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Messages - Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Murdock"
Quote from: "kiebers"
Quote from: "Guest"I want Sum Cunt to do my eulogy so all the motherfuckers that show up die from boredom and join me.



*gigglesnortz*  ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao  ac_lmfao

I still don't know much about this person, except that he doesn't get along with several posters from SG.

He's just a longwinded fuckbag that believes he's some kind of icon.

lmao. icon.  ac_toofunny
Quote from: "Slum Clown"essays essays

Nice stutter there you mind numbing un-bathed creep.

Do you have a matching eye twitch you'd like to share with us too?

S-S--S-Sum C--C----C---unt is C-C--Cc--coming to K-K---K--Kill me  ac_toofunny

Quote from: "Slum Clown"My carry on luggage

You mean the child's schoolbag you lifted off a park bench when you were ready to stuff every worldly possession you own into a shoe box to migrate your way across country like this was your personal version of PeeWee Hobo's great adventure?

To meet up with what might have very well been your first contact with human pussy?

Oh dear, is that your bottom lip sanding the hardwood floors beneath us or are you just feeling like a bit of a Stunned fucking Cunt right now?

Yeah, I heard all the stories that turned you into an internet renowned FleaNatic, son. They're embarrassing to be honest, so you may wanna take this as your only word of advice to avoid the subject all-together before I decide to treat the back of your neck like my personal treadmill and, well, gasp, flame you for a change. lol

Because, you know, renting a pair of roller-skates & tying a rope from the bumper around your chicken neck to hitch across country because you cannot afford bus fair is not a good look. Even for someone who has as much to laugh at as you do.

"PeeWee Hobo" lmao.. that one is gonna stick.

Quote from: "PeeWee Hobo"Boasted a readership of 22,000.00 3 years into my tenure

Cookie or Crack vile? Hobos on government assistance can only choose either or.

Is that a resume worthy accomplishment to be proud of down in earth's toilet where turds like you are flushed backwards because, well, you are backwards?

Or is that just what you use to impress people online to make up for the fact that in real life you are nothing but a Trojan hobo who will happily spend decades becoming part of the living room furniture until someone tired of your bum & stank parody throws a bucket of soap and water on you so that you could meltdown in a mass of steam and foam like a fucking alka-seltzer?

Leaving nothing behind put a pair of prosthetic testicles sitting on the middle cushion. Picture that. I did. And so will everyone laughing in my PM box over at a site you cannot join this evening.

Maybe it's that time? You know, to grab a hold of those PHP vulnerabilities you claimed you knew of so that you could muscle your way in to the "cunt is a world class tit victory party I'm throwing every hour on the hour over at Stomping toothless gum-lines dot com uninvited?

You know, rain on our fun a little bit? Cause some hysteria? A pantheon of exploits maybe? Anything that might lend some credence to this idea that you're anything but a hallucinating dick cheese breather with nothing but dreams & dicks in your hand?

I promise to be sleeping at the wheel when you try. Hell, maybe you can break your way in, pitch tent err couch and impress me into affording you a complimentary Habitat for Hobos bus pass back to what ever diseased hovel you lick urinals at for 30 cents an hour.

You're in way over your pay grade in terms of noteworthy accomplishments here mop muppet, and the fact that you may have been the Chief Sperm Harvesting Officer for 3 years  at some hopeless squalid of rampant beast rape 10 years ago isn't going to change that.

Three years hard at work, mopping goat excrement off the ceiling after the wild lemon parties and nobody is willing to pat you on your funny shaped head with a selfie stick. lmao.

Quote from: "PeeWee Hobo"Since I haven't bothered to flame you.

Is that going to be your permanent alibi for being such an unfunny rudimentary single trick pony who blasts these stinky borefests of dullard tripe whenever your pigtails are pulled too hard princess?

Not once, but twice in a row even, just to make sure that should there be any doubt you are the most horrendously obnoxious slow witted dullard to ever touch a key board we could all have this fact seared into our memories for a lifetime like the 21,988 bots that were programmed to play ring around the retard during your "3 year tenure". rotflamo.

