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Messages - Biggie Smiles

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Plump Cunt"
I'm BIG BIG mad now  acc_angry

whoa, someone had better reinforce the floor boards. The mighty mongrel is swelling up into a 2020 rendition of the Kool-aid man.

Relax tapeworm, I'm only trying to help you when I say that announcing to the world you've enjoyed vacuuming another man's prostate with a Slurpee straw and a sparkle in your eye is never a good look.

Not that you could look good either way away cause from what i hear the inside of your mouth looks like a Baltimore crack strip and both your arms and legs resemble a medical encyclopedia written in Morse code. One wonders if you have the exact coordinates for every crack house this side of the western hemisphere written there?

Fucking Yelp of Junkytown.

Siri -- what's the pack & purity of street Heroin on Martin Luther King Blvd, Baltimore MD?

I dunno, ask Scum Cunt.

Serious question tho: When you walk past the dope house these days (assuming your ever make it to the other side) do your limbs start to whistle Amy Winehouse tunes in a full symphony? Good lord I'd hate to see what happens to a pin cushion like you should you run a full mile and start to sweat. Someone might come along and stake you into their lawn head first and forget about you.

Joo --- buckle up kiddo, cuntcakes is slamming the pretty girls into lockers for eyeing his man-crush again.
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "theActuary"Thanks for "sperge" btw   :laugh3:">//

Don't thank me, sperg is totally different from sperge.

Quote from: "ThugLife"
So you've stopped sperging out on this thread?

Quote from: "ThugLife"This nigga be all up in EB's ass crack like he trying to deep throat his spinal cord or some shit.

That's just crazy groupie love right there. Bunny boiling infatuation over some dude who used to frequent porn board with a flaming sub.

Talk about aiming low in life.

Homie, when he farts do you fill up with inspiration like God just added 5 years to your life or something?

Ahhh, only taking a break were you? That figures, probably needed a breather so you could go sperg out at Sperging Groundz a bit more. I heard a rumour you were wailing your tits off about me over there.

What was that about "aiming low in life" ya broom-pushing Jersey Gurl?  ac_biggrin

The only broom being pushed is the one turning your prostate into a shish kebab, pearl clutcher. And that's by your own doing so I'm inclined to believe you're enjoying it.

Didn't take much it seems to make those fatal attraction vibes bubble up from somewhere in your dirty boxers to the point where you felt the necessity to run up and down the board chucking your stilettos at any hoe daring to side eye your man. You still got that pink wife beater that reads "don't stare cause I don't share" with a picture of Blood's face on it?

Fucking tool... carpet bombing your underoos in violet passion because someone mentioned that this Ghost of Christmas past is cute.  ac_toofunny

No really, let that concept sink in for a moment

Homeboy let me assure you, and i think i speak for everyone unburdened with a heritage of rodent DNA, that whenever EB takes a dump you still have the same exclusive dining rights now that you've enjoyed over the last 12 years

No really cuntcakes watching you go all Hezbollah over the internet because a female is looking at picture of your personal Adonis is hysterical.

The Guest Nest / Re: King Martini
January 07, 2020, 04:30:22 AM
I'm fucking dying here  :roll:
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Peaches"I hope someone has alerted the media.   :001_rolleyes:

Is it true your face would suction to a table if you tried to snort cocaine?

How does it feel having a face that can be ring tossed?

Fuck that was funny  ac_toofunny
This nigga be all up in EB's ass crack like he trying to deep throat his spinal cord or some shit.

That's just crazy groupie love right there. Bunny boiling infatuation over some dude who used to frequent porn board with a flaming sub.

Talk about aiming low in life.

Homie, when he farts do you fill up with inspiration like God just added 5 years to your life or something?
The Guest Nest / Re: EYE CANDY
January 06, 2020, 02:27:10 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "ThugLife"lol... I must have struck a nerve
Right, you must have done, sure. That explains why you're wandering off on confused tangents instead of going for the jugular (or heaven forbid, the funnybone... if you even knew where to find it). Way to prove yourself the second stringer EB knew you to be ten years ago, chump. It must totally suck to hear your purse singing the praises of a guy who barely gave you the time of day.

