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Messages - Biggie Smiles

The Guest Nest / Re: Dum Sum Hex
January 15, 2020, 08:33:27 PM
Wait.   The narcolepsy falls tear fest is going on in this thread too?  ac_toofunny
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
Quote from: "Sump Pump"Ten thousand words to inform you my asshole is in pain again

Yeesh! Good grief. The anguish sure is real in this avalanche of butt-hurt and distress.

Maybe stop shoving mop handles up your bum and your butthurt will ease to the usual dull ache engendered by your anal warts, eh Jersey Gurl?

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"You need a moment? A blanket? A thumb with a pee hole tattooed to the tip?

Nah, I'm good. If I weren't then I might be wound up enough to do something about it. Something illegal perhaps. Like destroying someone elses site. I understand that's the usual panacea for people whose whoremoans get the better of them.

But I'm sure you can confirm this through personal first hand experience. When you get around to growing a spine, that is.

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"Did anyone bother reading all that?

I did. It was exceptionally well written and a true and accurate comprehensive cunting of you and yours. You can take me word on that, it will save you the embarrassment of having to look half the words up in the dictionary.

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"You are in dire need of a hobby my friend

I have it. It's posting where people like you can see it and watching you move heaven and earth to see how far you might extend your sphere of influence to prevent me from continuing. While with my other hand I am solving sudokus, cryptic crossword puzzles and photoshopping hitler staches on to your female donors and bigger moobs on to your bath house selfies. #multitalented.

Quote from: "Jersey Gurl"
Here's a thought tho. Maybe you should have someone program your tear to text translator to include chapters and verses in these coma inducing mucus bombs?

Nah, I don't think so. It amuses me no end to know I can deliver eulogies that have you and yours rushing out to complain for months on end how it's all too hard for your pathetically meagre intellects to deal with. I'm even thinking I might take Martini up on his offer of a series of podcast interviews since he is clearly the most accomplished of podcasters, what with his amazing audience reach into the gaming community. I'm sure his listeners would love to hear just how hopeless you all are and I know they will be roaring with laughter as they sing along to any songflames I might choose to guest deejay on his podcast.

I was thinking I might ask permission to use some of your amateur efforts in podcasting for a few live crosses. Then I remembered how boringly longwinded you were and how you, an alleged techie, were too cash strapped and incompetent to afford even a basic microphone setup. What were you recording those through again? A crusted over wankmop?

Oh dear, you must have lost your way en route to the Make Aspergers Great Again rally. Bad batch of smack this time or just the normal myriad of mental disorders that have plagued you since the coat hanger took a left turn and stabbed your mom in the prostate instead?

Word has it that somewhere deep in that dust bowl you just coughed up is some kind of declaration that you are capable of delivering eulogies. Online in fact.

Cool. Do they come with a pan pizza and a free bottle of sprite?

I'll take mine with extra cheese and pepperoni. Chop chop & don't be giving me no funny stories about your bus pass being revoked for violating your restraining order again neither, Humpty Junkie.

And maybe when you're done with that you can get back to blowing diarrhea bubbles on subjects you know nothing about. Like SQL injection attacks. Which is a rather funny subject to see your false teeth chattering on about since the only type of S Q L injection attack a gratuitous courtesy couch fixture such as yourself would be "deeply" familiar with is the type that reads Strap-on Queer Love attack. And by "attack" I'm sure we're talking about a bit more than just some innocent towel snapping manplay in the sauna. Eh Slum Bum? Especially when it's Evil Blood who happens to be floating around in your minds eye.

Seems you like to pretend about a lot of things. One such example being a normal, well grounded adult who is gainfully employed and married to a female unburdened with a leash & Styrofoam helmet requirement. That's all cute and whatnot but on this particular subject you really have no room to wiggle your limp noodle dick around like you know something because, quite frankly, you're in way over your golf-ball sized head. So the more you try to speak to it the sillier you look. And believe me, God has spared no expense making you look silly enough as it is, so I'm beginning to wonder if you take this self-immolation routine any further will you spontaneously dissipate into a cloud of  hot air like a fart on windy day?