I know you haven't flamed me.  1) because your plaid sundress is soaked to the hilt and 2) because these raging tirades of Niagara's narcolepsy which require some deviant version of an Aussie Penis Pump to produce don't contain enough gumption to light a cigarette.

But that's not by your own design, its because in your case God opted to use the cheap knock off, no name brand,  Indonesian brain tissue on all newborns in the Aussie outback birthed of date rape.

I find it "mildy amusing" of course, that a pair of dentures chattering around in an ash heap would busy themselves in post after post to make sure we know they haven't been flamed when in fact my personal message box has been ablaze with message after message informing me that they've never seen you get wrecked as badly as you are here is proof positive the whole community is laughing at your putrid ass right now. No, you have been "flamed" Sonned Cunt, given a surrogate uncle as well,  and the fact that the Human fucking Torch himself would opt to keep a safe distance from you right about now is a testament to that undeniable fact.

And fact that YOU don't think you're being flamed only speaks to your detachment from reality & the fact that you're so fucking developmentally delayed you require a kick stand fastened to your forehead just to stand upright.

Say hi to both your fathers for me, missy.

You are most certainly experiencing an episode of  delusional grandeur now my four legged friend because I went cow tipping on your delicate ego with my very first post and you've yet to regain full mastery of all 2 of your senses since my futile little tranny cock parading freakshow.

After party is at a forum you cant join and drinks are on me. lol
Quote from: "Guest"Stunted Cunt wrote : Not one but TWO text bombs of absolute garbage

Whoa! Cowboy Cunt!  Two toilet cloggers in a row?

My, Sum Conniption we have here.

Seems you tied the plastic bag around your face extra tight this entire weekend so that your brain could be properly deprived of oxygen before embarking on this clusterfuck of a highly dull & uninteresting no you campaign.


Bit of Trivia folks:

What do you get when snot dripping ignorant, first cousin, Aussie sheep rapists living in a trailer somewhere with highly contaminated drinking water decide to fuck without any discretion?


This Forrest Gump Cunt halfbreed man-goat of a world class capital bore and everything thing that comes with his ultra repetitive inflatable soundbites set to snooze control. That's what.

Posted not once, but twice in a fucking row just so that should he ever need confirmation from the mirror mirror on the wall as to who is the most unquestionably banal of them all his Shrek ears can delight in the sound of "you are you heathen degenerate cocksucker"

Fucking me skating on ice this is un-fucking-forgivable. It's like the moment a discussion becomes lively a bell goes off in an abandoned building somewhere, next to your couch, where you happen to be leeching free wireless and here you come springing out like something out of tales from the crypt to make positively certain we are all very much aware that it is YOU who is still the Prince of Fucking Tedium of the Isle of Narcolepsy.

It's as if one of us happens to say "net narcolepsy" three times in front of a mirror late at night there you'll be, no teeth, neglecting hygiene as always, perched behind us with your hands on our shoulders like creepy fucking Joe Biden ready to sniff the back of our earlobe.  You disgusting, obnoxious, freakshow.

Go fuck yourself into a low pulse stupor with low grade opiates littered with bathroom disinfectants & egg nog found in seedy ghettos for ruining this thread with your putrid and rigid commitment to being a repetitive fucking lemming of the highest order.

Quote from: "Forrest Gump Cunt"SQL injections
Quote from: "Forrest Gump Cunt"I don't operate a website and never did

I thought we went over this already you self fisting automaton? The object trolling & flaming alike is to entertain your audience while making your target look like a complete knuckleheaded boob in the process. Not make yourself look like a victim of cerebral palsy who has lengthy & frequent fits of hysterical conniption wherein you blast these insomnia busters through our monitor screens like it was your calling in life to turn anyone reading your turgid throat foam into a pillar of salt.

