will move the hell outta here one day to a small town...this city just feeds off you.

Jesus Christ Girl, the way you're talking here i'm getting the idea you walk around the streets of Gotham with one radioactive eye and a shoulder mounted mace canister.

You need to kick back and smoke a doob

or 200 of them.
The Guest Nest / Re: Are YOUR ears burning??
June 04, 2019, 12:44:53 AM">
The Guest Nest / Re: Are YOUR ears burning??
June 04, 2019, 12:09:52 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "ThugLife"The only fun thing to do at VF is to stop by every now and then to pee in sea major's popcorn.

My online chip on my shoulder is fake, fake, fake. However, I really, really can't stand C minor and it's not because he is a retarded parrot either. I've got legit reasons to detest him.

He's detestable. On every level imaginable. I love shitting in his oatmeal every chance I get.

I don't want to tell evs how to run her forum, but I can't understand why she doesn't restrict Seamajor..

It's not like Erica's forum with different subs for different topics, it's basically just a main board..

And all Seamajor does is wreck threads with repetitive spam.

Yes. He and that other clown? I can recall his name exactly. Roman oodles of noodles or some dumb shit like that. He starts the shitty flotsam threads that are unreadable and Sea Muppet wrecks any that start out interesting.

Deadly combination those two.
The Guest Nest / Re: Are YOUR ears burning??
June 04, 2019, 12:02:06 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "ThugLife"I'm even considering joining.


Yes. VF has died down substantially and this place is fun but not enough sustained activity
The Guest Nest / Re: Are YOUR ears burning??
June 04, 2019, 12:01:14 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "ThugLife"The only fun thing to do at VF is to stop by every now and then to pee in sea major's popcorn.

My online chip on my shoulder is fake, fake, fake. However, I really, really can't stand C minor and it's not because he is a retarded parrot either. I've got legit reasons to detest him.

He's detestable. On every level imaginable. I love shitting in his oatmeal every chance I get.
The Guest Nest / Re: Are YOUR ears burning??
June 03, 2019, 11:58:09 PM
I'm even considering joining.
The Guest Nest / Re: Are YOUR ears burning??
June 03, 2019, 11:55:06 PM
The only fun thing to do at VF is to stop by every now and then to pee in sea major's popcorn.
The Guest Nest / Re: Are YOUR ears burning??
June 03, 2019, 11:52:23 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Rotwang"Mine are.

A thread about Oak vs Flea rapidly transformed into yet ANOTHER thread about our stout little congregation, and of course much dialogue about your humble correspondent. Me.

Herman, get over there. I'm sure you could use some A grade fertiliser for your farm, and the bullshit is thick and lustrous. They're calling out Shen Li as well.

Maybe we should do a package deal...Herm, Shen and Rotwang...for a strictly limited season. They would LOVE to have the objects of their obsession make a personal appearance. For a fee, naturally.

Bricktop won't join in, sadly. He's afraid of Freud.

If it wasn't for the Blue Cashew, those dinosaurs would be playing charades with alters for shits and giggles.

WHAT??? BEnzo says they are talking shit about me. Why the fuck am I even being mentioned. I realize I'd be about as welcome at that forum as Scouser at a bar mitzvah. However, I thought we had a 'I don't fuck with you, you don't fuck with me' thing going on.

No one is talking shit about you. They were saying they wish you would join cuz they like your Iron Chink persona

Really?? That's funny because my Iron Chink character has gotten me banned from almost every forum I've ever posted on. :laugh3:
You would never be banned at that forum.
The Guest Nest / Re: Barrel Wash for Breakfast
June 02, 2019, 01:02:56 PM
Quote from: "Gaon"
Quote from: "Herman"It is six am and I just woke up after passing out three hours ago. It is Sunday after all. Praise the Lord and pass the swish. Old Herman is getting hammered. ac_drinks

What is barrel wash?

male semen he siphons out of his boyfriend's asshole with a squiggly straw