I mean, you're gonna have to reconcile all these split personalities at some point you spastic basket case. Either I'm some rogue hacker responsible for 404ing that little byte driven mausoleum showcasing your electronically delivered sleep-aids  or I push a mop in some data center out in Jersey. Can't realistically be both without making you look like a completely clueless & confused fuckwit who snorts bath salts with blow horn. And if you truly believe otherwise I'd advise you to place the shotgun firmly at the base of your turkey neck and pull the trigger so that the medical examiners can marvel at whatever effects a brain riddled with dementia might have on your led paint walls.

And of course, there is this nagging matter of;  if I have indeed done something ""illegal"" why you've opted not to put on those prosthetic testicles you favor when the sock just smells too fucking rancid to stuff down your manpanties and alert the authorities? Or, is whining on an internet forum 12 people read the best recourse one has when their own next to none-existent site has gone belly up due to hacking activity?

Hmmmmmm, let me see if I can predict the pathetically predictable. ""It's ceedubs site not mine"" lol... yah!
The Guest Nest / Re: Flea
January 14, 2020, 07:20:00 PM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "iron horse jockey"
Quote from: "seoulbro"
Quote from: "Compton's Most Wanted"
Quote from: "seoulbro"I don't know about joining a flame forum. You know, what with me being a nerd and all.

SG has it all. Flame forum, politics, chit chat, shoutbox...we even have a landfill for shit posting. Try it can always choose not to come back if it's not for you.

Fash, Shen Li, and Herman sure like it. I don't know. I don't handle being trolled very well.

They like it there do they. ac_umm

Oh yes, it's a fun, interesting forum.

Plus we make fun of long winded bio-hazards behind their backs while they're busy painting the windows with their tongue.

it's an all around riot  :roll:
The Guest Nest / Re: Murdock
January 14, 2020, 05:32:14 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"I've never heard of Farmer..

Does he use any other handles?


Ah yeah... unemployedUrinal

whatever happened to that guy?
Quote from: "Sump Pump"Ten thousand words to inform you my asshole is in pain again

Yeesh! Good grief. The anguish sure is real in this avalanche of butt-hurt and distress.

You need a moment? A blanket? A thumb with a pee hole tattooed to the tip?

Did anyone bother reading all that?

I sure didn't.

You are in dire need of a hobby my friend if you seriously think anyone is going to wade through those great lakes of squishy diarrhea just to come to the foregone conclusion that your smack is being cut with bath salts again.

Nope. Not bored enough. Even if I were stuck in a 6 by 9 doing double life without parole. For SQl injecting electronic cemeteries of course.  ac_toofunny

Here's a thought tho. Maybe you should have someone program your tear to text translator to include chapters and verses in these coma inducing mucus bombs? So that on the off chance you say something interesting 200 paragraphs down  someone with the will to wade through your 800 lbs of brain flatulence can point me to it?

The Guest Nest / Re: Flea
January 14, 2020, 02:25:12 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Mel"Probably the only successful way to ever make that happen with any possibility of success would be to run one forum under one domain, but have different subs for each Admin, since I can guarantee that certain forum operators will want to keep their way of doing things.

Of course, the problem will also arise as to who would have access to the server, since that person could wipe out all boards with a couple of mouse clicks.

That can all be created with relative ease

Than let's make that our new years resolution..

I get along with Murdy and flea....I can work with both of them if they can work with each other.

Yeah, well count me out.

....... that uncomfortable  silence when the person who was never invited to begin with because they smell funny declares they arent going to the party

I think the community will scratch by without all two of your regular posters, Slow Cunt


Thuglife, let's make this happen this year..

I sent a pm to Murdock.

You don't think we should perhaps wait until Cunt makes it over his "thuggy ruined my life with SQL injection attacks" hysteria?

Do you think we'll succeed? All three forums without the fast pace, action packed posting styles of his three active posters at Flame Bloopers? And let's not forget, without his commitment to our humble little community where will we get up to the minute details on what Evil Blood's flatulence happens to smell like at any given time by a guy so dedicated to the craft he keeps his nostrils propped open with toothpicks 24/7 as he sleeps on the couch just to be sure.