Lucky for me my family lineage cannot traced back to a community of Ostriches and my IQ is at least 50 points above anything you can attempt to pass off with a thesaurus and a roll of toilet paper.  So I know what you're going to say before your redundant hamster wheel of a brain produces it. Therefore I spare myself the discomfort of bleeding eye ball syndrome by leveraging the browsers find feature to quickly locate and cherry pick whatever it is I feel like nuking you with next as I continue to lead you around this thread like you had a leash fastened around your banana nose, junkie.

Fun fact. And I'm certain I speak for the majority of the competent readership here. The only thing entertaining about YOU is watching you go Sum Chernobyl every-time I kick that fucking shoe box you're sleeping in.

Fuck, boy, you're not doing well here at all if all you can come up with are rampant  tranny manifestos driven by personal experience and allegations of site rape that even if they were true would only serve to make me look like the alpha aggressor between us. And you the soggy little meerkat cowering in a corner with earmuffs on who is too terror stricken to do dick about it.

Obviously you've yet to consider that simple fact as you take these long dog walks down to the woodshed with an electric shock collar around your neck to get buggered silly  by some burly mustached tranny who thinks your name is Mary.

Yeah, cry some more about how we can count you out of joining sites no one wants you on to begin with because you have no where else to go after some bastard of an e-rapist who might despise intellectual potholes across internet decided your site would look far better as blank page rather than the shit scribble infant programmed unusable dogshit you paid V-bulletin to construct for you. lol.

As I've stated during your last two fits of hysterical delirium, I dont give the first fart who owned the site, why someone may have decided to install the your server is now guacamole theme or how many times you jerked off next to the power cord. El Oh El @ you believing your little community of mole crickets would come under assault by someone who would forget you bio-bumper cretins exist were it not for the fact that so many of your alts came crashing up against the SG windshield like kamikaze insects just to get a taste and report back to the other nobodies you consort with as to which window cleaner is in use at the moment.

That's your hitchhiking apparatus to bear. As far as I'm concerned it can easily be assumed you got high one night and decided to stuff your tiny cock down the power supply vent and blew the fucking thing to smithereens like an incompetent tosser who doesn't know the difference between a woman without a penis and a crack behind the urinal.

In any event, despite what the circumstance turns out to be, I'm just here to laugh at you, your gross incompetence and the fact that nobody wants a scabby e-peasant like you on their board because people become rather uncomfortable when junkies who loath toothpaste pick their sores in public view.

Got that now or shall I rope in someone familiar with the grunts and groans of your native abo sodomizing tongue?

Quote from: "Sum Chernobyl"that's exactly how Bawk Mall got started when two trolls got so fucked up by Ruthless1's jeering

What's with you sissyboy throwback relics and your need to drone on endlessly about happenings over a decade ago at a porn board which catered to 12 of society's most prolific castaways like this is the history which should be replaced in our text books and taught to young impressionable minds across the planet?

Nobody gives a fuck about some school girl "pantheon of exploits" you, toothless1 and CoonsDay pulled off online after you were done milking goat sperm for purposes of family sustenance in the back of your tree house where girls were not allowed to enter because they have vaginas and to you tranny loving man lust puppets, vaginas are evil and should be repelled with crosses and holy water.

And if your performance here is any indication as to your competency levels with respect to such "exploits" I'd wager that the only type of "exploit" you've ever managed to pull off with any measure of success was knocking out all of your teeth with a crowbar in hopes that you could "exploit" the fucking tooth-fairy out of pocket change to score dope.

You suck at this flaming shit. Always have and always got clowned for it too Couch Cunt. And you're even worse as a site operator. Neither is a strength obviously, so my advice to you would be to stick to something you're good at; like snorting lice out of Tranny crotch with your generous and disfigured big jew nose and leave building sites that spark interest in the capable hands of people who actually have the brainpower to be a success and something worthwhile in life.
Quote from: "cw_"
Quote from: "ThugLife". Dead server ....  :laugh3:

It's not dead.  It's resting and pining for the fjords.">

The content has certainly improved tho.