I still remember the look of disgust on his face when he got up from the PC and announced he was done with Flametown, and why. Your game was empty, without merit and without anything to distinguish itself from the rest of the rabble YoKo had seen fit to draft in from the favellas he frequented. Something which, with him out of the picture, became increasingly apparent as you and yours presided over the withering death of a site your best efforts couldn't breathe any traffic attracting life into.

Kinda like Sperging Groundz now in fact. When you're forced to go begging at other sites, even to the people you set up your site to keep out in the first place, just so you can make up the numbers for a PYP which (heh) was still un-launched the last time I bothered to check... when you're reduced to using your panel as a latter day Space Invader machine to the point your own purse comes here begging for members to return and not even shitposting at lesbian bodybuilder sites can troll you in a couple of beta cucks to fatten out your postcount... when you have to set up multiple sites and divide your time between them because the few faithful you've managed to wheedle to your side cannot stand to be around each other...

Come to think of it, you're pretty much up shit creek without a paddle. All this power at your fingertips, but it's not translating into anything tangibly above the social equivalent of a mad woman's breakfast. Probably why you've got so much free time to present yourself at forums not your own for the purposes of having your gums backhanded six inches past the back of your neck, I shouldn't wonder.

Quote from: "ThugLife"You still hitchhiking to meet women you meet on internet forums?

I never started. I don't know about you, but I enjoy the luxury of being able to work my way across the US. A nicght of sound tech work here, a couple of days graft as a roadie there... more than amply rewarded in accommodation, transport and a few extra quid on the side. Sure beats pushing a broom about a datacenter or driving taxis, I'll tell you that much.

Besides, I'm married now. And unlike your abortive efforts in the "til death do us part" department, my marriage is proceeding quite well.

Quote from: "ThugLife"How's flameGoof doing these days?

You mean Ceedub's site? Wouldn't it make more sense to ask her directly, or are you scared she'll give you the brush-off again?">
The Guest Nest / Re: EYE CANDY
January 06, 2020, 02:27:15 AM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "ThugLife"Ok, you know what his asscrack tastes like.

Untrue. Unlike you and your roid-fuelled pincushion exploits (which are a matter of oft-overlooked record), he wasn't known for self medication, so the idea of him stuffing crack up his anal orifice for anyone to taste is simply laughable. You're just jealous he got the contracts to work for multinational conglomerates and foreign governments, with all the travel opportunities that go with. While you push a broom at some busted ass server farm in New Jersey that has a habit of leaking SQL injection attacks like a sieve. Which you so totally had nothing whatsoever to do with, of course.

Sit down, lightweight. If it's any consolation, he was dirtier on Doomsday than he was on you. you were simply... let me see if I recall correctly... "one of the clagnuts dangling from Poofer's poop-chute" I believe was the exact phrasing used.

lol... I must have struck a nerve for such an outpouring of blood, drool and piss. Don't worry tho, your coveted standing as biggest pimple on the innards of EB's asshole remains unchallenged. I assure you.

Couple of questions while I have you quivering in impotent rage.

You still hitchhiking to meet women you meet on internet forums?

How's flameGoof doing these days?
The Guest Nest / Re: EYE CANDY
January 05, 2020, 02:53:07 PM
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "Fashionista"
Quote from: "therealcw"
Who's that?

Looks like Evil Blood.  Erica asked for the pic.  

I don't think it's his best look, but Erica has her own sense of style.   ac_toofunny
Who's Evil Blood?
A highly placed freelance IT expert and premiere flamer who expressed disillusionment with the influx of tards and shitposters and who exited the game for good in 2011 after he took exception to the behaviour of Martini, Joo, LoCo and Doomsday at Brawl Hall. BH withered and died after he left. I find it highly amusing the regard Erika holds him in, given her history with the TDT, an organisation of trolls he was highly critical and particularly dismissive of. Erika herself was somewhat of a "Janie-come-lately" to the TDT and barely even ranked as a minor player, more of a hanger-on, jockeying for position with the in-crowd. Some things never change, and if Evil Blood's handling of similar types is any guide, he would quickly go from hero to hated status in Erika's estimation in a heartbeat, were he still about and inclined to give her the time of day.