I think we'll manage.

lmao..... totally dismissed someone and their delusions of grandeur with grace and elegance

You can almost see the asbestos blowing out of his dumbo ears and nostrils now.  :laugh3:
All three current owners would need equal co admin authority

Id handle the server. And launch my sql injection attacks against dead sites from there

Lol... sorry....couldn't resist  ac_toofunny
The Guest Nest / Re: Flea
January 14, 2020, 02:04:03 AM
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Mel"Probably the only successful way to ever make that happen with any possibility of success would be to run one forum under one domain, but have different subs for each Admin, since I can guarantee that certain forum operators will want to keep their way of doing things.

Of course, the problem will also arise as to who would have access to the server, since that person could wipe out all boards with a couple of mouse clicks.

That can all be created with relative ease

Than let's make that our new years resolution..

I get along with Murdy and flea....I can work with both of them if they can work with each other.

Yeah, well count me out.

....... that uncomfortable  silence when the person who was never invited to begin with because they smell funny declares they arent going to the party

I think the community will scratch by without all two of your regular posters, Slow Cunt


Thuglife, let's make this happen this year..

I sent a pm to Murdock.

You don't think we should perhaps wait until Cunt makes it over his "thuggy ruined my life with SQL injection attacks" hysteria?

Do you think we'll succeed? All three forums without the fast pace, action packed posting styles of his three active posters at Flame Bloopers? And let's not forget, without his commitment to our humble little community where will we get up to the minute details on what Evil Blood's flatulence happens to smell like at any given time by a guy so dedicated to the craft he keeps his nostrils propped open with toothpicks 24/7 as he sleeps on the couch just to be sure.
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "The Iron Chink"Murdock's accepts no responsibility for her forum's failure. It's everybody else's fault that nobody wants to post there. :crazy:


She is the worst thing to happen to her own forum.  She's vapid and boring to anyone that doesn't want to see her floppy tits and dragging ass.

I'll bet there will be more than a few clamouring to be let into Martini's new forum if these three merge!

Why do you say that?

Observation. You might get along well with both forum owners, it is a mistake to think that everyone does. I count at least five currently active posters off the top of my head who would prefer a Martini run forum to the triumvirate you are proposing and if those five split for that particular pasture, others will be dividing their time between your proposed superforum, Martini's New Peoples Forum and most likely, keeping a close eye on Ceedub's forums when they go back live this year.

Short answer, you can amalgamate these forums, it will not have the desired result you are seeking. I surely will not be joining any forum that has proven to be a haven for hackers.

Who are these five people?

Is it because of myself, Murdy, Erica or Biggie they won't join us?

I think Sum Crybaby is referring to me when he wails at the moon with all this ""hacker"" stuff.

Comedy gold tbh.  

Somebody must have his meds mixed up again. Because On the one side of his bi-polar disorder i push a broom for a living and on the other i launch sophisticated SQL injection attacks against shit websites that no one gives a fuck about because  his posts are as dead and dreadful as his breath.

I guess when you've lived on someones couch for the past 15 years you simply remain blissfully unaware of the earning potential in todays job market a person which such skills can command

Look out for the teary eyed bore bomb that i wont bother reading in 10-9-8.........
The Guest Nest / Re: Flea
January 14, 2020, 01:41:40 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Mel"Probably the only successful way to ever make that happen with any possibility of success would be to run one forum under one domain, but have different subs for each Admin, since I can guarantee that certain forum operators will want to keep their way of doing things.

Of course, the problem will also arise as to who would have access to the server, since that person could wipe out all boards with a couple of mouse clicks.

That can all be created with relative ease

Than let's make that our new years resolution..

I get along with Murdy and flea....I can work with both of them if they can work with each other.

Yeah, well count me out.

....... that uncomfortable  silence when the person who was never invited to begin with because they smell funny declares they arent going to the party

I think the community will scratch by without all two of your regular posters, Slow Cunt

The Guest Nest / Re: Flea
January 14, 2020, 01:04:49 AM
Quote from: "Mel"Probably the only successful way to ever make that happen with any possibility of success would be to run one forum under one domain, but have different subs for each Admin, since I can guarantee that certain forum operators will want to keep their way of doing things.

Of course, the problem will also arise as to who would have access to the server, since that person could wipe out all boards with a couple of mouse clicks.