Silver lining and all that  :thumbup:
Quote from: "Fashionista"Are you a member of SG cw?

No, for some odd reason she prefers to remain in the tard camp with ego bruised window lickers like Cuntrag
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "cw_"
Quote from: "Compton's Most Wanted"I've never seen anyone get this worked up over not being allowed on a messageboard that they're constantly bad mouthing.


I have.    ac_toofunny

Must have been a bittersweet moment for you when Cunt wrecked FT then.

No more having read his tears to text tirades about how bad SG in the one hand. Dead server wrecked by sheer incompetence in the other  :laugh3:

If this person can't see SG, how are they able to comment on it?

a plethora of alternate nics that login late at night to do nothing but lurk

Yeah, the dedication is real  ac_toofunny
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Blurt"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Blurt"Seoul, should you drop in, it will surely end in tears for Scouse. Again.

People say I am a nerd, and I there is some truth in that accusation. I might bore the flamers to tears.

More often than not, flamers are quite adept at boring each other to tears well enough on their own. Exhibits A to Z on this very forum are a testament to this fact. They're a pretty thin-skinned bunch, too (uh, no offense to the Gods of Flaming).

I have noticed from their appearances on this board they have a high opinion of their own posts. If I do register there, I won't even try to compete with their "genius."

 Oh hush.

 We all know you are just jealous of all this iconic stuff they do and are.

 Who else can sell 8 coffee cups and prolifically ramble cuss words on shitcasts? I mean....its got 5 whole listeners ffs.


I find it particularly amusing when they ramble on endlessly about some "pantheon of exploits" they and other degenerative toothless hobos performed online back in the glory days of this "internet flaming" thing that no one else seems to grasp but them.

Those are always good for a nice cringe & chuckle moment
Quote from: "cw_"
Quote from: "Compton's Most Wanted"I've never seen anyone get this worked up over not being allowed on a messageboard that they're constantly bad mouthing.


I have.    ac_toofunny

Must have been a bittersweet moment for you when Cunt wrecked FT then.

No more having read his tears to text tirades about how bad SG in the one hand. Dead server wrecked by sheer incompetence in the other  :laugh3:
The Guest Nest / Re: Flynn!
January 19, 2020, 01:07:00 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"Flynn said this to you or one of the surplus quantities of carbon copy cretin who slither in and out of that sinkhole on any given day?

He says this to me all the time when he sees my posting..

He posts here, and of course it's the same.">

Might be the helmet is on too tight.

I'll have someone look into that
The Guest Nest / Re: Flynn!
January 19, 2020, 12:49:06 AM
Flynn said this to you or one of the surplus quantities of carbon copy cretin who slither in and out of that sinkhole on any given day?
The Guest Nest / Flynn!
January 19, 2020, 12:37:04 AM
We need to talk!

Enough of this nonsense!

You are soiling yourself with filth at that sorry excuse of a degenerate favela where ppl combine brainpower via speaker wire and count to three before attempting to collectively produce a thought consistent with a 4th grade level of intelligence.

Mama Flea is worried sick about you!

Let us put our differences aside and agree It is time for you to return home, dear. I shall fully reinstate your account upon registration. Things will be as they were. I promise.

You know you want to. Plus, we can laugh together behind Cunt's back like the rest of the board does under the safety of a registration wall that he cannot lick his way through.

You know you want to.  :6:
The Guest Nest / Re: Flynn is Bastard Factory property
January 18, 2020, 11:12:00 PM
Quote from: "Guest"How many fucking times do you need to "Denial of Service" a certain forum?

Oh please. This is Stunt Cunt we're talking about here. The only thing he's capable of executing a Denial of Service on with any measure of success is his own broken genitalia.