Caskur hates his guts with a passion, even after his absence of nearly a decade. Similarly your own Bricktop is not a great fan for reasons I am disinclined to go into depth here due to the prohibitive TBC site rules governing the reasons why, though suffice to say that EB's characterization of him had the members of a good many sites howling with laughter and likely contributed to Bricktop's exit from BH circa 2007. His acerbic wit, multi-paragraph contributions and unparalleled efforts in multimedia flaming were his calling cards, his innate understanding of networking and software put him head, shoulders and manboobies above the rest of the Flametown IT pack, past and present.

You will not see his return, though you might be lucky to see a few imitators trying to pass themselves off as him. He's off the grid and doing his thing, completely oblivious to lionizers and despisers alike. Every once in a while he'll drop a line to Freud, Werepenguin or myself, but even that is infrequent and in all honesty, there's nothing left of Flametown to convince him to return.

Ok, you know what his asscrack tastes like. We're all very impressed so you can go back to sexually violating your blowup doll now
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Lol @ Peaches kissing nic switch pussy asses. He can't beat Joo so ya might as well stop

Quote from: "ThugLife"Lmao @ vapornose french kissing the inside of cunts asshole

You know with a gap that big he's enjoying the scent in surround smell  ac_toofunny

 Better tactic is to climb a tree and piss on him whenever he gets too yappy and foams at the mouth.

You'd be better off climbing a tree to see if your nose was up there tho.

If Bernie Sanders asshole is up that tree, that's where Peaches nose be also.

You think? Monster always struck me as more of an Elizabeth Warren type.

Bernie is not as disingenuous as warren and warren probably reminds him of his wife when she puts on the strap on.
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "Erica Mena"
Lol @ Peaches kissing nic switch pussy asses. He can't beat Joo so ya might as well stop

Quote from: "ThugLife"Lmao @ vapornose french kissing the inside of cunts asshole

You know with a gap that big he's enjoying the scent in surround smell  ac_toofunny

 Better tactic is to climb a tree and piss on him whenever he gets too yappy and foams at the mouth.

You'd be better off climbing a tree to see if your nose was up there tho.
Lmao @ vapornose french kissing the inside of cunts asshole

You know with a gap that big he's enjoying the scent in surround smell  ac_toofunny
Quote from: "Mel"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
What's the domain name ?">

Nmap scan report for (

Host is up (0.095s latency).

rDNS record for

Not shown: 988 filtered ports


21/tcp  open  ftp

25/tcp  open  smtp

26/tcp  open  rsftp

53/tcp  open  domain

80/tcp  open  http

110/tcp open  pop3

143/tcp open  imap

443/tcp open  https

465/tcp open  smtps

587/tcp open  submission

993/tcp open  imaps

995/tcp open  pop3s

Well, it certainly isn't that FTP isn't listening or a firewall issue on the server side. Tell your filezillia client to enter "passive mode" . Look for that in your configuration settings and check the box when you find it.

Not sure why your server is listening on so many incoming mail ports and if you're allowing relaying that's a really good way to get yourself on an internet blacklist in a hurry
Quote from: "Mel"
Quote from: "ThugLife"
Which forum platform ?

I know smf pretty well as that is what i used as the foundation to build SG and Murdys board but it's all the same shit under the hood eventually


Pretty sure they have a front end user interface that you interact with to get the forum operational

What's the domain name ?
Quote from: "Mel"I don't know what the problem with Filezilla is...  I changed the Master password issued, and then tossed it, but does the server still require the issued Master Pass to access?  I don't know...  Port 21 I always select.

Firewall is the only thing that I haven't disabled yet, but will try that...

And by script I mean shit like below, which I have altered some to get forum as need be, but just don't have the skills required to do what I want...">

You shouldn't be working at that level unless you really know what you're doing. Something as simple as a missing bracket or comma can render the entire script useless
Quote from: "Mel"But my biggest disgust it that I cannot figure out how to eliminate all forums from the board, and just run threads on the main board automatically...

Which forum platform ?

I know smf pretty well as that is what i used as the foundation to build SG and Murdys board but it's all the same shit under the hood eventually