That can all be created with relative ease
The Guest Nest / Re: Flea
January 14, 2020, 12:20:10 AM
Quote from: "Shen Li"
Quote from: "Captain Obvious"
Quote from: "Guest"I'm not going to allow the shit that Mar~Teeny~Weenie did to Dove to happen on my forum.... we aren't about the toxic flame drama on MMP.

MMP was created with SG in mind.  When our originating site Trollvalhalla was in the golden era (when the shitz & gigglez were rampant), DaOutskirtz forum was also up and running.  You had a place to chill (DO) and a place to fight (TV).  This was all discussed before MMP was created btw.  

Flea wants me 86'ed online because she can't handle fighting me on a flame site.  SG is the first flame site I've ever been a member at and she banned/deleted/thread locked for ZERO TOS violations on my


I keep bringing trolls who were well known to this game back at MMP, not driving people offline.. what has SG resulted in besides headaches for the members of the forum community?  It's fun, but at a cost to someone is my point...

Your forum is dead because no one wants to stay there to kiss your enormous bum.

I've seen pics of Murdock, but you couldn't tell she is fat. However, a few people posted on SG that she's a whale. In all fairness, people that don't like me, call me a wide load too. I'm not , by the way. I take it all with a pinch of salt. :crazy:

Murdy aint fat. The meat is in all the right places

I think i can speak more authoritively  on the matter than most
The Guest Nest / Re: Flea
January 14, 2020, 12:17:31 AM
Quote from: "Herman"
Quote from: "Shen Li"How do you do it? How do you create such a successful forum that we ALL like posting at. Lots of laughs and lively discussions. Perhaps you could offer some motherly advice to poor Murdy. Her forum is on death's doorstep and really needs your expertise.

I like both of those gals. And those cougars are both hot too. Old flea is more of the manager type, which is why she does so well as an admin. Old Murdy would be better as a mod leading the flaming and discussion charge. If they joined forces, man would that be one hell of a forum.

Ive always felt that if all three of these boards combined it would be awesome for the community

But it doesnt look like that will ever happen
Quote from: "Guest"That's why I retained the respect I never courted from the leaders of the game you missed

while you're busily scrabbling about the sludge getting your kudos from manpurse swinging heebs

It's Saturday morning you gruesome looking descendant of incest and  goat rape. Shouldn't you be chained to a wall somewhere deep underground having your variety of mental disorders treated with baseball bats? Instead of boring us with some days of glroyhole magnificence at a now defunct public urinal no one cares about?

Newsflash you extra ugly raccoon eyed clown, Brawl stall died long ago and with it any delusions of relevancy degenerate couch perching vagrants such as yourself may have harbored while soaping each other up at your community toilet water Jacuzzi

Quote from: "Guest"bitches nobody can be bothered getting it up to fuck

Spoken like someone with more than just a casual familiarity when it comes effects of Erectile Dysfunction. That's funny, especially considering any woman of flesh and blood is a step up from the mail order battery operated blonde you've been humping since you found her face down slumped over a dumpster.

Quote from: "Guest"The truth of the matter is

The truth of the matter is you're an ugly smacked out junkie who believes there's a heroism in heroin  & your high-school yearbook pic still reads "most likely to spread HIV"

That and the fact that your face looks like a drakes coffee cake.

Quote from: "Guest"Jersey Gurl

"Jersey Gurl" that's cute. Did you make that up yourself?

Lets see if I can be just as unfathomably unfunny. How about Ottawa Ostrich or hyper hobo? Now get back on your couch before someone walks off with your sleeping bag. Junkie.

Quote from: "Guest"the most part only have women dumping your ass in disgust once the Tim Currie corset came


Now that's just hysterical coming from YOU of all people. Considering your face looks like a car accident and your teeth appear to be brushed with a cheese grader and flossed with barbed wire.

Ugliness at your level maturity is the reason pepper spray was invented to begin with. And it creepers like you that smell like hot garbage are known to cause vaginas to spontaneously sew themselves shut on contact.  

Quote from: "Guest"Evil Blood was right to dismiss you

Your daddy was busy doing what while you were in the stroller getting your face mauled by the family dog?
The Guest Nest / Re: KEVIN!
January 09, 2020, 05:08:17 PM
Oh hey weeps. My condolences to your testicles

By the way, Slum Cunt was around this way just the other day looking for you