But I damn sure know toothpaste has been denying him service since birth given the fact that his teeth look like a fucking compass

Other than that, this was one class A cunting

Hey Clump, you're doing almost as awful here as you are in the thread where I'm fashioning your face into finger painted shit art. Up your fucking game as you're starting to look as helpless as a guppy in a shark tank

in other words. Do better you fucking spazz
Quote from: "Guest"you might be equating it to flaming, I or anyone else who actually knows what flaming is  simply views it as discussion and commentary.

If this isn't flaming why does your face suddenly look like 5 lbs of mushy camel-toe? You packing your crack-pipe with gunpowder again or is this some lame attempt at constructing an escape hatch so that when you return to your hovel which cannot afford proper pest control services you have a good excuse for  having your face steamrolled into a sad face waffle emoji? You weren't flaming, you weren't trying or the  golf ball got stuck in your pencil neck again. that's the story you're running with. That about right Count smackula?

Nice try, But no cigar with which to allow your gums to cuddle up with you self owning she gimp. The fact  that you're here daily coughing up these flaccid nerf novels which should be captured, patented and marketed as computer delivered sedatives speaks volumes as to what you originally intended our exchange to be. But sadly, somewhere along the way your decided to lather up your asshole with engine grease just  to see if fashioning yourself into a cheerio that roles around aimlessly in a pool of your own spit would  make me leave you alone.

Perhaps I will, if you keep boring me half to death here with these hysterical rantings of v-bulletin voodoo haunting flametruth.carcass for reasons only a dipshit like you could imagine. If I were you i'd seriously consider pumping the breaks on that Flintstones beetle because the more you beat this path the more you're making Alpha Nova and his dry board of obnoxious failure look a need for speed franchise by comparison.

You're not flaming. Well duh, any of us could have sorted that one out without the gratuitous announcement. It's pretty obvious you're just breathing heavy at an LG android lifted out of Walmart as you sit on a couch in a crack-house leeching wireless off the neighbors router.

yeah, You're not trying to flame like failtruth wasn't in dire need of interesting content before  "this server is temporarily unavailable" became the the most entertaining thing ever written there. But of course I'm not surprised that some desperate online fungi such as yourself will say something like that to avoid accepting the truth that you just had your precious e-rep trampled upon like chewed bubblegum and  served back to you flame-broiled.

It happens though, Wonder wanker. No matter when your little legion of  airborne monkeys happen to whisper into those cauliflower bulbs when you finally lumber on back to udontneedteeth2hangoutwithus dot com. so Wipe the man muck off  your chin, get a hold of your runaway composure and remind yourself that there's still time in your sordid life to become the woman you always wanted to be.

Quote from: "Guest"if he marshals enough meatheads to his banner that everyone will unquestioningly accept  his highly skewed and warped redefining of the game

You feeling a little ""couched"" There princess? Whenever you observe independent thinkers gasping & laughing each time they gaze upon brawl stall's favorite son getting impaled to a lamppost with your pants around your ankles to the audio of you hollering "Turn those machines back on" like Mortimer from trading places?

That's a matter you're going to have to sob in their ear about not mine you self loathing helmet heater.

Quote from: "Guest"it's why all of your so-called "flame sites" suck golf balls through garden hoses.

Yeah, its a real travesty of justice this isn't brawl stallz where you can earn frequent fellatio miles and other assortments of browneye points from equally dejected loathsome e-peasants for being the most prolific dick wanker whenever questionable porn involving trannys & furry animals is posted up eh you mutant gremlin?

Quote from: "Guest"don't consider anything  I have provided here "flaming".

At last, a moment of clarity and somewhat of a firm grip on the fact that you've done nothing but lay down carpets of self depreciating cretinism for weeks now hoping helplessly that someone will purchase one of your past dated news papers autographed with copious amounts of snot, tears and whatever other ungodly juices  are mixing in with your vaginal fluids today.

SQL injection? No little lady, it is quite obvious you wouldn't know the difference between an SQL injection attack and the STD injection attack that is currently assaulting your asshole with vigor right now.

