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Messages - caskur

Quote from: "JOE"
Quote from: "Bricktop"Yep.

Guarding against pythons really does justify everyone getting a gun.  Those damn reptiles get in anywhere.

And spiders!!! Don't get me started on spiders!!!

Ah, but we're not talking about spiders BT.

And this isn't 1975 anymore when you were in the police force.

The civilized 1st world nations where we live have more violent characterss & more extreme situations now. It's a different much less peaceful world.

Know close BY where cc lives, which is a nice area near Vancouver, a realtor answered his door one night, and was shot to death by an intruder. A handgun and knowing how to use it might have saved his life.

Btw he left behind a wife and 2 children. The family lost a dad and the society lost a hardworking citizen who paid a lot of taxes and was a productive member of the community.

That's just one example. I have others too.

Different world because there are far more druggies running amok.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Australian Birds
September 20, 2018, 01:53:57 PM
Yes... take advantage of good weather while you can.

We've already hit a 26 this month... and that is only going to be the average plus more this spring... then bang, 38 + will hit us.
Yeah.... I hadn't seen that suggested on any current affairs program.

But I have heard people claim abos were the first people. (lol)

I am sick of the misinformation out there.

I went to a lecture at Murdoch Uni about aboriginal medicine... and the expert who had studied it for 15 years said they never had medicine before European settlement... and only 3 or 4 oils came out of Australia, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, sandlewood oil (maybe there was only 3) and if there was a 4th, its escaped my memory.... anyway. You won't hear this on mainstream media.
Abo are Indians... they weren't here for 40,000 years...

Do genetic testing...

you'll see I'm right...

dot paintings, sandlewood trees and boab are proof enough... plus their ROUND eyes, their wavy black hair, and their physiques resemble Indians. They practiced circumcism.
Art, Hard Rock & Harmony / Re: Australian Birds
September 19, 2018, 10:38:50 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "caskur"You leave those beautiful darlings alone foreigner!


Since going on little country day trips I have spotted several breeds of birds I've never seen before.

I have now seen Red Capped Parrots (a pair fly across the road in front of me)

White-neck Heron,

Red capped Robin

Mistletoe bird (dead)

Straw-neck Ibis...

Various ducks ( I ignored them though so couldn't tell what variety they were)

Two birds I would love to see and capture sometime Emu Wrens and Blue Fairy Wrens.

I looked them up caskur..

It would be a treat to see them in the wild.

Yes it was. It's great seeing something you didn't notice before. I haven't done much traveling in the past 20 years. We have responsibilities... but all day trips we can do so I'm taking advantage of our mild weather before the heat is upon us once more.
The Guest Nest / Re: Gold Prospectors
September 19, 2018, 05:06:16 AM
Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"Here's Bricktop ready with his copy & paste one liners...

He's ready to go, as always...  With the same old shit.  Same crap.  Every fucking time.

No wonder these forums fucking suck.  Idiot hag Admins catering to idiot posters.  Doesn't work here, and doesn't work there.

Dead forums.  No new posters.

Oh well...  I warned them what would happen.  And now they can achieve their goals by sucking old man cock.  Mimi and Evs did it with Oscar, and this shithole can do it with Bricktop.

Both will ruin forums, and I don't really care anymore.

It has been made clear to me that these forums are for the chosen ones only...  Fucking hags that are bored with their husbands.  Sad.

pull yourself together...

don't let him get inside your head...

so what nobody likes you?... take it as a compliment...
The Guest Nest / Re: Gold Prospectors
September 19, 2018, 05:03:16 AM
Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"Occidental, Oriental, it makes no difference.  It also makes no difference who you vote for.  The game is rigged.  

I roll with the flow, as what else can one do?  When the time is right, I pack up and buy my 100 acre retreat.  I don't necessarily like people, as many have proven to me what they actually are.  There are some good ones left out there, but not many these days it seems...  I work with some really good guys on many of the jobs I work on...  Some of these guys are grade A customers, and a pleasure to work with.  I keep busy.

That's the only reason I'm even still here, in this immigrant infested shithole.

Nonetheless, ready to leave at any time, when the time is right.

We're getting like this way too... we're stuck because our oldies are still alive and need us... but once they move on, I'm planning on selling up and going to a coastal country town.

The scary thing about Australia and especially country towns are, there are too many druggies around who'll slit your throat for pain meds or something.
The Guest Nest / Re: Gold Prospectors
September 19, 2018, 02:11:04 AM
Quote from: "Bricktop"Western democracies are totally corrupt. The difference between criminal corruption and bureaucratic corruption is that the bureaucrats think that what THEY do is OK.

At least crims know they're committing criminal acts.

Agree totally.

It's so depressing.
The Guest Nest / Re: Gold Prospectors
September 18, 2018, 02:39:05 PM
You should demand transparency.
The Guest Nest / Re: Gold Prospectors
September 18, 2018, 11:03:45 AM
Fash, you don't sound like you're unhappy about the Chinese government. You live in a clean environment with a small population... You're delusional if you think The Chinese are doing their best to make their citizens lives better. They certainly are not. They are state capitalists and force "communism" on the populace. They force their slaves to breath this air...">">time in a bottle quicksilver
The Guest Nest / Re: Gold Prospectors
September 18, 2018, 10:54:27 AM
I blame our stupid government privatizing everything... in other words, selling the family farm.

But, are you selling any of your ports in Canada to the Chinese government?  Do you think America is going to sell any of their ports to the Chinese?
The Guest Nest / Re: Gold Prospectors
September 18, 2018, 10:41:14 AM
Nah. I think its the same horse it just changes jockeys and if you haven't figured that out yet, I can't help.

faith in any "political ideology," is fruitless. They're all shit and they all deserve a slow painful death.

See what a cheerful person I am... :)
The Guest Nest / Re: Gold Prospectors
September 18, 2018, 03:59:21 AM
Quote from: "Chuck Bronson"
Quote from: "caskur"Sadly, it's $5.00 for a cup of coffee in expensive, greed driven WA. A muffin will set you back another $5.00...

I guess it's all relative.

Here, a 'normal' medium or large coffee will usually cost around $2.00 CDN.  A muffin maybe about the same, but I don't buy muffins very often.

Our minimum wage is now $12.65 CDN in this Province, but I know OZ wages are higher, so do with the maths as you will!

Well our former Prime Minister Julia Gillard was shocked at what WA people paid for food and was public filmed choking on a price of a cup of coffeee... you know full well mining states pay through the nose.

Remember in the gold rush days, shovels and other items were artificially price inflated...

however, because our former dumb capitalist state government didn't sell our electricity to the evil Chinese government, our electricity prices aren't ruined like the poor bastards in the eastern states who are owned by the Chinese government....

We were one country where we all could have had it all... now we're slowly becoming a cesspool like the USA.

And yes, that makes me bitter and twisted.