Quote from: "Guest"entertaining ideas of destroying entire websites

I hope you know that your futile dedication to beating this dead horse isn't going to make the one who raped your mother in a barnyard notice you.

Nor is it going to make you look like anything but a Histrionic e-hoe who just had his tiny balls shaved off with a cheese grater.

Because, quite frankly, if it was anything but your gross ineptitude that  destroyed flame tunafish dot com you sure been splendidly impotent in doing anything besides river-dancing in a pool of your own piss about it.

Quote from: "Guest"still know as sum cun`T many years after I ceased using it as a handle.

you're still known as sum cant after all these years? On the internet? Well shit you harpy hobo, why  haven't you alerted the media? I'm sure once mankind gains access to news of this magnitude world peace  wont be far behind.  

How about getting a grip on reality for a change you delusional half-witted pigeon molester. Nobody cares  who you were, are or will be because to us you're nothing but section 8 housing for hepatitis C, a prolific  junkie & you sleep in a polyester zip-lock bag on someone's couch.

Plus you're plagued with a variety of  mental disorders

Quote from: "Guest"lame and easily riled beyond description.

Is this the part where you declare you've trolled me because I took a few minutes of my life to prop open  your tooth free cock gobbler for use as my personal toilet?

What is with you unfathomably lame degenerates from yesteryear framing these fantasies of distorted delusion where you try to make the case in vain that it is actually the knuckles who are the assault victims whenever someone decides to punch your raccoon eyes deep into the back of your head for shits and giggles?

Quote from: "Guest"Trying to pin incompetence on me as well now, eh?

Is it sinful that I laugh anytime someone with your unique history uses the word "pin" in a sentence?

Someone with a background in theology please chime in at your earliest convenience.

No, No, no need for me to "pin" anything on you. Inbreeding, surplus quantities of donkey DNA & decades  of littering your arms with Morse code tattoos have done a fine job at that already, junkie.  I'm just here to point and laugh at the clusterfuck of bio-logical errors your mom shat out into the  world next to a dumpster because the coat hanger couldn't penetrate your block head, anemic lurch.

Quote from: "Guest"off to some other, less trafficked forum.

Like FlameToothlessness dot com perhaps? Oh wait, cant do that because sum incompetent jerkoff couldn't figure out how to work a simple C-panel and ended up fucking his own website into oblivion while trying  to protect it from big bad wolves who seek to feast on cardboard websites that are absolutely worthless.

Guess I'll just look elsewhere should I feel inclined to see what an electronic version of a tumbleweed  floating by in a dust bowl looks like online.

Quote from: "Guest"I'm perfectly capable of measuring my worth

In centimeters no doubt, but I'd prefer you didn't harbor the need to explain yourself to me.

Quote from: "Guest"hate my guts with all the passion of a jilted ex-lover

Hate your guts? You must have banged your pregnant forehead on the toilet whilst chasing your falling  tooth around the bathroom again.

I barely even noticed your paltry existence until you decided to perch on a milk crate like some panicked fairy nonce with an ax to grind because your disability check was stalled and you think it's my fault  your site died of sheer boredom. Take a fucking bath ditch that canal # 5 toilet water you spray on in  lieu of soap and water and maybe someone will let you be their friend for a change.  

You've always maintained a consistent level of tardism as far as I'm concerned and your posts merely served as speed bumps to threads packed with lively content. That's your legacy. And to date the best online persona you've managed to invent was the one where you spoiler tagged your posts in an episode of gratuitous kindness so that the rest of us wouldn't have to wear down our scroll-wheel speeding past your episodes of milky bio-hazardous flotsam. You should really consider getting back to  that era. Far better content than the dog-shit you're producing here.

Now, should we ever design a role requiring someone to play The Grinch That Stole interest you'll  certainly find yourself on the short list of capable participants. But until then, persons such as myself will continue to stroll past any bladder splatter you dutifully produce on a street corner the way one would stroll past some mentally stricken bum soliciting pocket change in front of a trash bin. But that has nothing to do with hate nor is it because you are some revered flame legend, but rather because you reek of dry urine and your breath smells like small animals die in your throat daily.

Toothbrush or will your naked gum-line just look at me funny?
Quote from: "Pest"Strapons

Quote from: "Pest"Tranny

Quote from: "Pest"cock

Quote from: "Pest"cock

4 quick examples of your ""flaming"" prowess lifted out of the last 3 oceans of man lust you authored each time your bowel movements decided to take a wrong turn and wind up splattered all over your keyboard.

Seems you're looking to share with us the fact that comfort food has been rooted deep in your  mind ever since being dumped on MSN for looking like a self immolated version of Meep Meep.

Is this is what you and the other basket apes who bounce around like corn kernels in a microwave at the thought of giving each other gratuitous reach-rounds call flaming? if that's the best you have to offer then I can see why you and the other equally impotent involuntary celibates would design to believe you're in a class all by yourself. But that has more to do with you being the social equivalent of a termite rather than any skills you think you may posses.

Quote from: "Pest"icon

"Icon". online? lol.

No, Sperm Cup, despite the word "icon" and idiot both leveraging the vowel "o" and beginning with letter "I" they most certainly do not have the same meaning. This is the God's honest truth my dirty little driftwood squatter with filthy suspenders on. A hard fact despite whatever it is the nursing assistants may be telling you to keep you calm as you shuffle your way to the community computer at rec time.

Quote from: "Pest"honk honk tranny girl honk honk

Why you'd think we'd be interested in the mating call of choice you use to garner the affections of pre operational ladyboys whenever you stroll  through tranny town looking for your next prostate fix  is anyone's guess.

Confusion I'm guessing. Considering your composure has been contorted into a pretzel for the two months since you ruined cw's website with your grave incompetence.

Other than the "mildly amussing" mental imagery of you perched on your peewee hermen "big" wheels clutching the bicycle horn in one hand, disability check in the other,  I'd say this revelation is just a total fail.

But to each is own I guess

Meep Meep You 90lb radiation burn victim Meep Meep

Quote from: "Pest"before anyone could be bothered to restore a backup.

Seems you didn't have one handy though which speaks to your intimate familiarity with frustration and fail. Sucks to be you. For a variety of reasons. One of those reasons being a family lineage littered with Ostrich DNA. But take comfort , Sum Failure, knowing that your disastrous tenure as a server admin ranks a far and distant 234,456,980 to your failures as a human being.  Meaning, you have bigger fish to fry and considering how heated you are at the moment over your own clandestine fuck up  I'd wager now is the time to put them on that birdcage chest you're trying to stick out with no success.

Just saying

Quote from: "Pest"Couched.

lol.. yeah you are. permanently it seems

Quote from: "Pest"Committed to the cause.

Here's a cause you may want commit yourself too instead of trying to run websites that make your look like a total  asshole for failing so marvelously. Start by brushing those two green teeth in your mouth that look like pine trees growing out of a cyst. So that should you ever manage to capture the attention of a female who is not being stalked by the ASPCA you don't assault her senses in surround smell with your deadly halitosis.

Just a thought, Sum Cuck.

Quote from: "Pest"A matter of a minute or two to locate the offending profiles, flipping a few permissions... and forcing the lowly tech monkey to revert back to more weeks of trying to assert his dominance over a piece of software he apparently doesn't know enough about to attain mastery over..

Don't know if anyone besides the ladyboy braiding your nose hairs now is going to get that part given the rolling and thunderous fits of epilepsy you're having here, but whatever, it's worth a shot I guess.

It's not like anyone, including you, can make you look like more of complete spastic degenerate low life that deserved to be shunned than two first cousins agreeing to pitch tent less than a mile from Chernobyl to start their family. Do give mum and dad my regards, will you?

Rum and asbestos on the rocks or just the usual lead paint smoothie?

But seriously here, Sum Cant, one is left to wonder if you truly aren't the incompetent digital cuckold I say you are, why, after failing miserably to apply an unsupported plugin to your hovel of online leprosy you didn't simply recover in "a minute or two"?

Or is this reference to a "minute or two" just a  Freudian slip which is actually a reference to how long it takes for you to bust some cheese curd into your panties whenever that ladyboy is violently beating your prostate like a speed bag?

Quote from: "Pest"No Jersey Gurl, I play to my strengths,..

That strength being a deep familiarity with what Evil Blood's testicles happen to smell like on any given day I'm sure. Considering whenever you bend on both knees to have your throat plunged like a toilet you'd prop your nostrils open with toothpicks just so you wouldn't miss a single pleasure during the experience.

Does he ever bother to call the next day?

Just "mildly" curious is all

Quote from: "Pest" Me? I get the dubious distinction of being remembered both for my rhetoric and an entire pantheon of exploits,

Yeah. Reminisce lovingly back to your halcyon days at Ballz Hallz where ladyboy handmaidens happy to handcuff you to a shower-head & chase a gerbil halfway into your small intestine were never in short supply. They were the best of times they were the worst of times, Eh Sloppy Crackvictim?

I'm sure someone, somewhere, online, will be impressed. Don't know how far this type of currency will get you at the local smack house tho but it couldn't hurt to try.

Meep Meep Dr Tooth Decay Meep Meep
Quote from: "Guest"
You mean like the ones you claim you didn't launch?


I guess if I really wanted to learn, I could do a lot worse than hand about some of the forums you claim to. You know, learn about those... how did you put it again? "Carefully crafted scripts" or however you phrased it here a couple of months back?

Pretty sure with my abilities to concentrate on extended logical argument that I could actually get it right too. AND in less than two weeks of sustained effort. Narf.

What's this you've pulled up our of your sand stuffed mangina? Exhibit z straight out of the big book of butt hurt?


A screen shot clearly demonstrating the launching of what has now become a troll enshrined in comedy gold thanks to your inability to distinguish reality from the bits and bytes you see on your computer screen, shut-in. Was this supposed to have some dramatic effect? Perhaps you should have included some eerie background music with Vincent Price leading the charge?  

Was I supposed to yell "html edit" since you carefully cropped out the url address bar?

I won't. Mostly because it Looks like something I would have authored.

Quick, print out this post of me admitting to authoring it and ferry it on down to your local authorities so the police have something to make paper airplanes with.

This is hysterical, Thank you. And had I known a casual reference like this would cause your cheap toupee to go into full stunned porcupine mode I might have also disclosed that a legion of flying monkeys were en-route to whatever couch you were slumming on at the time with instructions to burn it down to the ground. I have to wonder and chuckle to myself. Had I gone that route Lord only knows how much pain and pregnancy pangs you would have endured as an inflamed prostate the size of a basketball came rolling out of your asshole along with copious amounts of raw sewage, vinegar & and at least a thousand strands of unique DNA representing every broke back trucker that fucked you sideways in a bathroom stall for prepaid internet access so you could get online and post.  

Guess I'll just have to settle knowing that since I authored that post you've been glued to your computer chair, bucket underneath, with your eyelids duct tapped to the ceiling waiting for an onslaught of attacks I forgot to launch because socially stunted cretins like you disappear from my mind as soon as that browser window closes.

And despite all that, Spreading yourself out full dessert eagle across your monitor screen determined to make all the bad internet people go away your site still unloaded a years worth of dogshit dead center on your furry fucking uni-brow the minute you attempted to install an unsupported plugin without first making a proper backup.

Do you know why that is, Doofus The Sofa Slayer? Because despite you tepid attempts to convince otherwise you don't know jack dick about how these systems work. And despite what you may have tried to propagate to the community of insular tards at Bra Hall before my arrival you are incapable of hacking anything besides generous amounts of lung tissue during a spitting contest at whatever professional burpers convention you attend monthly somewhere deep underground because normal people shun you.

Sorry about your website. lol